Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell's Disappearance from Norfolk, VA - 3 March 2015 #2

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No. Forget the link. I too distinctly remember that he did have another phone that was lost (on purpose, I'm sure)! This was probably the same phone where he received the helpful "tip" from the elderly woman who spotted the clothes alongside the main thoroughfare. I'm pretty sure it was. I don't have a link either but it is well known among those who have followed these threads for AJ.

And another thing I will throw out there that has been bugging me, but never brought it up because I didn't have time to get the links, etc. WH says he "voluntarily" went to the police station to answer the questions of LE re AJ disappearance. This was what led to his being locked up at the same time. If you read the warrants for searches and for his arrest, it specifies a time on the arrest warrant and details that he was served at his hotel room. I remember thoroughly going over those docs and that is what I gleaned from them. Now, according to WH, he went of his own accord to the police station. But, according to the warrants, etc., they got him very early in the morning on that Saturday (I think date was Sat., 03/21/2015) -- in the wee hours of the A.M. -- I'm sure they literally ambushed him as he slumbered in his bed. Then took him away in handcuffs. One of the warrants directed that a buccal swab (DNA collection from him) take place -- unless his DNA was already in the database -- and a box was checked off to indicate that his DNA was already on file so further collection was not necessary. Unless I am wrong -- please do correct or delete accordingly.

If memory serves he voluntarily went into the police station on the Friday and he was questioned there until arrested & detained.
exactly! I would have a lot more empathy for her if she said point blank i made some poor life choices and paid the ultimate price, but i have three other children to look out for and i will make different choices from now on. But no, she is running amuk on facebook throwing blame everywhere hoping it will stick and then making the exact same horrible choices all over again.

So while i do not believe she had anything directly to do with aj's death, at this point in time i can't even drudge up an iota of empathy for this woman. She needs to kick everyone but her biological children out of that house, close all their social media accounts, and get all of them into a serious therapy program.

Who is the new "Dustin" character? Are they actually saying they know who AJ was last seen with? Wes said he voluntarily went into the police dept. that morning at 9am; other reports say he was arrested in the wee hours and handcuffed. My train of thought has run off the rails this morning, lol.
I think WH is under the impression GPS is only tracked by cell phone, and not by the company
vehicle. I took this answer as he just doesn't understand there are more GPS tracking methods other then cell phones. Or... He point blank didn't answer the question on purpose :)

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I would imagine that he would know if his company tracked their employee's whereabouts with a GPS system. I sure employee's are well aware of that because they have systems installed in their vehicles. Maybe this company wasn't that far technically advanced or didn't want to invest in installing them in work trucks.
Jumping way ahead to reply to this.

1. You do not haul around the body of an accidental overdose victim. You dump them immediately, close to where they OD'ed. It is not a murder, there is nothing to tie you to their death. NO ONE would run the risk of hauling an overdose victim all the way to an abandoned house miles and miles away from where she OD'ed. Trust me...that just doesn't happen.

But it is a crime if you are the one that supplied them with the drug to overdose so if it were determined who the person that sold her the drug or gave it to her and she died from it they could be charged so that's reason enough to distance yourself from the body and not be identified as the person that sold/gave the drugs.

Just saying that if the people she was with when she OD'd had a lot to loose then they might not report it and try to cover it up. I can think of at least 1 or 2 people that she was close to that would have a lot to loose (like children) if it was found out that they were drug users or contributed to her death.

Here's a case where a VA kid OD and the boys she was with did nothing about it
Who is the new "Dustin" character? Are they actually saying they know who AJ was last seen with? Wes said he voluntarily went into the police dept. that morning at 9am; other reports say he was arrested in the wee hours and handcuffed. My train of thought has run off the rails this morning, lol.

I believe this is WAVY kid. There is a person with that same first and last name that lives on Halprin Ave. which would be the street AJ would have come and gone out of the neighborhood. If so this would be one of the people that reported saying they saw the white car following a minute or so behind her that afternoon.
Do we know if any part of WH's clothing description was accurate when she was found?

And I cannot imagine why the items of clothing that were found before she was found came to be there. Just cannot suss that one out. At this point, I'm not sure what we actually know that can be considered fact. Not one person involved seems forthright in any of their statements. I can only chalk it up to the thought that everyone has something to hide. So frustrating.

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And when WH said that the "witness" saw AJ "driving with purpose ... not herself" -- I think (ONLY MY OPINION!) those were WH's words that he spoonfed (force-fed?) directly into that witness's mouth -- if in fact there REALLY was such a witness. DO we really know for a FACT that there was such a witness (I think there was)? But, were the words that the witness used to describe his observation of AJ driving by, in his statement to LE, really his own?

Another poster here speculated (if I remember correctly) that WH had possibly latched onto the "driving with purpose" phrase from following the coverage of Hannah Graham's disappearance, as she was captured on security camera footage and described as "walking with purpose." All I can remember is WH's rehashing over and over, ad nauseum, about the guy in the neighborhood who saw AJ "DRIVING with PURPOSE -- NOT HERSELF ... ." And if the witness really did go to LE of his own accord to report what he had seen, I can't help but think that WH personally spoke to him beforehand, offering some helpful suggestions, lending him his own personal "signature phrase," and may have been responsible for prodding him (without the guy even realizing it -- manipulating would be a better word) to go forth and volunteer his valuable information to LE. (MY OPINION ONLY, PEEPS!)

But also didn't WH say he didn't know that the kid had gone to LE in the first place? I know that we can't believe 100% that comes out of WH's mouth but I also don't think that we can believe 100% what comes out of JH's mouth. They were both not disclosing information (not the same as lying) to the public to protect AJ's honor and I also believe that they would lie and cover up (WH's states it in the video that was aired earlier this week) that they would have handled it on their own anyway) anything that would expose AJ and the family to negative attention from the public and police.
This was just posted on the prison escapee thread, but I immediately thought of the players in this case when I read through it.

I really hope things calm down in the next few months and these guys can take some time for some self reflection and make the changes to lead healthier lives. the live streaming at 56:38 interview that had WH's mom in it but it isn't the whole same clip as the one that is embedded on their website WH states clearly when Marissa Jasek asked why the text message details are just coming to light he says "my wife and I kept those intimate details intimate because it was a slap in the face a little bit to the family. If it was an issue we would have tried to cover it up I would have protected my daughter at all costs."
The live streaming segment had more details of that than then one that is posted on their website
Do we know if any part of WH's clothing description was accurate when she was found?

And I cannot imagine why the items of clothing that were found before she was found came to be there. Just cannot suss that one out. At this point, I'm not sure what we actually know that can be considered fact. Not one person involved seems forthright in any of their statements. I can only chalk it up to the thought that everyone has something to hide. So frustrating.

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What she was found wearing has not been released to the public so no, we don't know one way or the other at this point. As for people who have something to hide? Yep, I believe that is the case for sure.
Do we know if any part of WH's clothing description was accurate when she was found?

And I cannot imagine why the items of clothing that were found before she was found came to be there. Just cannot suss that one out. At this point, I'm not sure what we actually know that can be considered fact. Not one person involved seems forthright in any of their statements. I can only chalk it up to the thought that everyone has something to hide. So frustrating.

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We don't even know if she had any clothes on when found. I am curious about that.
We don't even know if she had any clothes on when found. I am curious about that.

That's what I was getting at, I guess. Wondering if the clothes found were the clothes she was wearing. Thanks for the info, all! It's hard to catch everything with work and 4 kids. [emoji6]

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That's what I was getting at, I guess. Wondering if the clothes found were the clothes she was wearing. Thanks for the info, all! It's hard to catch everything with work and 4 kids. [emoji6]

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That is a really interesting point. I know that somewhere we were told a description of the clothes in Chesapeake but all I remember was a bra and a knee brace. What were the other items, if anyone recalls?
That is a really interesting point. I know that somewhere we were told a description of the clothes in Chesapeake but all I remember was a bra and a knee brace. What were the other items, if anyone recalls?

Longview gym shorts? Is that right??

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I would imagine that he would know if his company tracked their employee's whereabouts with a GPS system. I sure employee's are well aware of that because they have systems installed in their vehicles. Maybe this company wasn't that far technically advanced or didn't want to invest in installing them in work trucks.
At my last employer there were hidden GPS units in a couple of the driver's trucks and only management knew. I found out about it after a driver was fired for rushing through his route and then spending the rest of the day at home while saying still on the road. Whoopsidaisy! So anything is possible I guess.

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In the 7 min. video, WH said that her mother TOLD him about these "heroin" texts. He didn't receive them. But, yeah, as a mom, I would freak out, to be sure. I would not be bickering over whose poster is more correct, which posters my minions must tear down, and I certainly would not say that I thought my daughter was "safe."


“Oh you don`t know about those then. Anjelica texted us throughout the day of March 2nd after no one physically saw her after 2 pm I guess. Anjelica’s phone communicated with my phone and her mother’s phone. That`s why in the beginning I said that was not my daughter texting, someone had her phone. I can`t prove that, but that person texted us and came out in little bits and pieces that she had used heroin two weeks prior to her disappearance.”

Well if there is one thing we can depend on Wes to be consistent about, it is Wes being inconsistent. This is just another example of where he can't keep his own "facts" straight.

. This is the first time I have heard "green." BTW, in the dark, how could the witnesses distinguish a difference?

Because Wes knows what color van it was and doesn't realize that what was reported was just "dark colored" (though I think someone said black initially). IMO

Apologize if I missed this somewhere, but I haven't seen it discussed and it caught my attention as soon as I heard it today; Did anyone else catch Marissa Jasek say AJ was buried in that backyard?

Not too sure of the significance given everything else we already know but I just found it... interesting.

I don't remember if it was ever officially stated by NPD, but when we were discussing the finding and the forensics, many of us (me included) cam to the conclusion that she was likely in a shallow grave, just based on some of the wording used in MSM and the photos of the scene.

It IS significant. Bodies are usually buried by a perp that knew the victim, and who feels enough guilt to want to cover them, does not have the stomach to deface the corpse, and who knows it offers the best bet of not being found (speaking in context of deaths that are not gang-related, ie your henchman burying a body in the desert type scenario). Bodies are usually dumped in the open by a perp who doesn't give a crap about the victim and doesn't have the means or time to do anything else. So the fact she was buried is yet another clue pointing right back at Wes or AJ's circle - IMO the scenario in which she ODs at a "candy house" or hotel room and then gets dumped or left by fellow drug addicts would not likely see her end up in a grave.

A few other random thoughts I've been kicking around:

1. I believe whatever led to AJ's demise occurred the night of Mar 2, not during the day. Whatever alibis we have heard about don't talk about what everyone was up to that night, and I am certain more than a couple of them aren't reliable (ie friend 1 saying he was with friend 2 and vice versa)

2. It is possible AJ was at the house in Franklin alive, died there, then was concealed. Abandoned houses are pretty popular sites for drug users. I'm sure NPD has evidence to indicate that one way or another as they did a very thorough sweep of the house and its property.

I'm going to say this carefully, because I believe AJ is innocent as far as family dynamics are concerned.

After seeing some of the SM uproar, it's apparent that Twitter is an outlet for JH's anger, and it's not just toward Wes. We also know that JH does not grieve in a typical fashion and many have questioned the reasoning behind that. Without a diagnosis of narcissism or related personality disorder for JH, lets assume Wes was kicked out for doing drugs as she says. Wes is known to retaliate and to be manipulative, especially when rejected. I believe to an extent, and I don't know to what extent, Wes used AJ as a pawn during the separation.

How can he get back at JH for her rejection? Well, he can try to get his daughter to do drugs. He can also try to get his daughter to appear chummy towards him and I am NOT saying that AJ had any interest whatsoever in going along with any of this. Again, I do not believe AJ was aware of what Wes may have been doing. The end result would be fury from JH towards AJ and Wes. That fury may have played a part in AJ's demise as it may have fueled Wes to up the ante even more, leading to what was discovered in Franklin. It was a huge slap in the face to JH and he is essentially saying "look, our daughter came to ME for money, she wanted to hang out with ME, and PS, she does drugs now too (according to text messages sent from AJs phone to JH).
But it is a crime if you are the one that supplied them with the drug to overdose so if it were determined who the person that sold her the drug or gave it to her and she died from it they could be charged so that's reason enough to distance yourself from the body and not be identified as the person that sold/gave the drugs.

Just saying that if the people she was with when she OD'd had a lot to loose then they might not report it and try to cover it up. I can think of at least 1 or 2 people that she was close to that would have a lot to loose (like children) if it was found out that they were drug users or contributed to her death.

Here's a case where a VA kid OD and the boys she was with did nothing about it

Agreed. But again, my point is this: you don't have to drive an overdose victim all the way to Franklin, and hide their body at an abandoned house. There is a shopping center nearby with a secluded alley, there's a park behind the house with woods and water, etc. etc. No one would ride around with a dead body, several counties away, to get rid of an overdose victim. UNLESS you are trying to hide the body somewhere until it decomposes enough to remove any trace of some other crime...sexual assault, for instance.
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