Amanda Knox New Motivation Report RE: Meredith Kercher Murder #1 *new trial ordered*

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Wow. I'm shocked. I had all but assumed that the case would be decided in favor of closing the book and affirming the appeal decision

Knox will be able to publish a Volume Two in the series of My Life in Italy. Was it $4 million dollars that she received for her first book?
I don't know any of the details of this case...certainly not enough to have an opinion on her guilt or innocence. However, following the Jodi Arias case has made it obvious how someone can appear sweet and innocent and meek while the reality is quite the opposite. I have actually thought of Amanda Knox while watching it and thinking, what if she is just like Jodi and capable of this horrendous violence while appearing to be so innocent?
Meredith Kercher seems a bit forgotten here. Amanda Knox has had every opportunity in life and still, here she stands facing a murder trial in Italy. Knox and Sollecito seem to have made some sort of serious mistake for them to be involved with this, and yet they have enjoyed celebrity.
I think she's completely innocent. Devastated they've found a way to keep this insanity going. I hope she prevails. So wrong.
Poor girl ... The real killer has been caught and tried and convicted .. why on earth does anyone think Amanda was involved at all?
I don't know any of the details of this case...certainly not enough to have an opinion on her guilt or innocence. However, following the Jodi Arias case has made it obvious how someone can appear sweet and innocent and meek while the reality is quite the opposite. I have actually thought of Amanda Knox while watching it and thinking, what if she is just like Jodi and capable of this horrendous violence while appearing to be so innocent?

I think that gave everyone a cause for pause.

There have been comparisons between Knox's bizarre behavior (cartwheels at the Carabinieri Police head quarters) and Jodi Aria (head stands in the interrogation room). Arias and Knox both have failed memories only during the time of murder, both changed their stories several times, both tried to blame others ... and Arias is guilty of murder, without doubt.

Knox's cartwheels are sometimes interpretted as the actions of a stressed child and Arias's headstands are understood for what they are - a defense mechanism in a situation of severe stress. They're close in age.

Arias went to the house in the middle of the night (Knox went to the house in the middle of the night), seduced her victim (Knox tried to delay rent payment by borrowing money), shot him in the head (three on one), stabbed him 27 times (stabbed Meredith about 40 times), slit his throat (cut her main artery), dragged him down the hallway (repositioned the body per rigor mortis blood pooling.

According to the prosecution theory, Knox went to the house in the middle of the night, may have taunted Meredith with drugs and rent money, Guede got involved and Meredith was sexually assaulted with evidence that more than one person was involved, there were something like 40 knife injuries.

That question about the broken glass on top of the ransacked bedroom has never really been answered.

I think she's completely innocent. Devastated they've found a way to keep this insanity going. I hope she prevails. So wrong.

It's been a very divided case.

I too hope that justice continues to prevail.

Who knows ... a new trial may find the pair not guilty.

I wonder what Guede has to say about the decision.

The "highest court in the land found that the appeal decision was unsound and inappropriate." (BBC Radio)

This is actually excellent news. Now we can finally get answers about fruit juice foot prints and use the latest DNA test methods on knife DNA. That was excluded during the appeal; a re-test using newer DNA test methods was denied ... it was one point that I thought could better define what really happened. The defense wanted it excluded, the prosecution requested that test. I guess we'll finally learn the resullts of the flour and DNA on the knife and the blood evidence in the fruit juice.

Does anyone really care about this case anymore? Meredith is barely a footnote. Knox and Sollecito were implicated in the murder of a British student in Italy. They got out of jail after the appeal decision, but that appeal decision has been overturned.

I hope this haunts them until they are in the grave.
Just heard it on the BBC news ... overturned the acquittal.

They face a re-trial.
I hope Knox hasn't been relieved of all of her 4 million in book money ... yet.

Meredith's family must be so relieved to finally have a good amount of justice for her murder.


Judges in the highest court in the land found that the appeal was unsound and inappropriate, so the appeals process will be repeated; essentially a new trial. It could be years ... Knox left Italy as soon as she was released from jail and has been in Seattle getting on with life and writing a book. Now that the verdict is in, Italy doesn't expect her to voluntarily return. She can be extradicted after the next verdict. Sollecito has different circumstances because he lives in Italy and could face 25 years in jail.

Nadeau on BBC: She thought it was going to a re-trial after the delay - a hint that it would go this way. She describes this part of the process as a "twist in the case". Meredith's family is good with it because it gives them some sense of closure. They believe that Knox and Sollecito were complicite in the murder. Because of treating the murderer as a celebrity, the family felt that the victim was so forgotten.

Re-trial will review all forensic evidence.

Ref: BBC Radio
Poor girl ... The real killer has been caught and tried and convicted .. why on earth does anyone think Amanda was involved at all?

As far as I understand, it has something to do with the fact that the glass from the broken window was on top of the ransacked clothing, something about identifying bloody footprints as blood or fruit juice, and something about whether the DNA on the knife was flour or belonged to Knox.

I understand that one of the killers has been tried and convicted. Trials are pending for the other two accused.
I for one think that the real killer is already behind bars. I don't think that Amanda or Raffaele killed Merideth. I don't think Amanda has anything to worry about if the US will refuse to turn her over if another guilty verdict comes down, but Raffaele had better get out of Italy quick.
I hope there is footage from Amanda Knox's aunt's house detailing the family's reaction to the legal decision ... like there was in the first couple of decisions.
I for one think that the real killer is already behind bars. I don't think that Amanda or Raffaele killed Merideth. I don't think Amanda has anything to worry about if the US will refuse to turn her over if another guilty verdict comes down, but Raffaele had better get out of Italy quick.

One of the killers is without doubt behind bars, but all of the courts have accepted the argument that more than one person (that being Rudy) was involved in the murder. If it wasn't Knox and Sollecito, who was it?

Sollecito is probably not in Italy at this time and will probably remain out of the country until the trial is completed ... at least that would be the smart thing to do. A request for the extradiction of Knox could happen after a new trial, but it's also possible for a decision of guilty with time served ... especially if the convicts are not accessible except through additional lengthy legal proceedings.

Knox could have life without permission to step foot on foreign soil and Sollecito could risk arrest if he returns home ... that's a sentence in inself.

It appears to be a very sad situation where two privileged students may avoid the full consequences of their actions.
It's been a very divided case.

I too hope that justice continues to prevail.

Who knows ... a new trial may find the pair not guilty.

I wonder what Guede has to say about the decision.

The "highest court in the land found that the appeal decision was unsound and inappropriate." (BBC Radio)

This is actually excellent news. Now we can finally get answers about fruit juice foot prints and use the latest DNA test methods on knife DNA. That was excluded during the appeal; a re-test using newer DNA test methods was denied ... it was one point that I thought could better define what really happened. The defense wanted it excluded, the prosecution requested that test. I guess we'll finally learn the resullts of the flour and DNA on the knife and the blood evidence in the fruit juice.

Does anyone really care about this case anymore? Meredith is barely a footnote. Knox and Sollecito were implicated in the murder of a British student in Italy. They got out of jail after the appeal decision, but that appeal decision has been overturned.

I hope this haunts them until they are in the grave.

It will be interesting to see what the Supreme Court's motivation report actually says. I would like to know the actual reason for the decision. I watched Ted Simon (one of Amanda's lawyers) on GMA this morning, and I think he said that the Appeal Court did not open up enough new testimony.

This, of course, could mean yet another independent look and the DNA forensics. As far as I know, the Conti-Vechiotti report will remain as a part of the record. They can't retest the bra fastener again, as it has rusted, but will they retest the knife?

I remember that there were lots of things that the defense had requested to be reopened, but were denied by Hellmann. Presumably, these are all back on the table. Will they have expert testimony looking into the computer evidence? How about time of death? The footprints found by luminal that tested negative for blood?

I haven't seen much about it, but it seems that the calunnia conviction was not overturned. If that is the case, then Amanda's statements will be out as far as this next trial. I suspect that Amanda's legal team will be appealing that conviction to the ECHR.

In the end, I am disappointed that the court ruled as it did, but I do not see how AK and RS can be convicted by a just court. Now we await the motivations report, and Amanda's book and interview. Guess we will continue to talk about this case for years to come. :-(
:great: What a GREAT DAY for Meredith Kercher and the Kercher Family !

:please: I hope and pray they get to the TRUTH that they so well deserve !

Justice is FINALLY coming for Meredith ... may she Rest in Peace !

I really do not understand this one bit. It is so obvious that she and her boyfriend had nothing to do with the murder. It doesn't even make one bit of sense that they would have had anything to do with it. To believe this theory, one would have to assume that Amanda and a guy she had known for one week teamed up with a vagrant they had never met and decided to rape and kill a woman neither of them barely knew. While

Amand and Meredith were roommates for a while, it does not appear they were very close friends, but rather acquaintances who shared a home for the purpose of going to school.

I guess when you throw in the accusations of withcraft and devil worship you can believe it then.

But any discrepancies that may arise from this case are a clear indication of a multitude of issues-police bungling, rush to judgement, allowing a convicted vagrant to testify against them for a reduced sentencek, long and harsh questioning from an Italian police force against a woman who didn't speak Italian well, had no interpreter and had no lawyer. I would imagine she was confused and scared and they fed her a lot of information and coerced her into saying-such as her boss was there.

I admit I haven't followed the case as closely as some have, but the fact of the matter is that there is a TON of evidence against the man already in prison and very slight circumstantial and questionable evidence against Knox and Sollecito.

I feel bad for Sollecito the most. It seems his only crime was to get involved with a cute American girl and maybe smoke a little weed.

If Italy has any intentions of trying to extradite Amanda, they are going to have to come up with some compelling reasons to give to the US as to why, after the outlandish and ridiculous prosecution (and in my opinion persecution) of this girl.
It will be interesting to see what the Supreme Court's motivation report actually says. I would like to know the actual reason for the decision. I watched Ted Simon (one of Amanda's lawyers) on GMA this morning, and I think he said that the Appeal Court did not open up enough new testimony.

This, of course, could mean yet another independent look and the DNA forensics. As far as I know, the Conti-Vechiotti report will remain as a part of the record. They can't retest the bra fastener again, as it has rusted, but will they retest the knife?

I remember that there were lots of things that the defense had requested to be reopened, but were denied by Hellmann. Presumably, these are all back on the table. Will they have expert testimony looking into the computer evidence? How about time of death? The footprints found by luminal that tested negative for blood?

I haven't seen much about it, but it seems that the calunnia conviction was not overturned. If that is the case, then Amanda's statements will be out as far as this next trial. I suspect that Amanda's legal team will be appealing that conviction to the ECHR.

In the end, I am disappointed that the court ruled as it did, but I do not see how AK and RS can be convicted by a just court. Now we await the motivations report, and Amanda's book and interview. Guess we will continue to talk about this case for years to come. :-(

The general conscensus, prior to today's decision, was that the appeal would be upheld and the culprits could carry on selling books ... millions of dollars worth of book deals giving details about Meredith Kercher's murder trial.

Is the highest court in one of the EU countries not a just court? If so, why not? The Italian justice system is an open democracy that lays claim to Roman Law; the foundation for many legal systems. Hopefully the highest court of a European Union country can be respected by all countries.
I don't know any of the details of this case...certainly not enough to have an opinion on her guilt or innocence. However, following the Jodi Arias case has made it obvious how someone can appear sweet and innocent and meek while the reality is quite the opposite. I have actually thought of Amanda Knox while watching it and thinking, what if she is just like Jodi and capable of this horrendous violence while appearing to be so innocent?

:seeya: Hi strawberry ! Nice to see ya hear !

JMO and MOO, but I see many similarities between Knox and Arias ! Both are narcissistic LIARS ... and both changed their "stories" so many times, ya can't keep up with them.

Interesting tidbit: both Knox and Arias were born on the same day July 9 -- as well as OJ Simpson was born on July 9 ... and ALL 3 murdered their victims in cold blood with knives !

Now that should answer all of your questions ... LOL !

"Italian law cannot compel Knox to return for the new trial, and her lawyer said she had no plans to do so."

Read more:

Thank goodness, she is not going back!

I must have misunderstood all the comments attributed to Knox about wanting to viist Italy again. Same thing with how she wanted to get out of jail so that she could be a mom ... and then she moved into a transient part of town and wore really big boots. She says one thing, then does the other.

There can be a request for extradiction after the next trial, but that depends on the outcome of the trial.
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