Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

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What Do You Think Are The Reason(s) The Anthony's Are Standing Beside Casey...

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At the start of this I did think they were in denial, but my heart went out to them.
Now I think they are in deep chit, and IMHO they stink inside and out.
No they are not in denial, they are in Con Job Villa with guests who fit right in. :mad:
(bbm) I think she started this re-fashining project when she insisted Casey would keep the baby and not give her up for adoption, and its just a continuation of the same program. The problem is, it failed spectatcularly and Casey found the ultimate resistance to the plan... kill the baby and it removes any possible manipulation on the part of Cindy to undo the one thing Casey managed to do without her moms approval and control. Is it any wonder she is smug and satisfied? Her mother CAN'T change the death of Caylee. Cindy refashioned the entire family history , refashioned the familial relationships, and she's going to break herself against the brick wall of reality of Caylee's death. It's not so far fetched to see why Casey hates her mom so very much. And why Cindy is so angry at everything except Casey... it's displaced. She is furious with her daughter .... and has no way to get her under control, its too late. So she takes it out on anyone who doesnt toe whats left of the "line" . Casey overthrew her mom in one spasm of resistance, escaped and is probably relieved to be removed from Cindy's regime. Cindy however, is furious and experiencing paroxysms of frustration ... you can see it in her face, her body carriage, and the glitter of her eyes. There is just no way she can get the genie back n the bottle and all she has left is to save the "family face". Not gonna happen. Our reality isn't Cindy's. Shame, because its embarrassing to see her wallowing in her impotency. No one is listening to her anymore. She lost all credibility, and with it, power. Even George only goes along because its easier , but you can tell , he really isn't a believer anymore. of all , imo, George is the only one who seems to miss the little person of Caylee. Cindy mostly misses the regime, when she had them all under control.

If I were a practicing psychologist, I could make a living just on this family alone, in study and research.

They are not as rare as people think, families like this. But because most never end up murdering their children, no one sees them. They live in silence but the behaviors, and abuse go on the very same way as the Anthony's. Sadly, they are a dime a dozen. No one would have ever known about them if the murder had not happened, they would have lived on in dysfunctional silence like everyone else. This family is not rare.

I have given this link before but will again in case you are interested in reading them- they explain much about the behaviors of and long term effects of families like this.
That's what I've always believed.....KC knows a lot and will spill a lot if it suits her.I also think that's why they don't go visit her.

I'm seeing George taking the blame. For everything.. he will be their scapegoat, as he has always been. IMO.

Tell the truth, George- don't cover for her! She told her friends you had a stroke as an excuse to bow out of plans. A stroke? Out of all the excuses and lies in the world she chooses the one that could leave you "dead" in the end. She wouldn't lie for you..
At the start of this I did think they were in denial, but my heart went out to them.
Now I think they are in deep chit, and IMHO they stink inside and out.
No they are not in denial, they are in Con Job Villa with guests who fit right in. :mad:

They fooled a lot of people. It's what they do, they are professional victims... sales men..
Although those of us who have children, feel that we will love our kids, no matter what, and for forever:baby::camera: :hug: :wave:. They are our children and we could never stop loving them. And, in my opinion, we should always have love for them. But, certain things about this case, have always struck me as odd:read:. Such as, Cindy and George instantly lying to police after Casey's arrest, and making contradicting statements. They made excuses for her, and on occasion lied to the media etc. on her behalf. Many times they simply didn't make sense when being asked a question. I like to think that I'm the kind of person who tries not pass judgements, and keep an open mind about most things. After all, we are not in that person's shoes, right:cheerup:? Ok, I understand denial:hand: :snooty: is a very real emotion, especially when it concerns someone who is so close to our heart, no matter what evidence, may beg to differ. And, I understand unconditional love, which is a beautiful part of being human:blowkiss:. I also know that guilt:doh: :iamashamed0005: is something we all have either had, or have, about certain life experiences. Perhaps some of us still carry guilt around with us, each and ever day. And if so, hopefully it isn't too serious, or amount to very much. I suppose, there may come a time or two, where we feel that we might have to tell a lie:liar::innocent:, to protect our child, from whatever harm may be coming their way? I'm not exactly sure what that would be, or when a person might feel that way:whistle::heart:. I'm trying to think of an example, or two:waitasec:. I will have to add that part a bit later, when it comes to mind:p. That's when I thought that a poll/thread about this topic, may be interesting. After I post this poll, I want to add my opinion and how I got there.

What do you think are the reason(s) that the Anthony's are so firm about standing beside their daughter? Your reason(s) for feeling that way, would be great:yes:. You can answer as many times as you wish. Thanks to all who participate:) :blowkiss:.

1) DENIAL, because they don't want to believe it could be true, or naive enough to actually believe Casey, and her lies.
2) GUILT, for any parenting mistakes they think they made, or for any other reasons for feeling guilty.
3) "LOVE, that they have for their daughter, no matter what she has done".
4) LYING TO PROTECT HER, from having to spend her life, or at least many years of it, in prison.
5) None of the above
6) All of the above
(multiple choice)
....I can't tell you how often I have heard people who allow their children to spiral out of control with the excuse of "We don't confront her because she'd freak out and we just want to keep the peace in the house". OK- that's healthy. Can't wait for that kid to become an adult!

Do your children (teenagers, not small children) accept responsibility for their wrongs? Do they deny their mistakes, try to blame them on others? Do they pout.. sulk? Have outbursts of anger, unpredictable behavior.. are they overly sensitve to criticism? Do they make unreasonable demands on others.. make up stories, lies? Do they ignore your rules (teachers rules?) or follow them but with an "attitude"? Do they have trouble holding onto relationships? Argue with their S/O's a lot? Do they get frustrated easily- all the time.. do they cry a lot, Do they always fail to finish things they start.. are they destructive?

If yes to these things, chances are (though obviously not always but these are "red flags" and if you see them and do nothing you cannot claim innocence if something happens) ya got some issues on your hands and if you don't do something nothing good can come of these issues. They will get worse...

O/T on:

I agree with some of what you say in the sense that parents can't be too surprised with the outcome if kids act this way unchecked. But, as a parent, I do take issue with the notion that there is always a neat, perfect way to handle kids that decide to "do their own thing."

The laws in most areas protect kids from such "child abuse" as a swat on the bottom, a smack across the face or even something as benign as grabbing their arm (no matter if they are mid-cuss to their parent or trying to damage property). I don't want this to turn into a thread on child abuse, or comparing such events to beatings, but when kids have all the power to pick up the phone and tattle on parents for attempting to assert some rightful authority, you have a lopsided situation from the get-go in which the kid knows they can get away with horrid behavior. We have to wait until houses are trashed, holes get punched in the walls, or a family member gets hurt before we can protect our homes and families. And, trust me, kids know it and are socialized regarding this ideal practically daily from the day they step foot in kindergarten. THAT is wrong. And, we are surprised we have a generation of entitled monsters on our hands? Really??

In addition, every child is different, a time out that works for one, another will laugh at and up the ante on their defiance. There literally ARE some kids that resistant to correction. That is why there is a diagnosis of "oppositional defiance" among other things.

I never assume that a family must be a den of dysfunction based on the actions of a child. Kids have free will. And, I know lots of parents that have done everything right and still had the proverbial "bad apple" in the family. I guess until you live through some version of it, most don't understand this concept.

Back specifically to the Anthony's, I totally agree they did their part in "nurturing" this behavior re: Casey.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic. :)
I voted none of the above. I think they are trying to protect themselves.
I think the only reason the Anthony's are trying to help Casey is to protect their own future reputations and that of their future family members, such as other grandchildren that Lee might have in the future.
I voted for simple protection. Protection of their image as a family. Not sure Love has got anything to do with it. Guilt? To feel guilt is to admit to yourself that you were wrong. Are the A's capable of guilt? And by the A's I mean CA. Seems GA just does what he's told to keep the peace...If the A's had been divorced this time last year, I doubt they would be presenting a united front now. JMO
I voted none of the above. I think they are trying to protect themselves.

I agree totally Mamacita..I also think they are guilty of other things in cover up etc..I would stand by my children if in trouble, but I would never Lie for them especially if they killed my granchild.
It's all about appearances with the Anthony family. They just don't even realize how ridicules they have made themselves look.
I am sure they love her by their own definitions.

But every time I see George and Cindy attempting to do damage control on Caseys behalf, in my mind I see them trying to level a wooden chair by sawing off bits of the legs, one at a time, trying to get it to sit level. And the chair still rocks and its getting shorter and shorter.... pretty soon they are going to run out of chair legs and all that will be left is the seat, and when its unusable, it will finally be level. But they keep sawing away at it, not understanding , the faster they do this, the sooner we reach the point of ruination.

There's just no way for them to fix it, until its legless, it willl always be crooked.
Cindy and George are trying to save their own reputations and PROFIT from what their evil daughter has done. They need for the public perception to be that they are VICTIMS so that they can continue to line their pockets with money from their "foundation" and from donations. They have alligned themselves with THE most unsavory characters (The Milsteads) and have made every effort to be OBTUSE all along this path of Caylee's demise and the aftermath. They are concerned for themselves-100% and I do not think they could care LESS about what happens to Casey except insomuch it effects their MONEY! If she is found innocent then the dollars will roll, and they full well know that!
Deep down I think there are things about the family they don't want to get out.Things that probably go way back.They know KC would turn on them unless they try to help her.I think she will turn on them anyway.
I voted none of the above.They are protecting themselves.
Cindy and George are trying to save their own reputations and PROFIT from what their evil daughter has done. They need for the public perception to be that they are VICTIMS so that they can continue to line their pockets with money from their "foundation" and from donations. They have alligned themselves with THE most unsavory characters (The Milsteads) and have made every effort to be OBTUSE all along this path of Caylee's demise and the aftermath. They are concerned for themselves-100% and I do not think they could care LESS about what happens to Casey except insomuch it effects their MONEY! If she is found innocent then the dollars will roll, and they full well know that!

Our thoughts are aligned, magic-cat. I think they're standing by Casey because they want to have a foundation for missing children ~ when it would be much more appropriate for them to have a foundation to help abused children. :mad:
I believe the A's stand behind Casey because that's what they've trained themselves to do over a long period of time - that's how their little family did things........

cover for Casey and make excuses for Casey, over and over and over again

avoid confronting problems directly,

do whatever was necessary to keep their "issues" private,

not do anything that would raise a red flag outside the family that everything was not under control

hide anything that might look like a mental illness/psychological disorder - I actually think this began with others covering for Cindy's emotional problems and then just continued throughout the family

Now I think they do it because they're in so deep they can't get out or stop it and they've surrounded themselves with people who don't question or challenge them and are willing to pretend all is perfectly ok.......they've simply extended their family.
I voted all of the above. And there are likely many more reasons they stand by their daughter. I just keep waiting for them to start acting like normal members of realize they are only making everything at least become less vocal in their denial.
They have become pariahs and, to many, including me, a fascinating freak show. A circus, that I can't stop watching because I keep expecting them to finally "get it". I follow this case because of George and Cindy's antics.
If the Anthonys ever do admit that they were wrong about Casey, and became less vocal and visible, I would likely lose interest in the case.
After all, it's really not a "who done it." Doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see what happened. It is absolutely a slam dunk case--no matter how much the talking heads and devil's advocates on this board say it's not. Sure, it'll be interesting to see all the evidence, the makeup and resulting drama of the jury, and the politics of Casey's "team,"etc., etc. George and Cindy's denial is appalling and shocking. Without them as major "players", without their video depositions and media tours and "foundation" and arguments with everyone who is involved in this case, the murder of this little girl by her mother, for whatever reason, would be too sad to follow closely or even contemplate too much.
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