Anthony family requesting Casey attend Funeral

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Noooooo! Thinking that way will only lead to you being harmed by one! Sociopath's do not have souls to have anything good in them. In fact, sociopath's are soul suckers. They completely drain anything they can from people around them, then when there is nothing left, they move on to thier next victim. They are the closest living thing to vampires on this planet.

...and they have the uncanny ability to move on as if nothing has happened. If you happen to "know" one (be aware they'll only let you see what they want you to see), then you know it's a very scary experience. My advice...break free and run!!!

Aye. And they expect YOU to move on and forget about the wrongs that they've done to you as well, even if they exploded with violence on you. In their mind you just need to "get over it" and get back to taking care of them, because they have. If not, you're the one with the problem. These people are scary for their unpredictable expressions of anger and their detachment to accountability and remorse for their actions. Restraining orders mean nothing to them. They're the kind of people who will burn your house down for not allowing them to live off of you. That is how entitled they feel.

*My former SIL is one. I'm living this dream to keep her away from my young daughter she feels entitled to as ""an aunt". It is scary. I know why KC's parents walk on eggshells around her.
See, and this is the very reason why LE/SA should not give the anthony's immunity. They will not help prosecute her, they will continue the she is innocent fight until one of them off's the other.

I totally agree!
The first thing I would like to say is no matter how many times I think it will all just basically stew and that we have gotten the bulk of what is going to happen before trial, something new and more bizarre comes up. - Now the new stuff with the PI- UGH! But with every day going by and no mention of a final date or arrangements to lay that sweet little girl to rest, compounds my opinion of the selfishness and disrespect that baby may have suffered while alive. The A's are going to wait until after the holidays? OK, ummm because next year you won't remember that on Xmas morning, she was in the morgue waiting until it is convenient for you to lay her to rest?? Then they are waiting for the 2nd autopsy(the original statement from Dr G was on the 19th--12 days ago!), ok next is the 3rd one too? To wake up every morning and not work toward respecting her for the last time is mindblowing! But to keep putting it off? As far as KC going to the memorial, I believe that I read that if she was granted permission, with the full staff of security, she would only be able to attend while nobody else was there. Does anyone else remember that? I will try to go back and find the post. Unreal and so very sad.
If I am reading it correctly the LE is waiting until after the funeral to pursue charges against the Ants. The Ants claim they are waiting until a second autopsy for the funeral. I can see this dragging out for many months if waiting is a pay off and charges are not filed until after.
I don't think looking at bones would have any affect on KC. If she can look into those huge brown eyes and kill her why would a skeleton have any affect?
Because my mother is dead does that mean I am no longer a *Daughter*

I also disagree

I'm sorry my post was not meant to disrespect anyone who has lost a loved one. I guess I should have expressed my meaning a little more clearly. What I meant to say was that by the actions of that family they no longer had a child in their life to call "daughter" or grand daughter, not that they lost that priviledge. I guess I had a case of my mouth overloading my err, butt.:bang:
Anthony Family: Can Casey attend the funeral?

Dept of Corrections: No, policy prevents Casey Anthony from attending, based on the severity of the charges against her and safety and security risks.

Anthony Family: But, we want her to be there.

Dept of Corrections: Sorry, but no.

Anthony Family: But, this is a special case and we would like special considerations. So, she can come?

Dept of Corrections: No. That's not the way it works.

Anthony Family: This is all because the media is slanted against us, right?

Dept of Corrections: No. It is because of our policies.

Anthony Family: So, what do we need to do to make sure Casey can come? Make a special request?

Dept of Corrections: Knock yourselves out.

And then when the request is denied Baez can begin spinning his
"poor Casey, wasn't even allowed to attend the funeral of her
little girl, the state is soooo mean to Casey".

Probably if asked, Casey would say attending would be a waste, a huge
waste of her very valuable time.

Of course C/G could video tape the funeral. I don't think Casey will
ever get out of jail to view it though.
Just maybe, CA and GA wants KC to attend the funeral hoping that this would be the breaking point for KC. Maybe they are thinking that if KC attends the funeral and see her child remains and what has become of her, that somehow KC would crack and give the details that are missing from her story.

And about this talk of a private family memorial, who do you think would be there? Do you think that CA would invite her brother Rick? He was the one who told her to face reality and that Caylee was dead. Do you think any of her other family members would attend to say their final goodbye to precious Caylee?

I do think Cindy's mother would and some of the older members of the
families. I do think Cindy would have other members thrown through
the door if they dared attend without a special invitation from herself.
Interesting, I wonder if the Anth's would still say they wanted KC present if they were given an estimate of the cost of security for her to be there. Can you imagine the manpower it would take? But then I guess they could just start a donation fund for that too (sorry for the snarkiness, still on my 1st cup of coffee) :)

Well if Casey were allowed to attend, and she was stricken with reality that she caused the death of her child and then she confessed, that would actually save the state of Florida a whole lot of cash.

But of course her defense team wouldn't want that....
...and they have the uncanny ability to move on as if nothing has happened. If you happen to "know" one (be aware they'll only let you see what they want you to see), then you know it's a very scary experience. My advice...break free and run!!!

And don't forget to change your address, your phone number, etc.

My ex was a sociopath. That was over 35 years ago and he still
creeps me out when I think of our life together....

They make you start doubting yourself, your sanity, everything!!!!
It's like you begin to start believing you are responsible for all the
problems, that you aren't quite as good or as strong as you should be
while they don't work, cheat, lie, scheme.
Ever since I heard it on NG that the A's wanted Casey at the private funeral I've been furious. What nerve? I'm sorry, but having Casey there would turn her service into one big circus w/Casey performing her "academy award" winning performance to appease her parents. Give Caylee the respect she deserves George and Cindy and let that poor child RIP without having her murderer at the funeral taking up all the attention that should be focused on Caylee. My gosh, I had a slight bit of hope they had finally seen the light, but guess not. That poor baby never stood a chance with a family like this. Besides, Casey doesn't even want to be there. She's probably already trying to figure out which guard she can flirt with. I'm sure that and her next meal are the only things on casey's mind. :furious:
And don't forget to change your address, your phone number, etc.

My ex was a sociopath. That was over 35 years ago and he still
creeps me out when I think of our life together....

They make you start doubting yourself, your sanity, everything!!!!
It's like you begin to start believing you are responsible for all the
problems, that you aren't quite as good or as strong as you should be
while they don't work, cheat, lie, scheme.

Boy, you knew him, too? ;) I hear ya...
I don't think her family would help her out in that way, but someone in the general public might take it upon themselves to do it.
They should just get with it and bury that poor child already. It's been WAY too long.

I don't think we can really know what anyone will do, and the A family, most definitely is no exception. That's generally the first thing that you hear from the interviewed friend's & neighbor's of someone who commits a heinous crime, "I can't believe that they would/could do something like this", "I would never have suspected something like this from them", anyhow I'm not saying that they would, I'm saying I don't know and the risk shouldn't be taken. And yes, I agree with you, it's way past time for Caylee to be given the honor and respect that she deserves and be laid to rest. God bless her little soul.
I don't think so at all - I see no evidence of it - because manic and bi-polar people still have consciences. Mania is a mood, not a personality. A manic person still shows caring and concern for others. I see no mood disorder at all from this girl, because I see no evidence of emotion at all. she is a flat line.

I meant Cindy being manic, not KC. I totally agree that KC flatlines.
I'm sorry my post was not meant to disrespect anyone who has lost a loved one. I guess I should have expressed my meaning a little more clearly. What I meant to say was that by the actions of that family they no longer had a child in their life to call "daughter" or grand daughter, not that they lost that priviledge. I guess I had a case of my mouth overloading my err, butt.:bang:

I saw your post but I didn't think that you meant it to be come off like that - I've done it myself, it happens. I've also reacted too quickly at times, usually when I'm up way too late and on here way too long, only to realize that I completely missed the meanings in the the poster's word's altogther! or failed to ask to clarify first....:)
Orlando Sentinel reports that Conway said investigators are waiting to question A's further after Caylees funeral. Wonder if and how long they'll delay is LONG overdue.,0,3948456.story

That is exactly why the funeral is being delayed.

OR the private funeral has or will shortly happen without being released to the press and the public memorial will be announced after the fact.

That may very well be the case.
I don't live in Orlando, or FL for that matter, but, if I did I would be bombarding the SA's office and my various elected officials to give no immunity to any Anthony. That if they do they lose my vote. Period.
If I where the judge, I wouldnt let KC for Caylees funeral. And, if it where KC's funeral I would have to think long and hard before I'd let her out for that. And that's all I got to say about that.
I watched the show and I didn't hear that they were "requesting" that she be allowed. In fact, someone corrected that statement on air. Their attorney merely said that they would like it if she were able to attend. In other words...they understand she can't...but they wish she could. They would like the whole family to be there together. They are not requesting anything and are not fighting anything.


I agree! There were merely expressing their desire to have her there. Hopefully to "let her have it" in private. I'm sure they have plenty to say now that they are not trying to play nice to pry information from her.

This link has already been posted but I thought it may have been missed by some posters in this thread.

Casey will have the benefit of comming face to face with the horrible aftemath of her actions. She will see it in full color blown up crime scene photographs of the remains of dear Caylee. Front and center in a court room in front of her family, the judge and a jury of 12.
If the reason Casey is unable to attend the private memorial is because the security costs are too great, then I really think the family should arrange a private memorial service in the prison chapel, as others have said.

I think Casey should be able to attend the memorial if she wants. I think any mental health professional would agree it would be healthy for her to as well, regardless of what crime she committed. She did give birth to Caylee.

But I do believe JB doesn’t want Casey to attend and the security costs are merely an excuse. Who knows what Casey wants. Maybe JB is making unreasonably high demands to “adequately ensure his client’s protection”. Otherwise why would the costs would be too high for a private family memorial if the date, time and place were not published. I don’t get it.

Regardless, a private memorial service at the prison chapel would make perfect sense to me.

We just don’t know what might be going on behind the scenes.....

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