Amateur Astrology, what's ahead for the USA

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Right on schedule, North Korea is threatening anyone who interferes with it's test fire of "something" (they say satellite, other suspect missle)

Chinese vessels harassed Navy ship in the south China sea yesterday.

Will the "Plunge Protection Team" try to shore up the market?
Right on schedule, North Korea is threatening anyone who interferes with it's test fire of "something" (they say satellite, other suspect missle)

Chinese vessels harassed Navy ship in the south China sea yesterday.

Will the "Plunge Protection Team" try to shore up the market?

I read about this lastnight..... its 2 here where I live and there has not been much in the news about it today, but I am keeping my eyes glued to the TV...
It was also reported that we sent troops to South Korea, on Saturday, they claim it is for a training exercise......

I am not sure if anyone remembers but Joe Biden stated during the campaign that he believes that Obama will experience a major crisis in the first 6 months he is in office, he later tried to play down that comment. It often makes me wonder if everything is a script and they play it out for whatever purpose.
I guess that makes Joe Biden the Paula Abdul of the Obama Admin. "Your first song was ok, but I loved your second song. Oh wait, what? We haven't aired the second song yet on this live tv show? My bad."
Same thing. :doh:
And now for something completely silly.

Did anyone hear today about the woman who embezzled millions of dollars to fund her show fetish? She has finally come to justice. If this isn't a Saturn in Virgo, opposition Uranus in Pisces story, what is?

Then, on a morbid note. Obama, through "executive privilege" lifted the .gov ban on our tax dollars going for embryonic stem cell research.

My husband will not accept any treatment for his parkinson's that involves the destruction of an embryo, but now the .gov is forcing us to pay for the very same.

I am sick. Think about the Saturn/Uranus opposition highlighted by the full moon, and the contact to Obama's Mars, with that nasty semi-square to his Neptune, and his Mars sitting right on the USA Neptune. I probably shouldn't even post this, but it makes me sick to my stomach.

What is the difference between the USA and Hitler's Germany now. Anyone remember the experiments done by Josef Mengele, "the angel of death"?

If you are too young, or too sensitive, do not click on this post linked below!
Thank you housemouse. I am not too young nor am I too sensitive to have clicked on the link you provided.

My Gfather shared with me at the end of his life, the experiences he had serving under Gen. Patton during WWII, he did not share prior to the end of his life because as he said "he did his duty". He shared with me that after the Battle of the Bulge, he and his brothers in arms helped to liberate a camp. It was shortly after that he got shot, and recieved his purple heart. He healed in a field hospital and went right back to the front.

:praying: for our country right now in it's darkest hour since the time of my grandfather.
My uncle was the "second wave" to hit the beach in Iwo Jima, and was only 17 years old at the time. He eventually killed himself, because of the horrible memories, according to my mother.

This might be a good link that I found today, but haven't explored yet... I post it here for our consideration. I am going to check it out now.
Found this funny story on the MrsSurvival forum, and since the moon is approaching full, I think we need some seriously silly stories... so here is a shameless copy and paste from there!

"(Note on 12/19/07...during the upgrading of this message board a while back, it erased my name off of all my posts. I'm just going to preclude this story now that this was first of all, a TRUE story, written by me, Darlene)

I've been of most recent, talking alot about the difference between the net and real life. I've talked about how intense we get about shallow net stuff, when real life is so much important.

Today was the final act in a week long hostage situation that I've been dealing with in my home. It's been kinda scary, but has ticked me off more than anything, so I thought I'd share my personal real life experience over this past week.

My home sits right on a park here in Miami. It's a one way street, with no houses in front of it, just a beautiful expanse of park and trees, and a canal that runs through it, and...


About a week or so ago, I was getting ready to pick up children from school. I walked out on my back patio for some reason, only to find this most disturbing sight. A duck had somehow gotten onto my patio and was chasing my chinese pug around the table out there, snapping at my dog. I, being level headed, ran back into the house to grab a broom. Upon returning to the back patio with said broom, duck and dog were found to be missing. The first thought that crossed my mind was that the duck had eaten my pug during my short absence, so I looked in my pool to see of the duck was anywhere near, paddling around in the water, and there was nothing. I figured that probably the dog had run back out the door and was frantically trying to stay alive in the front yard as the duck pursued her, so I ran out there to find nothing. All of a sudden I realized I had left my bedroom french doors open and got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I ran back to the patio, towards my bedroom only to find a duck standing by my bed. I was in total shock and my cleaning lady grabbed the broom, and started to beat the duck out of the house. Feathers were flying everywhere and I watched her as she beat the duck out the back door. The duck stood their staring at me indignantly, but I was already ticked that this duck had been in my bedroom.

I sloughed it off, went and picked up my children and came home. Later that day, my daughter and I had the pug and my new 1.13lb baby teacup yorkie on the side of the house playing. Out of the blue there appeared this duck again, and it started to go after the pug. I ran to the garage, grabbed whatever I could lay my hands on first, which was a fishing pole, and started to beat this duck who looked at me like it wasn't even fazing it. All of a sudden, the duck spied my little baby and started towards it and the mama in me came out and I grabbed the puppy, ran back to the patio, put her on the floor and went back to watch this stood their defiantly, swishing it's tail back and forth, raising and lowering it's head. I looked back at my puppy who was backed into the corner shaking so bad she couldn't walk, and I got ticked. I said that's it, I'm gonna shoot this duck.

Now, you hafta realize...I'm an NRA instructor and have alot of varying types of firearms. What I wanted to get out was an SKS but sanity somehow entered my brain and reminded me that I lived in a residential neighborhood, and if that I took out a real gun to shoot this duck, I'd be in jail, and then y'all wouldn't have the pleasure of reading all the things I write in this I settled on my Red Ryder BB gun and went *duck hunting*. The only problem was that the boys had shot all the bb's. I had tons of ammo for many different kinds of firearms, but was fresh out of bb's. Somewhere, my son found 2 bb pellets and asked to do the honors. I said ok, so we went to the side of the house, he aimed and fired, and the duck was still standing. I was frantically looking for more bb's when my dad stopped by...being the daddy's girl I still am, I went flying into his arms practically in tears as I shared this horrible chain of events. He gave me that confident daddy look, turn around and I thought YESSSSSSSSSSS! Daddy will take care of it.

His weapon of choice happened to be a broom *rolling eyes* and as she shoo'd the duck back into the park, I stood their with dread knowing this war was not over.

I woke up the next morning and looked around for the duck but it was no where to be seen. As the days went buy, I'd keep a watchful eye out, but still no duck. I started to relax and go on with life until this morning.

When I was walking across the patio, I heard a strange noise. I looked over and all of a sudden there stood the duck again. I was like oh geeeeeeeeeeez, I don't wanna deal with this today.

All the children had been quite disturbed when they would hear me talk about shooting the duck so my conscience was pricked. I decided to give it one more an attempt to live in harmony with one of our earthly creatures. I figured if I left it alone, it would leave me alone and perhaps some day it would move on with life.


I had been cooking all day, and needed some fresh herbs from my garden. I grabbed a pair of scissors, walked out back and started cutting fresh basil. All of a sudden the duck come charging across the garden at me and I took off running back to the patio where I slammed the door shut. Now I was really ticked and I started stomping around the house, telling the cleaning ladies that I was going to shoot a duck and CL#2 asked what was wrong. I explained to her the terror this duck was wreaking on the dogs and children, and next thing I knew, she walked over to the duck, picked it up, and started heading back to the park. I stood there in utter disbelief that she had picked up that ugly thing and told her she was nuts. A short time later, she came back into the house to inform me that she had successfully deposited the duck back at the canal, but that the bad news was that the duck was on it's way back to my house.

At this point, still fearful of upsetting the children by shooting the duck, and concerned about getting arrested for unlawful use of a firearm, I called my local government's Animal Protective department. I explained my delimma, to which the girl replied, "We don't handle ducks, you need to call someone else". I was started to get a little upset with this whole situation and told her that if someone didn't come get this duck that I was gonna shoot it myself. She promptly put me on hold and transferred me to another department. They fortunately did handle ducks, but I was told that Tony would have to call me back. My parting comment was "whatever, I'll shoot the duck myself", and hung up the phone.

By now, I had to go pick up children from school, so I put the duck on hold, grabbed my keys and went out my front door to get into my car. I was already running a little late so I was in a hurry, but wouldn't you know it, the duck was standing sentry in front of the driver's door. I ran around the back of the car, hopped into the passenger's seat, closed the door and crawled over to the driver's seat. I started the car and I hafta be totally honest I drove away, I was hoping that I accidently would run over this stupid duck.

I picked up the children, came back home, turned the car off and heard the girls starting to scream. I opened up the car door and there stood the duck again. The girls made a beeline for the front door and I decided to follow suit. Right before I made it to the front door, the duck cornered me, and I took off running. As I went to jump over some bushes, my foot hit one of those decorative rock boulders I have in my landscaping and I went flying and rolling into the grass. I looked behind me and the duck was making a beeline towards me and appeared very pissed. All I could think was this duck is gonna hurt me and before I could get back up, it was attacking me...I was screaming when CL #1 came to my rescue. Unfortunately, she was afraid of the duck too, so wasn't much help. I kept trying to scramble away, but the duck was in hot pursuit. Finally, CL #2 came to my rescue, picked up the stupid duck again and I burst into

She started to head for the park again and I said nooooooooooooooooooooooooo...the duck will come back if you do that. She then consulted with CL#3 in spanish and I was too upset to try to hear what they said and the next thing I knew, they took a pillowcase, threw said duck inside, and into their truck. They informed me as I stood there sobbing that they were gonna take the duck far, far away and that I would never be terriorized again.

I walked into the house, tended my cuts and realized where I had made my first mistake.

I shoulda shot the duck to begin with, a week ago.


I'm serious, this is a TRUE story. I just got off the phone with CL#2, who was calling to see if I was ok. I asked her where she had taken the duck, and she told me about a mile away.

For a moment, I had felt safe. But a mile isn't that far for a mad duck.

This is too funny HouseMouse. My mom recently had a similiar experience with a rooster lol. He kept trying to burr her and running towards her and she finally swung her purse at him and his head got caught in the straps. He was still trying to get to her so she banged him on the door frame of the back door til he was knocked out lol. I told her she was lucky she didn't kill it and she said no ... he's lucky...I tried to. I get tickled all over again thinking about it. Needless to say he gives her a wide berth now.
Looking ahead at President Obama's transits for the next week or so...

On Thursday, Mar. 5th, Mercury and Mars will oppose Obama's Uranus. I am worried that this might trigger some decision made in haste, or cause him to take some sudden action without needed deliberation.

On March the 12th, Uranus will oppose his natal Mars. Some of you might remember that Obama's Mars is in hard aspect to his natal Neptune. This might explain Obama's early dabbling in drugs, and his difficulty giving up cigarettes.

I expect this transit of Uranus to the Mars/Neptune in Obama's chart will, at the least, correspond with a sudden state of weakness, a lack of energy. At worst, some type of crisis. Because the nodal axis is involved with this Uranus transit to Obama's Mars, there might be a major dispute of some kind. He will have to exercise self-control, and it might be very difficult for him to do so.

Also on the 12th, Mercury will oppose Obama's Pluto. This might co-incide with another speech meant to inspire, but with the Uranus transit discussed above, there might be some misrepresentations in any speech he makes. He will probably be powerful, argumentative, and/or involved in some dispute.
This could be pretty significant...oh my!
FBI raids office of D.C. CTO, Obama appointee

Federal agents this morning are searching the office Washington, D.C.'s Chief Technology Officer.
The search is part of "an ongoing investigation," said a spokeswoman for the FBI's D.C. Field Office, Lindsay Gotwin, said. She declined to comment further on the raid of office, at 1 Judiciary Square.
The outgoing Chief Technology Officer, Vivek Kundra, was appointed last week Chief Information Officer by the Obama administration. His last day at the city government office was February 4, a spokeswoman for D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, Leslie Kershaw, said. He was appointed to the Washington post in 2007.
Thanks, Moe! Good catch!

I spotted the headline on one of the forums, but hadn't had time to read the article yet.

I am off to read it now, and check a few other web sites to see if this is going to have any "legs" in the MainStream Media. Some of the names mentioned in the article are interesting.

Better info on this at the FR link below.
Trying to read up on this situation. Right now, according to yahoo, it doesn't look like Kundra (the new appointment) is the target, so we should not leap to conclusions, but wait and see how the story plays out.
This fits right in with the Saturn/Uranus opposition, the ever-increasing taxes we face, and the USA Neptune...

"With President Obama's plan to tax the rich to pay for health care facing deep skepticism on Capitol Hill, key lawmakers are pressing a different way to raise money: taxing the health benefits workers receive from their employers."
The Uranus transit (opposition) to Obma's Mars will be in effect until about Mar. 20th. It is exact today, but the effects will linger on.

Tomorrow, March 13th, Mercury will oppose Obama's natal Pluto. Most likely, there will be some intensity to the information he receives, or the information he gives. I doubt we will know much about it, as Pluto is "secretive".

The opposition from Neptune to Obama's natal Uranus is in effect from March 6th through March 30th, and is exact on March 21st. This is usually more a generational influence than a personal one, unless the conflict involves the issues he is working on.

But, on March 21st, Mercury will oppose Obama's natal Mars, and we must keep in mind that his Mars is on the USA Neptune. Information, communication, ideas may lead to mistakes, rash actions, unfortunate results.

More on the transits for the rest of March next week.
I thought I'd stop by to share my thoughts on the long term, general influences of the ongoing Saturn opposing Uranus configuration. The story starts in 2007 but dates back to its roots planted 40 years ago (the time it takes for Uranus to oppose himself), now being manifested in the news headlines and within our college campuses. It's a little long to paste but the page can be found here. They call the Uranus opposition our midlife crisis but it need not be. It is a time for sudden insight into who we really are and what we are meant to be, into where we, as a society, have fallen short and now see the results reflected within our youth, born a generation or two later.
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