Anthony's Computer Forensics

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If there are warm and fuzzy mommy and daughter searches, the defense should have their own expert to tell us about them. I don't expect that to happen.
I agree. Nonetheless there were lots of things that KC did/posted on Myspace which were dubious indeed and the State chose not to show those. Or maybe they weren't allowed in as evidence, I'm not sure?

I think it's pretty safe to say that the searches her parents did were the most benign, having to do with yard work, etc. And they are on the other browser. As were perhaps some of her own searches. I think we can imagine herswere mostly social network type things on both IE and Firefox.

But the logic here is not a matter of the volume of innocent searches outweighing the nefarious ones. It's the fact that searches involving ways to sedate people into unconsciousness in the same context as ways of inflicting bodily harm were all done simultaneously and exclusively on the browser she used and she deleted the entire browser immediately after YM left the house that first night. That shows she realized how they could be utilized to infer guilt even though they were done several months earlier, and at this stage of the game LE had been told her daughter was kidnapped. It was a calculated coverup, imo due to her complete cognizance of what they could represent. If they were that innocent, why would she have even remembered them to begin with, much less immediately wiped them off the computer along with the browser she used to search them?

I did not realize those searches were deleted from the history after Yuri was at the house, I thought they were deleted immediately after the searches were done. Wowza!
I did not realize those searches were deleted from the history after Yuri was at the house, I thought they were deleted immediately after the searches were done. Wowza!

Wowza and a big dose of consciousness of guilt.

She didn't want the forensic experts to see all her warm fuzzy mommy-type searches?
OK. I guess my point is a rhetorical question. Is there inherent bias in only showing these deleted searches and not showing ALL searches? I mean, there might have been 100 other undeleted searches that suggest the exact opposite of a young woman planning to kill her daughter. A list that when read would give you serious doubts that you have a scheming child killer at the keyboard.

I would have to go back and rewatch JB's cross, but I thought he touched on the exact sites visited. Seemed to gloss over that, and could have made it more clear. I missed some of the testimony. But didn't he point out they could have been Kung-Fu (sp?) and funny something?
I think it's pretty safe to say that the searches her parents did were the most benign, having to do with yard work, etc. And they are on the other browser. As were perhaps some of her own searches. I think we can imagine herswere mostly social network type things on both IE and Firefox.

But the logic here is not a matter of the volume of innocent searches outweighing the nefarious ones. It's the fact that searches involving ways to sedate people into unconsciousness in the same context as ways of inflicting bodily harm were all done simultaneously and exclusively on the browser she used and she deleted the entire browser immediately after YM left the house that first night. That shows she realized how they could be utilized to infer guilt even though they were done several months earlier, and at this stage of the game LE had been told her daughter was kidnapped. It was a calculated coverup, imo due to her complete cognizance of what they could represent. If they were that innocent, why would she have even remembered them to begin with, much less immediately wiped them off the computer along with the browser she used to search them?

I did not realize those searches were deleted from the history after Yuri was at the house, I thought they were deleted immediately after the searches were done. Wowza!
Me too. I understand that they were talking only about the very few items that had been deleted in 4 1/2 years but did they also testify that they had been erased after July 15th? If so, I missed that and WOWZA is right!
I think the forensic expert was inferring that it was unusual to have the entire google search file available for him in unallocated space - it would show that it had been retrieved very recently. I'm not sure he testified to the rest, but I know that JWG put together some absolutely excellent due diligence and figured out that the entire browser was deleted, IIRC, several minutes after she put the stuff for YM on the zip drive regarding her emails/phone records whatever. So it looked to me as if she scooted in there the minute the door slammed and deleted "her" private Firefox browser (which she most likely used to begin with because it was less prone to the viruses found on all social networks and could have its history deleted by hand at will easier than IE could). The fact that virtually no other searches were erased on the other browser would certainly indicate this was not something it occurred to the rest of the family to do. I'm not sure if JWG's incredible posts regarding this are at WS or at HinkyMeter but I'll try to look.

Here you go - he may have posted the original one here, I don't know:
IIRC, YM was in the other room while KC hopped on the PC at about 4:30am. she did some deleting for herself and the thumb drive photos and a printout of her cel phone activity for YM
Searching for "chloroform" 84 times in one day doesn't even make sense. It's like you have a chimpanzee at the keyboard. You'd think the person would find whatever they are looking for after a few searches.

Well yes, after 21 searches without getting what you want, of course you will need to search another 63 times.

Maybe she's a slow reader? :D
Searching for "chloroform" 84 times in one day doesn't even make sense. It's like you have a chimpanzee at the keyboard. You'd think the person would find whatever they are looking for after a few searches.

Well yes, after 21 searches without getting what you want, of course you will need to search another 63 times.

I know it was all in an hour to wasnt it?
I agree. I'm a martial artist and very into tactical firearms training, If the FBI looked through my search history I'd be done for! lol

My initial thought when reading the list was MMA... And I'm not even a big fan of it. Has anyone cross-referenced news stories or tv shows around that time to see if there was anything related to any of the search terms? I know I have a tendency to read or hear something and go on crazy Google tears... Just curious, because the searches besides the chloroform have just never sat well with as being proof of murderous intent.
Lord what ppl would think of me!!!!
Mods move if necessary...this is one case among many others that I do alot of searches about...and although it has NOTHING to do with my beliefs about the case it has me wondering....
Since this case I have looked up chlorophyll and how to make it since I wanted to see if was REALLY that easy to find....
Have also searched on how to make botulism after I read the Katherine Casey's book about Celeste Beard Johnson...I tend to want to know if things I read are true or not....
Even aside from True Crime books let me speak of Jodi Picoult's book "Vanishing Acts" in which it gives in bits and pieces a recipe to make Meth...the curiosity in me after reading the book makes me go search for meth recipes....
I have looked up bestiality after hearing of the guy who died after ummm doing the horse, etc....
Anyway not taking up for ICA at all but if anything EVER happened to my family and the cops felt the need to confiscate my computer...OMG would they think I was trying to make chlorphyll or meth or that I was trying to grow botulism or that I *eek gag puke* might be into bestiality?
I guess what I want to know if if anyone else but me feels a little scared about things we search about based off of what we hear?
You may have searched all of those things but you didn't search any of them 84 times.
I had a conversation with a friend of mine about this when the computer guy was testifying as to what he found on the Anthony's computer. I search ALL kinds of weird things. I am a naturally inquisitive when I read about something, I usually want to know more about it, and, therefore, do internet searches. I cannot even tell you the strange things I have looked up based on things I have read here. I was telling my friend that I hope LE never has a reason to search my computer because they would think I was not so right in the head.
I had a conversation with a friend of mine about this when the computer guy was testifying as to what he found on the Anthony's computer. I search ALL kinds of weird things. I am a naturally inquisitive when I read about something, I usually want to know more about it, and, therefore, do internet searches. I cannot even tell you the strange things I have looked up based on things I have read here. I was telling my friend that I hope LE never has a reason to search my computer because they would think I was not so right in the head.

I am inquisitive as well.....scares me sometimes lol!
Well if you stuck to chlorphyll and didn't stray into chloroform you may be okay. Unless people around you start suddenly passing out for no good reason...
You may have searched all of those things but you didn't search any of them 84 times.

I think there is a 'natural curiosity' factor that is in everybody's computer history, and ITA it's all about the NUMBER of searches related to the topics, and if those search topics relate to a crime.

Dollars to doughnuts that cops do not give a cr@p about your *advertiser censored* or fetishy stuff.....I'm sure those IT guys have seen it ALL. Like feet a lot? *yawn*

The key is not to murder anyone, or even harm them, with related searches gleaned from your home computer. Otherwise, you're probably cool with the cops.

ETA: I still can't believe how shortsighted ICA is! At her age, she has to be aware of computer forensics.
You are too funny White Rain...But you are so right in my book. I have wanted to look up chloroform from the beginning to see what it's made out of but have been to affraid someone might think I'm some kind of a killer on the loose.

But then again it occurs to me that I come to W/S (my favorite site in the whole world) so maybe someone would think I'm a killer on the loose anyway so maybe I will look up chloroform.
Same here, oh boy I have looked up so many things after joining websleuths and following so many crimes.
It is scarey, if I die and my kids look at my history on this computer! YIKES.

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