Analysis of Casey's Clothes and Body Language

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Yes, it is clear ) Insertions by me) But, just because we understand her, doesn't mean we excuse her...... that is the beginnig of the end of our moral standards, & God knows they are dwindling as we speak!

I fear to even utter what I feel,........this is just the beginning of a New culture of evolved persona, that is an evolutionary problem of our times! JMO.

ITA, reeseeva, it's all about me, me, me
2) You could have someone present you with an old sock only to find diamonds inside.


Heh...or you could find a Caylee bracelet "forever in our hearts"...depends on the sock!

With all of the media networks reporting KC's refusal to appear in court, and all the reports that KC would be taken to court by force if necessary, JB made a good call by dressing her in a way that would disprove those media reports. My first impression when I saw KC enter the courtroom was she took the time to look presentable, and she certainly did not appear to be kicking and screaming like the media tried to portray she would.
She wound up looking like Eva Braun! !

Wait a minute. Eva Braun was always impeccably dressed (and looks like a spring daisy compared to Casey).

To me, the severe hairstyle and ill-fitting and unflattering gray jacket made Casey look unattractive. Since (to me) her mannerisms are inappropriate a lot of the time, making her also look unattractive is a no-no. That jacket looked like it was bearing a grudge!

I thought she looked 100 times better last hearing. Her hairstyle last time made her look softer and more youthful.
i agree with you but what i'm saying is, until casey has the choice of what to wear from her own clothes, it's a waste of time to discuss what she's wearing.
everyone knows JB is trying to represent her in a different light than what we have judged her to be in those party photos. we all know he's trying to create a false persona...i can't remember the exact quote or who said it but it was something like; "you can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig"

IIRC that was Obama that made that pig comment. He said it months before the election (a lot of people thought he was referring to Sarah Palin and her comment about the difference between a pitbull and a hockeymom), but he denied it was in reference to her.

I think the big thing here with KC's attire today... I think it backed fired because it contrasted so strongly with KC's sense of style. I don't think many of us could actually invision KC picking that out for herself given the choice. The whole outfit didn't speak "I'm innocent", it spoke "My attorney made me wear this because it will improve my public image".
I watched the pre-court part too, and I couldn't help but notice that Casey has some sort of strange itch or irritation of her palms.

It sort of reminds me of Shakespeares' MacBeth where Lady MacBeth is constantly scrubbing her hands and saying, "out damned spot!"

Is this a rash, a nervous habit, or a psychological giveaway or body language that should be interpreted somehow?

It was quite striking how she was constantly rubbing and scratching at her palms and fingers. Take a look, and see if you agree.

An Orlando station had on a body language expert that said this is a universal sign of anxiety.
Wait a minute. Eva Braun was always impeccably dressed (and looks like a spring daisy compared to Casey).

To me, the severe hairstyle and ill-fitting and unflattering gray jacket made Casey look unattractive. Since (to me) her mannerisms are inappropriate a lot of the time, making her also look unattractive is a no-no. That jacket looked like it was bearing a grudge!

I thought she looked 100 times better last hearing. Her hairstyle last time made her look softer and more youthful.

I very much agree with you! I thought that jacket made her look even more cold hearted, uncaring, and HARD. They could make her look a lot more delicate it they put her in a soft cardigan and let her wear her hair in a more natural way.
WHOOOO . wait a minute here! Everything you do, every choice you make, is a DIRECT reflection of Who & What your are! IMHO............

i'm curious, you judge people by their outward appearance? by their clothes? isn't that kind of shallow?

you can rob a bank in a three piece suit and look like you belong on the cover of GQ, but you're just as guilty as the person who robbed a bank in torn jeans and a t shirt!
anything interesting in here as it relates to court today?
With all of the media networks reporting KC's refusal to appear in court, and all the reports that KC would be taken to court by force if necessary, JB made a good call by dressing her in a way that would disprove those media reports. My first impression when I saw KC enter the courtroom was she took the time to look presentable, and she certainly did not appear to be kicking and screaming like the media tried to portray she would.
I agree. Showing up in jailhouse garb, looking disheveled as she did in the previous hearing would have been perceived by some as contempt for the court and disregard for the graveness of the situation.
i'm curious, you judge people by their outward appearance? by their clothes? isn't that kind of shallow?

you can rob a bank in a three piece suit and look like you belong on the cover of GQ, but you're just as guilty as the person who robbed a bank in torn jeans and a t shirt!

It's natural human behavior to do this. We all do it - knowingly or unknowingly - we've all done it. Once we get to KNOW someone, usually most people stop judging others by how they LOOK. It's only SHALLOW if you keep doing it.
It's natural human behavior to do this. We all do it - knowingly or unknowingly - we've all done it. Once we get to KNOW someone, usually most people stop judging others by how they LOOK. It's only SHALLOW if you keep doing it.

thank god no one can see what i look like then. :crazy:
Casey's appearance in court is important to the outcome at trial. It's a matter of perception, and not just in our society or modern society, but as human beings. Sensory perception, particularly visual perception, is a major factor in our decision making process. Heck, even a female bird when choosing a mate will judge a male by his feathers.


Thanks for the great post! I found out today that humans take like 93% of their information/communication as NON-VERBAL cues. In other words, language and talking only comprises 7% of our total communication with 93% making up the rest.

In other words (no pun intended), an attorney or a witness (or even Casey sitting at the desk as a defendant) can talk and talk and talk but we as humans pick up on their posture, their attitude, and all their non-verbal cues to understand what they are "saying". We don't even realise that we "understand" (we intuitively understand) when for example a witness rubs their hands together that we "get" they are nervous.

So, yes, while the Casey's outfit is a factor to consider, her "presentation" also includes addressing all her non-verbal cues!
i'm curious, you judge people by their outward appearance? by their clothes? isn't that kind of shallow?


Hi Coco,

It's Baez's job to make sure she looks acceptable for his purposes. I think he'd like to know that many of our "gut" reactions are negative to the severe hairstyle and jacket.

I think most if not all WS'ers here are beyond "judging" Casey's character by her appearance.
i'm curious, you judge people by their outward appearance? by their clothes? isn't that kind of shallow?

you can rob a bank in a three piece suit and look like you belong on the cover of GQ, but you're just as guilty as the person who robbed a bank in torn jeans and a t shirt!
That's certainly true. But, if you entered the bank as a teller screamed, "I've just been robbed!" while these two men were walking out the door, which would you think was the robber?
That's certainly true. But, if you entered the bank as a teller screamed, "I've just been robbed!" while these two men were walking out the door, which would you think was the robber?

they guy with the big bag of money?
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