Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#5

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Amanda had been telling them for days over and over where she was and what she had been doing.

It's not like on Nov 2 Amanda told the cops "Umm, I dunno where we were last night because I smoked pot"

I think they traumatized her and it took her a day or two to snap out of it. What she wrote on Nov 7 is evidence of that.
I am sure she had been asked what she was doing on the murder night, but how can you possibly know it was 'over and over'?
Yes, it is so sad.

This is such a confusing case. Amanda reminds me so much of Jodi Arias in the way she acts and responds.

Unfortunately, it seems like there is so much misinformation out there and it makes it very difficult to form a solid opinion.

I found the facts of the case easy to follow from the beginning. Where it becomes muddy is in entertaining opinions of people that have an agenda to present Knox as uninvolved in the murder, and who use their credentials in any field to be perceived as experts in other, unrelated fields. For example, if a traffic accident expert testified about blood spatter during the Arias trial, how many people would have asked what a traffic accident expert knew about blood spatter? In fact, someone with traffic accident expertise would never be qualified to testify about blood spatter. However, in this case, all of a sudden a traffic accident expert is also a blood spatter expert and a crime scene analysis expert without ever visiting the scene or communicating with investigators. That is where things get muddy. The facts seem rather straight forward, but there has been an attempt to muddy them using all sorts of unusual sources.
If that is the case, maybe this is why the police suspected them when they said they couldn't remember.

On the other hand, something about the police insisting she had a black- out and her conjuring up PL does sound like other false confessions I have read about, caused by bad interrogation technique. I recall one where a girl confessed to killing someone, and it later was proven she did not. If you can implicate yourself, I suppose you can implicate another as well...

I can see why Knox believes she didn't intentionally lie about PL. Had she really been out to get him, she could have done far better: She could have fleshed out more details and really framed him. In the end, I feel Knox and Sollecito had some role, and they are in deep trouble for it and maybe should be. Is it possible to be coerced into a false confession and also be guilty?
ETA:So you believe, otto, that all of it is very manipulative: She is NOT stressed, she is faking when she acts all hazy about Patrick. When she imagines she sees him, and they hear her screaming, "he's bad!". It's all a ruse, she is acting. and she is acting when she retracts it , and when she finally remembers she stayed home and was never there. If you are correct, then I see why all of this gets you so angry.

If she was truly at home, why would she need to tell Raff to lie for her? I don't get it.
Who released Knox's list of sexual conquests in Europe immediately after the HIV scare? Knox wrote about it in her diary. I don't recall anything about prosecutors confiscating Knox's diary. Weren't portions of the diary released to the public by Mellas? If not, perhaps they weren't released. That's the only source I'm aware of.

CM certainly would not have leaked any diary portion that embarrassed his step-daughter. it is well known that prison officials asked amanda to write a list of lovers. she included any birth control used. imo, it is obvious this list --leaked to british and italian tabloids in 2008-- was provided to the media by the prison officials who requested the info or the prosecution.

the other portions of her dairy that were leaked, were after her acquittal in 2011, according to the sun and other sources. as entries talked about the harassment amanda experienced while in prison, it would not surprise me at all to find out these leaks were done by her family.
I am sure she had been asked what she was doing on the murder night, but how can you possibly know it was 'over and over'?

The very first line of Amanda's email home on Nov 4.

This is an email for everyone, because id like to get it all out and
not have to repeat myself a hundred times like ive been having to do
at the police station.
True, but then you must take into consideration the crazy motives people attribute to Amanda:

Jealousy of Kercher over her refinement and "stealing" her LeChic job, wanting to push boundaries, looking for a thrill, wanting to humiliate Kercher and be "the Queen Bee", etc. They believe Amanda had strong and insane motive to want to prank/haze Meredith. (which escalated to murder)

To say that crazy people have crazy motives isn't to say that every absurd motive posters invent is valid. AK hadn't known MK long enough to work herself into a homicidal rage over MK's supposed "superiority".

And ALL kids cut lose a little when they are first away from parental supervision; that doesn't mean they commit murders after a few weeks abroad.

IMO, the absurdity of the motives invented by those who want AK to be guilty only serves to make AK seem even less guilty.
I found the facts of the case easy to follow from the beginning. Where it becomes muddy is in entertaining opinions of people that have an agenda to present Knox as uninvolved in the murder, and who use their credentials in any field to be perceived as experts in other, unrelated fields. For example, if a traffic accident expert testified about blood spatter during the Arias trial, how many people would have asked what a traffic accident expert knew about blood spatter? In fact, someone with traffic accident expertise would never be qualified to testify about blood spatter. However, in this case, all of a sudden a traffic accident expert is also a blood spatter expert and a crime scene analysis expert without ever visiting the scene or communicating with investigators. That is where things get muddy. The facts seem rather straight forward, but there has been an attempt to muddy them using all sorts of unusual sources.

I do agree with this. And during his video he says Merideth's boots that are seen by the wardrobe caused a blood smear by the bed?

Also the professional climber saying you didn't need bars to climb the window while visibly holding them?

It's sad that so many people will sell their souls for the spotlight. JMO
The very first line of Amanda's email home on Nov 4.

Knox does not tell the truth. We know that. We also know that in that email she states that police have instructed her to not discuss the case with anyone. I would bet that she reassured police that she would not discuss the case with anyone. She was again lying. She immediately decided to share the information with 23 people via email.

When Knox refers to having to repeat everything one "hundred times", she has only herself to blame. If she had told the truth from the beginning, police would not have had to waste time verifying her story, discovering that it was a lie, and having to re-interview her.
Natalie Hayward, friend of Meredith in Perugia:

"In addition, she said tensions between the two women, who shared a flat, had been building up for weeks.

Miss Kercher was "frustrated" with the University of Washington student's refusal to do her share of the cleaning, and felt uncomfortable that Knox kept a vibrator in a transparent wash bag in their shared bathroom. Relations were not improved by Knox's insistence on strumming her guitar all the time, Miss Hayward added….

The problem with this argument that you keep repeating is that it only speaks to Kercher's frustration. If Knox were dead, that might be relevant.
I do agree with this. And during his video he says Merideth's boots that are seen by the wardrobe caused a blood smear by the bed?

Also the professional climber saying you didn't need bars to climb the window while visibly holding them?

It's sad that so many people will sell their souls for the spotlight. JMO

The professional climber that claimed it would be easy for anyone to scale the thirteen foot wall without using the newly installed bars is another good example of muddying of the evidence. The professional climber was unable to scale the wall and climb to the window without the bars, but he claims an amateur could. Who would believe that? Apparently, some do. Believe what he says, not what you see with your own eyes.
Knox does not tell the truth. We know that. We also know that in that email she states that police have instructed her to not discuss the case with anyone. I would bet that she reassured police that she would not discuss the case with anyone. She was again lying. She immediately decided to share the information with 23 people via email.

When Knox refers to having to repeat everything one "hundred times", she has only herself to blame. If she had told the truth from the beginning, police would not have had to waste time verifying her story, discovering that it was a lie, and having to re-interview her.

There is no mention of being instructed by police not to discuss the case with anyone.
The problem with this argument that you keep repeating is that it only speaks to Kercher's frustration. If Knox were dead, that might be relevant.

For the record, I do not "keep repeating" anything.

Meredith reported to her father, friends and roommates that she was uncomfortable with how Knox conducted herself. Meredith was concerned about the strange men that Knox brought to the cottage, that Knox didn't fulfill her responsibilities regarding chores and there was reportedly an argument about rent money.

Knox's interaction with Meredith prior to the murder is relevant.
To say that crazy people have crazy motives isn't to say that every absurd motive posters invent is valid. AK hadn't known MK long enough to work herself into a homicidal rage over MK's supposed "superiority".
And ALL kids cut lose a little when they are first away from parental supervision; that doesn't mean they commit murders after a few weeks abroad.

IMO, the absurdity of the motives invented by those who want AK to be guilty only serves to make AK seem even less guilty.


There really is no way to know BARD what Amanda thought of Merideth.

And no, not all adults that move away from home commit murder.

I'm sure that no one wants Amanda to be guilty anymore than anyone wants Merideth to have been murdered. That's a little unfair I think.

It's too bad all the propaganda from both sides made this such a divisive case. It serves the defense well for establishing reasonable doubt.
Also the professional climber saying you didn't need bars to climb the window while visibly holding them?
In the documentary he is described as a climbing enthusiast, not a professional climber. This is a little bit like the claim that Guede's shoeprints lead straight out the door; both are exaggerations.
The very first line of Amanda's email home on Nov 4.

If you happen to have a link to the letter, I can find the sentence where she claims that police told her not to communicate details of the case.
Knox does not tell the truth. We know that. We also know that in that email she states that police have instructed her to not discuss the case with anyone. I would bet that she reassured police that she would not discuss the case with anyone. She was again lying. She immediately decided to share the information with 23 people via email.

When Knox refers to having to repeat everything one "hundred times", she has only herself to blame. If she had told the truth from the beginning, police would not have had to waste time verifying her story, discovering that it was a lie, and having to re-interview her.

I really can't understand why Amanda would have freely gone to the police station that night with Raff if she had been treated so poorly there.
The problem with this argument that you keep repeating is that it only speaks to Kercher's frustration. If Knox were dead, that might be relevant.

Another problem with the article Otto linked to is this is not in the transcript which I double checked yesterday to confirm.

Natalie Hayward, friend of Meredith in Perugia:

"In addition, she said tensions between the two women, who shared a flat, had been building up for weeks.
To say that crazy people have crazy motives isn't to say that every absurd motive posters invent is valid. AK hadn't known MK long enough to work herself into a homicidal rage over MK's supposed "superiority".

And ALL kids cut lose a little when they are first away from parental supervision; that doesn't mean they commit murders after a few weeks abroad.

IMO, the absurdity of the motives invented by those who want AK to be guilty only serves to make AK seem even less guilty.

Sollecito had been living on his own for four years while attending University. He was not a "kid" "cutting loose" because he was away from parental supervision. In fact, his mother had passed away a couple of years earlier and he had been on his own for some time.

Was Guede, a "kid" "cutting loose" when was involved in the murder of Meredith? I would never equate "cutting loose" with murder. He and Knox are the same age. Why is it understandable that when a "kid" like Guede "cuts loose", he commits murder, but when a "kid" like Knox commits murder, it's unbelievable?
Meredith was concerned about the strange men that Knox brought to the cottage, that Knox didn't fulfill her responsibilities regarding chores and there was reportedly an argument about rent money.
Who reported the argument over rent money?
I really can't understand why Amanda would have freely gone to the police station that night with Raff if she had been treated so poorly there.
Maybe the same reason that she quit working at Le Chic. She was scared to be alone at night with a murderer on the loose. How was she to know he was in Germany?
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