Anthony family requesting Casey attend Funeral

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Bernie Madoff (pronounced "Boy, he made off) has a better shot at getting a tee time in Palm Beach than she has going to this funeral!!

it's just the very thought that they'd have the nerve to even request it makes me ill. what is wrong with them?:mad:
I just thought of something...George and Cindy Anthony are no longer "grandparents"

Oh, they are still grandparents... will always be grandparents... it is just that their evil selfish daughter took their ability to have Caylee as a part of their lives, away, by killing her.
I really hope the prosecution brings this to the jury's attention! It is a great point. All that crappola about needing to protect Caylee by keeping quiet was out the door when the baby's remains were found. How is casey going to squirm her way out of that? Of course, this angle may be hard to bring to the jury's attention as casey never made a definitive statement to that effect in any recorded phone call, visit, or to LE. We learned of this story from CA.

and also - George had to be a pretty dumb cop not to know all this about the whole "protection of the family" line - how does he think they get witnesses to testify at Mob and drug trials? and surely he's done some security detail on potential witnesses? they are in Florida for crying out loud! GA has to be in a LOT of denial not to think the whole "the family is in danger" line is complete nonsense.
Their so crazy I'm suprised they haven't put out fliers looking for the nanny now that Caylee's body has been found!!!

I can't believe Cindy has keep her mouth shut so far!!!

They all make me sick! :furious:

They probably will, just as soon as Casey gets her crayons from the commissary.
Thanks, SuziQ. I appreciate your analogy and yes, I understand that sociopaths are that way. However, I have always felt that even sociopaths have something good in their souls, even though it may be very deep and hidden.

Sadly, I am still looking for some good in Casey. I am just heartbroken that a mother could be so selfish and uncaring about their precious gift.

I've thought about what you have said here. I wonder if everything is always so black and white: Do sociopaths NEVER have feelings unless it has to do with themselves? I know that sociopaths are great manipulators and I saw tons of that in the jail visits. However, when casey seemed reluctant to meet her mother's eyes in the first visit and cried when she did lift her eyes up, that pointed to a feeling of guilt to me. Sociopaths are not supposed to feel guilt at all and can meet your eyes with a soulless stare. (Her statement to her brother about being an evil b*%#h also smacks of guilt to me).
Also, I did see moments where she seemed to feel badly, not much, but some, for what her parents were going through. It did always come back to casey, but I did see some of that and I'm not sure all of it was artiface or manipulation due to the context and wording.
I acutally also thought casey felt some emotion talking about Caylee with her dad. When she spoke about how Caylee is the best of everyone in the family, etc. Of course, this is not the same kind of emotion a normal person would feel. A normal person would lose thier mind in jail with their child missing on the outside. Not knowing if they are cold or hungry or crying for mama or even if they are alive. Nevertheless, I did see what I thought was some emotion - some sense of fondness for her child and maybe even some regret that she won't see Caylee again. Perhaps casey has some sociopathy and also something else, like what some other murderers of wives and children have who looked like they really loved their kids or wives but felt their was no way out but to kill them. I'm thinking Mark Hacking, for example.
Anyhow, regardless of what is wrong with this creature or whether she indeed has something real deep down inside her, I feel she does not deserve to dishonor Caylee by attending her funeral. She took away that child's life and took the happiness away from the entire rest of her family at the same time. The extended Anthony family's lives have been totally ruined by this.
I may sound a little bit cruel, but I think it would be perfectly acceptable for her to attend Caylee's funeral, PROVIDED that she be REQUIRED to view the remains in the casket.

I honestly do not think THAT would bother her.

This is the woman that duct-taped and chloroformed. When Caylee's remains started to leak, she double-bagged her. She left Caylee undressed wrapped in two trash bags.

Remember the text message about getting rid of the animal smell plastered all over her car? And the video of Casey making out in Blockbuster shortly after Caylee breathed her last breathe?

I think Casey would be more upset if she didn't have the right shade of lipstick to wear than by the sight of Caylee's skull.

IMO, Casey's world begins and end with Casey. I think Casey is an empty shell where other people are concerned.
I don't think it is cruel at all. I happen to think it is a great idea and force her to look. Let her suffer just like little Caylee did. Once she sees her remains she will have nightmares the rest of her rotten stay in jail.

I really don't think seeing Caylee's remains would bother Casey in the least.

As Brini and some of the others that deal regularly with Casey-type personalities will say, inside, Casey doesn't feel ANYTHING for anybody except Casey. Inside toward others Casey is an empty shell.
In my heart I really don't think Casey wants to go to the funeral even if allowed. It would mean nothing to her except she would be able to play the "look at poor me" card.I also could see Cindy and Casey fighting over who loved Caylee the most and George just standing there with that hound dog look he has like he is afraid to say anything that Cindy has not programed into his mind. But then wouldn't Casey get a big kick out of being escorted by police since she is in "protective custody"

There have been many people who wrongly pulled time in jail for something they didn't do and after many years, they were released and I'm sure some had family that had died in the time they were in jail and could not attend their funerals.

As Casey would be the cause of a riot if people found out where the private service was to be held I don't see the officials letting her go. And Baez certainly doesn't want her around opening up her smiling face and talking to anyone. He will make sure she not be allowed to go. Caylee deserves this time to be for her, for people who loved her to say goodbye and let her know how much she was loved, and I'm sure the Anthonys loved her very much, they just didn't love her quite as much as they loved Casey. Casey wanted rid of Caylee because she was holding her back on her partying and hopping from one man to another and someday she will realize that for the rest of her miserable life, Caylee will still be holding her back from doing exactly what she wants to do. But then, she never thought that far ahead, she really thought she would be free and clear and everyone would feel so sorry for her that they would give her money and take care of her. Too bad for Casey that people all over the world cared enough to want Caylee found and said enough prayers that she would be found and just as Christmas is the season of miracles, our miracle happened and little Caylee will be lost no more. And I believe God has whispered to her "Caylee, you WERE so loved, you were SO loved!
Wait a sec.

Just for One moment - what if she didn't do it ?

its a big if I know. But what if she didn't ?
Well, see Jane, that's the risk you take when you don't report your innocent little two-year old missing for 31 days.

I think you're a dear for holding onto hope, BTW.
I've thought about what you have said here. I wonder if everything is always so black and white: Do sociopaths NEVER have feelings unless it has to do with themselves? I know that sociopaths are great manipulators and I saw tons of that in the jail visits. However, when casey seemed reluctant to meet her mother's eyes in the first visit and cried when she did lift her eyes up, that pointed to a feeling of guilt to me. Sociopaths are not supposed to feel guilt at all and can meet your eyes with a soulless stare. (Her statement to her brother about being an evil b*%#h also smacks of guilt to me).
Also, I did see moments where she seemed to feel badly, not much, but some, for what her parents were going through. It did always come back to casey, but I did see some of that and I'm not sure all of it was artiface or manipulation due to the context and wording.
I acutally also thought casey felt some emotion talking about Caylee with her dad. When she spoke about how Caylee is the best of everyone in the family, etc. Of course, this is not the same kind of emotion a normal person would feel. A normal person would lose thier mind in jail with their child missing on the outside. Not knowing if they are cold or hungry or crying for mama or even if they are alive. Nevertheless, I did see what I thought was some emotion - some sense of fondness for her child and maybe even some regret that she won't see Caylee again. Perhaps casey has some sociopathy and also something else, like what some other murderers of wives and children have who looked like they really loved their kids or wives but felt their was no way out but to kill them. I'm thinking Mark Hacking, for example.
Anyhow, regardless of what is wrong with this creature or whether she indeed has something real deep down inside her, I feel she does not deserve to dishonor Caylee by attending her funeral. She took away that child's life and took the happiness away from the entire rest of her family at the same time. The extended Anthony family's lives have been totally ruined by this.

Sociopaths are master manipulators. They possess a keen ability to sense your moods or feelings (often even before you're aware of them) and then behave in whatever manner is socially appropriate to the situation, e.g., crying, mimicking facial expressions and body language to reflect sadness, guilt, remorse, whatever. They're shape shifters.

I know all about them. I had the extreme displeasure of being married to a sociopath, and although we're no longer together, I'm still not over the effects. It was devastating.
Too bad for Casey that people all over the world cared enough to want Caylee found and said enough prayers that she would be found and just as Christmas is the season of miracles, our miracle happened and little Caylee will be lost no more. And I believe God has whispered to her "Caylee, you WERE so loved, you were SO loved!

this part of your post brought tears to my eyes.

she was on this earth such a short time....I think it is even crueler that Casey actually brought her into the world, showed her all it had to offer, then yanked it away, violently.

it makes me think of the Shirley and Zachary Turner case (for those of you who haven't heard about it, go to, a very touching documentary was just made about it). but compared to Zachary Turner's tragic case, at least in this case, Casey didn't take her own life, and we can actually hold her accountable and punish her for it, and that justice can truly do what it's supposed to do.

thinking about Zachary Turner makes me choke up as well...I will just never understand, no matter the mental disease or defect of the perpetrator, the instinct of someone who looks at a 2 year old child and wants to destroy them. I just don't. I look at my nephews, who aren't even mine, and can't imagine ever hurting them, and not being able to see the light and the joy that they bring to my world. I can't imagine ever wanting to destroy that.
again the mistake I feel we make is believing KC is just like "us". She isn't. This would not phase her in the least. It would be like her seeing an old worn out pair of shoes that she thought she had gotten rid of for good. They have no DEEP attachments to any living breathing thing, which of course, allows them to do what they do. If she had the capacity to "care", as you suggest, she Never could have done what it appears she has done.
...and they have the uncanny ability to move on as if nothing has happened. If you happen to "know" one (be aware they'll only let you see what they want you to see), then you know it's a very scary experience. My advice...break free and run!!!
...and they have the uncanny ability to move on as if nothing has happened. If you happen to "know" one (be aware they'll only let you see what they want you to see), then you know it's a very scary experience. My advice...break free and run!!!

also - socios have the remarkable ability to "compartmentalize" - you get the personality depending on the situation. I dated a guy like this who would only let me see certain "parts" of his life - kind of like what Scott Peterson did with Amber Frey (and as most men do who have girlfriends on the side and/or double lives). they can be different things to different people depending on the situation. most of us "normals" can't do that - our lives cross between work, friends, family, etc. and if we tried to compartmentalize the way they do, we'd lose our minds. they can also flip the switch on certain emotions when they need to use them for their own gain, and if you have dated someone like this, you know what I am talking about - they can be sweet and smiling one minute and all of a sudden threatening you, then go back to being sweet again, leaving you in a state of confusion. Confusion is a feeling foreign to them though, because in their minds they are always "in control", no matter how out of control they seem - it's all calculated. I am guessing Drew Peterson has this down to an art form.
Well, see Jane, that's the risk you take when you don't report your innocent little two-year old missing for 31 days.

I think you're a dear for holding onto hope, BTW.

thanks for not sledging me :)

Probably stupid is more appropriate than Dear (I know) lol but sigh...

I wish WISH that she would just confess if she did it - tell us exactly what happened blow by blow and then it will be finished once and for all. I feel like I am watching Days of Our lives !

Confession is good for the soul.
I honestly do not think THAT would bother her.

This is the woman that duct-taped and chloroformed. When Caylee's remains started to leak, she double-bagged her. She left Caylee undressed wrapped in two trash bags.

Remember the text message about getting rid of the animal smell plastered all over her car? And the video of Casey making out in Blockbuster shortly after Caylee breathed her last breathe?

I think Casey would be more upset if she didn't have the right shade of lipstick to wear than by the sight of Caylee's skull.

IMO, Casey's world begins and end with Casey. I think Casey is an empty shell where other people are concerned.

I think we have to think of sociopaths this way: they think of fellow humans the way some of us (like myself) think of insects. There are higher beings in the animal chain that I would never dream of killing, and it hurts me to see killed, like dogs, for example. however, I think nothing of stepping on ants or killing a mosquito. I've never considered the mosquito's feelings, I just think, I need to get it out of my room! and I've never cried over killing one. (my nephews, on the other hand, will try to take worms home with them and guide bees to doorways to be set free). Sociopaths think of us like insects - that's why they are able to kill without emotion. They think of themselves as higher, smarter beings free of judgment or fault, and that's why they have no guilt, and why they can get of insects that are "in the way" so easily. I really do believe that Drew Peterson considers the women he marries as pets or kept animals - he is smarter than them, they are lucky to have him take care of them, they are these poor, pathetic creatures to him, but if they 'betray' him or threaten his well-being by defying him, well he'll just have to "take care" of that problem.
Also, I forgot where I read this but Pat Brown, the criminal profiler was explaining why JG kept saying, "The KC sitting in jail right now is not the KC I know. That's a completely different person." She said that KC, being a sociopath played the role of "attentive, loving mother" as long as it was getting her something - that something being Jesse. As soon as that relationship was over she no longer had any use for Caylee, hence the KC he no longer knows. That's why they say sociopaths change colors like chameleons.

On another note, as far as the A's wanting KC to attend the funeral, I am 100% convinced that CA is completely manic. When you look at her behavior from the initial 911 call to her 180 degree turnaround I bet the whole family lives in fear of her mania and does whatever she wants so they can survive. Another tasteless, attention-grabbing stunt by the A family.
I really hope the prosecution brings this to the jury's attention! It is a great point. All that crappola about needing to protect Caylee by keeping quiet was out the door when the baby's remains were found. How is casey going to squirm her way out of that? Of course, this angle may be hard to bring to the jury's attention as casey never made a definitive statement to that effect in any recorded phone call, visit, or to LE. We learned of this story from CA.

Actually, Casey does say it. I am re listing to the audio now to see if I can link you. I remember her saying she was "protecting the family yes", it may take me a few to find the exact spot..
Duh, okay, sorry, brain fart ...
She was talking not of protecting Caylee, but the Family...
The ONLY reason KC wants to go to the funeral is so that she can slip and use somebody's laptop or mass text all of her "friends"

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