Amateur Astrology, what's ahead for the USA

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I hope I am not out of place, but Obama really scares me. I'm sure his intentions are good, but ... we could be bankrupt if these plans don't work.
You are not alone, Moe.

President Obama and his team don't seem to understand the old saying about the foolishness of throwing good money after bad. Both political parties share in the blame, in my opinion.

The root of the problem goes way back, and I do not think it can be solved without a lot of serious hardship and pain. The transits are just facts. The better prepared we are to hunker down, the easier it will be.

Thus, my advice for stocking up, nice and gradually, before panic sets in.
Housemouse. Have you done a chart for Obama?

Honestly I am scared to death of Obama. I dont trust him as far as I could throw him, but this isnt a political thread so I was just wandering if you have done a chart on Obama, I especially want to see if he is trust worthy.
I personally am totally terrified. My blood pressure is through the roof and I have been sick for the past month worrying. My husband's health is not good and he planned on retiring in several months at 62. We are heavy into the stock market as we have no pension. Our only income would have been from interest and dividends from the market. I fully am grasping why people are committing suicide over the economy. Sometimes it is the only way out.
I hope I am not out of place, but Obama really scares me. I'm sure his intentions are good, but ... we could be bankrupt if these plans don't work.

I feel the same. I think he means to do good for our country,but is truelly clueless. I'm scared.
Kat, here is my short sweet analysis for March. Hope it helps you.

Yes, it did help housemouse. Very much so. I knew that I had read your analysis but couldn't remember what you had said.

This other board (finance) is not one that I post on at all. I do read there from time to time because there are a great many sub-catagories that I am interested in keeping abreast with.

The seasoned posters there, many who I gather from how they have identified themselves are quite experienced and some study the trends of the market.

What they have said that they are anticipating for our economy falls in line with what you said in your analysis. From this week through the ides of march could prove to be a very voliatile time for the markets. More so than we have seen since SEP 2008. Which in fact is the time frame that they also gave for the beginning of this crisis.

Good work as always housemouse!
I personally am totally terrified. My blood pressure is through the roof and I have been sick for the past month worrying. My husband's health is not good and he planned on retiring in several months at 62. We are heavy into the stock market as we have no pension. Our only income would have been from interest and dividends from the market. I fully am grasping why people are committing suicide over the economy. Sometimes it is the only way out.

Hang in there- I fully understand- My husband passed away in 07. His 40lK is now my IRA. It was all stock- I just do not know what to do with it. The advisor told me not to panic -hold the fort- when do we say enough is enough and cash the stock in for cash -which will not keep up with inflation as intrest on savings are so low.

I look at the charts and do not understand them but do appreciate all the hard work you all put into this.
I personally am totally terrified. My blood pressure is through the roof and I have been sick for the past month worrying. My husband's health is not good and he planned on retiring in several months at 62. We are heavy into the stock market as we have no pension. Our only income would have been from interest and dividends from the market. I fully am grasping why people are committing suicide over the economy. Sometimes it is the only way out.

I have read about these poor souls, too, CourtsInSession, and feel so sad. There is no shame in being what my paternal grandmother referred to as "reduced circumstances".

Think about it, that is all it is. It says nothing about one's worth in the eyes of God. People get so wrapped up in material possessions that they get lost.

I hope not one person reading here will lose faith, lose hope. If this is happening, perhaps it is time to go to your local pastor, priest, or family counselor, and get some help.

One of the favorite books of the bible that helped me carry on when my oldest child died, and one that might give some comfort is the Book of Job. He suffered mightily, and although he eventually questioned God, he received an answer

And, if that doesn't do it, think of our ancestors, many of whom risked all to get to this country. They were not afraid of hardship, and had faith in God and themselves to rebuild a better life.

We need not be afraid. We need to be creative, wise, prepared, and confident. Instead of worrying, start planning.
Hang in there- I fully understand- My husband passed away in 07. His 40lK is now my IRA. It was all stock- I just do not know what to do with it. The advisor told me not to panic -hold the fort- when do we say enough is enough and cash the stock in for cash -which will not keep up with inflation as intrest on savings are so low.

I look at the charts and do not understand them but do appreciate all the hard work you all put into this.

It is so important to remember that so many are in the same situation. My sister is also a recent widow, and her 401K is all she has. We have nothing but a savings account, but we figure we will move in together, and work it out. Even have some fun doing it.

I think our local churches will be a good source of help when things get really hard, and those of us who are older, and have some skills might be of great help to younger people who have never known hard times. Helping others is the best way to get over worrying about ourselves.
Everyone does need to hang in there, I keep in mind a saying my Grandfather instilled in my head "This too shall pass".

On a personal note our family has also been touched by the downturn in the economy. My SIL was just let go from his third job in less than a year because of the companies faltering, not his own fault. They can't make rent, they will be moving in with his family. My Father is scared to death of losing his pension. He knows he can come here with my Mother and we will provide as they provided for me in my youth.

This too shall pass.

As for investments, most everyone that I know has already pulled back into cash investments and not in the stocks anymore. We don't have investments just savings.

We need to look at the big picture of the economy to get a feeling on which direction it is moving. Today we are at 7.9% unemployment rate. The Dow has dropped from a 52 week high of 13,136.69 to the low of 7,033.62 at close. Today we dipped into the upper 6,000.

I do not post that to worry anyone. We will not find a bottom and begin an upswing until what is called capitulation happens. It hasn't happened yet.

Hang in there. Do not let yourselves get too worried. Better times will always come to us Americans, we always prevail.

ETA: My second child was accepted into his college of choice but we, so far, can't find the money out there to get him there. We will find a way to make his dreams come way or another.
I agree with everyone,hang in there. You know my parents grew up in the depression ,and I never heard them complain about how bad it was. Neither of their families owned homes. They rented,and my Dad had a housefull of relatives that lived with him,in addition to his immediate family. Too be honest,it was a good life. My Mom's family took in boarders. It sounds so unheard of for our generation,but sometimes we may have to sacrifice and get creative with a different lifestyle.
I personally am totally terrified. My blood pressure is through the roof and I have been sick for the past month worrying. My husband's health is not good and he planned on retiring in several months at 62. We are heavy into the stock market as we have no pension. Our only income would have been from interest and dividends from the market. I fully am grasping why people are committing suicide over the economy. Sometimes it is the only way out.

Do you see why it is said that the love of money is the root of all evil. Put your faith in God, even if all the money in the world is gone God still provides.. Thats why we must prepare. Stock up on food educate yourself on how to survive, if surviving off the land is what it takes. I personally wish that we would go back to a trade society, where you traded goods for other goods. It would end so much suffering! God Bless you things are going to be okay have faith, I send you my prayers today!
It is so important to remember that so many are in the same situation. My sister is also a recent widow, and her 401K is all she has. We have nothing but a savings account, but we figure we will move in together, and work it out. Even have some fun doing it.

I think our local churches will be a good source of help when things get really hard, and those of us who are older, and have some skills might be of great help to younger people who have never known hard times. Helping others is the best way to get over worrying about ourselves.

Thats the conclusion my family has come to as well. If worse comes to worse my parents own thier home, we are still buying ours, we have 18 years left before its paid off, but if things get to bad, we are all going to put our resources together and move in to my parents house. Hey if they could do it back in the old days we can do it now. YA know......
I agree with you all. Hang in there. My garden is planned, and with God's Grace will be abundant.
Curious about the latest rumor on the net that per Clinton's visit to China, we? the US has given China eminent domain as colateral on all the money we owe China. meaning they can take over entire cities or states if not paid back. Anything in the charts that show that? TYIA
That rumor is flying all over the 'net. As best I can tell, it originated from a far right wing fellow that might be exaggerating something he read in the Congressional Record.

I will find get back to you with any furthur info as soon as I can find it.
Here is a long post regarding the rumor that I found on the Rense website. While you are reading it, please know that I, personally, do not consider Rense to be a reliable source.

Others may disagree, but he tends to believe every whack-job theory that comes along, and is to be taken with a big dose of salt.

That said, there must be some reason that over 20 states have politicians who are filing various bills asserting "state's rights". I would guess it has to do with not wanting to be stuck with Fed regs over their funding of various programs, but there might be more to it than I understand.

And, astrology can't be that specific to evaluate whether this is true of not. For one thing, finding out valid dates and times of any such "secret" document would be impossible! Soon, the FOIA will probably be done away with....
Here is a long post regarding the rumor that I found on the Rense website. While you are reading it, please know that I, personally, do not consider Rense to be a reliable source.

Others may disagree, but he tends to believe every whack-job theory that comes along, and is to be taken with a big dose of salt.

That said, there must be some reason that over 20 states have politicians who are filing various bills asserting "state's rights". I would guess it has to do with not wanting to be stuck with Fed regs over their funding of various programs, but there might be more to it than I understand.

And, astrology can't be that specific to evaluate whether this is true of not. For one thing, finding out valid dates and times of any such "secret" document would be impossible! Soon, the FOIA will probably be done away with....

:waitasec: HUH... I am confused????? what did I miss????
Many thanks Housemouse, I was not looking for a chart on the document(I doubt we would ever get to see it, if it exists), I just know there are lots in the charts, a lot going on, and that would be monumental. Thanks for the link.
Looking ahead at President Obama's transits for the next week or so...

On Thursday, Mar. 5th, Mercury and Mars will oppose Obama's Uranus. I am worried that this might trigger some decision made in haste, or cause him to take some sudden action without needed deliberation.

On March the 12th, Uranus will oppose his natal Mars. Some of you might remember that Obama's Mars is in hard aspect to his natal Neptune. This might explain Obama's early dabbling in drugs, and his difficulty giving up cigarettes.

I expect this transit of Uranus to the Mars/Neptune in Obama's chart will, at the least, correspond with a sudden state of weakness, a lack of energy. At worst, some type of crisis. Because the nodal axis is involved with this Uranus transit to Obama's Mars, there might be a major dispute of some kind. He will have to exercise self-control, and it might be very difficult for him to do so.

Also on the 12th, Mercury will oppose Obama's Pluto. This might co-incide with another speech meant to inspire, but with the Uranus transit discussed above, there might be some misrepresentations in any speech he makes. He will probably be powerful, argumentative, and/or involved in some dispute.
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