"An American Murder Mystery" - Discovery ID 3 night series - 04.09 .- 11. 2017

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Judge Perry says the prosecutors did enough to get fca on one of the homicide charges... Jane Velez Mitchell says they didn't do enough to connect the dots... me thinks she just wants to get her name back in the news somehow. Remember how she glorified jbaez as the greatest ever after the verdict? :banghead:

All jmo.

She doesn't have a show anymore? I stopped watching HLN after Casey's trial.

She is pretty annoying.
Lee was weird, but probably the least crazy of the bunch. My guess is he refused to be a part of this mind-numbing 3-part "special." If he's smart, he changed his name.

I remember by the time Casey went to trial his he had significantly more gray hairs.

I applaud him for not appearing on the show, but he was weird. I still remember his "CMA" speech at Caylee's memorial. It was one of the strangest things I've ever seen.
Still trying to figure out how Cindy can say she left it up to God when she committed perjury. And how exactly she went about that in prayer...

I was thankful that right after the segment where ca says it was a drowning and fca panicked and ga blames it on too much zanax Diane Dimond writes them off by describing them as "grandparents that seemed to not quite be emotionally all together."

To put it nicely...

All jmo.
I think George is 100% right in his theory. I wish he had worked with the prosecution from the beginning. It is very likely that it was an accidental overdose after an extended period of drugging the child to sleep. As Caylee grew and built up a tolerance for the drugs, she would have needed to use more.

If you watch his police interviews and FBI interviews, he was pretty candid with them. He outlined Casey's escalating behavior, talked about her thieving and lying and fake jobs. He didn't try to gloss over the smell in the car and what he thought it was and his grand jury testimony got Casey indicted for first degree murder.

I think that was why the defense went after him so rabidly. Dominic Casey stated (although he should probably taken with a grain of salt) that all of that made Casey very angry and she told him that he was going to "throw her under the bus" with his grand jury testimony and she started talking about Baez having "a plan for him" right around that time.

Cindy was also allegedly very angry with him and seriously considering divorcing him for cooperating with the FBI instead of lying to them and trying to put a guilt trip on them like she did.

IMO, Cindy wanted to know where Caylee was, but only if she was still alive. If Caylee was dead, she didn't want anyone looking for her.

Mr. Ashton was right as well. 12 people who didn't already think she was guilty, would be hard to convince. 12 people agreed it was more likely that she drowned in a pool and her body was disposed of in the woods out of panic. That a mother would sit in jail all that time rather than tell the truth, that she would allow her family to suffer wondering, that she would allow people to continue to search and that she had no mourning period for her loss. Will never make sense to me

I can't believe Ashton said that. 12 people with any sort of reasoning skills should have been able to come to the conclusion that Casey was obviously guilty and there was no evidence that anyone else was involved.

I have to think that those jurors went in there looking for any reason to think that George was guilty. There was a huge discrepancy regarding the amount of evidence that pointed towards him and the boatload of evidence pointing towards Casey.

Not to mention those jurors did in fact seem to think murder was likely, but only if George was the culprit.

That jury let Casey go because they wanted to view her as a victim. Period. They allowed her to trick them.

And from what I've seen from that jury, I'm sure tricking them wasn't very hard.
Both Cindy and George put forth the same theories in this interview that they did in the interview with Dr Phil six years ago. So really nothing new.
Husband pointed out...if Cindy and George were paid for this interview and Cindy still has contact with the felon....then money made it to the felons hands through Cindy..

I stopped and thought....he probably is right.
Still trying to figure out how Cindy can say she left it up to God when she committed perjury. And how exactly she went about that in prayer...

Well by that reasoning, I guess we should just have gone medieval on Casey, forced her to carry a hot coal with her bare hands, bandaged them and then checked them at a later time to see if God had intervened and healed her, thus proving her innocence.

Who needs facts and evidence? Cindy certainly doesn't and she proved it by lying and revising history repeatedly during Casey's trial.

She blathered the same thing on Doctor Phil about five years ago. I'm glad I didn't watch this because I can't stand to listen to that nonsense a second time. Her entire trial by ordeal rhetoric is just plain annoying.

I doubt Casey cares if Cindy forgives her. Casey will continue to ignore her and lie about her unless she somehow profits from or sees some benefit for herself in getting back in contact with her mother.
If you watch his police interviews and FBI interviews, he was pretty candid with them. He outlined Casey's escalating behavior, talked about her thieving and lying and fake jobs. He didn't try to gloss over the smell in the car and what he thought it was and his grand jury testimony got Casey indicted for first degree murder.

I think that was why the defense went after him so rabidly. Dominic Casey stated (although he should probably taken with a grain of salt) that all of that made Casey very angry and she told him that he was going to "throw her under the bus" with his grand jury testimony and she started talking about Baez having "a plan for him" right around that time.

Cindy was also allegedly very angry with him and seriously considering divorcing him for cooperating with the FBI instead of lying to them and trying to put a guilt trip on them like she did.

IMO, Cindy wanted to know where Caylee was, but only if she was still alive. If Caylee was dead, she didn't want anyone looking for her.

I can't believe Ashton said that. 12 people with any sort of reasoning skills should have been able to come to the conclusion that Casey was obviously guilty and there was no evidence that anyone else was involved.

I have to think that those jurors went in there looking for any reason to think that George was guilty. There was a huge discrepancy regarding the amount of evidence that pointed towards him and the boatload of evidence pointing towards Casey.

Not to mention those jurors did in fact seem to think murder was likely, but only if George was the culprit.

That jury let Casey go because they wanted to view her as a victim. Period. They allowed her to trick them.

And from what I've seen from that jury, I'm sure tricking them wasn't very hard.


Ashton was talking about how the media coverage skewed the jury panel....

and how this particular jury's view of the evidence was so at odds with hundreds of thousands of other people...

Ashton explained that he came to the conclusion that "of all the jurors that we had to choose from, most of them had already been convinced of her guilt by the media, and, of course, once they're convinced they can't serve. So who do you have left? People you have left are people who have heard all the evidence we have but still aren't convinced she's guilty. So how are we ever going to convince them? "

All jmo.

Ashton was talking about how the media coverage skewed the jury panel....

and how this particular jury's view of the evidence was so at odds with hundreds of thousands of other people...

Ashton explained that he came to the conclusion that "of all the jurors that we had to choose from, most of them had already been convinced of her guilt by the media, and, of course, once they're convinced they can't serve. So who do you have left? People you have left are people who have heard all the evidence we have but still aren't convinced she's guilty. So how are we ever going to convince them? "

All jmo.

Sadly, Ashton is right.

There was no dispute that Caylee was dead. Items from the crime scene came from the Anthony home, so that narrows it down a bit. Then FICA puts herself there when Caylee died. So it was undisputed that Caylee died in her general presence, that she didn't alert authorities, and Caylee's body ended up in the woods. With duct tape on it. And then her mom went to Blockbuster to rent videos for date night like any other grieving parent. Sorry, but I think it is beyond a reasonable doubt that this was not an accident. And the jurors were instructed that they could consider consciousness of guilt in their deliberations! Sorry, even after all this time, I just can't even.

Ashton was talking about how the media coverage skewed the jury panel....

and how this particular jury's view of the evidence was so at odds with hundreds of thousands of other people...

Ashton explained that he came to the conclusion that "of all the jurors that we had to choose from, most of them had already been convinced of her guilt by the media, and, of course, once they're convinced they can't serve. So who do you have left? People you have left are people who have heard all the evidence we have but still aren't convinced she's guilty. So how are we ever going to convince them? "

All jmo.

Oh okay, good. I misunderstood what you meant.
So I wonder about a couple things? Who was Caylee's dad? Anyone on here ever discuss possibilities? I haven't been a member here that long.

Another thing..as I am currently watching epi #2 before epi #3...the chloroform? I suspected it was used to knock Caylee out so she would be out of the way for a bit. And maybe put in trunk or closet or something. I live near a big casino and the LE are finding babies left in cars all the time. Some strapped in carseats, some with sheets up on the windows in effort to block folks from seeing in the car. Though listening to the show now, maybe the chloroform use for was more premeditated sinister reasons??? Awful.

There was a lot of speculation about who Caylee's dad was, some DNA testing done, nobody has ever definitively claimed her as his child. Brandon Snow is one theory that was thrown around for a while there.

The chloroform was never actually scientifically proven, not technically. I've been throwing that around in my mind for years, someone who couldn't manage to pay for her own gas in the car manages somehow to learn how to mix up a batch of chloroform? I'm just not sure, maybe somebody else can say more.
I had to laugh when one of the "bombshells" was dropped about the trial-the idea that Casey repaid Baez via sexual acts. I mean, I don't know why that was a shocker. Is it wrong that I just kind of assumed? I mean, this is a woman that historically used her body and whatever else she had to manipulate people.
I had to laugh when one of the "bombshells" was dropped about the trial-the idea that Casey repaid Baez via sexual acts. I mean, I don't know why that was a shocker. Is it wrong that I just kind of assumed? I mean, this is a woman that historically used her body and whatever else she had to manipulate people.
Not at all, shocked, not me lol. I remember when i followed this case initially that people where i was posting thought CA was doing that. No surprise there.
I was struck by the <modsnip> jurist that stated (paraphrasing) that they didn't really think she was innocent but that the prosecution "didn't prove it's case" I as so SICK of hearing that crap.

He went on to say that the entire case was circumstantial. Seriously?

Apparently the dumbing down of America has been amazingly successful. How many cases are purely circumstantial?
MOST OF THEM. However, even when you have forensic evidence to spare, the criminals can find scores of <modsnip> willing to insist they were wrongly convicted (Jeffrey MacDonald and Darlie Routier come to mind).

The other infuriating, but not surprising part was Cindy. I detest that woman. Still making excuses. Caylee drowned "accidentally" and Casey was so distraught she reacted badly.

Yeah, cuz you know how when people are distraught they always spend a month partying intensely? Unbelievable. That <modsnip> raised a monster and is still lying for her.

No sympathy for George either. He is more lucid, but he stays with that horrible woman. No excuse for it. She is protecting and defending the baby killer. If he had any decency himself he would be long gone.
It surprises me that Cindy and George are still even together expecially since they have opposite opinions on how Caylee died. Except George, he knows. He was able to put the puzzle together which really was not that hard as things progressed.
I finally saw Cindys picture and she has gained alot of weight which has very much changed her appearence. Unfortunately her head is stuck you know where.
I have a question that I will ask again.
How is it that Casey is able to go out in public and not get at least beat up??
Does anyone know if she has bodyguards? I would be scared to death if I was her.
I haven't watched it and don't intend to do so. I want to say a couple of things:

1. Judge Perry talks about closure? How about the Judge not saying that there was absolutely enough evidence for a first degree murder conviction and then saying something different? I can't think of another case where a judge publically voices his opinion one way and then changes it later!

2. A juror is still saying it was only circumstantial? Really? So he hasn't educated himself even a little bit since the trial? How embarrassing for him. Didn't being on such a high profile case motivate him to learn a little more about law? Following this trial made me learn more about reasonable doubt and such things. It is not so much the verdict but the lack of effort and intelligence that really gets to me.
It surprises me that Cindy and George are still even together expecially since they have opposite opinions on how Caylee died. Except George, he knows. He was able to put the puzzle together which really was not that hard as things progressed.
I finally saw Cindys picture and she has gained alot of weight which has very much changed her appearence. Unfortunately her head is stuck you know where.
I have a question that I will ask again.
How is it that Casey is able to go out in public and not get at least beat up??
Does anyone know if she has bodyguards? I would be scared to death if I was her.

BBM #1 - I'm not really surprised they're still together. The level of dysfunction has always been off the charts with those 2 and their funky little family unit.

It broke my heart to hear George say that Caylee, who had always been a very healthy child, was sleeping way too much in the months before her death, and he mentioned those dark circles under her eyes, which troubled many of us back in the day. He suspected Casey was doing something to her long before she "went missing." I sense George understands on some level that by creating and then enabling the Casey monster, they allowed the torture and murder of Caylee.

Casey was using her child like a laboratory animal, experimenting by giving her drugs (Xanax, chloroform, whatever), making that beautiful healthy baby sleep for 10 to 15 hours at a stretch and rolling the dice with her health. WHO DOES THAT? She needs to be put to death after many days of lingering torture, imo.

BBM #2 - Cindy's face looks like it's been swallowed by fat. Her body isn't just bigger, it's misshapen, and the way she moved her hands when the camera showed her sitting in the chair was just odd as heck. Even her fingers and hands are bloated. Not sure what she's up to, but it's not a good look on her. Not sure how George has managed not to age or start to look just as twisted as his spouse.

Final thought - pic of younger Casey on roller blades and one other one are new, I think. Wonder if the Anthony's got more "licensing fees" for those? Terrible, horrible group of people, including the defense team (remember how that thing kept morphing, with attorneys joining, then leaving?), all their expert witnesses, and that shameful bunch of jurors.
Cindy's excuse for the Chloroform search.... If it comes up as a suggestion, it doesn't automatically show results for that.

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