Andrea Lyons ~ Tapes and Lectures And RECENT MEDIA

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Meadows to Host "Media and Human Rights in America" Symposium Andrea Lyon will be speaking.

On Wednesday, April 7, 2010, the symposium will take place from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Meadows Museum and will include four top-notch panels, focusing discussion on how the media impacts human rights in America. The symposium will feature themed sessions concerning justice in journalism; new media and human rights; media and the death penalty; and media, race, ethics and justice.

This will be a free event and open to the public. I'd sure like to hear the lectures from her at this event.

Did you notice that this symposium is to be held on SMU campus, Dallas, TX? I wonder what the conservative pro-death penalty mood will be.

BTW, notice please, I am in the area, so I understand the support the DP gets here, and the little markers of changing times with DP discussions.

There were some deep if academic insights until Andrea Lyon got to speak about her experiences as a lawyer representing inmates charged with capital crimes. Her big case is one in which every American knows about if only because every media exploited the case to death.

It is the case of Casey Anthony the Florida based mother of a pretty young daughter named Cayles who she is accused of murdering although the evidence is hardly definitive.

Her mother was turned into a monster with little mitigation or even counter argument.

Her lawyer, straight outta Chicago, a large, brilliant woman who disdains makeup and calls Gil Scott Heron her favorite poet, has been demonized along with her client with constant bashing by bloggers and journalists who seem to reject the very idea that her client deserves a defense. Most of the media has been hostile too as if she killed the child.

Hearing all this makes you sick and angry, especially at media people who get caught up in the ratings game that drives the murder *advertiser censored* industry,

I'm sorry...murder / *advertiser censored* industry???? To which are they referring as being related to the Casey case??
In light of the most recent motion.....this submission by AL may be worth a gander.....

Setting the Record Straight: A Proposal for Handling Prosecutorial Appeals to Racial, Ethnic or Gender Prejudice During Trial

A snip....
There are many instances where defendants in criminal trials suffer the (sometimes
literally lethal) consequences of “foul blows” struck by prosecutors improperly injecting explicit
or implicit references to race or gender bias into the jury’s deliberations. Such improper use of
race or gender violates the defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to trial by an impartial jury3, the
defendant’s Fourteenth Amendment equal protection rights4, and the defendant’s right to a fair,
unbiased trial under the Due Process clause.5 Despite the constitutional stature of these
violations, state and federal courts are equivocal regarding the appropriate standard of review and
the ultimate disposition of cases where prosecutorial appeals to prejudice are raised by the
defendant on appeal.
In light of the most recent motion.....this submission by AL may be worth a gander.....

Setting the Record Straight: A Proposal for Handling Prosecutorial Appeals to Racial, Ethnic or Gender Prejudice During Trial

A snip....
There are many instances where defendants in criminal trials suffer the (sometimes
literally lethal) consequences of “foul blows” struck by prosecutors improperly injecting explicit
or implicit references to race or gender bias into the jury’s deliberations. Such improper use of
race or gender violates the defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to trial by an impartial jury3, the
defendant’s Fourteenth Amendment equal protection rights4, and the defendant’s right to a fair,
unbiased trial under the Due Process clause.5 Despite the constitutional stature of these
violations, state and federal courts are equivocal regarding the appropriate standard of review and
the ultimate disposition of cases where prosecutorial appeals to prejudice are raised by the
defendant on appeal.

Looks very interesting-- however, the link won't work:snooty:
I think there's something wrong with the hyperlinking function on the boards today, because every time I've tried to click a link or post one, it's failed.

Is anyone else having this problem, or is it just me?
Looks very interesting-- however, the link won't work:snooty:
I think there's something wrong with the hyperlinking function on the boards today, because every time I've tried to click a link or post one, it's failed.

Is anyone else having this problem, or is it just me?

I think AZ said on the atty. thread that she was also having a problem linking.
If the defense attorney has any reason at all to file such a
motion, she must do so. The price of silence is that the issue
almost never can be brought to the attention of the federal
court unless it is accompanied by proof of actual innocence.

This certainly increases the burden on the defense. To fail to
object, file a motion, or elicit a fact from a witness may indeed
later prove literally fatal to your client’s ability to even talk
about the issue to a federal court.

Also on your to-do list in a capital case is to decide whether
your client needs to go to trial at all. The importance of negotiation
cannot be stressed enough. If it is possible to settle your
case with a plea for life or a term of years, you should work to
do that. Many factors play into the ability to negotiate: strength
of the prosecution’s murder case, strength of the aggravation
case, whether it is an election year (is the judge going to worry
about how he looks to the electorate?), whether you are an
opponent the prosecution respects,
and a host of other issues.
Sleuther, so glad you found these for us. Do you think she will remain on the case for the long haul? What do you make of her and Cheney?

Good to see you here!
Death penalty expert Lyon leaves Casey Anthony defense,0,2682343.story


Lead Anthony attorney Jose Baez confirmed today that Lyon has left the defense because of financial issues. He filed paperwork with the Orange County Clerk of Court's office late today reflecting Lyon's departure.

"We're sad to see her leave, but we completely understand that it's a fiscal reason," Baez said.

He said Lyon will remain "fully accessible to us if we need her at any time."
I betcha that last post hearing interview with K Belich and Cheney made her say "I QUIT".
The bumbling fools.
I think it is in here that Lyon , Andrea's brother is a PI that helps her, often on cases. Let me try to find it.
I think it is in here that Lyon , Andrea's brother is a PI that helps her, often on cases. Let me try to find it.

I don't think they are related, TWA. Mort Smith was the PI that came on board courtesy of Andrea. Also, Andrea has no 's' on the end of her last name.

(Andrea Lyon & Jeremy Lyons)
On her website, go to Internet Sleuth, that is his company, iirc, her brother's
his name is Jonathan, I thought,so maybe this is a different guy, Jeremy - Internet Sleuth internet
... By: Barton Web Design and Hosting Contact: Visit: Domain name: Registrant Contact: Internet Sleuth Jonathan Lyon ... - Cached
There is no doubt (in my own mind) that while AL is no longer an "official" member of KC's team...that she continues to "speak" in a manner almost anticipatory of KC's defense plans.

Witness to Innocence
The United States Supreme Court is about to decide a case called Connick v. Thompson, to answer the question about when someone who is wrongfully convicted can sue a prosecutor's office when he can prove that a prosecutor in that office deliberately withheld physical evidence which proved him innocent.

A post-conviction investigator found some old microfiche, saw that in fact there had been a report, and everything grew from there. In an exoneration case of mine, we found an exculpatory fingerprint report largely because the usual clerk was on vacation when our subpoena arrived, and the substitute didn't understand how the game was played Me in red.

Also at Monday's hearing, Pallmeyer heard an impassioned plea from another defense attorney to free Ryan from prison pending a final decision on the motion to overturn some of his convictions. Ryan, who did not appear in court, is in a federal prison in Indiana.

Andrea Lyon turned and pointed across the courtroom at Ryan's 76-year-old wife, Lura Lynn Ryan, sitting on a spectators' bench holding an oxygen canister that helps her breathe. Lyon said Ryan's wife may have just months to live. Has AL recently obtained an MD?

"There is a place for human consideration," Lyon told the judge. "That's why a judge sits there and not a computer. a the ones purchased with KC defense funds????? Or were those different computers????

As Lyon spoke, others around Ryan's wife could be seen crying.

And..... this isn't even a death penalty case.
Note to the Anthony's....perhaps Andrea believes that toting an oxygen tank into court may help KC's case??? Perhaps......drop the gum and grab a tank of O2.

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