Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell - COD: "Heroin Poisoning"

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I must be sheltered in some way because I can honestly say I don't know of anyone within my circle of friends or family that uses heroin. It's genuinely heartbreaking that there is so much despair and hopelessness that THIS many people would turn to drugs to feel a small slice of pseudo-joy. :(

I should have said a "lot of people" instead of everyone. I never in a million years would have thought that my bff (a very sharp 50 year old woman with a fab job, degree in finance, divorced with 2 great kids) and the son that I loved and watch grow up, goes off to UGA with honors, gets involved with Oxy, a girl, then heroin. He talks about his self-esteem to his doctor. Which came first, the drug problem or the self-esteem problem? His father was bi-polar (IMO) and I think his son just got that gene or predisposition. We didn't spot it because he was away at school. He could clean up so nice and had a great personality when you saw him. Just painful. Didn't mean to generalize, though. There was a great article in Time magazine June 15th if you're interested.
I must be sheltered in some way because I can honestly say I don't know of anyone within my circle of friends or family that uses heroin. It's genuinely heartbreaking that there is so much despair and hopelessness that THIS many people would turn to drugs to feel a small slice of pseudo-joy. :(

Yeah I don't know anyone either, but I am very much at homebody even at my age. But I would imagine that if I were younger and visited bars/clubs or social gatherings more often that I would find someone that was into harder drugs than pot. I will say that in the few events that I have attended with HS and college graduations that I am shocked at the way the adults actually interact with the kids that are 18-20ish. It's like the adults are actually the kids. And some of the adults act the same way as the kids. I guess I do judge them more harshly than the kids because they should at least have a little bit more experience under their belt to do the things they do.
I should have said a "lot of people" instead of everyone. I never in a million years would have thought that my bff (a very sharp 50 year old woman with a fab job, degree in finance, divorced with 2 great kids) and the son that I loved and watch grow up, goes off to UGA with honors, gets involved with Oxy, a girl, then heroin. He talks about his self-esteem to his doctor. Which came first, the drug problem or the self-esteem problem? His father was bi-polar (IMO) and I think his son just got that gene or predisposition. We didn't spot it because he was away at school. He could clean up so nice and had a great personality when you saw him. Just painful. Didn't mean to generalize, though. There was a great article in Time magazine June 15th if you're interested.

Thanks for sharing that and you know I love my links and articles so I would definitely read it. I think we all bring in experiences from our real lives that helps with figuring out different scenarios or reasons things happen. Look, we do not know all the details of any missing person's case. We don't know all the evidence. We can only go off of what we see in MS media and SM and even then we can't bring it over here to WS and try to apply it to what we know, general life experiences and experiences we have personally had. That's what makes WS awesome. We learn from each other and what some people are exposed to and experience others may not but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or happen. We have to keep an open mind to everything until an arrest and trial happens.

But in your case, I don't doubt for a minute that it can happen to anyone no matter what your social status is. :)
Why so may heroin articles lately?
Is it because it's become such an epidemic for EVERY social class and economic class. Do we only associate drug use to lower class people?

We used to think it was only lower class people - or maybe just musicians from back in the day - honestly, I don't know. I dabbled in a lot of things being a teen of the 70s and 80s and even later in the 90s although I was happily married by then, working, etc. I got caught up with an old friend during those years whose new husband was into something new. Don't even want to revisit that 8 months of my life. Right now I'm reading The Cartel and wish I hadn't been a part of it at all. I cringe when I think of those times with people who did anything other than smoke some marijuana. That seems so harmless now in the big scheme of things.
There was nothing in the way that Wes handled the break in, that made it believable that he thought CF was the guilty party.

If my daughter was missing and I thought I knew who had her, I would break in to their house too, if LE was ignoring my claims. but IF I found her jacket, I would call 911. I would not leave it there and tell someone else to go in and find it too.

If Wes REALLY thought CF had AJ, he would have handled things very differently, imo. With much more urgency and directness. JMO

If I thought someone had my son, not proud to say it but I'd have gotten that gun that went with the ammo in that vent and I'd have made damn sure the guy was in the house when I broke that door down. No sneaky crap for me.
Meant to quote the reference to the Yahoo article... great post. I am sincerely concerned about the reaction people may have and the way AJ's memory and reputation may be tarnished if it was an accidental OD. I mentioned earlier that it wouldn't make her "trashy" or low class or change my opinion of her as a person if she made one tragic mistake. Unfortunately, many people are naïve to the prevalence of heroin and some will probably never accept an accidental OD as the reason AJ died.

It's a tragic story with no good ending. Whatever the manner of death, drugs were the cause and a potential motivator, which is tragic and the indicator of a widespread and larger problem in the nation however we look at it.
Maybe ZH had an inkling that Wes had been using recently. We aren't sure why exactly Wesley moved out of the house, but if it was due his drug use, then maybe ZH was concerned that AJ had been exposed to that lifestyle.

CookieM, where have you been, too? Love you answer here. Hope you keep checking in.
If I thought someone had my son, not proud to say it but I'd have gotten that gun that went with the ammo in that vent and I'd have made damn sure the guy was in the house when I broke that door down. No sneaky crap for me.

I think most protective parents THINK they'd be inclined to do the same. But I think reality presents a very different pic. For all those claiming WH "did what any parent would do" they're not thinking it through or being 100% honest. No, MOST parents would not do what he did. Most would be LIVID, yes, but call 911 and demand action, yesterday. Most parents are jerk criminals that do things their own way, despite what's legal and above board.

I totally agree. LE has their work cut out for them untangling it all. I just dont think it is as simple as attributing it to WH. There are definitely more people involved. IMO Zach is the only one who knows why he believed that she OD'd and why he backed off from that position.

Absolutely. IMO, At this point, I think it's fair to say that we can't fully eliminate anyone in her circle from the situation.
Why so may heroin articles lately?
Is it because it's become such an epidemic for EVERY social class and economic class. Do we only associate drug use to lower class people?
Very true. I have three relatives that were addicted to heroin, all went to pristegous schools and lived in the wealthiest parts of the state. One lost his battle with heroin at the age of 23. The same night he met with his recruiter and set his date to join the Navy (two weeks out).
My personal experience leads me to believe it was a accidental OD with a cover up because someone wanted to protect their future and not face criminal or drug charges. And WH 's guilt is only in lending her money that was used to buy the drugs IMHO

And now that we know AJs COD everything makes perfect sense. The early am disagreement with JH, the cut up debit/bankcard, interrupted chores (left in a hurry), WH's lie about being at the gas station and even his being held in jail without bail.

I just pray they find out who she was with.
Why so may heroin articles lately?
Is it because it's become such an epidemic for EVERY social class and economic class. Do we only associate drug use to lower class people?

There has been a resurgence of heroin of late, reportedly due to people getting hooked on Oxycontin as a pain med and the recent crackdown on prescription medication abuses. Heroin is used as a cheap alternative to oxy. Also that has developed a more lucrative black market for oxy if you can get your hands on a prescription.
If I thought someone had my son, not proud to say it but I'd have gotten that gun that went with the ammo in that vent and I'd have made damn sure the guy was in the house when I broke that door down. No sneaky crap for me.

Ha! I love this. I know for a fact my dad would have done the same thing. Not the dog punching, but the break in, yes. And he probably would have done it along the lines of how you said it.

That's why, though the dog punching made me cringe, I never saw anything that implied Wes's guilt in the B&E itself.
Why so may heroin articles lately?
Is it because it's become such an epidemic for EVERY social class and economic class. Do we only associate drug use to lower class people?

Sorry kinda OT but here (Portugal ) I was totally shocked a few weeks ago when they announced on the news broadcast something like "heroin is the cheapest drug nowadays " it sounded like an horrible advertisement. Why would they even get that on the news. It's so irresponsible I can't even ... ughhhh

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Very true. I have three relatives that were addicted to heroin, all went to pristegous schools and lived in the wealthiest parts of the state. One lost his battle with heroin at the age of 23. The same night he met with his recruiter and set his date to join the Navy (two weeks out).
My personal experience leads me to believe it was a accidental OD with a cover up because someone wanted to protect their future and not face criminal or drug charges. And WH 's guilt is only in lending her money that was used to buy the drugs IMHO

And now that we know AJs COD everything makes perfect sense. The early am disagreement with JH, the cut up debit/bankcard, interrupted chores (left in a hurry), WH's lie about being at the gas station and even his being held in jail without bail.

I just pray they find out who she was with.
I think he's probably a little more involved than just lending her the money. I think he was also with her when she died and was involved in the dumping & cover up as well, and I think it's likely he either sold it to her himself or set her up to buy it from his dealer (who is likely a really dangerous person who he fears). I do believe it's likely an accidental OD (i.e. I don't believe he intentionally killed her with heroin), and I wouldn't be surprised if others were with them as well, although I don't have any idea who.
And now that we know AJs COD everything makes perfect sense. The early am disagreement with JH, the cut up debit/bankcard, interrupted chores (left in a hurry), WH's lie about being at the gas station and even his being held in jail without bail.

I just pray they find out who she was with.


AJ using could also explain why WH had been kicked out of the house.

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I think most protective parents THINK they'd be inclined to do the same. But I think reality presents a very different pic. For all those claiming WH "did what any parent would do" they're not thinking it through or being 100% honest. No, MOST parents would not do what he did. Most would be LIVID, yes, but call 911 and demand action, yesterday. Most parents are jerk criminals that do things their own way, despite what's legal and above board.


Woops, meant to say most parents AREN'T jerk criminals that do things outside the law.
I think he's probably a little more involved than just lending her the money. I think he was also with her when she died and was involved in the dumping & cover up as well, and I think it's likely he either sold it to her himself or set her up to buy it from his dealer (who is likely a really dangerous person who he fears). I do believe it's likely an accidental OD (i.e. I don't believe he intentionally killed her with heroin), and I wouldn't be surprised if others were with them as well, although I don't have any idea who.
I can see this as a possibility. I couldn't figure out why he would just let her OD and not call for help. (Narcan is a super effective medication) But if the supplier he used is dangerous , I can see him being cowardly enough to cover up to save his own hide.
I can see this as a possibility. I couldn't figure out why he would just let her OD and not call for help. (Narcan is a super effective medication) But if the supplier he used is dangerous , I can see him being cowardly enough to cover up to save his own hide.

Or could it have been a situation where there was partying going on, the overdose happened, but whoever was with her didn't realize until the next morning? Maybe they crashed and when they woke up found out that she had OD'd. That would explain the "I'm not ready to come home yet." text -- someone was freaking out trying to figure out what to do.

This certainly could have happened at a hotel room, or somewhere else, and then whoever hid her body could have taken her to the abandoned house, as opposed to partying going on AT the vacant house. I don't think that was the case. I think if people were partying at that house someone would have noticed that going on. I think it was just a place where she would not be found for a while.

I do not think it is outside the realm of possibility that she was encouraged to "try" it, someone else shot her up (because, really, would she do it herself the first time?), and it was too much for her system.
Just my opinion, though.
Do we know if she had puncture wounds or track marks? If it was ingested i would lean towards o.d., track marks would show multiple use, one puncture wound could prove murder.

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