Anthony Family Behaviors...

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, ya tell it like it is and you matched them up with the right criminals. Denial, Denial. That damn Scott Peterson is still claiming he's innocent!

About Cindy, well I've never known or met anyone like Cindy before and I"ve been alive and around for 73 years so I really don't know what to think about her. Strange person. Very strange! She goes back an forth so much that I can never stay on the same page with her. One minute she has a new idea about what happened, then she's running across the lawn with a huge smile her face.. :confused:

I just want them to find Caylee and let this all end.
My eye's are going blind trying read all the threads.

Off topic - Love Mama - you don't act your age one bit! You go girl!:blowkiss:
I have been thinking alot about Cindy's place in all of this. I know we have spent much time trying to figure out how to make Casey tell the truth. Which would be great, however, if she is the sociopath that she appears to be that would be near impossible. The one thing that keeps going through my mind is what approach would we need to take to make Cindy accept the obvious facts of this case. I do not believe she is a sociopath. There has to be a way for LE to approach her to help her accept the truth and then maybe she would be more forthcoming with what she knows and maybe she could help find Casey. I think it would be much easier to do this that to try and get Casey to tell the truth. Do you all have any thoughts on this?

At the risk of sounding cruel.... I'm past caring whether Cindy or George ever accept the truth.

Maybe AFTER Caylee's body is found and AFTER Casey is held accountable for all her crimes... then I might be interested in how Casey's family finally comes to terms with things & how they played a part in this horrific tragedy.
Wow, maybe Casey has multiple personality disorder. Maybe she is Zanny too. I wonder if Caylee ever talked about Zanny? Maybe Casey disguised herself at times and played Zanny? You never know. True Story: My favorite artist Tori Amos has a daughter who is 7. She told Tori that she wanted to learn to play the piano. Tori didn't want to teach her (as Mom) so she put on a hat and put her hair up and became Mrs. Paris. For some reason, her daughter buys this and told Mrs. Paris that "maybe you can teach my Mommy the piano." So you never know.
Very interesting idea and it could possibly be true. I remember though a brief interview with Cindy where she said Caylee would come home after being with the nanny and talk about the puppy. Does anybody remember this? I never believed "Zanny" really exists, but wondered what this was about and who had a puppy or small dog or was she talking about Caylee and their own small dogs?
I agree! It's said that hindsight is 20/20, but if only they had called LE when Casey stole the money from her grandparents, it's very possible Caylee would be alive today. And as to the comment about her living in the house and they didn't know she was unemployed, well, it also seems she lived in the home and they didn't know she was pregnant until she was about a month from delivering Caylee!

That's nothing!

She lived in their house last week & they didn't even bother to ask her WHERE'S CAYLEE?!!!!
Wasn't there a thread titled "Cindy's behavior" or something like that? Does anyone know if it was deleted?
That's nothing!

She lived in their house last week & they didn't even bother to ask her WHERE'S CAYLEE?!!!!
I skipped over the most obvious part and went back to how they were before Caylee went missing. :) As for last week the excuse probably would be that Baez said not to talk about the case.
I felt sorry for George and Cindy until I rewatched the Greta interviews yesterday. Knowing what we now know, those interviews scream 'cover up'. Aside from the whole pool box part what bothered me the most was the gas can incident. I'm not talking about why she took the gas cans with her, that is another discussion. When Greta asks Cindy about it two things struck me as odd #1: Cindy was commenting about how things need to be replaced/repaired back there. Have you seen how perfect their garage is? Everything has a place and everything is in it's place. Nothing is wrong with that but Cindy strikes me as the type of mother who strives very hard to make everything in her life seem so perfect and she's not about to let her daughter ruin that for her. I also find the use of the term "nanny" to be odd. Most people, certainly not all but most, would refer to someone who is living in the home taking of a child as a nanny. If you take a child to someone else you would normally refer to them as a "babysitter" or a "daycare provider". To me, this all goes back to the image that, it seems to me, Cindy is and has desperately tried to perpetuate that things are better than they really are.

The second thing that bothered me has really been eating at me since I realized this. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this, it would help ease my mind. I've been lurking a long time & waited until now to create a profile & post, this bothers me so much.

Cindy insisted to Greta, after saying "I don't know, ask George" that the gas cans were stolen BEFORE KC/Caylee disappeared. George contradicted that statement as they were all walking back into the house together. Then, he talks about Casey returning home on the 24th. How she said she was just there to get some clothes and going back to work. He asked her when she'd be back and she said either late tonight or tomorrow morning because she was probably going to work late tonight. Here's what bothers me about that statement. We now know that George and Cindy knew that she was unemployed. ANY rational person would question their daughter who just blatantly lied to them about work. Especially when she had stolen money from her grandparents and was caught just 10 days or so before. Additionally, if she was coming home that night or the next day, why did she need MORE clothes? George was in LE wasn't he? It strikes me as extremely odd that he would not question his daughter about where she had been for the last week & half, where she was getting money to live on and why would she need more clothes if she was coming back. Additionally, I was once a 19 y/o single mother. My parents knew my daycare provider. They were my backup because if my son was sick, they'd often pick him up because I was working and couldn't leave my job to take care of my sick child. I find it odd that they didn't know this person who was watching their granddaughter. Especially since they were so involved in her life to the point that KC & Caylee lived with them.

I find it extremely unfortunately that there are so many lies floating around that the main players in this seem to have bought their own lies and now believe them as truth. I feel badly for GA & CA but I can't help but have this aching gut feeling that they know what happened and are covering up for Casey.
This is my take on George and Cindy Anthony.............

The behavior of George and Cindy is not unlike the behavior of what we used to call "Little League" parents. These were the parents who argued with the coach constantly about little Johnny. Their little Johnny was going to be the next Mickey Mantle, Joe Demagio, or Roger Maris, and no one was going to tell them that Johnny wasn't the all around best baseball player on the team. They argued with the umpire when the umpire called "three strikes and you're out" for Johnny. They demanded that Johnny be given special attention.

When these same parents were called to school because little Johnny was misbehaving, they argued that the teacher didn't like their little Johnny and was picking on him.

These parents never addressed any issues of behavior when little Johnny was growing up. They never sought professional advice and ignored any problems, always blaming others.

Little Johnny grew up to be obnoxious. He always blamed others for his behavior........."I wouldn't have had to yell at you if you hadn't made me angry."

I see Cindy and George as this type of parent. They never acknowledged any problems with Casey. They constantly blamed others for her behavior. Casey never had to take responsibility for any of her actions, as mom and dad always bailed her out of whatever situation she found herself in.

Good Call Leila! How come I didnt' think of that! LOL
Perfect profile!

I think that Cindy and George have known for a long time that Casey was/is a problem child,and it is really sad that Cindy insisted that Casey keep Caylee when she was probably well aware that it was the wrong thing for Casey at that time,they have been enabling her to continuing doing all the wrong things all her life. They have taken care of her and Caylee since she was born. They have held Caylee over Casey's head in the wrong way. And now they are paying for it. If she would have given her up for adoption we would not be here. Cindy made everything all Ok in the beginning and Casey got used to that,and then all of the sudden Cindy wanted change and with Casey not graduating she was not going to get a good paying job.She was trying to keep up with her friends and they are all single living on there own,going on vacations,and living their lives. Casey should not have been hanging with the singles crowd. She should not have kept Caylee. Cindy wanted that Baby not Casey and she is gone,and I find it very sad.George is just an angry man to me,any time that he appears to be nice,I think is faking it for the camera. I have a hard time believing that he is Dr Jeckel/Mr Hyde. JMO Cindy is just in denial and does not want the world to think that she is the mother of someone that has harmed her child.
I have been a lurker since the breaking of this case. I have posted a few posts. I have been a true crime buff for about 15 years now. I have read everything and anything on this case. The point of this thread was to discuss all of the judgments and observations of the way Casey's family is handling the disappearance of sweet little Caylee.

I am a mother of two kids (a girl 9 & a boy 13 mths.). I love my children unconditionally. I can definitely sympathize with the situation George & Cindy are in. My Mother (RIP Mom 7/10/08) used to tell me that no matter what I did in life or what mistakes I made she would always be here for me. EVEN IF I KILLED SOMEONE. Now I am not saying that they should be covering for Casey or lying. All I am saying is imagine what position they are in. They probably know in their hearts that Caylee is gone and I am sure that is completely ripping them apart. Then imagine what it is like to now try and accept that YOUR child is most likely responsible for this. It is probably too much to take in. Now they have to lose their child to prison/death penalty for what happened. Plus their every move is being picked apart by millions of strangers and the media. I don't think that being there for Casey even when she is a monster makes them love Caylee any less or makes them horrible people. I think that they are handling things the best way they can and there is a lot of things going on behind the scenes that we are not privy to. They did not ask for this. The anger should be solely directed at Casey. You can't hate George and Cindy for being parents and having unconditional love for their child. I can't say that I would act the same way, but I can't say that I wouldn't stick by my child during this whole thing. They may have come to realize that Casey is mentally sick and they may hold themselves accountable. People say that if they were the Anthonys they would make Casey tell them what happened. You can't squeeze blood from a stone. Casey never listened to them before what makes anyone think she would do it now that her a$$ is on the line?

Sorry to go on so long, but I think its unfair that they are getting so harshly judged. If we have never been in this type of situation what gives us the right to pass judgment? The truth will show itself in time I am sure. And when it does, George & Cindy will need all the support they can get. They are victims too in a way.

Just my opinion...Thanks for reading.

PS - Yes I think Casey did it and I do think she is CRAZY. God bless little Caylee.

I have never questioned Cindy but I have questioned George. I did this yesterday. I have felt bad about it ever since, and I'm truly sorry. I hope he didn't do anything to cover up a crime. I'm sorry I said I thought he did.
I think that Cindy and George have known for a long time that Casey was/is a problem child,and it is really sad that Cindy insisted that Casey keep Caylee when she was probably well aware that it was the wrong thing for Casey at that time,they have been enabling her to continuing doing all the wrong things all her life. They have taken care of her and Caylee since she was born. They have held Caylee over Casey's head in the wrong way. And now they are paying for it. If she would have given her up for adoption we would not be here. Cindy made everything over in the beginning and Casey got used to that,and then all of the sudden Cindy wanted change and with Casey not graduating she was not going to get a good paying job.She was trying to keep up with her friends and they are all single living on there own,going on vacations,and living their lives. Casey should not have been hanging with the singles crowd. She should not have kept Caylee. Cindy wanted that Baby not Casey and she is gone,and I find it very sad.George is just an angry man to me,any time that he appears to be nice,I think is faking it for the camera. I have a hard time believing that he is Dr Jeckel/Mr Hyde. JMO Cindy is just in denial and does not want the world to think that she is the mother of someone that has harmed her child.

I'm not sure the story about Cindy insisting that Casey keep Caylee is true. Didn't Casey tell another of her friends (possibly JG) that giving up the child was not an option?
I felt sorry for George and Cindy until I rewatched the Greta interviews yesterday. Knowing what we now know, those interviews scream 'cover up'. Aside from the whole pool box part what bothered me the most was the gas can incident. I'm not talking about why she took the gas cans with her, that is another discussion. When Greta asks Cindy about it two things struck me as odd #1: Cindy was commenting about how things need to be replaced/repaired back there. Have you seen how perfect their garage is? Everything has a place and everything is in it's place. Nothing is wrong with that but Cindy strikes me as the type of mother who strives very hard to make everything in her life seem so perfect and she's not about to let her daughter ruin that for her. I also find the use of the term "nanny" to be odd. Most people, certainly not all but most, would refer to someone who is living in the home taking of a child as a nanny. If you take a child to someone else you would normally refer to them as a "babysitter" or a "daycare provider". To me, this all goes back to the image that, it seems to me, Cindy is and has desperately tried to perpetuate that things are better than they really are.

<respectfully snipped for space>

I find it extremely unfortunately that there are so many lies floating around that the main players in this seem to have bought their own lies and now believe them as truth. I feel badly for GA & CA but I can't help but have this aching gut feeling that they know what happened and are covering up for Casey.
Hi and welcome! I noticed during Greta's interview that Cindy would take over answering questions and go into long explanations, always with Casey coming out in a more favorable light, even at times interrupting George's answers with more 'details' added.
I'm not sure the story about Cindy insisting that Casey keep Caylee is true. Didn't Casey tell another of her friends (possibly JG) that giving up the child was not an option?
Yes, according to what Jesse's dad related on Geraldo's show last night, Casey didn't want to give up Caylee.
Interesting thread, lots of valuable opinions.

Well, Casey somehow managed to hide things from her parents, even she lived under same roof, she was obviously quite secretive about her life. The parents were even unsure, who was the father of Caylee. I belive they never met him.

I don't know if she was kleptomanic, or did she really needed to steal money, gas etc to survive? Obviously just wanted more than she could afford, or the parents were willing to afford her.
I'm not sure the story about Cindy insisting that Casey keep Caylee is true. Didn't Casey tell another of her friends (possibly JG) that giving up the child was not an option?

I do not want to bring names up,but yes one of Casey's friends said Cindy would not let her give the baby up.and we know that she was 7 months before anyone knew.
Several scenarios have played in my mind. I wonder if GA found Caylee (either in the car or buried in the backyard) and, being a defeated husband, decided to help Casey cover up what happened. Rationallizing that this was a better option rather than dealing with the wrath of his wife.

I also think that CA honestly thought that Casey should keep Caylee in order to force her to grow up and take responsibiity for her actions. It seems to me that she's never had to take responsibility for anything she's ever done in her life. Which is possibly why she has that stone cold look on her face all the time. She doesn't understand what it's like to have to take responsibility. I think that CA had the right intention but her follow through was the same as always and she ended up taking responsibility for Caylee. I'm guessing that she had hit her limit and let Casey know that things were going to change. Casey was unprepared and unable to be responsible. That's when things started going really badly for her. I'd like to believe that an accident happened but the more time goes by and the less Casey talks the more I am inclined to think that she did something to that beautiful little girl as revenge against her mother. God, I hope I'm wrong.
Hi and welcome! I noticed during Greta's interview that Cindy would take over answering questions and go into long explanations, always with Casey coming out in a more favorable light, even at times interrupting George's answers with more 'details' added.

I noticed that as well. Especially in the beginning, Cindy seemed to be designated family spokesperson. George would just look at her when she spoke to the media.
I do not want to bring names up,but yes one of Casey's friends said Cindy would not let her give the baby up.and we know that she was 7 months before anyone knew.

Actually the friend told her that Casey said Cindy wouldn't let her give up the baby for adoption. Any statement that starts with the words Casey said is questionable.
I noticed that as well. Especially in the beginning, Cindy seemed to be designated family spokesperson. George would just look at her when she spoke to the media.

Yes and some times he would look at her like he was hearing the story for the first time! It just amazed me.
Yes and some times he would look at her like he was hearing the story for the first time! It just amazed me.

It really is a disturbing interview when you go back and watch it after learning more facts.
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