Angie Wright's Statement - Inconsistensies Galore. Let's Review

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Since AW was using CWW' phone (she also called CWW' Son, to tell him CWW was ill and couldn't watch the children, IIRC) wouldn't she have seen the text message from JR at 6:43 am, asking CWW when he's going to pick him up, with CWW' reply of 7:30 am?
GREAT catch. I dont think we know what phone AW used to call her SIL stating CWW was too sick to watch the grandchild. BUT, you are correct, AW did use CWW's cell on Sat to call JR cell. No doubt she would have glanced on the texts. If CWW is such a technology geek and a heavy cell user, he would have had several texts on his cell from several people and I strongly feel she would have looked at the texts ( I feel most wives would have) (start throwing virtual tomatoes now).
Another edit. Once AW knew CWW left his cell at home, I am guessing that threw her for a loop and she immediately snooped his cell whenever she returned home Sat
FWIW, I dont think AW knew JR was going on the trip. She was mad about her not getting to go and was very vocal about the fact. She clearly stated to KM/EM and their houseguest that she was livid w CWW going on a vacation and leaving her home. If AWW was in the pre-planning I don't think she would have been verbalizing these facts. She was livid enough proclaiming known facts I think she would have said something like "He force me to stay home and make money, but yet, he chose JR to be his ride along company"
GREAT catch. I dont think we know what phone AW used to call her SIL stating CWW was too sick to watch the grandchild. BUT, you are correct, AW did use CWW's cell on Sat to call JR cell. No doubt she would have glanced on the texts. If CWW is such a technology geek and a heavy cell user, he would have had several texts on his cell from several people and I strongly feel she would have looked at the texts ( I feel most wives would have) (start throwing virtual tomatoes now)

IIRC, "CWW' Adult son said "AW called from CWW' phone", I remember this, bc we were all discussing why AW would use CWW
phone. Does anybody else remember this?
IIRC, "CWW' Adult son said "AW called from CWW' phone", I remember this, bc we were all discussing why AW would use CWW
phone. Does anybody else remember this?

Correct! It's in his statement. ( MF)
Well, having lived with a "victim type" for far too many years, I can tell you that I immediately recognized AW "playing the victim card" the first time I heard the interview. These people get very practiced at gaining the "secondary benefits" of their misfortunes. And they can really get to be a huge pain in the butt to deal with. It's all "Feel sorry for me-e-e-e-e! Oh poor me. Nothing in life is my fault. Just feel sorry for me-e-e-e."

.I also could hear her lying and evading throughout the interview. I don't know how soon she knew what, but something was going down when one evening she's at her mother's house *****ing about how CWW left her all alone while he went to Florida and then - what? - the next day is telling her mother that she never said that?

I surely, surely believe AW knew what had gone down by the time she and CWW arrived in Florida for the funeral. And she was keeping her mouth shut and "going along". They got money from MS while they were down there, right? CWW had money to rent cars both for the murder trip and the funeral trip. And AW didn't know something funky was going on? Bullshyte!

So the three way sex with the blindfold did indeed go down? Or was that "all fantasy"? These people are such pigs. In my opinion.

Oh, and for AW to have gotten any kind of an immunity deal, I'd think she would have had to be present in front of whoever was granting such immunity. Did she ever go to Florida after CWW was transferred there? I did not think she did.

AW is very lucky if she skated out of this mess by the skin of her teeth. Because it sure sounds like she knew a little more than she should have.
Wow, everybody! I'm proud to be a part in this group with the great minds!

Sounds like she wanted the high life with money but didn't want work for it. Makes a person think how much she really knew about this whole thing and how many times she fantasized living like the Sievers.
Wow, everybody! I'm proud to be a part in this group with the great minds!

Sounds like she wanted the high life with money but didn't want work for it. Makes a person think how much she really knew about this whole thing and how many times she fantasized living like the Sievers.

Right??? Amazing.
I love this new thread! When I listened to the aw interview when it first was published, all I kept thinking was....Liar, liar pants on fire! She would not only be missing pants...she'd be all burned up.

She inserts the "poor pity me party" conveniently when she says she can't remember. I must say that I probably wouldn't ever be right in the head if my children pass away. To use that as a "I can't remember because......." is her seeking pity and that is probably her "go to" excuse. There are people everywhere just like her that thrive on the pity party stuff. I know that my experience is not the same, however, I have had two spinal fusions, the second one left me incompletely paralyzed from the waist down and I was told by five doctors I may never stand or walk again. My struggle is NOT my identity, and you would never hear me say "poor poor Pity Me." In fact, I don't even like to talk about it when somebody sees me gimping around the world. It's just not who I am or what I am about.

Speaking of just grinds me that CW is still receiving disability benefits because he has not been convicted. I wonder if that's why he delayed the sentencing. That tells me that AW is getting his Social Security disability while he sits in jail for the murder of his "employer". The fact that he worked for TS, built decks, fixed cars, tells me that he is not as disabled as the government thinks he is. I said on another thread that I hope someone is looking into social security ddisability fraud on him.

A combination of MS, CW, AW and JR - this is a whole new level of evil people that is just disgusting to no end.

Ps... my first time using tap Talk so forgive me for the errors. Lol

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
^^^ Great post and thank you for sharing truecrimeaddict!

You are so right- it's not who you are and most people I know who are disabled or have been victimized don't look for pity. The notion that a past violent crime victim would hitch their sails to a known (dangerous) criminal is so counter intuitive.

I have a lot more to say but for now I'll keep my mouth shut. I don't want a timeout.
She lies and lies and man, does she whine. At one point, she got *****y while denying and lying. Frankly, I'd want to smack her.

Why don't we get to see the video of this? The audio is enlightening to be sure, but I want to see her facial expressions and body language, too.

“He dated my mom's sister and my mom.”

If she didn't know her husband was going on a murder trip before he left, she CERTAINLY knew afterwards when he convinced her to lie for him to family and detectives regarding his whereabouts.

She doesn't know which banks her husband uses.

If I was being interviewed by LE and they were obviously not believing what I was telling them, I'd ask for a lie detector test to prove I knew nothing about anything. Screw my husband if he murdered an innocent woman, he'd be on his own.

Great husband. He has life insurance on himself with his mother as beneficiary, not his beloved, precious wife. But then, if the wife is happy living in a trailer and sponging off her parents while supporting a criminal loser of a husband, why should he worry about her?

It's annoying listening to her whine and lie and frankly, she's too big and too old to get away with trying to act breathy little girly.

Major, major respect to Det Lebid for his incredible patience.

omg: "My husband is an awesome man."

Hand that Detective a barf bag quick!

I had to stop and react to this before I read the rest of the posts. FL, EXACTLY!!! She sounded like me when I was 13 getting irritated with my mom because she wouldn't let me go to the mall. I would also love to see video, I bet she was rolling her eyes. How freaking bizarre.

Imagine you are home with your brand new husband and grandson, asleep. You are in your late thirties/early forties. The freaking SWAT TEAM explodes into your home and then you find yourself sitting in an interview room with a detective who is there investigating the MURDER of your DH's BFF's wife. And your DH just got back from Florida where you thought he was doing something else, something normal, not, you know, being a hit man. Would you be LAUGHING about how you might have had sex with said DH's BFF "Tee Hee, they look a lot alike!" I mean, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. And then would you be whining because the mean police detective is asking you questions? What planet is this lady on?
I also agree it's weird that she was whining at JL's (or was it KM's) house (or both) with CWW a couple of days before he left to go to FL about having to stay home and work while he went on "vacation." I feel like if she knew at that point that JR was going with CWW, she would have been whining about that too. I bet CWW probably only told her once he was gone or right before he left.

And then seeing what Beach laid out about AWW telling Lebid CWW came home early in the afternoon but the DELETED GPS data shows differently. AWW also told KM he got there earlier than he did.

I love this thread. :loveyou:
AW (IMO), is an ENABLED victimizer, using the "poor me" as her trump card. She should never have had children, as they are her victims. I don't want to be in TO, so I'll leave it at that.
^^^ Great post and thank you for sharing truecrimeaddict!

You are so right- it's not who you are and most people I know who are disabled or have been victimized don't look for pity. The notion that a past violent crime victim would hitch their sails to a known (dangerous) criminal is so counter intuitive.

I have a lot more to say but for now I'll keep my mouth shut. I don't want a timeout.
Thank you Frigga! I mentioned my disability once in another thread (about cww collecting SSD) and for me, that's 2 times too many to mention about myself. I have a good life and my disability is why I live in Florida instead of Michigan. I am blessed.

I also remember mentioning how many times AW said..."I don't know...or I can't remember " in her interview and it was somewhere around 10.

One more thing...if my new husband drove over 2,000 miles in 3 days and then I heard that his best friends wife was murdered during that time, I would contact LE and get as far away from him as I could.

Instead...she was suddenly able to take off work for over a week (she had to stay home 3 days before that because they needed the money). After all that complaining, she got her Florida vacation like she wanted.

I had to stop and react to this before I read the rest of the posts. FL, EXACTLY!!! She sounded like me when I was 13 getting irritated with my mom because she wouldn't let me go to the mall. I would also love to see video, I bet she was rolling her eyes. How freaking bizarre.

Imagine you are home with your brand new husband and grandson, asleep. You are in your late thirties/early forties. The freaking SWAT TEAM explodes into your home and then you find yourself sitting in an interview room with a detective who is there investigating the MURDER of your DH's BFF's wife. And your DH just got back from Florida where you thought he was doing something else, something normal, not, you know, being a hit man. Would you be LAUGHING about how you might have had sex with said DH's BFF "Tee Hee, they look a lot alike!" I mean, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. And then would you be whining because the mean police detective is asking you questions? What planet is this lady on?

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
I love this new thread! When I listened to the aw interview when it first was published, all I kept thinking was....Liar, liar pants on fire! She would not only be missing pants...she'd be all burned up.

She inserts the "poor pity me party" conveniently when she says she can't remember. I must say that I probably wouldn't ever be right in the head if my children pass away. To use that as a "I can't remember because......." is her seeking pity and that is probably her "go to" excuse. There are people everywhere just like her that thrive on the pity party stuff. I know that my experience is not the same, however, I have had two spinal fusions, the second one left me incompletely paralyzed from the waist down and I was told by five doctors I may never stand or walk again. My struggle is NOT my identity, and you would never hear me say "poor poor Pity Me." In fact, I don't even like to talk about it when somebody sees me gimping around the world. It's just not who I am or what I am about.

Speaking of just grinds me that CW is still receiving disability benefits because he has not been convicted. I wonder if that's why he delayed the sentencing. That tells me that AW is getting his Social Security disability while he sits in jail for the murder of his "employer". The fact that he worked for TS, built decks, fixed cars, tells me that he is not as disabled as the government thinks he is. I said on another thread that I hope someone is looking into social security ddisability fraud on him.

A combination of MS, CW, AW and JR - this is a whole new level of evil people that is just disgusting to no end.

Ps... my first time using tap Talk so forgive me for the errors. Lol

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

Love this post. :loveyou:
If Angela didn't know (I don't think she "knew") what was going down in Florida then I'll give her the benefit of the doubt but once she did KNOW what went down in Florida I lose any sympathy for her. A young mother and wife was murdered.

If you are somehow a witness then you can and will be protected by LE, to keep you safe. This man was being looked at in not one but TWO murders. Sheesh.

That ain't no coinkiedink!
If Angela didn't know (I don't think she "knew") what was going down in Florida then I'll give her the benefit of the doubt but once she did KNOW what went down in Florida I lose any sympathy for her. A young mother and wife was murdered.

If you are somehow a witness then you can and will be protected by LE, to keep you safe. This man was being looked at in not one but TWO murders. Sheesh.

That ain't no coinkiedink!

Agree to a point. Jmo.

So many domestic violence victims has spilled the beans on hubby that should have them locked up for years.

But guess what.

Hubby is out the next day with a court appointment in 2 months while blaming their partner for snitching.

So maybe Angie didn't trust the cops for keeping her safe at the moment.

Especially since the cops waited until after the interview to tell her that he was going away for murder. Jmo.

The cops should have told Angie first that Curtis will be charged with murder due to our information and then questioned her.

But it seems like Angie thought everything was a guessing game and she chosed not to bash Curtis just in case the dumb police let him out while telling him what Angie said. Jmo..

So imo. Angie may have wanted to tell on Curtis.

But she was smart enough to know that I'm not telling until I have 100% proof that the defendant will not be released tomorrow and looking for me.

Beach! Wonderful thread. Thank you for your ongoing work for justice in this case.

I listened to all the interviews when they came out and then listened to them again. I don't believe Angie knew about JR. I do believe she was miffed with CWW's refusal to take her on his "vacation" trip. Who would want to spend two days of driving for ONE day in FL?

There's one more thing that CWW has in common with MS... both lived off the hard work of their spouses. I doubt CWW's disability income isn't all that much, based on his work history. It wasn't enough to support two people. Even with Angie doing her best, it wasn't enough money. That's why MS' money, as well as any sense of morality, was enough to send him off to murder.

I am pleasantly amazed that the confidential witness, Angie's mother, and CK came forward with the truth. Each one deserves our kudos for doing the right thing when too many people today don't.

I look forward to more posts about Angie's lies. I imagine, Beach, that it's a huge task you've taken on!
I wonder if Angie is talking on the phone now daily with CWW. Are we being told if Angie is in contact with CWW now? If so, how many calls/day/week, how many minutes/hours each day now is Angie spending whispering Sweet Nothings on the phone to her beloved Better Half?
Just to point out more Batch 2 Discovery Docs. , part 2, Bates 4250 Second paragraph at the end, AW talks about CWW owning a firearm.
Sorry, but I do not know how to take a snap shot.
Just to point out more Batch 2 Discovery Docs. , part 2, Bates 4250 Second paragraph at the end, AW talks about CWW owning a firearm.
Sorry, but I do not know how to take a snap shot.

Hi Just Is! :)

I keep hitting glitches on WS lately, I'm not able to click onto a single doc today. Hopefully someone else be able to do it. Does it mention Angie talking about CWW knowing how frightened she was of guns but he pulls one out to pretend mock her, anything like that? Actually, I might be confusing this with another case. Will re-boot again and again and try again.

eta: I had my wires crossed somewhere. Here you go, from the CTW's interview in the Affidavit for Search Warrant.

Angela further stated to her mother that Curtis owns a firearm that he kept away from her because she threatened to harm herself with Curtis' firearm.
Just Is: :welcome:

YES one about the gun! Such a denial that could be (and was) contradicted by someone else's interview comment about AW having CWW remove the gun from the home because she was scared she would hurt herself? The way Det. Lebid was questioning her about it should have been a clue to her that he already knew about a gun. Because the way she repeatedly denied having a gun, I wonder if she thought TS had been shot to death or was it because her husband being a felon he wasn't allowed to have a gun?

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