American doctor in Liberia tests positive for Ebola virus

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I think me question is exactly who lied. The reasons I wonder are as follows.

When we first heard about Mr Sawyer, we were told he collapsed when coming off the plane having started to exhibit symptoms in flight and was immediately taken to hospital and isolated.

It now transpires that he was not put into isolation until 24 hours afterwards and despite being asked several times lied about having been in contact with Ebola according to the Nigerian authorities.

I find the second version odd because if the doctors/authorities were canny enough to ask him "several times" whether he might have been in contact with Ebola (hardly unlikely given where he came from and given he was exhibiting potential symptoms) why would they just take his word for it and leave him on a general ward?

Which makes me wonder whether for whatever reason they simply didn't ask him or he wasn't in a fit state to tell them and they are trying to save face for the fact that they fell down on the job by not isolating him immediately. Something just doesn't feel quite right with the account of his demise.

Yeah 1&2&3... see link below for references... and for basis of all below :moo:

The ENTIRE hospital Mr. Sawyer was at has been shut down now for decontamination.

Note... There was a 5 week doctors strike going on at the time, don't know how much that was a contributor (?assume significant contributor but hasn't hit msm yet has gov. pub stats shown below). NOTE: The link below even goes to show the difficulty in knowing proven cases as it states:
" Their diagnosis cannot be confirmed with testing, which is performed internationally, as long as couriers are refusing to transport samples collected from Ebola patients."

As the WHO and CDC and other have stated, the socioeconomic, internal warfare, and cultural issues in this region are contributors/barriers for isolating the disease. The country of Nigeria, they now have newly instituted IR temperature taking at airports. Lyra, at the time he came through, this procedure wasn't in place. Also, governments (yeah, even this one at that time that he flew out of) didn't have the authority to restrict his travel. This also has changed in the last few days as some states now have issued "state of emergency" whereby they can detain folks without their will...(see above post about without such in some places...constitutionality of many member states you cannot restrain or have restriction of depended on self reporting.)

Again, tomorrow (lol, it IS tomorrow as it's so late staying up for the Oscar closing statements in 2 hours) the WHO will issue IMHO new guidelines IMHO to help prevent this from happening again.


8/8/2014 Friday
The World Health Organisation on Friday declared the Ebola outbreak that is spreading across West Africa to be a "public health emergency of international concern."
The WHO declared similar emergencies for the swine flu pandemic in 2009 and for polio in May.....One of the recommendations from the WHO is that there "should be no general ban on international travel or trade" to the affected nations. However, the WHO also said the "general public should be provided with accurate and relevant information on the Ebola outbreak and measures to reduce" exposure."States should be prepared to facilitate the evacuation and repatriation of nationals (e.g. health workers) who have been exposed to Ebola," the WHO said.
One of the saddest things here to me is the culture of fear. There was a time when we saw a monster and thought that we were the people to defeat it. Now, more and more seem to think that we should hope that the monster stays away from us. And this isn't like a military conflict where our poor are sent into battle (not to insult the military, but that is the history of war); this is a situation where science and technology are in play.
SMH at Anne Coulter. I will make one comment on the link where she questions
I wonder how the Ebola doctor feels now that his humanitarian trip has cost a Christian charity much more than any services he rendered.

Ann, I would gander to think that he is very glad that his case has brought more world attention to this world plight.

Anyhow, I came across these letters on the internet of another Doctor treating patients... Warning: The letters are raw and explain so much about conditions and transmission, yet reading them.. they will make you bawl like a baby :moo: so if you're not in the mood for a good cry...I recommend you scroll by and not read them
UNC’s Dr. William Fischer II has been working in an isolation area in Gueckedou, Guinea, since May 28, 2014, as part of a team from Doctors without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières/MSF) to try to help reduce mortality from Ebola Virus in rural communities. Dr. Fischer was recruited by the World Health Organization (WHO) because of his critical care medicine expertise. With Dr. Fischer’s permission, we are posting his descriptive emails, that give insight into the experience of a frontline effort to contain the deadly pathogen.
I’m told this is the first time that WHO has specifically sent critical care clinicians into the field to try to help improve the clinical care of critically ill patients. They have sent countless physicians into the field as epidemiologists, anthropologists, and infection control and prevention experts who have done amazing work to provide care and stop disease transmission but sending critical care specialists is somewhat new.
SMH at Anne Coulter. I will make one comment on the link where she questions

Ann, I would gander to think that he is very glad that his case has brought more world attention to this world plight.

Anyhow, I came across these letters on the internet of another Doctor treating patients... Warning: The letters are raw and explain so much about conditions and transmission, yet reading them.. they will make you bawl like a baby :moo: so if you're not in the mood for a good cry...I recommend you scroll by and not read them

Reading his letter dated June 7 it sure seems like ebola IS TRANSMITTED PRIOR to the patient becoming too ill to ambulate.
I am not buying anything the powers that be are saying.
I believe people are contagoius for a period of time before thay are symptomatic. I have no idea if this is 2 hours or 2 days, but I do believe it is before they themselves are even aware they are infected.

the disease is so scary!

All posts are MOO
Reading his letter dated June 7 it sure seems like ebola IS TRANSMITTED PRIOR to the patient becoming too ill to ambulate.
I am not buying anything the powers that be are saying.
I believe people are contagoius for a period of time before thay are symptomatic. I have no idea if this is 2 hours or 2 days, but I do believe it is before they themselves are even aware they are infected.

the disease is so scary!

All posts are MOO
Yes...and look at the CDC quarantine instructions for airlines.

The incubation period, from exposure to when signs or symptoms appear, for Ebola ranges from 2 to 21 days (most commonly 8-10 days). Early symptoms include sudden fever, severe headaches, and muscle aches. Around the fifth day, a skin rash can occur. Nausea, vomiting, chest or abdominal pain, and diarrhea may follow. Symptoms can become increasingly severe and may include difficulty breathing or swallowing, bleeding inside and outside the body, and multi-organ failure.

Reading his letter dated June 7 it sure seems like ebola IS TRANSMITTED PRIOR to the patient becoming too ill to ambulate.

I'm confused. Are you saying the powers that be are insisting that ebola is not contagious until the patient is "too ill to ambulate"?

Most of what I've read says the patients are not contagious until symptomatic, which is a far cry from above.
I don't know where to put this article.
Hope this is the right thread:

"Patient Zero in the Ebola outbreak, researchers suspect, was a 2-year-old boy who died on Dec. 6, just a few days after falling ill in a village in Guéckédou, in southeastern Guinea. Bordering Sierra Leone and Liberia, Guéckédou is at the intersection of three nations, where the disease found an easy entry point to the region.

A week later, it killed the boy’s mother, then his 3-year-old sister, then his grandmother. All had fever, vomiting and diarrhea, but no one knew what had sickened them....

How Ebola Spread (there's a chart that I can't seem to post)

A report in The New England Journal of Medicine traces the spread of the recent Ebola outbreak from Guéckédou, Guinea, to towns nearby...."
I'm confused. Are you saying the powers that be are insisting that ebola is not contagious until the patient is "too ill to ambulate"?

Most of what I've read says the patients are not contagious until symptomatic, which is a far cry from above.
This is just a random example but it is what I have heard reported and I don't believe it.

EBOLA: "THEY ARE NOT CONTAGIOUS Until They Are Acutely Ill"-US State Department On Ebola Alert (Must Read)

• If you are walking around you are not infectious to others.

All posts are MOO
^^^^well yes, that makes little sense. You could certainly be symptomatic but not yet so ill you cannot function.

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