Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Reported Missing from Norfolk, VA - 3 March 2015

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Everything I have seen on video or read about here and in MSM totally leads me to believe WH did something that he now regrets (and I think it was during his lunch hour). My gut says he had a thing for AJ, although I hope that's not true. However, I had a 5 hour drive today and I know this is out in left field, maybe way out and I hope I don't get bashed for saying this, but is there any possible chance this could have been a plot dreamed up by someone on drugs, desperate for money, and/or a way to get back home and keep from losing his family and lifestyle, be a hero kind of thing? The comments from WH's sister about the site and the spokesperson's page asking for money just made me say "What if...?" Maybe AJ was going to be hidden for a few days until donations poured in? Highly improbable, and I am exhausted from driving in ATL traffic, so sorry if it's crazy thinking. I hope I brought my charger!

I would be lying if I said the thought never crossed my mine. BUT, I think this is a stretch and much less likely than other scenarios. You're not crazy for putting it out there, though.
Here's the thing!

Did WH know she was home?

Did he go in the home to get something and was surprised by AJ.
Did she catch him snorting his coke?
Did she grab it and flush it down the toilet?
Don't u think that would make him mad enough to kill her ?

See I think she caught him doing something.
Here's the thing!

Did WH know she was home?

Did he go in the home to get something and was surprised by AJ.
Did she catch him snorting his coke?
Did she grab it and flush it down the toilet?
Don't u think that would make him mad enough to kill her ?

See I think she caught him doing something.

I have been of the opinion that he lured her to the hotel with promise of money but it certainly could easily have been something along the lines of your thinking. I remember LE asking WH if she "was going to tell on him" which takes me to the ugly place. If he was amped up, it could have been about almost anything - the gun, drugs...something that would get him in trouble not only with JH but LE.
In regard to the family dynamics, I can easily envision a scenario in which JH is a passive-aggressive person with control issues. This type of person would want to "circle the wagons" whenever there is conflict, in order to maintain control to whatever degree possible. IF she is indeed passive-aggressive, then AJ would have learned from the moment she was born to carefully read her mother's every emotion for clues as to what was about to happen. Again, in babies and children it's a survival instinct. They say that our children know us better than we know ourselves for this reason.

And IF AJ was raised by a passive-aggressive, controlling mother, she would have learned early on to placate her mother as necessary in order to be spared her wrath and/or her withdrawal of affection/support. It is not unusual to see children of abusers (NOT saying JH was abusive to AJ, but in the event there was psychological, verbal, emotional abuse, for instance) become people-pleasers, frequently to their own detriment. Children of abusers often have a hard time enforcing (or even recognizing) their own boundaries, as well. I do not know what happened, and this is all my opinion only, but I feel strongly that these dynamics may well have played a part in whatever did happen.
"And the walls came tumbling down, and the walls came tumblin', tumbling" (think John Mellencamp, or as I still like to call him John Cougar)..
In regard to the family dynamics, I can easily envision a scenario in which JH is a passive-aggressive person with control issues. This type of person would want to "circle the wagons" whenever there is conflict, in order to maintain control to whatever degree possible. IF she is indeed passive-aggressive, then AJ would have learned from the moment she was born to carefully read her mother's every emotion for clues as to what was about to happen. Again, in babies and children it's a survival instinct. They say that our children know us better than we know ourselves for this reason.

And IF AJ was raised by a passive-aggressive, controlling mother, she would have learned early on to placate her mother as necessary in order to be spared her wrath and/or her withdrawal of affection/support. It is not unusual to see children of abusers (NOT saying JH was abusive to AJ, but in the event there was psychological, verbal, emotional abuse, for instance) become people-pleasers, frequently to their own detriment. Children of abusers often have a hard time enforcing (or even recognizing) their own boundaries, as well. I do not know what happened, and this is all my opinion only, but I feel strongly that these dynamics may well have played a part in whatever did happen.

That is why the gap between Zach and AJ strikes me. It seems AJ would have been more likely to try to placate them both under those circumstances.

I wonder if there is a legal eagle who can tell us if AJ would have had a say in being adopted by WH given her age? Most family courts will give a say of sorts to teen children when it comes to custody and visitation. I would think adoption would be the same?
Well I can see in to see the steering wheel so I'm sure someone that knew AJ would be able to see in and see her face. IMO :)

How about her shirt? WH said the neighbor saw her shirt iiirc
How about her shirt? WH said the neighbor saw her shirt iiirc

I would think so, yes. Both of our vehicles have tinted windows. But what I think is weird is that even though the neighbor might have been able to see her face, I wouldn't imagine that they would be able to remember or even think paying attention to what she was wearing. That probably all came from WH as far of the shirt. I think he takes facts and lies and mixes them together. I think he places himself in certain situations himself because there is potential for witness sightings so he has to come up with ways to explain things.
Here's the thing!

Did WH know she was home?

Did he go in the home to get something and was surprised by AJ.
Did she catch him snorting his coke?
Did she grab it and flush it down the toilet?
Don't u think that would make him mad enough to kill her ?

See I think she caught him doing something.

I agree that she was probably going to 'tell on him' about something. But I don't think he would kill her over tattling about his cocaine use. That doesn't seem like that serious of a thing. I bet JH knew about that for awhile since he said his usage increased.

The one thing that LE keeps adding into their interrogations of him is his lust for the girls. And I think that is probably closer to the truth. He is an impulsive, out of control type character. His two previous 'felonious restraints' and kidnappings involved younger sexy women. And I think that was his main downfall--lust. He admits that he has no self control. And that picture of him giving the frontal embrace of a 14 yr old that he had just met months earlier is one clue, imo. He does not respect personal boundaries, imo. How many grown men would put their arms around the chest region of a young girl like that for a photo? And add to it the lyrics of the song he was listening to, posted on his FB, in the days following her disappearance, the horrible, totally sick twisted song about a young teen. [ he did not post the lyrics, just the title]----but the song choice just shows a rather depraved attitude, imo.

Given the testimony by his ex-wife, under oath to the Grand Jury, which did indict him, that he punched her, strangled and raped and kidnapped her,I have to believe he has a very violent side to him. And knowing that he was in a downward spiral when AJ returned home for spring break is very troublesome. He was kicked out of his home, staying in a seedy hotel, relapsed into cocaine use, and that was probably triggering some of his mental health issues. So it is not a stretch for me to believe him capable of walking into the house that morning, seeing AJ sitting on the sofa in her PJ's, and deciding he was going to have her one way or the other. I could be totally wrong and that is totally speculation on my part--but it is based upon his past history and current circumstances. JMO :cow:

That is why the gap between Zach and AJ strikes me. It seems AJ would have been more likely to try to placate them both under those circumstances.

I wonder if there is a legal eagle who can tell us if AJ would have had a say in being adopted by WH given her age? Most family courts will give a say of sorts to teen children when it comes to custody and visitation. I would think adoption would be the same?

A family friend has said that she wanted to have the same last name as her mother. As a child of divorce I totally understand that wish. You get tired of kids saying ' why does your mom have a different last name?' So I think it is possible she just wanted to share Moms last name and did not care if it was wes's or not.

Also, it makes total sense to me that she would side with mom and not Zach. She was 13 when mom and Zach had a big fight about something, apparently at her 13th Bday party, and the marriage was over suddenly. I have seen many times when a 13 yr old chooses one side and sticks with it because of family dynamics. She lived with Mom, not her ex stepfather. So no choice on her part, imo.
That is why the gap between Zach and AJ strikes me. It seems AJ would have been more likely to try to placate them both under those circumstances.

I wonder if there is a legal eagle who can tell us if AJ would have had a say in being adopted by WH given her age? Most family courts will give a say of sorts to teen children when it comes to custody and visitation. I would think adoption would be the same?

A family friend has said that she wanted to have the same last name as her mother. As a child of divorce I totally understand that wish. You get tired of kids saying ' why does your mom have a different last name?' So I think it is possible she just wanted to share Moms last name and did not care if it was wes's or not.

Also, it makes total sense to me that she would side with mom and not Zach. She was 13 when mom and Zach had a big fight about something, apparently at her 13th Bday party, and the marriage was over suddenly. I have seen many times when a 13 yr old chooses one side and sticks with it because of family dynamics. She lived with Mom, not her ex stepfather. So no choice on her part, imo.

That is my thinking as well, that AJ would "side" with JH over Zach. Even if she would rather have been with Zach, JH obviously had custody and there would be no way I can imagine that JH would give up custody to Zach, especially under the circumstances. In a very real sense, JH was AJ's lifeline, and AJ would have had no choice in the matter, as has been pointed out above.

Additionally, I feel like, given the choice, AJ might rather have had Zach on her side than JH. On the other hand, I feel sure that she'd also rather have Zach as her enemy than JH, IYKWIM. As always, JMO.
I have wondered if gimmeyocash has been found to be a motive in any homicide cases. I haven't been able to find anything on google where someone has killed someone for donation money, but with campaigns bringing in from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands, it's just a matter of time. I've never seen so much fundraising in any other case I've followed.
Hi Everyone,

Tonight on True Crime Radio Levi Page and I will be discussing AJ's case.

Also AJ's step-father and Websleuths member Zach will give me a statement to read. He is not on the show. Only giving a statement.

It's easy to listen. Go to at 8:00 PM EASTERN. At a couple minutes passed 8:00 PM EASTERN click on the "LISTEN NOW" tab.

This takes you to iHeartRadio where my show airs live.

Our ChatRoom is open at 7:30 PM Eastern as well.

Will any of this be reported on in the Media thread, or elsewhere? I'd like to know what Zach's statement was.
IMO they saw the truck and assumed AJ was driving.

Not sure why someone would assume it was AJ driving. Apparently this person knew AJ, and would have known she was away at college, so to say they assumed it was her would be a stretch.
Not sure why someone would assume it was AJ driving. Apparently this person knew AJ, and would have known she was away at college, so to say they assumed it was her would be a stretch.

I don't know how well this witness knew AJ or knew of the family routines (who's around during the day, who's not, etc.) but if they knew she was supposed to be at home that week on break, and also knew JH works during the day, it's a logical assumption that if they saw the truck they would have assumed it was AJ driving. Frankly, I'm not convinced it WAS AJ driving or that the witness even saw the truck going down the road that day but time will tell as the investigation continues.
Not sure why someone would assume it was AJ driving. Apparently this person knew AJ, and would have known she was away at college, so to say they assumed it was her would be a stretch.

She was home. Its said she was seen 2 times leaving and returning in the truck driving with what a purpose?

My kids take my car sometimes and its assumed by my neighbors I left and am not home when I am.

All Im saying they know she drives the truck and may have assumed she was driving it and it was SOMEONE ELSE.

I may be wrong but then again I just might be right.
Its food for thought!

And all JMO
I don't know how well this witness knew AJ or knew of the family routines (who's around during the day, who's not, etc.) but if they knew she was supposed to be at home that week on break, and also knew JH works during the day, it's a logical assumption that if they saw the truck they would have assumed it was AJ driving. Frankly, I'm not convinced it WAS AJ driving or that the witness even saw the truck going down the road that day but time will tell as the investigation continues.

I feel the same!
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