Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings"

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I wonder if there are any expert forensic filming crews?
wow...good point. I would hope they would be recording every single milisecond of the crime scene recovery for the trial (and have been doing so) so they don't get accused of planting evidence as LucyLu had posted. (wtg LL)

They should be thanking God that this man needed to relieve himself and chose that spot in which to do it. They should be thanking God that he decided to look in the bag he saw, instead of ignoring it as not his problem.

All just my opinion.
snipped for space

I'll bet the Anthonys would tar and feather that meter reader if they could get their hands on him.
Oh, no . . . I just am sick because I just realized that we have a quite active thread on this forum entitled: Area Body Found in "Too Strange" . . . and it made me wonder if our WSers are helping fuel their fire.
I don't have a problem of keeping the dream team for the defense out of the crime area. I do have a problem with LE allowing Tim Miller in. It is nothing to do with Mr. Miller's attachment to the case in terms of searching for Caylee. No one can dispute he put in Herculean efforts. However, he is NOT LE and he is NOT a forensic specialist, and I feel that his having been allowed into the crime scene will come back to bite the prosecution's butt.
My thoughts are this is not the way to honor Caylee.
I agree and sadly....until Casey is behind bars and this trail is over I am predicting that we will see Caylee's own family dishonor her over and over and over again in attempts to save Casey. :eek:
Hey Cindy and George, keep up the work, your roles as resident asshats of the world have been working out so well for the both of you, really.
I challenge ANTHONY supporters to defend this. I don't think anyone that is human can defend what they do. Their behavior has demonstrated, beyond a shadow of a doubt, how they feel about Caylee. In fact, their words, actions and inactions and general attitudes are as callous and careless toward her as throwing her in the trash like an insignificant piece of garbage. They can be proud of what they raised, because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I hope all three of them are charged, they have polluted the human gene pool for far too long, remove them, lock them up and throw away the key forever!!!!!

I soo understand. I am right there with you. I think I better pray, coz I am infuriated on Caylee's behalf.:furious::furious::furious:
I totally agree. Can you amagine the relief that Casey had when all the searchs were going on and Caylee wasn't found. I would think she would be struggling now.

CA and GA will come to the realization when the foresics and the reports come back. They are in the grieving process right now. I can't amagine what they are going through.

Casey didn't have any reaction to any of the searches going on and no reaction when LP and divers found items they thought were human bones in the Econ River at Blanchard Park.
This is the only time we have heard she is showing emotion, albeit more for herself IMO, since LE has more evidence now.
wow...good point. I would hope they would be recording every single milisecond of the crime scene recovery for the trial (and have been doing so) so they don't get accused of planting evidence as LucyLu had posted. (wtg LL)

I am sure everything is being recorded, including autopsy. Case is too covered by media. All things are under scrutiny, so dot all i's cross all t's.
What if they somehow had the body and carefully 'repackaged' it since the murder removing any evidence and then putting it where it was found?

The way the ground & dirt had formed itself around her tiny body shows she was there the whole time.

You might want to read some threads from the past few days, they cover all your confusion & questions .
just a thought but maybe the A's are mad cause the meter reader didn't call there tip line but instead called LE as the tipsters who "saw" an alive Caylee.
??? a few feet of flood water? We are not talking 30 feet of water here. Perhaps it had been covered with a log or heavy underbrush. Only LE knows. Tim did see the depression...indicating that the weight of the bag had created such a landform over time....perhaps indicating it had never been moved at all.

So, yes, I supose if you want to go with that fact....that someone planted the bag or added to the bag or took things out of it... sure that thinking might be okay for you.

I respectfully just do not buy at all that this crime was some elaborate work of many....just the simple (and simple minded) work of one Casey Anthony. I would suppose with her Nanny labyrinth she had expected the bag to be found sooner and LE buying her babysitter story and looking for the babysitter. She didn't plan on (cough) the real work that LE does do and the fact that they would ever consider HER to be the murderer.

In an interview with MN yesterday (orlando sentinel here is link,0,7966803.story ) he says that now remains have been found he can speak his thoughts and that from being at the center of this for a long time he has a really strong feeling of what occurred and that it was Casey. He wants to do nothing to help her Casey whatsoever. In short she did it (paraphrased but you can see it in whole at the link).

The only elaborate part of this crime, in my opinion, was the lies. The murder, where she put the body, and how she acted afterward were nothing but elements of the simple sociopath that she is. Finding the body close to her home, according to many experts, was to be expected with infanticide.

I feel like finding her near the A's home was a slap at CA. This whole thing was a slap at CA IMO. And I think at least a part of CA's current reactions is because of this. I think she is aware of it at least subconciously and her reactions stems from the guilt she feels over it.

The thing is, if she would just say so and be honest things would be much better for her. Many parents have had their children do things to hurt and embarrass them (maybe not murdering their grandchild, but different things). But instead CA is going the other way- without Caylee, she is now devoting herself to KC trying to make up for whatever reason that she feels KC is striking out at her for.
I totally agree did the A's not get a new attorney upon there arrival from Cali for the LK interview a Brad Conley or something like that. Seems since he came on board we have not seen CA/GA on camera talking.

Yes - it looks like whoever told them to be is working. It sounds like they are finally surrounding themselves with advisors and they are actually taking their advice! But I am have believe that they now think this body is Caylee's...and they are probably grief stricken at that final realization. Even of they thought that before...this is such solid proof I can't help but think it would be very hard for them to deal with. No matter how much I disagree with their behaviors during all this mess - I do believe they loved that little girl. So I think part of why they are quiet is just because they are grieving.
I don't have a problem of keeping the dream team for the defense out of the crime area. I do have a problem with LE allowing Tim Miller in. It is nothing to do with Mr. Miller's attachment to the case in terms of searching for Caylee. No one can dispute he put in Herculean efforts. However, he is NOT LE and he is NOT a forensic specialist, and I feel that his having been allowed into the crime scene will come back to bite the prosecution's butt.

I think this was done so LE could have more "proof" that the area was not searchable. Tim was there, LE was there, early on. Everyone know the A's would throw this statement out there.
Did the Ants put down some pavers in the back yard the weekend of July 3rd? They were doing some type of home improvement to the back yard. What is the likelyhood that they had the pavers delivered a week or 2 prior to them doing the renovation? The point I am trying to get to is that LE immediatley went to the Ants back yard then secured the residence...were pavers or something specifically matching their back yard found where the remains were found? Possibly to weigh down the bag? When the truth starts coming out I think our jaws are going to hit the floor harder than we could ever imagine. LP continues to insinuate that there is some unbeleiveable info that is not out in the public yet.
I agree, why waste time standing around a crime scene of some poor little girl who isn't Caylee, why not get all the experts together and start calling all the households in the country? I've never had a call from them asking me if my name was Zenida and if I had Caylee.

It's Caylee and LE and prosecution knows that. I believe that the longer they can keep from verifying that the better it is for them. The minute they verify it THEN the defense has full right to the forensic information. JMO
As a master of the obvious... what the family does is fitting with how they probably raised their children.
The lack of a father being involved or held responsible and knowing more about him speaks volumes to me. That alone demonstrates an environment which most of us would not tolerate in our home.
It's the rasin' and it continues...
But they have a clean house.
What is a retention pond?

It's a man-made low lying area designated to hold storm water run off. The water pools in this area and is usually pretty yucky because it usually is stagnant. We have a lot of them here in Florida because it rains so much.

Why is all this so hard for everyone to understand?

It is the job of the defense to create doubt about the credibility of the evidence and the prosecution's case. Baez has questioned the credibility of the autopsy and put the prosecution into a no-win situation because defense experts will not be there. That means Baez and team can question the autopsy results on every level and in every single detail. Baez then questioned the processing of the scene and again, because defense experts are not allowed to be there before the scene was dismantled, Baez can now question the credibility of the entire process. Like it or not, all of this is exactly what a defense attorney is supposed to do. The defense team is doing their best to create doubt at every turn.
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