Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Reported Missing from Norfolk, VA - 3 March 2015

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I so wish LE would give a press conference. I wonder if they have gotten WH to talk at all.
O/T to jbelle: open up and let people in your life. You can always unfriend them if their intentions aren't good.

It makes me wonder if they maybe placed him with a specific inmate nearby, to try and get him to talk. They know how he rambles on. :jail:
Neither am I convinced it was her.

Agree. We would have heard them on the news or sm by now boasting this claim to help support Wes when everybody believed the lunch/gas statement.

WH was the only one mainly advertising the 2pm sighting that supposedly took place while he was at work and scoping sites to dump the body.

Just like the text. Wes was making one thing sound like another to get people to not look at him. Jmo
Agree. We would have heard them on the news or sm by now boasting this claim to help support Wes when everybody believed the lunch/gas statement.

WH was the only one mainly advertising the 2pm sighting that supposedly took place while he was at work and scoping sites to dump the body.

Just like the text. Wes was making one thing sound like another to get people to not look at him. Jmo

You do make a good point here, Dex. To the best of our knowledge, JH has consistently said the last time she saw AJ was at 7:30 am. Even when WH came out with that stupid gas station meeting, she never publicly backed it up, that I recall. Nor have I ever heard her state that AJ was seen at 1pm or 2 pm driving the truck.

Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken.
You do make a good point here, Dex. To the best of our knowledge, JH has consistently said the last time she saw AJ was at 7:30 am. Even when WH came out with that stupid gas station meeting, she never publicly backed it up, that I recall. Nor have I ever heard her state that AJ was seen at 1pm or 2 pm driving the truck.

Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken.

Yes. Very strange on that part. Nobody wanted to have things transparent on the most basic information that the public should have known since she was endangerly missing in her inner circles eyes at the time. Hmm
This is probably the wrong place to post and since the move/change with ajs file/thread I've been more lost than ever. BUT Has Anyone Thought Of The IDEA THAT wh AN jh Were Truly Over AND Getting THE D Word SO He Attempted To TRY revealing long time feeling AND score with daughter? Just a random thought that popped in. But I am almost certain this is not the place. Ugh I miss reading all the info on the same thread. I WANT justice FOR AJ
I think a lot of people get the very same vibe about JH.
Yes something very off when jh comes in to picture. NOT once have I Seen True Sadness FROM HER. Almost like she was jealous of her own daughter. Which again would make sense if she found her husband having a thing for her. Just Pure ideas Of My own. No significance. Just can't imagine what possibly happened. An no info for What feels like forever
Whoa. This isn't like our girl's thread to have almost no activity nor visitors.

Is there another AJ thread that is more popular than this one? Just curious to see if I am posting on the wrong thread.

Maybe the splitting of AJ's thread left members confused where to go.

Iam having this same feeling as i type. Jmt ( just my thought)

There's still plenty of people reading just in different places
I agree that she was probably going to 'tell on him' about something. But I don't think he would kill her over tattling about his cocaine use. That doesn't seem like that serious of a thing. I bet JH knew about that for awhile since he said his usage increased.

The one thing that LE keeps adding into their interrogations of him is his lust for the girls. And I think that is probably closer to the truth. He is an impulsive, out of control type character. His two previous 'felonious restraints' and kidnappings involved younger sexy women. And I think that was his main downfall--lust. He admits that he has no self control. And that picture of him giving the frontal embrace of a 14 yr old that he had just met months earlier is one clue, imo. He does not respect personal boundaries, imo. How many grown men would put their arms around the chest region of a young girl like that for a photo? And add to it the lyrics of the song he was listening to, posted on his FB, in the days following her disappearance, the horrible, totally sick twisted song about a young teen. [ he did not post the lyrics, just the title]----but the song choice just shows a rather depraved attitude, imo.

Given the testimony by his ex-wife, under oath to the Grand Jury, which did indict him, that he punched her, strangled and raped and kidnapped her,I have to believe he has a very violent side to him. And knowing that he was in a downward spiral when AJ returned home for spring break is very troublesome. He was kicked out of his home, staying in a seedy hotel, relapsed into cocaine use, and that was probably triggering some of his mental health issues. So it is not a stretch for me to believe him capable of walking into the house that morning, seeing AJ sitting on the sofa in her PJ's, and deciding he was going to have her one way or the other. I could be totally wrong and that is totally speculation on my part--but it is based upon his past history and current circumstances. JMO :cow:

This is exactly what I was thinking on his past. Ex wife declines to be with him therefore he takes her by force. Same scenario. if she was going to tattle I do not see him becoming as angry as he would if she rejected him. Why else would she need to be gone unless he made a pass at her, she declined. she couldn't remain alive to possibly tell anyone! This entire idea of a scenario just came to me. And it is just my opinion
We're not allowing a discussion to bash AJ's mother in this thread, nor any other.
First. Anyone who is a parent should put the needs of their child first. In my opinion my child's father is a however, I chose to bite my lip and allow him to pick my child up, I do not bad mouth him, or give him ultimatums having to do with my child. This was proven of her by 2 previous fathers
I am waiting on my verification to be changed by Tricia sometime today, so mods can check with her or delete this if they wish... You don't know the situation with the children. You have only been told pieces by one of the parents. AJ made her decision when it came to herself. As for the other 2 girls, that has been decided by the courts and neither side has been keeping them from the other.

As for JH, Truthfully, you haven't seen much of her in the media at all, because she's been staying out of it. I heard and saw the pain when LE came to the home and confirmed it was AJ.. Not one of you have any idea what this woman is feeling just because she has been able to hold it together the few times she was on camera... but here you sit, speculating that something must be off about her because she hasn't put herself in front of a camera and cried her eyes out. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but it's just a bit a bit aggravating.
This is probably the wrong place to post and since the move/change with ajs file/thread I've been more lost than ever. BUT Has Anyone Thought Of The IDEA THAT wh AN jh Were Truly Over AND Getting THE D Word SO He Attempted To TRY revealing long time feeling AND score with daughter? Just a random thought that popped in. But I am almost certain this is not the place. Ugh I miss reading all the info on the same thread. I WANT justice FOR AJ

Yep, I thought from the begining he might have thought he could be with AJ. She rejected him,and you can figure out what might have happened next.
I am waiting on my verification to be changed by Tricia sometime today, so mods can check with her or delete this if they wish... You don't know the situation with the children. You have only been told pieces by one of the parents. AJ made her decision when it came to herself. As for the other 2 girls, that has been decided by the courts and neither side has been keeping them from the other.

As for JH, Truthfully, you haven't seen much of her in the media at all, because she's been staying out of it. I heard and saw the pain when LE came to the home and confirmed it was AJ.. Not one of you have any idea what this woman is feeling just because she has been able to hold it together the few times she was on camera... but here you sit, speculating that something must be off about her because she hasn't put herself in front of a camera and cried her eyes out. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but it's just a bit a bit aggravating.

I appreciate your thoughts. I think for many of us, trying to get a grasp of the family dynamic has been rather difficult and leaves more questions than answers. I don't want to violate TOS in any way but I do want to say that not everyone feels the way they do based on what's been seen or not seen on camera. If it does turn out WH is the one who took AJ away, I think it's fair to question how he was able to have access to her in the first place, given his well documented, violent criminal history.

Mods, if out of line at all, please delete.
I am waiting on my verification to be changed by Tricia sometime today, so mods can check with her or delete this if they wish... You don't know the situation with the children. You have only been told pieces by one of the parents. AJ made her decision when it came to herself. As for the other 2 girls, that has been decided by the courts and neither side has been keeping them from the other.

As for JH, Truthfully, you haven't seen much of her in the media at all, because she's been staying out of it. I heard and saw the pain when LE came to the home and confirmed it was AJ.. Not one of you have any idea what this woman is feeling just because she has been able to hold it together the few times she was on camera... but here you sit, speculating that something must be off about her because she hasn't put herself in front of a camera and cried her eyes out. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but it's just a bit a bit aggravating.

Well sorry if AJ was reported missing to the world but other people made things this way. I somewhat can understand you; But please tell us your thoughts. Because my reasoning is only based from what has been displayed thus far.

I would love to sympathize with all involved. But most people are so mum that AJ may be saying SPEAK UP. Jmo
Well sorry if AJ was reported missing to the world but other people made things this way. I somewhat can understand you; But please tell us your thoughts. Because my reasoning is only based from what has been displayed thus far.

I would love to sympathize with all involved. But most people are so mum that AJ may be saying SPEAK UP. Jmo
Has nothing to do with the disappearance of AJ being well known. but rather that her mother was being drug through the mud, which I am thankful has been stopped by the mods.
Has nothing to do with the disappearance of AJ being well known. but rather that her mother was being drug through the mud, which I am thankful has been stopped by the mods.
Thank you for the reply. We will never question your integrity. Because I'm sure that AJ wouldn't question it either. Much oblige.

you've mentioned on here previously that your daughter is AJ's cousin. I wondered if you could make it clear exactly how you're related to AJ?
Thank you for the reply. We will never question your integrity. Because I'm sure that AJ wouldn't question it either. Much oblige.

I know people are going to have their opinions, and that is fine, but there is a line... I am actually very thankful that this case has gotten as much attention as it has because it will hopefully bring swift justice for AJ. The detectives working the case have been nothing but diligent IMO.
I am waiting on my verification to be changed by Tricia sometime today, so mods can check with her or delete this if they wish... You don't know the situation with the children. You have only been told pieces by one of the parents. AJ made her decision when it came to herself. As for the other 2 girls, that has been decided by the courts and neither side has been keeping them from the other.

As for JH, Truthfully, you haven't seen much of her in the media at all, because she's been staying out of it. I heard and saw the pain when LE came to the home and confirmed it was AJ.. Not one of you have any idea what this woman is feeling just because she has been able to hold it together the few times she was on camera... but here you sit, speculating that something must be off about her because she hasn't put herself in front of a camera and cried her eyes out. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but it's just a bit a bit aggravating.

Thank you-I am anxious for your verification because everything you have posted makes a great deal of sense to me. If AJ made her own determination regarding her last name, well that gives me personally quite a bit of information. As for AJ's mother, her world didnt just crash in the last 50 days-it was nuked. :( She must feel like piano wire.
Thank you-I am anxious for your verification because everything you have posted makes a great deal of sense to me. If AJ made her own determination regarding her last name, well that gives me personally quite a bit of information. As for AJ's mother, her world didnt just crash in the last 50 days-it was nuked. :( She must feel like piano wire.

AJ was 13 during her name change. Now B9; I love your posts but I doubt at that age that she even really cared about her last name in a manner to where she would want to advocate for it to be changed.

I think it was more for political reasons and AJ was just a constituent that was sold on the idea by the delagated party. Jmo.

But since she was a minor. She really couldn't consent. She just played ball and went with the flow like the other sports in her life that are dictated by coaches.

Now some coaches get along and some don't.

So it seems like she just agreed with the head coach that was currently in her life. Jmo.


But I still get the remainder of your comment. Much oblige.
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