Amateur Astrology, what's ahead for the USA

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... I am probably about to lose all crediability here by making this comment, but housemouse, astrologically speaking, what signifigance is December 21, 2012 going to have? I am not talking conspiracy theories, but the fact that the galaxy is going to align and earth will be stuck in between Jupitar and the sun. Does this have anything to do with the increase in things that are happening world wide?


And, as far as 2012 is concerned, just because it is such a rare event, there isn't much history upon which to base a forecast. So, I know enough not to hazard a guess.

<Respectfully snipped for topic relevance>

For those interested/ intrigued/ apprehensive about December 22, 2012, you may want to read Astrologer Robert Wilkinson's latest article. Very interesting read:

The Newest On 2012 Mayan Calendar and Prophesies - the End of the Age from Mayan Authorities

by Robert Wilkinson
As you know, there are many different opinions about what 2012 will bring. Some think destruction, some think salvation, some think a new "golden age," and others just mark the point as the end of one era and the beginning of a new one. We are truly on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius, but does 2012 really mark some kind of "point of no return," or just the end of the world? Today we have some of the latest statements from some Mayans who are focused on such things.

... continued at link:
Watching the tensions build...

Centrist Dems Start Rebelling on Obama’s Spending Plans

Politico reports that 14 Dem senators (and Joe Lieberman, naturally) are meeting behind closed doors to discuss their discomfort with Obama’s $3.55 trillion 2010 budget.


the list is growing:

Chris Buckley
Maureen Dowd
David Brooks
David Gergen
Andrew Sullivan
Marty Peretz
Sen. Evan Bayh
Sen. Robert Menendez
Sen. Joe Lieberman (+more)
Watching the tensions build...

Centrist Dems Start Rebelling on Obama’s Spending Plans

Politico reports that 14 Dem senators (and Joe Lieberman, naturally) are meeting behind closed doors to discuss their discomfort with Obama’s $3.55 trillion 2010 budget.


the list is growing:

Chris Buckley
Maureen Dowd
David Brooks
David Gergen
Andrew Sullivan
Marty Peretz
Sen. Evan Bayh
Sen. Robert Menendez
Sen. Joe Lieberman (+more)

This is great news!! I pray that even more Dems will step forward to hold the admin accountable. It is time to put citizens of the U.S. first....
Thanks for the link about 2012. To be honest with you, it scares the CHIT!!! out of me. I have heard so many different "conspiracy theories, I dunno what to think or believe or do.
This may not belong in this section but I am not sure really were or who to ask. Since Pluto is no longer considered a planet and they have this new planet... Planet X ( I got this from my daughter they receive childrens magazine from scholastic news) How or does this change the astrological charts?

As far as getting back on topic here. Lou Dobbs was discussing Obama's plans for "The New World Order" lastnight. I didn't get to watch all of it, but I got the basis of it. What do you guys think about all of that, Housemouse what are the charts saying??? Is this really something to be concerned about?
Last question I promise, I asked a while back house mouse if you had done a chart for Obama I am most intrested in the Horay chart.... Do you have that?
<Respectfully snipped for topic relevance>

For those interested/ intrigued/ apprehensive about December 22, 2012, you may want to read Astrologer Robert Wilkinson's latest article. Very interesting read:

The Newest On 2012 Mayan Calendar and Prophesies - the End of the Age from Mayan Authorities

by Robert Wilkinson
As you know, there are many different opinions about what 2012 will bring. Some think destruction, some think salvation, some think a new "golden age," and others just mark the point as the end of one era and the beginning of a new one. We are truly on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius, but does 2012 really mark some kind of "point of no return," or just the end of the world? Today we have some of the latest statements from some Mayans who are focused on such things.

... continued at link:

Soulscape - thank you for this! Both my husband and my son have been tuning into Nostradamus (sp?) and the talk about the end of the Mayan calendar so I have sent them the link :)

Soulscape - thank you for this! Both my husband and my son have been tuning into Nostradamus (sp?) and the talk about the end of the Mayan calendar so I have sent them the link :)


I do read Wilkinson from time to time, but find him a bit too "touchy-feely" and "new-agey" for my practical taste.

He tends to look on the bright, happy, and "*advertiser censored*-by-yaah" side, and glosses over the darker, down-side aspect of human nature.

I would guess that he believes in human perfectibility ("utopia"), while I can't trust human nature all that much, considering our history, and the Biblical concept of "original sin". Only the wise will see each side of the coin.

Fools will see one side or the other, and miss the whole. Life is both bright and dark, you know.
I had to step away from this for a little while and get my head straight, I have read so much lately and I watch news 24 hours a day, I needed that time. I tried focusing on the Haliegh search today more than trying to survive tommorrow. I think that something that we have to remember here is that God is ultimately in control. Jesus says, look at the birds, look at the grass: God takes care of them. Aren't you more important than a bird? God is going to provide. Yes we should prepare, and yes we should try but in the end its all in Gods hands!
I had to step away from this for a little while and get my head straight, I have read so much lately and I watch news 24 hours a day, I needed that time. I tried focusing on the Haliegh search today more than trying to survive tommorrow. I think that something that we have to remember here is that God is ultimately in control. Jesus says, look at the birds, look at the grass: God takes care of them. Aren't you more important than a bird? God is going to provide. Yes we should prepare, and yes we should try but in the end its all in Gods hands!

Yes it is!! Keep your faith in front of you always....then prepare to the best of your ability....then pray again!!
I certainly can! I use it all the time when planting my seeds, transplanting my seedlings, etc... but wonder if it belongs on a different thread?

I am in zone 5, so what works for me will be a bit different in other zones, but the principles still stand.

You use the new moon to plant seeds that will sprout in 7 days or so. The full moon for those that need 14 days, and the new moon again for those that need 21 days or longer.

Try to transplant out when the moon is full.

We now have a new thread ASTROLOGY - Planetary Guide Home & Garden Tips​

If your post is missing from this thread, check the new thread listed above.
I do read Wilkinson from time to time, but find him a bit too "touchy-feely" and "new-agey" for my practical taste.

He tends to look on the bright, happy, and "*advertiser censored*-by-yaah" side, and glosses over the darker, down-side aspect of human nature.

I would guess that he believes in human perfectibility ("utopia"), while I can't trust human nature all that much, considering our history, and the Biblical concept of "original sin". Only the wise will see each side of the coin.

Fools will see one side or the other, and miss the whole. Life is both bright and dark, you know.

Ahh housemouse, in my philosphical mood this morning, as I watch events in my more personal circle unfold, I think the two of us could have a very interesting conversation on this subject. Ahhh for some time and good java :)

I agree with you. Between Nostradamus and Wilkinson - I feel like we are approaching a period that will be like Stephen King's The Stand. I won't go on, because at the moment all my thoughts have not "jelled" in my head and I'm a bit scattered. But, I do agree with you, we must look at both sides of the coin because for those who venture to grow in light, there will be those who venture to grown in dark. And I'm getting the idea that any growth will come "hard won."

GOP Forces Senate to Delay Vote on $410B Spending Bill

Senate Democratic leaders are working furiously behind the scenes to gather up 60 votes to pass a $410 billion spending bill that funds the government through September.

It looks like the vote will be postponed until the 9th or 10th. Will be a very interesting day, I think.

Housemouse, again I am drawn back to your charts. That is the second week of March that you had comment about before.

As I said in an earlier post, the other board that I frequently read but do not post on, says that is the week also they think will be one of great consequence for the markets.

We shall see?

ETA: Unemployment rate is reported as 8.1% today, highest level since DEC 1983.
There has been so much in the news lately its so hard to keep up. I am so glad that the government issued a warning about traveling to Mexico, I do however wonder what they are doing to keep it from spilling over into the USA.
84,000 people in Baltimore are facing the possiblity of having thier power turned off for being behind on payments.......This world is falling apart. unemployment rate is up to 8.1 in the USA, 10 percent in China,. Stocks are up just a tiny bit today but still at 6600....
Housemouse, do you see anything in the charts pointing to ANYTHING good happening?

Also, Housemouse would you please look at this you can read the article if you like, but what I would like you to look at is the chart for Obama, and give your interpretation of it, if you would. I don't know much about this astrologer or if this web site is even on the up and up but I was searching for a chart on Obama, because I dont know how to do charts. Obama's Astrological Birth Chart.html
Butterfly, some think there is a "Plunge Protection Team" operating to try to shore up the markets in the late rally today.

Most of this is completely beyond my comprehension, but if it is true, then today's late rally doesn't mean much. Here is a link to what I was trying to get my old gray head around. Maybe some of you who know more about the market than I do can explain it?

Now, I am off to read the article you posted, and will comment on it as soon as I can.
Butterfly, some think there is a "Plunge Protection Team" operating to try to shore up the markets in the late rally today.

Most of this is completely beyond my comprehension, but if it is true, then today's late rally doesn't mean much. Here is a link to what I was trying to get my old gray head around. Maybe some of you who know more about the market than I do can explain it?

Now, I am off to read the article you posted, and will comment on it as soon as I can.
Thanks so much Housemouse... I am really eagerly waiting to see what you have to say about the charts that are posted on that article. I really trust your opinion, and since I do not know this website that posted this, I am really curious as your opinion on it. Thank you in advance!!!!!:blowkiss:
I just gave the article a quick once-over, and I have a couple of comments to make.

Her charts are very hard to read. I like my software a lot better, and I think it creates a cleaner and easier chart.

I will post Obama's chart, using the "supposed" birth-time, but I am "from Missouri" about the validity of the time, as he has spent an awful lot of money on lawyers to keep his long form validated birth certificate from public view. What he is trying to hide, because it would only cost about $10 to $20 to get a copy and post it.

Also, why he is so desperate to keep all his college records such a deep dark secret.

Her analysis of his chart tilts toward a very negative interpretation. This is interesting, because most astrologers are very liberal, and choose to interpret Obama's chart in the most positive way possible.

Most of you who have been reading along know that I am "conservative", and this doesn't reflect my political views, but my core values. I have been registered as an "Independant" since my first vote, years ago, and only recently switched to Repub., so I could vote in the NYS primary.

But, I am a conservative independent, with some libertarian leanings. The latter because I do not believe we have a right to dictate the choices of others, even if we find them self-destructive. We have enough trouble living up to the Sermon on the Mount, and the Ten Commandments in our own hearts and lives.

Ok, am going to put up Obama's chart in my next post. I thought I did it before, but there are too many charts running around in my head, and I may not have.
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