Anthony family requesting Casey attend Funeral

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I may sound a little bit cruel, but I think it would be perfectly acceptable for her to attend Caylee's funeral, PROVIDED that she be REQUIRED to view the remains in the casket.

again the mistake I feel we make is believing KC is just like "us". She isn't. This would not phase her in the least. It would be like her seeing an old worn out pair of shoes that she thought she had gotten rid of for good. They have no DEEP attachments to any living breathing thing, which of course, allows them to do what they do. If she had the capacity to "care", as you suggest, she Never could have done what it appears she has done.
Wait a sec.

Just for One moment - what if she didn't do it ?

its a big if I know. But what if she didn't ?

if she didn't do it, then she will likely be acquitted. There is no precedent for letting her out to the memorial. It's just not done. ever.
Anthony Family: Can Casey attend the funeral?

Dept of Corrections: No, policy prevents Casey Anthony from attending, based on the severity of the charges against her and safety and security risks.

Anthony Family: But, we want her to be there.

Dept of Corrections: Sorry, but no.

Anthony Family: But, this is a special case and we would like special considerations. So, she can come?

Dept of Corrections: No. That's not the way it works.

Anthony Family: This is all because the media is slanted against us, right?

Dept of Corrections: No. It is because of our policies.

Anthony Family: So, what do we need to do to make sure Casey can come? Make a special request?

Dept of Corrections: Knock yourselves out.
again you make the mistake of believing KC is just like "us". She isn't. This would not phase her in the least. It would be like her seeing an old worn out pair of shoes that she thought she had gotten rid of for good. They have no DEEP attachments to any living breathing thing, which of course, allows them to do what they do. If had the capacity to "care" as you suggest, she Never could have done what it appears she has done.

I agree with you. From everything I have read about Casey she is a very selfish, materialistic individual.
Any attendance at the funeral would be a self serving opportunity to feign grief to add to her "script" in this elaborate lie that she continues to perpetuate.
The As continue to try and "make" headlines. Alas their time in the spotlight is just about up and they know it. But yet, the wheels keep turning trying to figure out ways to stay "out" there.
Actually, I would be surprised if CA did not request that the court let her out for a day to go shopping at Target for a new black dress for the funeral, and provide her the funds to buy it!
Anthony Family: Can Casey attend the funeral?

Dept of Corrections: No, policy prevents Casey Anthony from attending, based on the severity of the charges against her and safety and security risks.

Anthony Family: But, we want her to be there.

Dept of Corrections: Sorry, but no.

Anthony Family: But, this is a special case and we would like special considerations. So, she can come?

Dept of Corrections: No. That's not the way it works.

Anthony Family: This is all because the media is slanted against us, right?

Dept of Corrections: No. It is because of our policies.

Anthony Family: So, what do we need to do to make sure Casey can come? Make a special request?

Dept of Corrections: Knock yourselves out.

Oh, that is sooooo Cindy!:clap::clap::clap:
If she's innocent, why doesn't she just tell police what really happened with real facts that can be verified and then co-operate with the police to find out who really did do it including taking a lie detector test if necessary? Why would she mess around sitting in jail stonewalling when there's any chance that co-operating with the police could get her out and/or help catch the 'real killer?' If she's innocent and her baby's killer is out there, why not tell the truth that she never has told up until now? If she's innocent but still refusing to tell the truth now that she has irrefutable proof that her lies and obstruction did not keep little Caylee safe, then she's going to be treated like she's being treated, like a murder suspect, which is where the evidence points overwhelmingly. If she wants a different approach by LE, at this point, she'll have to go first.

great post, and I'd like to add, she's always maintained that when they found Caylee, she would tell everyone "the whole story" - well, they found her, dead, so come on, Casey, if there is another story, then have out with it. LE has given her more than enough opportunity to tell her "side' to the story. if she and the A family are actually "in danger", which I don't believe for a second, hello, they have been surrounded by LE to protect them 24/7 since this whole thing began! so there was never any reason for her NOT to tell "the truth" and clear her name. LE has plenty of resources at their disposal to get a kid back without endangering the family. there is just no rational explanation for why anyone would act the way she has, and say the things she has, if they were truly innocent. none whatsoever.
think Casey would relish the opportunity to strut her stuff for the cameras again

Without a doubt. Seeing the remains of her daughter would not affect her (though it would be closed anyway). She drove around with her baby's rotting body in her car. I highly doubt some bones would faze her in the least. She would probably make a sorry attempt at grief but no one would buy it other than perhaps CA.
Hey, what about this arrangement:
Tell the truth Casey and you can attend the services and get a new dress and sunglasses.
who continues to treat caylee like she's meaningless? ca and ga? are you serious? look... if you still thought your daughter was innocent, or if denial still had the best of you (i mean, you raised a daughter capable of killing? impossible!), wouldn't you make that request? i would.

if the presumption is that kc is innocent, and if that belief is actually held by kc's parents, then isn't that just a simple AND logical request? i would say that yes, it is.

99% of us presume that kc did it. i do. but she is not guilty YET. also, it is quite possible that george and cindy will NEVER believe that kc did it. and i can't blame them for that.

see, I can sort of understand the rationale behind a prisoner wanting to attend the funeral of a loved one. However, I think it's a little different when they want to attend the funeral of the person they are charged with killing.
I just thought of something...George and Cindy Anthony are no longer "grandparents" and Casey Anthony is no longer a "mother"
Hey, what about this arrangement:
Tell the truth Casey and you can attend the services and get a new dress and sunglasses.

don't forget rosary beads - chapter 4 of Sociopath's Guide to Real Human Emotion says human beings sometimes bring these to funerals.

she's probably practicing her "grieving mother" faces in the cell block mirror as we speak. also, crying on cue. Susan Smith offered to give her a lesson on this, but she politely declined.
In the very rare cases something like this is allowed (and it won't be in this case) the inmate or family is responsible for all costs incurred. I don't see anyone donating to that fund, well maybe someone with a sniper rifle and some money to burn. If the state proves their case the next funeral Casey will be eligible to go to will be her own.

Hey! *waves frantically*

Does anybody know if any requests have been filed? I mean, was this request like a REAL request or just a statement like "oh , well, we would like for our whole family to be together..."- that sort of thing.
great post, and I'd like to add, she's always maintained that when they found Caylee, she would tell everyone "the whole story" - well, they found her, dead, so come on, Casey, if there is another story, then have out with it. LE has given her more than enough opportunity to tell her "side' to the story. if she and the A family are actually "in danger", which I don't believe for a second, hello, they have been surrounded by LE to protect them 24/7 since this whole thing began! so there was never any reason for her NOT to tell "the truth" and clear her name. LE has plenty of resources at their disposal to get a kid back without endangering the family. there is just no rational explanation for why anyone would act the way she has, and say the things she has, if they were truly innocent. none whatsoever.

I really hope the prosecution brings this to the jury's attention! It is a great point. All that crappola about needing to protect Caylee by keeping quiet was out the door when the baby's remains were found. How is casey going to squirm her way out of that? Of course, this angle may be hard to bring to the jury's attention as casey never made a definitive statement to that effect in any recorded phone call, visit, or to LE. We learned of this story from CA.
I like that idea, too. Let her go and face up to what she's done and be surrounded by the family that she destroyed, looking at the child that she killed. Right now, she's in the sanctuary of her cell, able to deny visitations from her family, ordering snacks, and live in her own little imaginary world. Maybe if she had to face up to the fallout of her actions, she'd fess up to what happened. But, I don't understand the workings of a sociopathic mind, so maybe that isn't what would happen anyways.

As far as the rest of the Anthony family wanting her there, I will never understand them or their wanting her to be there. But, I do wonder if her being there would help them with closure. Not only that, but I wonder if they are able to observe her and her reactions to being there with the baby she killed if they will be able to see through her crocodile tears. That is if she even had crocodile tears. Would she even show emotion?

I think we all want her to feel something about what she's done or about her child, but it's like Johan Van der Sloot confessing in that guy's car -in his confessions, he talks about looking down at her dead body, and instead of getting emotional over her death, he says he almost choked up over his own predicament - he could only muster up emotion and sympathy for himself because empathy for others simply doesn't exist. Just like Scott Peterson will probably never mourn for Laci and Conner, it's quite possible that Casey will never truly mourn for Caylee, because she is just not capable of emotions about anyone other than herself.

so, if you see tears from her at the funeral, it is likely that she is just feeling sorry for herself and this "predicament" of hers.
The A fam is not nor have they EVER been naive, imo.

I agree. They are too smart to believe some of what they have said.

If the "accused" were anyone but Casey I think we'd see a different Cindy and George. In all fairness though, these people knew Casey when she was pure like Caylee.

Their feelings about Casey have to be very mixed.

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