Anthony Family Behaviors...

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True Crime Buff
Aug 28, 2008
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I have been a lurker since the breaking of this case. I have posted a few posts. I have been a true crime buff for about 15 years now. I have read everything and anything on this case. The point of this thread was to discuss all of the judgments and observations of the way Casey's family is handling the disappearance of sweet little Caylee.

I am a mother of two kids (a girl 9 & a boy 13 mths.). I love my children unconditionally. I can definitely sympathize with the situation George & Cindy are in. My Mother (RIP Mom 7/10/08) used to tell me that no matter what I did in life or what mistakes I made she would always be here for me. EVEN IF I KILLED SOMEONE. Now I am not saying that they should be covering for Casey or lying. All I am saying is imagine what position they are in. They probably know in their hearts that Caylee is gone and I am sure that is completely ripping them apart. Then imagine what it is like to now try and accept that YOUR child is most likely responsible for this. It is probably too much to take in. Now they have to lose their child to prison/death penalty for what happened. Plus their every move is being picked apart by millions of strangers and the media. I don't think that being there for Casey even when she is a monster makes them love Caylee any less or makes them horrible people. I think that they are handling things the best way they can and there is a lot of things going on behind the scenes that we are not privy to. They did not ask for this. The anger should be solely directed at Casey. You can't hate George and Cindy for being parents and having unconditional love for their child. I can't say that I would act the same way, but I can't say that I wouldn't stick by my child during this whole thing. They may have come to realize that Casey is mentally sick and they may hold themselves accountable. People say that if they were the Anthonys they would make Casey tell them what happened. You can't squeeze blood from a stone. Casey never listened to them before what makes anyone think she would do it now that her a$$ is on the line?

Sorry to go on so long, but I think its unfair that they are getting so harshly judged. If we have never been in this type of situation what gives us the right to pass judgment? The truth will show itself in time I am sure. And when it does, George & Cindy will need all the support they can get. They are victims too in a way.

Just my opinion...Thanks for reading.

PS - Yes I think Casey did it and I do think she is CRAZY. God bless little Caylee.
I agree - somewhat. We none know how we would behave under these circumstances and hopefully never will have to. We don't know underlying problems in that household (rocky marriage, mental problems, the ENTIRE history of the family dynamics). I think we have all become so emotionally involved in this case we say/think things that don't hold much compassion for any of the family members. The truth will eventually come out and little Caylee will have justice - just wish it was sooner than later. JMO
I have been a lurker since the breaking of this case. I have posted a few posts. I have been a true crime buff for about 15 years now. I have read everything and anything on this case. The point of this thread was to discuss all of the judgments and observations of the way Casey's family is handling the disappearance of sweet little Caylee.

I am a mother of two kids (a girl 9 & a boy 13 mths.). I love my children unconditionally. I can definitely sympathize with the situation George & Cindy are in. My Mother (RIP Mom 7/10/08) used to tell me that no matter what I did in life or what mistakes I made she would always be here for me. EVEN IF I KILLED SOMEONE. Now I am not saying that they should be covering for Casey or lying. All I am saying is imagine what position they are in. They probably know in their hearts that Caylee is gone and I am sure that is completely ripping them apart. Then imagine what it is like to now try and accept that you your child is most likely responsible for this. It is probably too much to take in. Now they have to lose their child to prison for what happened. Plus their every move is being picked apart by millions of strangers and the media. I don't think that being there for Casey even when she is a monster makes them love Caylee any less or makes them horrible people. I think that they are handling things the best way they can and there is a lot of things going on behind the scenes that we are not privy to. They did not ask for this. The anger should be solely directed at Casey. You can't hate George and Cindy for being parents and having unconditional love for their child. I can't say that I would act the same way, but I can't say that I wouldn't stick by my child during this whole thing. hey may have come o realize that Casey is mentally sick and they may hold themselves accountable. People say that if they were hem hey would make Casey tell hem what happened. You can't squeeze blood from a stone. Casey never listened to hem before what makes anyone think she would do it now that her a$$ is on the line?

Sorry to go on so long, but I think its unfair that they are getting so harshly judged. If we have never been in this type of situation what gives us the right to pass judgment? The truth will show itself in time I am sure. And when it does, George & Cindy will need all the support they can get. They are victims too in a way.

Just my opinion...Thanks for reading.

PS - Yes I think Casey did it and I do think she is CRAZY. God bless little Caylee.

I grew up in a family where my mom said that if I ever landed in jail I was on my own. I can understand unconditional love, but children need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions.

I don't hate George and Cindy. I feel sorry for them.
I to wish that this would all just come to an end and Caylee could be laid to rest in peace. This way everyone involved could start the healing process. Casey will be judged by her higher power. That will be Caylee's justice.
Its kind of grim but I could see my mom saying the same thing - EXCEPT if I killed my child. Then all bets are off. I see what you're saying tho OP.
I grew up in a family where my mom said that if I ever landed in jail I was on my own. I can understand unconditional love, but children need to be taught to take responsibility for their actions.

I don't hate George and Cindy. I feel sorry for them.

I agree that a child needs to accept consequences, but I would still be there for my child regardless of what they did. Again, his does not include lying or covering for them. I don't think any of us can be 100% sure that they know the real truth. If they do and are covering for Casey then yes that is wrong, my opinion I don't think anyone but Casey knows the truth and hell at this point, with all her lies and mental issues, I am not sure Casey knows what is true and what is fiction.
While we don't know how we would react ourselves, there is a hugh difference between loving and being there for one's child versus out right covering for them, which is most likely WHY they are where they are today cause they never made Casey pay for her actions... Which is also why we have so many people doing these type of things now days, cause "mommy and daddy" will cover for you no matter what, uggggggggggg. There is a HUGH difference between caring/loving one's child and covering up one's child's actions, THAT IS NOT LOVE, IMO
I was a single mom, raised 2 boys, both of whom while not angels, respect authority, other human beings. Would not harm anyone even on an emotional level let alone physical..I was never mean/hard anything, my children and I have a very loving, caring relationship but they both know if they do something wrong, they will pay for their actions REGARDLESS of how much I love them. I also have a Grandaughter, NO one and I mean NO ONE would ever NOT tell me where she was for over a month and think I would ignore it.. Would never happen in a million years....
I agree that a child needs to accept consequences, but I would still be there for my child regardless of what they did. Again, his does not include lying or covering for them. I don't think any of us can be 100% sure that they know the real truth. If they do and are covering for Casey then yes that is wrong, my opinion I don't think anyone but Casey knows the truth and hell at this point, with all her lies and mental issues, I am not sure Casey knows what is true and what is fiction.

I agree with you original post.
I really don't think they have accepted the truth yet. I think they are still in DEEP denial. I think in their hearts and minds they HAVE to believe Casey, because the alternative is just too much to bare. I have said this all along. Do I know exactly what I would do if God forbid I was in this situation, no. But, I KNOW I would never want to accept that my beautiful granddaughter was dead by the hands of my child!

I also have a Grandaughter, NO one and I mean NO ONE would ever NOT tell me where she was for over a month and think I would ignore it.. Would never happen in a million years....

I can tell you with certainty this would never happen with me either. I have my granddaughter every wed-fri so her mom can work. There is no way in hell I would go 1 week without seeing her or talking to her, never mind a month. But, I do know where my daughter lives. Cindy and George did not know where they were. How was she supposed to force Casey to tell her? LE wouldn't have done anything at this point. Casey was the mother and had every LEGAL right to take her wherever she wanted to.
All I can say is "the sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children". My guess is that with this family this behavior goes back a few generations. Publicly they pretend to form a united front but as I said before in this family the reality is that it is every man for himself. I am willing to bet that even though Cindy objected to the adoption of Caylee when all was said and done she gave Casey the "you've made your bed now you can lay in it" speech. Also Casey, who seems to have the emotional makeup of a 12 year old, was more then likely, overwhelmed with the prospect of raising a child. Gradually, I believe, that sent her over the edge. Very sad situation. The whole family is very sick and in some serious need of psychological therapy, to bad, as a family, they didn't recognize this earlier before their daughter crossed a boundary she should never have crossed.
I was a single mom, raised 2 boys, both of whom while not angels, respect authority, other human beings. Would not harm anyone even on an emotional level let alone physical..I was never mean/hard anything, my children and I have a very loving, caring relationship but they both know if they do something wrong, they will pay for their actions REGARDLESS of how much I love them. I also have a Grandaughter, NO one and I mean NO ONE would ever NOT tell me where she was for over a month and think I would ignore it.. Would never happen in a million years....

yes, thats one thing I dont understand....why Cindy didnt go look for Caylee. Caylee lived with her from Day 1, that was her HOME. After week 1, I wouldve went and insisted on seeing her. I know when a kid is making excuses I gues we will never understand. How can someone make excuses for a month about why they cant put Caylee on the phone? Theres only so many excuses.
I know Casey said she was being too controlling but Im the type to ignore that guilt trip and go see my Grand daughter I helped raised because after a week, whether Casey liked it or not, Caylee wouldve missed Grandma
All I can say is "the sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children". My guess is that with this family this behavior goes back a few generations. Publicly they pretend to form a united front but as I said before in this family the reality is that it is every man for himself. I am willing to bet that even though Cindy objected to the adoption of Caylee when all was said and done she gave Casey the "you've made your bed now you can lay in it" speech. Also Casey, who seems to have the emotional makeup of a 12 year old, was more then likely, overwhelmed with the prospect of raising a child. Gradually, I believe, that sent her over the edge. Very sad situation. The whole family is very sick and in some serious need of psychological therapy, to bad, as a family, they didn't recognize this earlier before their daughter crossed a boundary she should never have crossed.

No, its not like they kicked her to the street. They provided a VERY nice home for Casey and Caylee. Alot of single Moms dont have it that easy.
Casey couldve kept her job at Universal, she got fired. I bet Cindy wouldve even supported her if she wanted to go back to school, etc.
yes, thats one thing I dont understand....why Cindy didnt go look for Caylee. Caylee lived with her from Day 1, that was her HOME. After week 1, I wouldve went and insisted on seeing her. I know when a kid is making excuses I gues we will never understand. How can someone make excuses for a month about why they cant put Caylee on the phone? Theres only so many excuses.
I know Casey said she was being too controlling but Im the type to ignore that guilt trip and go see my Grand daughter I helped raised because after a week, whether Casey liked it or not, Caylee wouldve missed Grandma

Don't you think Cindy is bearing some guilt from this? George too ?
Could explain some of their behavior
This is my take on Cindy's behavior. Cindy loves Caylee unconditionally. She did try to locate her for weeks: calling Casey, asking to talk to Caylee on phone...and Casey always have the 'reasonable' excuse: Caylee is sleeping, or on the beach...Remember, Cindy was sure that they're on vacation, out-of-town until they found the 'damn' car. When she realized that Casey lied about vacation, she is the one who locate Casey and call LE...Her 911 call was the scream of desperation.!And when she made this call - she didn't think about Casey at all! She did throw Casey under the 'bus': 'take her to jail!', 'damn car smells as the dead body'...However, as time goes on, Casey was/is the only one who can keep Cindy's hope to see Caylee again. The 'kidnapping' story gives her that hope. Therefore, no matter what, she'll 'defend' Casey and every her lie...Without the HOPE that Caylee is alive somewhere - Cindy's life is meaningless...As mother and grandmother myself, I'm the last person who could ever 'judge' Cindy! I made plenty mistakes while raising my two daughters. And I'm far away to be perfect mother. Nobody's perfect. Not parents, not children. And every time I hear Cindy talking - I feel deep sorrow for her...her voice from 911 call will hunt me forever.
I also have a Grandaughter, NO one and I mean NO ONE would ever NOT tell me where she was for over a month and think I would ignore it.. Would never happen in a million years....

I agree totally.............Love is NOT just loving a child unconditionally no matter what they do.......... but making them accountable for their actions.

It is NOT love in my opinion to raise a child to believe they have carte blanc in this world to do what they want.

It is MUCH harder to make a child accountable than it is to give them free rein over the entire household and letting them believe they are "special" to the point they can get by with anything they choose.
I can tell you with certainty this would never happen with me either. I have my granddaughter every wed-fri so her mom can work. There is no way in hell I would go 1 week without seeing her or talking to her, never mind a month. But, I do know where my daughter lives. Cindy and George did not know where they were. How was she supposed to force Casey to tell her? LE wouldn't have done anything at this point. Casey was the mother and had every LEGAL right to take her wherever she wanted to.

Legal or not I would have found Casey the first few days, not because of Casey, but because of Caylee.

I have a friend who got word her daughter was holed up in a hotel doing cocaine with some people from out of state. She went to that hotel, and when they would not open the door, she kicked in the door and took her daughter out of there.

Granted, Tennessee, is a different world in some respects, but even with 4 big men and 3 girls in that room they did not offer to step up in her face. She had a gun, but they did not know it...........they just saw in her eyes that she was a mother there with a mission....and.......

EVEN MEAN IS AFRAID OF one in their right mind would get between a real mother and their child.
I basically find nothing wrong with Cindy and George. I understand, media outside their house, annoyes them.
The situation is very difficult for the grandparents, their daughter in prison and grand-daughter is missing. I think Cindy is 'keeping up the appearances', however, she's probably not saying in public, what see really thinks about Casey's involvement.
I tend to agree with the investigators that Casey and Casey alone holds the key.
Those parents have enabled that psycho daughter for YEARS AND YEARS. They should have put a stop to it a long time ago. she should have been arrested for stealing from her grandparents buy what did CA do? Covered up for her. THEY created a monster. I have ZERO sympathy. She lived in the home for Gods sake & they didn't know she was unemployed? GMAB.
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