Andrew Kinsman, 49, Toronto, 26 June 2017

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Good find. I poked around a bit more and there is no update to whether or not he has been found. Is there a separate thread about the 3 men who disappeared from the village 2010-2012?
Yes, also individual threads for each of those three missing men.
Canada - 3 men missing in same Toronto ON neighborhood, 2010-2012
Canada - Majeed 'Hamid' Kayhan, 59, Toronto, 14 Oct 2012
Canada - Skanda Navaratnam, 40, Toronto ON, 5 Sept 2010
[h=2]Canada - Abdulbasir 'Basir' Faizi, 42, Toronto, 28 Dec 2010[/h]

the two people from Australia, who took their names of his facebook friends list, may have a conservation of where he may be, I wonder.
the two people from Australia, who took their names of his facebook friends list, may have a conservation of where he may be, I wonder.

Welcome to Ws Johnm1000, interesting suggestion!
in Toronto, on every street corner is a camera, with the new tips for the police, i was wondering if camera could follow someone at a certain corner that he was.... i say that big brother is watching if you pass a major intersection.
Hi all a small update,

Andrew's family and friends have been searching areas close to where he was missing. They've spoken to people in the area, as well as workers who have been in the area since February and no one has seen anything. I really hope his family gets some closure.
Also posted on missing woman, Alloura Hennessy thread.Rbbm.
Michelle Wheeler, Wells’ sister, told the Star Wells has been homeless for about three years after she stopped paying rent when their mother died. She had been living with her boyfriend under a bridge near Bloor and Parliament Streets.

“I think our mother dying is why she started living on the streets. I think if our mom was still here, things would have been different,” said Wheeler.
“Alloura’s just in a really bad spot in her life right now. She’s just a great person.”

Wheeler said Wells was on Facebook everyday and when her Facebook wasn’t updated mid-July, she became suspicious.
She stopped responding to my Facebook messages and I had a bad feeling about it.”

Sterling said she’s partnered up with the organizers of the searches for missing Toronto man Andrew Kinsman, who was last seen in April.

Hi everyone,

Any insight into Aron Seal's disappearance(s)? Based on some open-source research:

- He was reported missing once in December 2016 before quickly being found:
- Tweet from December 2016 referencing him being found:

He was then reported missing (again?) in May 2017:

And then, on October 17, 2017, TPS put out this announcement saying he has been missing since May 2017:

A little bit of narrative dissonance here. Does the guy go missing frequently, or what? He's been reported missing just blocks from where five of the other men were last seen.

Here is his LinkedIn:
Twitter (relatively inactive, but the followers/following matches his LinkedIn resume):

He seems to have come from a more affluent background than the other guys, and his education / resume / job don't seem to fit the profile of the other guys at all (Conservative politics, two Masters degrees, fancy consulting job... etc.).

Aron Seal,
if he has been lost and found, wouldn't it be logical to look in the area he was found or in that area.
is there underground tunnels in those areas.
Lengthy article.
Is serial killer behind disappearances of 5 men from the Gay Village?

News Nov 19, 2017 by Andrew Palamarchuk
Robin LeBlanc has a constant reminder of the mysterious and suspicious disappearance of her friend and neighbour Andrew Kinsman: a police seal on his apartment door.

Then there’s Kinsman’s doormat and other belongings in “his area” out front of his door.

“We’ve got a nice little place here in Cabbagetown and every couple of days neighbours walk past asking if there’s any new news,” LeBlanc said in a recent interview. “There’s a bit of hope, and we’re still hoping that regardless of what the news is that there is some kind of closure. We’re very hopeful of that.”
Some fear a serial killer may be responsible for the mysterious disappearances.

“That has been suggested by certain segments of the community,” Richmond said. “We don’t have any evidence to establish that. We don’t also have any evidence that excludes that.”

University of Toronto associate professor of sociology Jooyoung Lee, who teaches a course on serial homicides, said the disappearances have “all the signs of what we typically see” in serial murders.

“Any time you have a collection of missing persons cases, … that usually is a kind of warning sign. And it sort of fits into the narrative of a lot of other (serial homicide) cases,” Lee said. “Jeffrey Dahmer, for example, used to hunt for his victims in gay bath houses and gay bars in Milwaukee.”
“One of the things that the FBI has shown since the ‘80s is that there’s a significant portion of serial killers who are primarily motivated by sexually sadistic fantasies and this idea of violent sex, dominating another person, of having complete control over them,” Lee said. “Serial killers also tend to have a pattern in the victims that they select.”

The vast majority of missing persons cases are resolved within a few days.
Lee noted it’s still unclear if a serial killer is responsible for the five suspicious disappearances in The Village.

“But what I can say is that many serial homicide cases begin this way where there are one or two or three people who are last seen or go missing in a particular neighbourhood.”
“We’re hoping for more tips,” said Richmond, of 51 Division. “We would like to speak to anyone who saw Andrew Kinsman on or around the 26th of June. We’d like to speak to anyone who knows these (missing) persons who has not already been spoken to by police, particularly people that communicated with any of our missing persons via social media or dating applications.”

And as for the police seal on Kinsman’s apartment door?

“We don’t believe that it (his apartment) is a crime scene. Having said that, it was Andrew Kinsman’s personal abode; we would like to keep some level of security on it,” Richmond said. “As this investigation has progressed, we’ve continually gone in his home in search of other information… so we’ve removed a number of articles from that home in the hopes of furthering the investigation.”
FWIW, found this interesting..rbbm.
Kim Rossmo - Geographic Profiling

CIS Conference 1998

Good morning everybody. It’s been said in terms of real estate that the three most

important elements are location, location, location. In terms of criminal investigation I wouldn’t want to go that far, but crime scene locations can give us some important

insights into where an offender may be

based, and help us focus the criminal investigative process. That’s what geographic profiling is all about.

A couple of summers ago, a young girl by the name of Mindy Tran was abducted and murdered in the town of Kelowna in the interior of British Columbia, and before her body was found she was a missing person and there was a lot of concern, a lot of media attention, posters up everywhere, thistype of thing. The RCMP detachment, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Klona were responsible for the case. A psychic lady came in to them, she said “I can help you find Mindy Tran’s body”. Also a hair-finder guy came in to them and he said “I can help you find Mindy Tran’s body”. Do you know what a hair-finder is? No? Okay, you have a little plastic film canister and you take the hair of the person you’re looking for and you put it in that plastic film canister, you attach that to a stick, and it takes you tothe person you’re looking for. So the RCMP figured they would get rid of two nuts at once, took some hair from Mindy Tran’s hairbrush which they gave to the hair-finder guy, and they put him together with the psychic lady and they said “go do your thing”. So the psychic lady stood on top of a hill in Kelowna, and she did her thing, and she said “I believe Mindy Tran’s body is in that park”. They walked down the hill to the park, and the hair-finder guy did his thing, and he wandered around the park for several hours, with his hair-finder, and he found Mindy Tran’s body. It’s a true story, I can’t explain it, I only tell you that because those people could put us out of business.
Hi folks,

I'm being a bit obsessive perhaps. I've gone back and begun to conduct a more detailed review of media relating to the 2010 - 2012 disappearances vs. the 2017 disappearances. I've noticed a detail that I wanted to float, from a 2010 article in Xtra, related to Skanda Navaratnam:

"Cloutier says Navaratnam lives in Cabbagetown, where he helps an older man with chores and errands. Cloutier went to the house on Sept 21 to look around, but he says nothing looked out of the ordinary. Navaratnam has another home on Broadview Ave across from Riverdale Park, but he does not spend much time there, says Cloutier."

Andrew Kinsman's home is in Cabbagetown, in an apartment building for which he acts as the super. He also worked in community outreach, albeit in HIV/AIDs health networking / support.

Does anyone know where the other missing men lived / worked? Does this seem like a data point worth noting?

Furthermore, the same 2010 Xtra article goes on to state:
Navaratnam often escapes to Cloutier’s cabin in Bancroft, but Cloutier says he checked the property over the weekend and Navaratnam was not there

This second point prompted me to revisit a July 2017 article in Xtra, covering Andrew Kinsman's disappearance and some details of his life/interests. The July 2017 article states:
Kinsman doesn’t like to frequent bars, but does enjoy various cultural events in the city and spending time outdoors in campgrounds in Southern Ontario.

The point about Kinsman not liking bars seems to be consistent with what I've been told by a couple of the bartenders at the Black Eagle (per a post from a month or so ago, they told me that he had not been employed by the bar in a decade or so, and they weren't sure he really enjoyed going out). The detail regarding Kinsman's interest in camping is something I was told by one of his close friends, too. I was told by that same friend, in August 2017, that subsequent to Kinsman's disappearance police conducted a search of one of the campgrounds he was known to visit. FYI, at the time I spoke to the friend, they didn't seem to think that search yielded results.

Perhaps a bit of apophenia here, but in addition to all of the other shared data points, I'm feeling curious about the overlap between Kinsman and Navaratnam by way of the following:

- Cabbagetown home addresses
- Employed in community support work
- Interested in camping / outdoor recreation

None of the three is particularly unusual, taken alone. Lots of folks employed doing community support work would live in Cabbagetown due to its proximity to the Village, where many such organizations are located. The interest in the outdoors / camping is could simply be an extension of many Torontonians' apparent fascination with camping (seriously, they sell actually "Muskoka" branded sweaters here).

So, questions for everyone:
1) Has anyone yet put together a list of the addresses of the missing men?
2) Has anyone else noticed shared interests between any of the five missing men? If so, what are they?

Thanks in advance.
Not related to Andrew, but interesting that the body of a young woman was recently located in a building under construction, on Church St in the village.
She had been at a drag bar in the neighbourhood prior to going missing, she was found murdered several days later not far from where she was last seen.
Maybe Andrew is in a similar type of building?
imo, speculation.
Tess Richey, 22, Toronto, 25 Nov 2017
Concerns raised over dating apps after 5 men go missing near Church and Wellesley this year
1) Please get to know the person you are connecting with as well as possible. This might include asking for additional photos or social media profiles, or speaking on the phone before meeting.

2) When you decide to meet someone, even for a casual connection, do so in a safe space and consider telling a friend or family member where you are going. If this is not possible, consider leaving a note behind with that information.

3) If, at any time, the situation has left you feeling suspicious or uncomfortable, please consider reporting this information to police or Crime Stoppers.
Toronto police spokesperson Mark Pugash told the Star he’d spoken with the task force on Monday, and they have no evidence to believe any of the disappearances — or murders, in the case of 22-year-old Tess Richey, whose body was found last week — in the area are connected to one another.

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