Anthony's Deceptions and Seeking Full Immunity#3 Poll Added

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Would the GP's be totally candid and truthful if provided full immunity?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 7.2%
  • No

    Votes: 518 79.8%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 84 12.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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George and Lee fear Cindy, and they do what she tells them to do. Cindy's motivator is preservation in her mind of her self-image as a good mother. She's completely desperate in this pursuit. It consumes her. She goes to dramatic extremes with it (Casey's very obvious pregnancy at brother's wedding and Cindy saying not only was Casey not pregnant, she hadn't even had sex!!) The last we heard from Cindy was on LKL the night before Caylee's remains were found. We watched Cindy over months straying farther and farther from the truth, culminating in what we saw on that LKL show. It was shocking, and she showed no embarrassment, no hesitation - she was deeply immersed in her extensive web of lies and self-deception. We saw her defiantly, aggressively defending it.

Snipped by me.

And Cindy's demand that people notice and comment on how much she, another "Mother of the Year", is suffering on behalf of her motherhood. If the truth doesn't mesh with the image, she will not acknowledge it. I think it started years ago as deliberately covering up a not so perfect family life. Unfortunately, at some point, Cindy began to believe the image.
No, and I would not want to hear the "truth" from anyone for whom it is conditional.

Who knows what "mistruths" they might futher purport, after all "lying is not a crime". Certainly they wouldn't lie (yet again) for Casey at trial, or would they? "Why does anyone lie?". While lying in and of itself may not make you a murderer or a criminal, it does make your word worthless and others unwilling to trust you.

Also, great post BeanE :clap:
No, and I would not want to hear the "truth" from anyone for whom it is conditional.
Who knows what "mistruths" they might futher purport, after all "lying is not a crime". Certainly they wouldn't lie (yet again) for Casey at trial, or would they? "Why does anyone lie?". While lying in and of itself may not make you a murderer or a criminal, it does make your word worthless and others unwilling to trust you.

Also, great post BeanE :clap:

to me its to late...this whole thing could have been so much easier on those investigating if the truth were told day 31----I don't think that telling the truth should be conditional---they should have never lied to begin with --- still hate that ca thinks it okay to lie....IT ISN'T....I'm tired of them playing victim --- and the true victim is Caylee....

If they get a deal thru LE----could the feds still press charges?????
I really do think they will be truthful. What have they got to lose? And their "image" is in need of desperate repair.
They don't seem to have been too in touch with "full disclosure" even before the disappearance and death of Caylee. The fact she was missing for months didn't seem to inspire them to tell the full truth for the sake of truth and Caylee. That doesn't seem to have changed with her death. So no.
No, and I would not want to hear the "truth" from anyone for whom it is conditional.
Who knows what "mistruths" they might futher purport, after all "lying is not a crime". Certainly they wouldn't lie (yet again) for Casey at trial, or would they? "Why does anyone lie?". While lying in and of itself may not make you a murderer or a criminal, it does make your word worthless and others unwilling to trust you.

This is the crux of it, isn't it? Doesn't this just tell us everything we need to know?

Because if they didn't lie or obstruct justice or hide evidence or do anything to slow this case down; if they really and truly believed that anyone outside the family is responsible for this train wreck, then WHY would they need immunity to speak to LE?????

Why wouldn't they be like the family of every other missing child who bang on the doors of LE night and day trying to get someone, anyone, to pay attention to their child's case? Why wouldn't they be racking their brains, telling all they know, looking for the tiniest hint that could lead to Caylee?

And then, when she's found, worst of all possible nightmares come true, they are NOT screaming for the murderer's head on a pike. They are not badgering LE round the clock begging for answers. They are not weeping and moaning and gnashing their teeth for what they have lost. Instead, they hide behind defense lawyers and immunity and, for once, they are quiet. Where is the outrage, the grief, the call for truth? Where is the thirst for justice?

Instead we get press releases from a lawyer and negotions for immunity. That doesn't sound like any VICTIM I know.
NO! They don't know the meaning of the truth, they only know their own special way to bend the truth.
They have lied since day 31, omitted important details, fabricated bs,
and now they think people will believe them?
Tell the truth about what? Haven't they been telling the truth all along? If not, if they must have been trying to play LE before for some reason of their own, and what would make anyone think they'd stop the games now? Why would they need immunity, and what do they have that would make LE want to deal? I don't get it.
If they lied before, bargaining for immunity implies that they are not willing to accept responsibility for the consequences of those lies but are looking for a way out without paying. I want them to pay, and I don't think they will do anything but offer a self-rationalised version of the "truth" ever.

One could also infer that in negotiating for the "truth", that without immunity they would continue to lie and remain unco-operative. Hmmm.

My question is, do LE/State's Attorney need this "truth" to make their case?
I don't get it.Dunno where I read today that they might be questioned again soon.What does this full immunity thing mean then?If they don't get it they will lie?This is ridiculous.LE can use this against them,why are they risking?Or is this just bad atty strategy?
This is the crux of it, isn't it? Doesn't this just tell us everything we need to know?

Because if they didn't lie or obstruct justice or hide evidence or do anything to slow this case down; if they really and truly believed that anyone outside the family is responsible for this train wreck, then WHY would they need immunity to speak to LE?????

Why wouldn't they be like the family of every other missing child who bang on the doors of LE night and day trying to get someone, anyone, to pay attention to their child's case? Why wouldn't they be racking their brains, telling all they know, looking for the tiniest hint that could lead to Caylee?

And then, when she's found, worst of all possible nightmares come true, they are NOT screaming for the murderer's head on a pike. They are not badgering LE round the clock begging for answers. They are not weeping and moaning and gnashing their teeth for what they have lost. Instead, they hide behind defense lawyers and immunity and, for once, they are quiet. Where is the outrage, the grief, the call for truth? Where is the thirst for justice?

Instead we get press releases from a lawyer and negotions for immunity. That doesn't sound like any VICTIM I know.

I really like your post! That is it, in a nutshell. Well put!

"The lawyer for George and Cindy Anthony wants his clients to have immunity before they speak with prosecutors again about their daughter, Casey Anthony.

Immunity would ensure the couple could tell investigators everything they know without fear of prosecution, attorney Brad Conway said.

He doesn't think the Anthonys would say something that would land them in legal trouble, but he wants them protected.

The Anthonys did not ask him to request immunity, Conway said. No deal has been made yet, he said."
....could tell investigators everything they know without fear of prosecution, attorney Brad Conway said.

He doesn't think the Anthonys would say something that would land them in legal trouble, but he wants them protected.

Aren't you contradicting yourself Brad?
....could tell investigators everything they know without fear of prosecution, attorney Brad Conway said.

He doesn't think the Anthonys would say something that would land them in legal trouble, but he wants them protected.

Aren't you contradicting yourself Brad?

My god, don't they all!
Not one person on the Anthony team has, even a basic, grasp of the English language ..
Unbelievable .. :rolleyes:
The truth and the Anthony family are strangers, thank you Judge Strickland.
Has he not MET his clients?! LOL If he needs some reference material, we can provide it. He should be careful of his own statements. They have been known to say things which could and very much should land them in legal trouble already.

Off the top of my head:

"There is NO evidence", Cindy A.

"The body in my granddaughter's [sic] car is NOT my granddaughter!", George A.

"It smells like there was a damn dead body in the car!", Cindy A.

"Lying isn't illegal", Cindy A.

Oh, the list is endless...
Problem is, CA can't help herself. She is a control freak, and can't speak directly, honestly, to the issues with or without immunity. I feel terribly for their loss of Caylee, but she is her own worst enemy. I do think GA can and must separate himself from the myths that CA and KC continue to perpetuate. We'll see.
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