Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

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What Do You Think Are The Reason(s) The Anthony's Are Standing Beside Casey...

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Father calls daughter tender, not evil--after daughter masterminds death of entire family

People Magazine did a lengthy story in this week's issue about this case. My impression of that story is that the father stated that he has accepted that his daughter committed this crime, but has chosen to forgive her (completely different than the Anthonys....)

I also found it interesting that none of the "players" in this case received the death sentence, including the two shooters....for murdering a mother, fatally shooting one young son, and stabbing (several times) the other young son to death.
IMO- when Casey was released on bond, had the protesters stayed away and the Anthony's were stuck at home with only the Anthony's- woulda hit the fan. Cindy would have come out of her denial pretty quickly, IMO when she had to sit and look at Casey every day, doing nothing to find her daughter (after she said she had to get out of jail to help search, to get in contact with people, etc), lying- and lying and lying. She'd have blown a fuse eventually. This is Cindy we are talking about- there is no loyalty- one day Casey is a great mom, the next she's gonna go to "the court thing" and take Caylee away..

So much was discovered during the time Casey was home on bail. (Finding out Casey had Caylee sleep in the bed with her and Ricardo, that she had like 2 of Cindy's credit cards in her purse when she was arrested-) and forced her to talk or beat her half to death. (this is the woman who supposedly "choked" her daughter just a month or so before). I know you see the same Cindy I do- and I know you have more facts then me so I know that you can probably see this scenario too!@! LOL

But the protesters helped the Anthony's band together- they had a common enemy. Cindy had someone other than her daughter to be pissed at- to blame.. so it distracted her and she forgot who she was really angry with. She and Casey "bonded" during that time. I so wish those protestes had left I really think things would have turned out different if they had no distractions, if they had no other outlet for their anger.
Your post is so profound when addressing the protesters and how that allowed CA to transfer an direct focus off dealing with her anger, frustration towards KC at that time. CA's behavior over the other family members displays an almost addictive behavior as someone who has to take a drug to feel hole. For CA that drug is denial escalating into blame. As with all addictions you can have a moment of clarity to escape the hell and ask for help or you can abuse more to avoid uncomfortable painful feelings you may be experiencing mentally or physically. The cycle keeps going on and on until there are no more distractions because you ve lost everything and are left alone to deal or not deal with the issue. A person will die, break physically and mentally and hopefully at this point healing can occur. The people CA wants around her are like drug dealers in a since because they keep perpetuating cA going for the drug of denial. You just want to shake her similar to feelings one might have for the family member who is the addict. I see gA dippin in the drug of denial occasionally but prefers to be straight so he can do the driven occasionally. As the days and months go by it appears GA has now become addicted to the noise of avoidance himself. It is so easy to take this couple and apply so many other examples besides addiction. Sometimes I feel the nanny story is for CA's benefit and when everthing is dispelled in court, daughter is sentenced, CA will crash and burn, having no choice but to seek help or will keep this charade up until she's sickend by her own self. I wonder where life will take her in 5 yrs? As it stands for now those thoughts scare me more than I can express in writing. Something is going to burst out of that pressure cooker home I feel before trial is up. Nature has a way of balancing us all out whether we like it or not. <3
I just posted this in another thread. Since I was specifically saying that I don't believe George and Cindy are in denial at all, I thought it fit right in with this topic.

I truly don't think "denial" is the right word here. They are very defensive, and highly combative. They don't seem to care who they destroy in this silly game they continue to play day in and day out. They know their daughter is the culprit and they know she is the only one that can give them the answers and closure they need, but all others be damned. It's all about Casey for them. Poor Caylee never had a chance, IMO.

The public can only sympathize for so long. No, we wouldn't want to be in a similar situation, but that does not give them the right to attack, LE, TM, LP, MN, and on, and on, and on..... ad nauseam. Nor does it give them the right to put out pictures all over the Internet and TV (because they know reporters will run with it) of innocent children who are getting caught up in the game that this family wants to continue playing. My children are getting older now (16 will be 17 the day after Christmas, and my son just turned 18 this week), but I have NEVER put a single picture of them on the Internet and I would be more than PO'd if the Anthony family took it upon themselves to post ANY photos of them. I truly think I would be speaking to an attorney if I were the family of these little ones. IMO, this is just something that they cannot and should not get away with. It's NOT their right. What's even sadder is, George and Cindy are whining that LE won't allow them the ability to look at different video to ID Caylee. Well, we see what they do with this type of information when they have that luxury. IMO, they shouldn't be shown ANY of this video because they don't know where to draw the line.

Shame on you both, George and Cindy, if you read here.
This is no case of denial.
This is a case of cover up and BS.
Father calls daughter tender, not evil--after daughter masterminds death of entire family

People Magazine did a lengthy story in this week's issue about this case. My impression of that story is that the father stated that he has accepted that his daughter committed this crime, but has chosen to forgive her (completely different than the Anthonys....)

I also found it interesting that none of the "players" in this case received the death sentence, including the two shooters....for murdering a mother, fatally shooting one young son, and stabbing (several times) the other young son to death.

I guess hate the ~ SIN ~ not the SINNER ! ! !

I believe in " Forgivness "

But * I also believe that you can Forgive the person for
the wrong doing... and yet...
that does NOT MEAN that you have to TRUST them again !

Wrong Doing.... and Wrong Doers must often suffer a Lesson to
LEARN>>>>>>>>> You Might be granted Forgiveness but...
I don't have to TRUST you or allow you to do wrong to
me again.

But many times the granting Forgiveness helps the person who
is granting the F O R G I V E N E S S to a wrong doer.... to
go on with their own life.

God Bless !
I am not convinced that G&C are in denial. I believe they are in a state of concern for what their daughter may reveal.

Looking at their actions and reactions since the night of the 911 call by C, there has been a complete 180 degree turn around in their statements and attitudes in regard to their daughter.

Witnesses have testified as to the extremely rocky relationship between C and KC. We all heard the anger and concern in C's voice during the 911 call. We all heard G's statement to L.E. about the smell of a dead body in the car. Now flash forward to their recent interviews on CBS and LK. Their daughter is practically a saint

KC's reaction to her parents is apparent and cold as ice. She would not even glance their way to acknowledge their presence last week at the motion hearing. G&C haven't visited their daughter in months. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all came and went with no visits.

Do any of these actions and reactions seem normal? I submit the opinion that they are not a result of denial. It is my opinion that KC has some type of information she is threatening to reveal about her parents if they don't completely support her efforts to defend herself against these charges. It is they only logical explanation I can grasp that would explain the complete about face of G&C.
This is no case of denial.
This is a case of cover up and BS.
Try to invision that one of the meanings of denial is, not taking responsibilityfor ones own negative emotions and actions. This is a true meaning for denial as well as the meaning of not facing your currents reality. So your quite right in stateing this could not be true. Now knowing the perplexity of this state of mind you can see how denial can make you lie, cheat, steal, and yes cover-up. This is why I did a comparison to addiction. You'll do anything for the drug, at all cost, just to have the outcomb of Feeling good about your self on the outside and inside. After an addict scores they tend to aquire a side smile cocky attitude with the anticpation of using the drug and feel a since of relief once hi. I could write the comparison I see in CA but it would be better for folks to exchange behaviors and see what you get. Denial is nothing to feel sorry for, it is dangerous causing risky behaviors that could land someone in jail and can kill and not necessarily kill the one in denial, but can destroy anything true and good in life. CA and maybe the other, is in dangerous denial and has been for along time. I see ga acting out like a codependant of the addicted denialed cA and appears to have been acting out a long time. I seriuosly can't imagine how the arguments went down in this family over the years and find it criminal if Caylee had to live under a roof that mimicks addiction. <3
I know Cindy and George said on LK that they would support Casey, no matter what. I feel they have both spent so much effort and time defending Casey that they can't possibly have worked through any true grief process concerning Caylee's death. For them to do that, (I would think) they would need to accept the truth concerning the circumstances of her death...publicly, it doesn't look like they have done this. I don't know what they tell themselves in private, but there would have to be some dialogue, even if internal, going on as to who caused their Granddaughter's death, how the death happened and maybe most importantly, why. It would be interesting to know what they think and say in private, this is a pretty big issue for two married people to side step forever. We have seen them acknowledge Caylee as a missing child, but really haven't heard much from them about the death. Even on LK, they didn't want to talk too much about what they felt when they found out the remains were Caylee's..instead they had rather defend their daughter and talk about teddy bears. I think the process of accepting Caylee's death will not begin until after Casey's trial. As it stands now Cindy and George are too busy trying to save their daughter from the state, I don't think they have come close to dealing with Caylee's murder and assigning any real blame. Who knows how much they will "support" Casey when the reality of how and why Caylee was murdered hits them.

I remember too how George lashed out during his deposition in the civil case when the attorney referred to "the remains." George's reaction to hearing those words was instant anger. I think this is a good indication that George and Cindy have not dealt with Caylee's death at all.

When it comes to the trial, the prosecution isn't going to tip-toe around the subject........he or she will use the terminology "the remains", and there will likely be some pretty graphic crime scene pictures of those remains presented during the trial.

If Cindy and George don't deal with Caylee's death before the trial, they may be forced to face some hard truths in the courtroom.
Your post is so profound when addressing the protesters and how that allowed CA to transfer an direct focus off dealing with her anger, frustration towards KC at that time. CA's behavior over the other family members displays an almost addictive behavior as someone who has to take a drug to feel hole. For CA that drug is denial escalating into blame. As with all addictions you can have a moment of clarity to escape the hell and ask for help or you can abuse more to avoid uncomfortable painful feelings you may be experiencing mentally or physically. The cycle keeps going on and on until there are no more distractions because you ve lost everything and are left alone to deal or not deal with the issue. A person will die, break physically and mentally and hopefully at this point healing can occur. The people CA wants around her are like drug dealers in a since because they keep perpetuating cA going for the drug of denial. You just want to shake her similar to feelings one might have for the family member who is the addict. I see gA dippin in the drug of denial occasionally but prefers to be straight so he can do the driven occasionally. As the days and months go by it appears GA has now become addicted to the noise of avoidance himself. It is so easy to take this couple and apply so many other examples besides addiction. Sometimes I feel the nanny story is for CA's benefit and when everthing is dispelled in court, daughter is sentenced, CA will crash and burn, having no choice but to seek help or will keep this charade up until she's sickend by her own self. I wonder where life will take her in 5 yrs? As it stands for now those thoughts scare me more than I can express in writing. Something is going to burst out of that pressure cooker home I feel before trial is up. Nature has a way of balancing us all out whether we like it or not. <3

Great way to put it! IMO Cindy depends on her family for her feelings of self-worth. Anytime you have to depend on something outside of yourself in order to feel OK your going to see a lot of "addictive behaviors" come into play.
I remember too how George lashed out during his deposition in the civil case when the attorney referred to "the remains." George's reaction to hearing those words was instant anger. I think this is a good indication that George and Cindy have not dealt with Caylee's death at all.

When it comes to the trial, the prosecution isn't going to tip-toe around the subject........he or she will use the terminology "the remains", and there will likely be some pretty graphic crime scene pictures of those remains presented during the trial.

If Cindy and George don't deal with Caylee's death before the trial, they may be forced to face some hard truths in the courtroom.

Is court different in Florida? Where I come from, witnesses can't come into the courtroom until after they have tesified. I thought all trials everywhere were like that.
Try to invision that one of the meanings of denial is, not taking responsibilityfor ones own negative emotions and actions. This is a true meaning for denial as well as the meaning of not facing your currents reality. So your quite right in stateing this could not be true. Now knowing the perplexity of this state of mind you can see how denial can make you lie, cheat, steal, and yes cover-up. This is why I did a comparison to addiction. You'll do anything for the drug, at all cost, just to have the outcomb of Feeling good about your self on the outside and inside. After an addict scores they tend to aquire a side smile cocky attitude with the anticpation of using the drug and feel a since of relief once hi. I could write the comparison I see in CA but it would be better for folks to exchange behaviors and see what you get. Denial is nothing to feel sorry for, it is dangerous causing risky behaviors that could land someone in jail and can kill and not necessarily kill the one in denial, but can destroy anything true and good in life. CA and maybe the other, is in dangerous denial and has been for along time. I see ga acting out like a codependant of the addicted denialed cA and appears to have been acting out a long time. I seriuosly can't imagine how the arguments went down in this family over the years and find it criminal if Caylee had to live under a roof that mimicks addiction. <3

Again, great post. ITA!
This is so true. How many times have we seen family and/or in-laws interviewed after a trial and they tell of the moment they realized their loved one could and did commit murder? A lot of times it happens mid-trial.

I do think they know KC killed Caylee and certainly GA knew it when KC showed up at the house without Caylee on July 16 (after he had smelled the car). I'm not so sure they will ever admit it publicly.

The last jailhouse tape of CA & George visiting KC, when they first arrive & Cindy puts her hands up to her face, after observing KC's demeanor and inappropriate laughter, is when I saw horror in Cindy's face. She knew definitively in that moment, the real reality hit her. and, KC's remarks, smiling thru her teeth, "why is she crying already" made my blood run cold. It was like watching a remake of The Bad Seed.
Is court different in Florida? Where I come from, witnesses can't come into the courtroom until after they have tesified. I thought all trials everywhere were like that.

I'm sure that all courts in every state preclude witnesses from being in the courtroom until after they testify.

In this case, I expect the prosecution will put GA, CA, and LA on the stand very early in the trial for the purpose of testifying to the sequence of events - from June 15th when Cindy took Caylee to visit Cindy's father in the assisted care facility forward to July 15th when they recovered the car from the tow yard and found Casey and brought her home. Their testimony will set the stage so to speak.

After they've testified, they can be in the courtroom, unless the prosecution states they are to be held for further testimony later in the trial (not sure of the legal terminology for this).

If GA, CA, and LA are kept out of the courtroom for a major portion of the trial, there's nothing that I know of that would prevent them from watching the trial online or on local television at home. I'm sure one of the Orlando television channels will carry the trial live.

Whether they're in the courtroom or watching online or television, they're likely going to learn some hard truths about their daughter and what happened to their granddaughter.
I'm sure that all courts in every state preclude witnesses from being in the courtroom until after they testify.

In this case, I expect the prosecution will put GA, CA, and LA on the stand very early in the trial for the purpose of testifying to the sequence of events - from June 15th when Cindy took Caylee to visit Cindy's father in the assisted care facility forward to July 15th when they recovered the car from the tow yard and found Casey and brought her home. Their testimony will set the stage so to speak.

After they've testified, they can be in the courtroom, unless the prosecution states they are to be held for further testimony later in the trial (not sure of the legal terminology for this).

If GA, CA, and LA are kept out of the courtroom for a major portion of the trial, there's nothing that I know of that would prevent them from watching the trial online or on local television at home. I'm sure one of the Orlando television channels will carry the trial live.

Whether they're in the courtroom or watching online or television, they're likely going to learn some hard truths about their daughter and what happened to their granddaughter.

Witnesses have to wait in VA, too....
What hard truths are left for them to learn? They must have grasped the obvious.. KC killed Caylee.. they must have nown that way back last July, if not earlier.

It was no surprise to them that their daughter stole, and that she had no scruples about stealing from her closest friends and her family. Her dating behavior was something they must have been well aware of... (I don't feel her love life was such a terrible disgrace.. if she were a male it wouldn't raise many eyebrows, and I have little time or patience for the old double standard.)

The only thing that might be a bit of a surprise to them then, in my opinion, is the fairly wide spread belief that they themselves were on KC's hit list .. it seems fairly likely that KC fantasized about killing other ppl..perhaps even made some contingency plans in case the need or opportunity arose.. her mother, almost surely. Likely her father as well. Perhaps (but not likely, in my opinion) her brother.. possibly Anne, her best friend of last summer..that sort of deep evil might well prove shocking to them, if it is brought up during the trial.
I am not convinced that G&C are in denial. I believe they are in a state of concern for what their daughter may reveal.

Looking at their actions and reactions since the night of the 911 call by C, there has been a complete 180 degree turn around in their statements and attitudes in regard to their daughter.

Witnesses have testified as to the extremely rocky relationship between C and KC. We all heard the anger and concern in C's voice during the 911 call. We all heard G's statement to L.E. about the smell of a dead body in the car. Now flash forward to their recent interviews on CBS and LK. Their daughter is practically a saint

KC's reaction to her parents is apparent and cold as ice. She would not even glance their way to acknowledge their presence last week at the motion hearing. G&C haven't visited their daughter in months. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all came and went with no visits.

Do any of these actions and reactions seem normal? I submit the opinion that they are not a result of denial. It is my opinion that KC has some type of information she is threatening to reveal about her parents if they don't completely support her efforts to defend herself against these charges. It is they only logical explanation I can grasp that would explain the complete about face of G&C.

:waitasec: :waitasec: :waitasec:
:rolleyes: There does seem to be "SOMETHING" hidden....

I just feel " a big cat will be let out of the bag ! ! !" ? ? ?

God Bless !
Are the Anthonys in denial?

I agree with most posters who think the A’s are no longer, truthfully, in denial.
Having said that -- CA is pathologically incapable of being wrong.. It has to do with dominance, control and authority. Lack of control is not an option. Thus when logic fails, she disseminates to the point of exhaustion -- weaving, bobbing, feigning, fighting, blaming -- ad nausea. I know someone very much like this, and it is not within their psychological makeup to be 1) wrong and 2) out of control – strange and incoherent, but true. I believe another poster put it quite well when speaking of dissociative behavior.
GA is simply a pawn in her warped sense of reality. He is accommodating her game plan, and you can see in his hesitations and false bravado, that he is NOT a believer. In the end, CA will fight to the death, literally; then find a way, to re-fashion the facts to meet her own sense of reality.
In a way, this family’s psychological profile is the most interesting aspect of the entire case. Is Casey a product of genetics gone awry, a product of her environment, or both? It’s totally sad that an adorable child became the innocent casualty of psychological warfare.
I agree with most posters who think the A’s are no longer, truthfully, in denial.
Having said that -- CA is pathologically incapable of being wrong.. It has to do with dominance, control and authority. Lack of control is not an option. Thus when logic fails, she disseminates to the point of exhaustion -- weaving, bobbing, feigning, fighting, blaming -- ad nausea. I know someone very much like this, and it is not within their psychological makeup to be 1) wrong and 2) out of control – strange and incoherent, but true. I believe another poster put it quite well when speaking of dissociative behavior.
GA is simply a pawn in her warped sense of reality. He is accommodating her game plan, and you can see in his hesitations and false bravado, that he is NOT a believer. In the end, CA will fight to the death, literally; then find a way, to re-fashion the facts to meet her own sense of reality.
In a way, this family’s psychological profile is the most interesting aspect of the entire case. Is Casey a product of genetics gone awry, a product of her environment, or both? It’s totally sad that an adorable child became the innocent casualty of psychological warfare.



Excellent post, I agree with everything you said! Though I believe Cindy has already "re-fashioned the facts to meet her own sense of reality". Other then that, I think I heart you! LOL:blowkiss:
:waitasec: :waitasec: :waitasec:
:rolleyes: There does seem to be "SOMETHING" hidden....

I just feel " a big cat will be let out of the bag ! ! !" ? ? ?

God Bless !
That's what I've always believed.....KC knows a lot and will spill a lot if it suits her.I also think that's why they don't go visit her.
I agree with most posters who think the A’s are no longer, truthfully, in denial.
Having said that -- CA is pathologically incapable of being wrong.. It has to do with dominance, control and authority. Lack of control is not an option. Thus when logic fails, she disseminates to the point of exhaustion -- weaving, bobbing, feigning, fighting, blaming -- ad nausea. I know someone very much like this, and it is not within their psychological makeup to be 1) wrong and 2) out of control – strange and incoherent, but true. I believe another poster put it quite well when speaking of dissociative behavior.
GA is simply a pawn in her warped sense of reality. He is accommodating her game plan, and you can see in his hesitations and false bravado, that he is NOT a believer. In the end, CA will fight to the death, literally; then find a way, to re-fashion the facts to meet her own sense of reality.
In a way, this family’s psychological profile is the most interesting aspect of the entire case. Is Casey a product of genetics gone awry, a product of her environment, or both? It’s totally sad that an adorable child became the innocent casualty of psychological warfare.

(bbm) I think she started this re-fashining project when she insisted Casey would keep the baby and not give her up for adoption, and its just a continuation of the same program. The problem is, it failed spectatcularly and Casey found the ultimate resistance to the plan... kill the baby and it removes any possible manipulation on the part of Cindy to undo the one thing Casey managed to do without her moms approval and control. Is it any wonder she is smug and satisfied? Her mother CAN'T change the death of Caylee. Cindy refashioned the entire family history , refashioned the familial relationships, and she's going to break herself against the brick wall of reality of Caylee's death. It's not so far fetched to see why Casey hates her mom so very much. And why Cindy is so angry at everything except Casey... it's displaced. She is furious with her daughter .... and has no way to get her under control, its too late. So she takes it out on anyone who doesnt toe whats left of the "line" . Casey overthrew her mom in one spasm of resistance, escaped and is probably relieved to be removed from Cindy's regime. Cindy however, is furious and experiencing paroxysms of frustration ... you can see it in her face, her body carriage, and the glitter of her eyes. There is just no way she can get the genie back n the bottle and all she has left is to save the "family face". Not gonna happen. Our reality isn't Cindy's. Shame, because its embarrassing to see her wallowing in her impotency. No one is listening to her anymore. She lost all credibility, and with it, power. Even George only goes along because its easier , but you can tell , he really isn't a believer anymore. of all , imo, George is the only one who seems to miss the little person of Caylee. Cindy mostly misses the regime, when she had them all under control.

If I were a practicing psychologist, I could make a living just on this family alone, in study and research.
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