Anthony family requesting Casey attend Funeral

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I don't think it is cruel at all. I happen to think it is a great idea and force her to look. Let her suffer just like little Caylee did. Once she sees her remains she will have nightmares the rest of her rotten stay in jail.

Didn't thery offer to telivise Laci and Connor's service on close circuit TV for Scott while he was in jail. (I think he declined to watch)

Maybe they will offer the same to KC? Anybody know if it is done in Florida?
Thanks, SuziQ. I appreciate your analogy and yes, I understand that sociopaths are that way. However, I have always felt that even sociopaths have something good in their souls, even though it may be very deep and hidden.

Sadly, I am still looking for some good in Casey. I am just heartbroken that a mother could be so selfish and uncaring about their precious gift.

I felt the same way. My world does not include 22 year olds that murder their children. My 22 year old is living on his own, working and going to school full time, so responsible yet I look at him and realize he is barely more than a teenager. I found myself seeing her as I see my son, until I realized that just as he has chosen his own path, she has chosen hers.
In the very rare cases something like this is allowed (and it won't be in this case) the inmate or family is responsible for all costs incurred. I don't see anyone donating to that fund, well maybe someone with a sniper rifle and some money to burn. If the state proves their case the next funeral Casey will be eligible to go to will be her own.

ok so am i a big jerk for chuckling at this?
because it is EXACTLY what i was thinking.

lets hope if she can go she doesnt get popped by some sniper...
she hasnt suffered long enough yet imo
(assuming she is guilty which has not legally been proven yet - just thought i'd say that and cover my own booty)
(there's always some other newwhack job who wants to be famous for offing the last whack job)

snipped by me.

a chuckle a minute here.
good to have some light in such a dark situation.

well worded, very witty, and dead-on.
...and they have the uncanny ability to move on as if nothing has happened. If you happen to "know" one (be aware they'll only let you see what they want you to see), then you know it's a very scary experience. My advice...break free and run!!!

It is an experience that I wouldn't wish on anyone. This is why their victims are always in a state of frenzy and on the verge of a nervous breakdown every day.

It's like you wind up feeling all the feelings that they should be feeling for themselves, and when they don't demonstrate those normal feelings you become even more ramped up, this is the hardest part to break free from because it is like rewiring your brain.

Casey is one scary character...her dark side is probably worse than anyone could even imagine.
Also, I forgot where I read this but Pat Brown, the criminal profiler was explaining why JG kept saying, "The KC sitting in jail right now is not the KC I know. That's a completely different person." She said that KC, being a sociopath played the role of "attentive, loving mother" as long as it was getting her something - that something being Jesse. As soon as that relationship was over she no longer had any use for Caylee, hence the KC he no longer knows. That's why they say sociopaths change colors like chameleons.

On another note, as far as the A's wanting KC to attend the funeral, I am 100% convinced that CA is completely manic. When you look at her behavior from the initial 911 call to her 180 degree turnaround I bet the whole family lives in fear of her mania and does whatever she wants so they can survive. Another tasteless, attention-grabbing stunt by the A family.

Regarding the funeral...still don't know if they will have one but even if they let kc attend, the expense would be enormous and I don't see the Anthonys paying for it. KC would be in leg and cuffs also...they would not like that. The A's are posturing right now....that is all. I can't see CA waiting too much longer to spew her stuff.

I think Jesse saw her as he wanted to see her and not as she really was. As of this time, he is starting to adjust his image of kc and is having difficulty doing so. Richard Grund most likely had her figured from the get-go. Jesse appears naive...he is having an awakening and it is painful.

Regarding CA...I wish she would have showed some of that "mania" towards kc...never did. My observation tells me CA is afraid of her daughter. I don't believe kc was truly afraid of CA.....if so, she would have been obedient and would try to please her. She looked at CA as an obstacle that she needed. Kc hates herself for having to "need" her.
see, I can sort of understand the rationale behind a prisoner wanting to attend the funeral of a loved one. However, I think it's a little different when they want to attend the funeral of the person they are charged with killing.
This is remeniscent of Mary Winkler. was dead set against her viewing her husband,the man she murdered in cold blood.She visited the funeral home at 5 am..The Police took her,she spent 1/2 hr.with him.In my estimation when you murder a person you give up that right~I was furious!! Let them bring the tiny casket to the jail so she can look at the spot and remember Caylee being there.
Wait a sec.

Just for One moment - what if she didn't do it ?

its a big if I know. But what if she didn't ?

But, what if she did?

Now, hold that thought, and change places with Caylee, would you want the person who murdered you allowed to attend your funeral, garnering sympathy and attention for themselves?

Caylee does not deserve that kind of disrespect.
I just thought of something...George and Cindy Anthony are no longer "grandparents" and Casey Anthony is no longer a "mother"
I respectfully disagree.Many women on this board have lost a dear child,through different ways but they are still mothers,.If a mother dies one is still a daughter or son to that mother~ anyway I think so.I'm sure you never thought of it that way.
I dont think KC. has the right to be called mother anymore.
Just maybe, CA and GA wants KC to attend the funeral hoping that this would be the breaking point for KC. Maybe they are thinking that if KC attends the funeral and see her child remains and what has become of her, that somehow KC would crack and give the details that are missing from her story.

And about this talk of a private family memorial, who do you think would be there? Do you think that CA would invite her brother Rick? He was the one who told her to face reality and that Caylee was dead. Do you think any of her other family members would attend to say their final goodbye to precious Caylee?
Originally Posted by Angelfire View Post
I just thought of something...George and Cindy Anthony are no longer "grandparents" and Casey Anthony is no longer a "mother"

I respectfully disagree.Many women on this board have lost a dear child,through different ways but they are still mothers,.If a mother dies one is still a daughter or son to that mother~ anyway I think so.I'm sure you never thought of it that way.
I dont think KC. has the right to be called mother anymore.

Because my mother is dead does that mean I am no longer a *Daughter*

I also disagree
Thanks, SuziQ. I appreciate your analogy and yes, I understand that sociopaths are that way. However, I have always felt that even sociopaths have something good in their souls, even though it may be very deep and hidden.

Sadly, I am still looking for some good in Casey. I am just heartbroken that a mother could be so selfish and uncaring about their precious gift.

Noooooo! Thinking that way will only lead to you being harmed by one! Sociopath's do not have souls to have anything good in them. In fact, sociopath's are soul suckers. They completely drain anything they can from people around them, then when there is nothing left, they move on to thier next victim. They are the closest living thing to vampires on this planet.
Just maybe, CA and GA wants KC to attend the funeral hoping that this would be the breaking point for KC. Maybe they are thinking that if KC attends the funeral and see her child remains and what has become of her, that somehow KC would crack and give the details that are missing from her story.

And about this talk of a private family memorial, who do you think would be there? Do you think that CA would invite her brother Rick? He was the one who told her to face reality and that Caylee was dead. Do you think any of her other family members would attend to say their final goodbye to precious Caylee?

I thought of that too, but then if being charged with Murder 1 didn't break her, I honestly don't think anything will.
Didn't thery offer to telivise Laci and Connor's service on close circuit TV for Scott while he was in jail. (I think he declined to watch)

Maybe they will offer the same to KC? Anybody know if it is done in Florida?

i don't know bit i think it would be VERY telling if they recorded KC watching the funeral without her knowing she was being filmed.:bang:
Just maybe, CA and GA wants KC to attend the funeral hoping that this would be the breaking point for KC. Maybe they are thinking that if KC attends the funeral and see her child remains and what has become of her, that somehow KC would crack and give the details that are missing from her story.

And about this talk of a private family memorial, who do you think would be there? Do you think that CA would invite her brother Rick? He was the one who told her to face reality and that Caylee was dead. Do you think any of her other family members would attend to say their final goodbye to precious Caylee?

If bagging up a dead body and disposing of a slimy stinky bug ridden corpse (skin slippage starts at day 3) didn't do it for Casey, why would some clean bones in a nice box do it? Everyone needs to realize that what Casey has done and seen is far worse than what she'd see and experience now.
For those who think it would be good for KC to attend the funeral, in some cases I would agree with you. But in this case, considering that this woman (yes woman, not child and not girl) drove around town with the decomposing body of her child in the back of her vehicle. She left her in that vehicle in the heat until the smell became so bad that others apparently commented on it. And don't forget that this same woman picked up the decomposing remains of her little girl and threw them into a wooded area. So a "dry bunch of bones" is not going to faze her.

She has already seen the remains when they still looked like her child. She also saw them when they were beginning to decompose and smell. Bones are not going to look like her child, she can ignore them.
If bagging up a dead body and disposing of a slimy stinky bug ridden corpse (skin slippage starts at day 3) didn't do it for Casey, why would some clean bones in a nice box do it? Everyone needs to realize that what Casey has done and seen is far worse than what she'd see and experience now.
I agree. She doesn't have a remorseful bone in her body. To this day, she has only cried for herself getting caught, imo.
see, I can sort of understand the rationale behind a prisoner wanting to attend the funeral of a loved one. However, I think it's a little different when they want to attend the funeral of the person they are charged with killing.

Point in case: Ellie Nessler's son may be allowed out of prison for murder to attend her funeral, because it wasn't her he killed.

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