Anthony's Deceptions and Seeking Full Immunity#3 Poll Added

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Would the GP's be totally candid and truthful if provided full immunity?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 7.2%
  • No

    Votes: 518 79.8%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 84 12.9%

  • Total voters
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I think that given any immunity CA and GA are still the parents of KC. While they may be more cautious about being antagonistic towards LE or contradictory there is NOT going to be full disclosure such that it throws KC under the bus.

It will all be based upon and guided by their attorney, BC, as how to play this and what to say so that there is an appearance of cooperation with the focus to clear their name but an absence of info that purely implicates KC.

Blood is thicker than water and the Defense attorney's are naturally going to stick together and not harm each others efforts -- unless it directly impacts their client. So, unless JB/KC decide to throw CA/GA under the bus to defend KC then BC will not do anything either to implicate KC, other than defend his clients interests. Defense cooperation and coordination.

While public opinion may have changed, since the secret is out and it is confirmed that Caylee is deceased -- and while the A's may be in a difficult situ with KC being prime suspect -- they still love their daughter and will be conflicted that they are partly responsible and could have done more to prevent it -- so will want to minimize any charges not ensure them.
I think that given any immunity CA and GA are still the parents of KC. While they may be more cautious about being antagonistic towards LE or contradictory there is NOT going to be full disclosure such that it throws KC under the bus.

It will all be based upon and guided by their attorney, BC, as how to play this and what to say so that there is an appearance of cooperation with the focus to clear their name but an absence of info that purely implicates KC.

Blood is thicker than water and the Defense attorney's are naturally going to stick together and not harm each others efforts -- unless it directly impacts their client. So, unless JB/KC decide to throw CA/GA under the bus to defend KC then BC will not do anything either to implicate KC, other than defend his clients interests. Defense cooperation and coordination.

While public opinion may have changed, since the secret is out and it is confirmed that Caylee is deceased -- and while the A's may be in a difficult situ with KC being prime suspect -- they still love their daughter and will be conflicted that they are partly responsible and could have done more to prevent it -- so will want to minimize any charges not ensure them.

Bolding and Underlining by me. Yes, cyberborg I think you are correct on this. In fact your entire post puts into words what I am thinking myself, but do not have the skills to express so clearly. Thank you.
This is the crux of it, isn't it? Doesn't this just tell us everything we need to know?

Because if they didn't lie or obstruct justice or hide evidence or do anything to slow this case down; if they really and truly believed that anyone outside the family is responsible for this train wreck, then WHY would they need immunity to speak to LE?????

Why wouldn't they be like the family of every other missing child who bang on the doors of LE night and day trying to get someone, anyone, to pay attention to their child's case? Why wouldn't they be racking their brains, telling all they know, looking for the tiniest hint that could lead to Caylee?

And then, when she's found, worst of all possible nightmares come true, they are NOT screaming for the murderer's head on a pike. They are not badgering LE round the clock begging for answers. They are not weeping and moaning and gnashing their teeth for what they have lost. Instead, they hide behind defense lawyers and immunity and, for once, they are quiet. Where is the outrage, the grief, the call for truth? Where is the thirst for justice?

Instead we get press releases from a lawyer and negotions for immunity. That doesn't sound like any VICTIM I know.

:clap::clap::clap: Very well said , in a nutshell. When you love a child, and they have come to harm, you do everything in your power to find them ,dead or alive. You work with LE, you write newspapers, you look for them, you work with family services, Dr's. Dishonesty does not fit in, nor does covering up evidence.
I found the video I was looking for.. CA talks about the hairbrush but goes into some more detail, she states about LE not wanting to strip caylees bed .but in the recent serach warrant someone on here thought they took bedding . I wonder if that is bedding from the warrant and if so how that will play in at trial.

Link :

All posts are in my opinion only
The Anthony's have told so many different tales you have to wonder which truth they would tell if immunity was granted.
I found the video I was looking for.. CA talks about the hairbrush but goes into some more detail, she states about LE not wanting to strip caylees bed .but in the recent serach warrant someone on here thought they took bedding . I wonder if that is bedding from the warrant and if so how that will play in at trial.

Link :

All posts are in my opinion only

I am wondering what evidence they have found since the discovery of Caylee. Prior to finding her, LE had built circumstantial evidence against KC (if indeed,all the evidence they had was released in those doc dumps, there is a good chance it was not). I'll be watching this trial with great interest. I'm also curious as to what evidence that the state will be able to present at trial and what evidence will be thrown out and not allowed to be used?
I voted no. They closed ranks from the onset. They may want to come forward on one or two items now, to save their behinds, but when it counted, when they needed to be honest, they chose to obfuscate and mislead.

CA acted delusional, destroying evidence. GA played ""I'm with you guys" to whomever he spoke with, all the while this ex-homicide cop destroyed evidence. LA, I believe destroyed evidence.

They pointed so many fingers, I'm suprised someone didn't have an eye put out.
Having said that, it will be interesting to see them try.

I agree. If they had told the truth from the beginning, it may have forced KC to tell the truth. By spinning their lies, they assured her of LWOP and maybe now the DP. If they hadn't lied, she might have told she did it accidently and got off with a few years, now her FATE IS SEALED.

By lying they also will be indicted on felony charges, and both will lose their ability to practice their professions. Neither one of them can work in their field with a felony conviction.

By lying they also got LA involved and he most likely will be indicted and found guilty too. Now, he will have a felony record and can never get a good job. I also believe by lying they opened pandora's box on Lee's activities.

They can thank themselves for destroying not only themselves, but Lee as well trying to cover for KC and their own family secrets.

Lets count now.........their doing nothing and lying for KC before, put KC in the position she thought she could do anything and get by with it. Because of that many of her friend's lives have been disrupted and practically destroyed. They secured KC's conviction, their own and Lee's conviction and they have a

WOW !! What EVIL lurks in that family.
I watched that YouTube video and it's heartwrenching. However, here's a little "test" I use whenever I start to succomb to sympathetic excuses for CA's behavior, and I'll pass it along to you FWIW...

I ask myself how I would feel about CA's actions if Caylee was someone else's adorable little granddaughter--yours perhaps--who'd been left in Casey's (and Cindy's) care on and off for two years. Next, pretend that beginning on June 16th, all the same events unfolded. How would you feel then about the lengths CA has gone to protect Casey, the lies, the clouding of the truth, casting blame on the innocent, interferring with searches?

When it comes down to it, does the fact that Cindy loved Caylee mean that she is entitled to do all these things?
No! NO! NO! I can understand their wanting to support KC. She is still their child and she is still alive. They'll be able to visit her and see her at holidays. I understand they love her but to cover up for her and incriminate themselves in the process, I don't understand. I believe they loved Caylee but they love themselves more. I hope this makes sense.
I agree. If they had told the truth from the beginning, it may have forced KC to tell the truth. By spinning their lies, they assured her of LWOP and maybe now the DP. If they hadn't lied, she might have told she did it accidently and got off with a few years, now her FATE IS SEALED.

By lying they also will be indicted on felony charges, and both will lose their ability to practice their professions. Neither one of them can work in their field with a felony conviction.

By lying they also got LA involved and he most likely will be indicted and found guilty too. Now, he will have a felony record and can never get a good job. I also believe by lying they opened pandora's box on Lee's activities.

They can thank themselves for destroying not only themselves, but Lee as well trying to cover for KC and their own family secrets.

Lets count now.........their doing nothing and lying for KC before, put KC in the position she thought she could do anything and get by with it. Because of that many of her friend's lives have been disrupted and practically destroyed. They secured KC's conviction, their own and Lee's conviction and they have a

WOW !! What EVIL lurks in that family.

and because they have a dead grandaughter we are to let them skate on by---irregardless of the damage they have done to others...loved your post--!seems like poor little Caylee only comes to forfront when they need her to--other than that...its there own agenda first....
I am wondering what evidence they have found since the discovery of Caylee. Prior to finding her, LE had built circumstantial evidence against KC (if indeed,all the evidence they had was released in those doc dumps, there is a good chance it was not). I'll be watching this trial with great interest. I'm also curious as to what evidence that the state will be able to present at trial and what evidence will be thrown out and not allowed to be used?

The thing about the doc dump is that only things that will not harm the LE case come out in them. So what we get in the dump in really nothing that will harn their case.
and because they have a dead grandaughter we are to let them skate on by---irregardless of the damage they have done to others...loved your post--!seems like poor little Caylee only comes to forfront when they need her to--other than that...its there own agenda first....

Caylee was NEVER the focus of that family - she was the catalyst used for the power struggle.

As bad as this sounds, the more I read, and hear, I am now convinced she is much better off in heaven than in that family.
I vote no. Though I am not without empathy for the grieving grandparents, I am very suspicious of their every move. They have demonstrated over and over again that they can not tell the truth. What does their attorney know about them that motivates him to request immunity besides what we have witnessed for ourselves? I seriously doubt we will ever truly know what really happened.

One thing in the back of my head is the thought that one of them might try to claim responsibility to save KC.:eek:
My whole thing is that if they didn't/wouldn't tell the truth to SAVE their granddaughter (like when they honestly thought she was alive) why in the world would immunity make them tell the truth now?

The truth should have started at day "31" and never wavered regardless of who it implicated. If it meant saving Caylee there was never a need to lie.
I vote no. Though I am not without empathy for the grieving grandparents, I am very suspicious of their every move. They have demonstrated over and over again that they can not tell the truth. What does their attorney know about them that motivates him to request immunity besides what we have witnessed for ourselves? I seriously doubt we will ever truly know what really happened.

One thing in the back of my head is the thought that one of them might try to claim responsibility to save KC.:eek:

I believe she will blame one of them before it is over. With a family of narcissists, it is not likely anyone of them will sacrifice themselves for anyone else, but KC may do it for them before it is over.

GA WAS the last person by his own admission, to see Caylee and CA was the last one known to have her.

All KC has to say is she left the night they had the argument, left Caylee there, and was out partying because she didn't want them to tell her what to do anymore and she thought THEY were taking care of Caylee.

Then say she went to jail because she did not know WHAT they did with Caylee and she was terrified of CA & GA, particularly since he had such a record of rage outbursts and behaviors in the past. She could even say they threatened her if she ever told and turn the entire murder back on them.

GA had a key to her car by his own admission, and he had the opportunity, means, and if there is an insurance policy somewhere (which I believe there is) the motive because of their financial situation.
I watched that YouTube video and it's heartwrenching. However, here's a little "test" I use whenever I start to succomb to sympathetic excuses for CA's behavior, and I'll pass it along to you FWIW...

I ask myself how I would feel about CA's actions if Caylee was someone else's adorable little granddaughter--yours perhaps--who'd been left in Casey's (and Cindy's) care on and off for two years. Now, pretend that beginning on June 16th, all the same events unfolded. How would you feel then about the lengths CA has gone to protect Casey, the lies, the clouding of the truth, casting blame on the innocent, interferring with searches for your grandchild?

When it comes down to it, does the fact that Cindy loved Caylee mean that she is therefore justified in doing all these things--the very things that you would despise her for doing if Caylee was your own granddaughter? Wouldn't you want her arrested? Would you want her granted immunity? Would you be willing for her to profit from telling "her story?"

You're right on point here--great post. I hope there is never a profit for these people. I'm not sure whether the rest of their actions are germane at this point. When I hear more from them directly--such as sticking to the nanny story--they will either be what they have appeared to be (liars, obstructionists) or not. Sadly for Caylee, right now I suspect liars and obstructionists is the true picture.
We'll see.
But in no case should these people profit--if I know a book or movie pays them, I won't buy it or watch it. Maybe more observers will follow suit.
You're right on point here--great post. I hope there is never a profit for these people. I'm not sure whether the rest of their actions are germane at this point. When I hear more from them directly--such as sticking to the nanny story--they will either be what they have appeared to be (liars, obstructionists) or not. Sadly for Caylee, right now I suspect liars and obstructionists is the true picture.
We'll see.
But in no case should these people profit--if I know a book or movie pays them, I won't buy it or watch it. Maybe more observers will follow suit.

I'm hopeing the same---I also hope that something along the lines of the Goldmans when oj was doing that book thing....
I believe she will blame one of them before it is over. With a family of narcissists, it is not likely anyone of them will sacrifice themselves for anyone else, but KC may do it for them before it is over.

GA WAS the last person by his own admission, to see Caylee and CA was the last one known to have her.

All KC has to say is she left the night they had the argument, left Caylee there, and was out partying because she didn't want them to tell her what to do anymore and she thought THEY were taking care of Caylee.

Then say she went to jail because she did not know WHAT they did with Caylee and she was terrified of CA & GA, particularly since he had such a record of rage outbursts and behaviors in the past. She could even say they threatened her if she ever told and turn the entire murder back on them.

GA had a key to her car by his own admission, and he had the opportunity, means, and if there is an insurance policy somewhere (which I believe there is) the motive because of their financial situation.

Interesting. It would not surprise me in the least that KC would throw 'em all under the bus. I am particularly drawn to the GA theory. It has always bothered me that he refers to Caylee in such detached terms as "the little girl".
I voted no. I believe that GA and CA have known the truth about Caylee from day 31 when they picked up the car at the tow yard. They both know (especially GA) what the smell of human decomp smells like. You can see it in their earliest statements to LE. They decided early on that in order to save Casey, they would have to spin/lie and lie/spin. They know what they have done is criminal, otherwise there would be no need to ask for immunity. Once immunity is granted, they have no compelling reason to tell the truth. They could continue to lie/spin and spin/lie and could not be touched. My personal opinion is that the SA should file felony charges against all 3 of them, the judge should set the bonds at 1 million dollars a piece and they should spend a good long time alone in a jail cell to think about what their daughter has done and what they have done. My daughter is only 7 days older that Caylee and I've thought about what I would do if someone did to her what Casey did to Caylee. There would be no lying or spinning on my part. I would end up in jail though for trying to beat the truth out of whoever did it.

I might feel different about CA if she had spent the time when she was initially waiting for LE to arrive with her hands around Casey's throat while screaming at her to "stop lying and tell me what you did"

I think the time period for the Anthony's to tell the truth has long since passed. It's time they pay the price for their lies/spin/spin/lies.

MOO as always.
I hope that they are not granted immunity now. They have had months to go foward and tell the truth. They chose to pick and choose what they said. Before her body had been found, I might would have agreed with it so that she could be laid to rest, but since she has been found, they haven't even had the decency to set a funeral date. Whatever they get from this, they deserve.
I hope that they are not granted immunity now. They have had months to go foward and tell the truth. They chose to pick and choose what they said. Before her body had been found, I might would have agreed with it so that she could be laid to rest, but since she has been found, they haven't even had the decency to set a funeral date. Whatever they get from this, they deserve.

If they are granted immunity they will be getting a lot more than they deserve monetarily.
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