Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

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What Do You Think Are The Reason(s) The Anthony's Are Standing Beside Casey...

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I would have chosen all of the above except I do not think there is any love involved in this case whatsoever. People who LOVE each othere do not treat them the way this family seems to act on a daily basis.
I would have chosen all of the above except I do not think there is any love involved in this case whatsoever. People who LOVE each othere do not treat them the way this family seems to act on a daily basis.

Except one thing; some think that abuse and love fits together....If one element is missing they test you to the max. and if you bite and get upset, they think that must be love :rolleyes: It happens more often then people admit.
None of the above:

IMO, CA is a control freak, she says something, and expects everyone to believe it, no matter how outrageous it is. CA is having her idea of fun trying to force people to buy her lies. This is the way the family was run, also any lie KC told was just accepted and life went on. They lived under the code, You buy my lies, and I will buy your lies.
I believe the A's stand behind Casey because that's what they've trained themselves to do over a long period of time - that's how their little family did things........

cover for Casey and make excuses for Casey, over and over and over again

avoid confronting problems directly,

do whatever was necessary to keep their "issues" private,

not do anything that would raise a red flag outside the family that everything was not under control

hide anything that might look like a mental illness/psychological disorder - I actually think this began with others covering for Cindy's emotional problems and then just continued throughout the family

Now I think they do it because they're in so deep they can't get out or stop it and they've surrounded themselves with people who don't question or challenge them and are willing to pretend all is perfectly ok.......they've simply extended their family.
That is what I wanted to believe too, and I still believe that element exists as well.
However if they have trained themselves to stand behind each other: WHO IS STANDING BEHIND CAYLEE?????:waitasec:
She was a part of them too. They do not even mention her name, they remove Crosses in her honor in the night, they deleted her completely, they only talk Casey, and lie,they wont stand behind Caylee in court, but use her name in vain to feed their fat azzzess. SO how can I continue to think they are just standing behind their own? HOW :confused: wasn't the baby theirs too?
They selected to go for a Foundation, a new venture, a new life and no justice for CAYLEE. For that they sold their soul. They are not for B Casey who did not even speak with them in court this week. NO...They did not even make eye contact...

I tried, I really did try to be compassionate and understand.
I even opened a thread about WHO is there to represent Caylee beside the darn State WHO from her family is standing up for her?
So let me tell you who I back now: CAYLEE and no one else.
But I was for Caylee from the very start. I just wanted to give ALL the "A"s a chance.
They were lucky to have me because I fight like a demon for what I believe in. But it must include "Doing the right thing"
it is their doing that lost me and many others. I do understand your thinking I really do, but I am done with them.
To the dead we owe nothing but the truth. ~ Voltaire
With this family it would be amazing if we get 1% of the truth here.

They stand behind their daughter only for one reason - It is somehow hooked up to that Foundation.
I will eventually make that connection because it is only a front for the money trail.
There is a reason Casey is not talking, and I'm still not clear on it. Don't you all go jumping in and saying because she is the murderer....I am still not biting on that one, but I m not eliminating it either.
I'm sure that all courts in every state preclude witnesses from being in the courtroom until after they testify.

In this case, I expect the prosecution will put GA, CA, and LA on the stand very early in the trial for the purpose of testifying to the sequence of events - from June 15th when Cindy took Caylee to visit Cindy's father in the assisted care facility forward to July 15th when they recovered the car from the tow yard and found Casey and brought her home. Their testimony will set the stage so to speak.

After they've testified, they can be in the courtroom, unless the prosecution states they are to be held for further testimony later in the trial (not sure of the legal terminology for this).

If GA, CA, and LA are kept out of the courtroom for a major portion of the trial, there's nothing that I know of that would prevent them from watching the trial online or on local television at home. I'm sure one of the Orlando television channels will carry the trial live.

Whether they're in the courtroom or watching online or television, they're likely going to learn some hard truths about their daughter and what happened to their granddaughter.
I hope not to early; because they are very disruptive and I'd love to see it move along.
I hope they will Wait a bit till other have several people sworn in. I would love for them to swear on the lies they continue to spit out, and hope that will create an arrest.
IMO- when Casey was released on bond, had the protesters stayed away and the Anthony's were stuck at home with only the Anthony's- woulda hit the fan. Cindy would have come out of her denial pretty quickly, IMO when she had to sit and look at Casey every day, doing nothing to find her daughter (after she said she had to get out of jail to help search, to get in contact with people, etc), lying- and lying and lying. She'd have blown a fuse eventually. This is Cindy we are talking about- there is no loyalty- one day Casey is a great mom, the next she's gonna go to "the court thing" and take Caylee away..

So much was discovered during the time Casey was home on bail. (Finding out Casey had Caylee sleep in the bed with her and Ricardo, that she had like 2 of Cindy's credit cards in her purse when she was arrested-) and forced her to talk or beat her half to death. (this is the woman who supposedly "choked" her daughter just a month or so before). I know you see the same Cindy I do- and I know you have more facts then me so I know that you can probably see this scenario too!@! LOL

But the protesters helped the Anthony's band together- they had a common enemy. Cindy had someone other than her daughter to be pissed at- to blame.. so it distracted her and she forgot who she was really angry with. She and Casey "bonded" during that time. I so wish those protestes had left I really think things would have turned out different if they had no distractions, if they had no other outlet for their anger.

I do not think the "A"s expected KC to go help find anyone.
I really believe they all knew by then that Caylee is dead. CA refused to give a Caylee garment to the search team. she knew that Caylee would be found dead, and she was not helping them, she even gave the dogs tooth brush. :rolleyes:
WHY? because they were buying time, time helped the body decompose more and have NO story to tell. Only a few stories can you get from bones: but many stories can you get from a body.
I really do not think CA was in denial about Casey or Caylee by that time.
She even had a Freudian slip on LKL when he asked about Casey and her parties while the baby was missing :waitasec:
Cindy said " maybe that is the way she was grieving" WHAT:confused: Who grieves for a baby that is not dead?

But CA was angry and took it all out on LE, Search team, DA, and whoever was going to find Caylee;
a baby they did not want found till all the stories were shed from her little frame.

I am sure the tension in that house when KC came home was incredible, they were afraid to talk thinking the house was bugged, But the furry had to be there.
Maybe they sat there writing each other notes and then tearing them into shreds? LOL, maybe they took car rides to visit Caylee site in the night? :confused: but I am sure CA was not hoping that KC would go searching for a baby.

RIP Little Angel. :blowkiss:
I mean, how could you wrap your head around the idea that someone you know and love has committed such a heinous crime?
Not about "appearances" or anything, I just am not sure if I could accept that someone that lived in my house did something so horrible......
It has to be hard as hell to try and accept anything like that.
I m sure they are still shaking their heads in disbelief.
So am I and many of the posters here.
It is definitely one of these things where your mind says "Not My Child" :(

Thank god I was raised during a time when it truly was
AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL. I have no idea what has happened no idea at all. but it is very sad.
I agree with most posters who think the A’s are no longer, truthfully, in denial.
Having said that -- CA is pathologically incapable of being wrong.. It has to do with dominance, control and authority. Lack of control is not an option. Thus when logic fails, she disseminates to the point of exhaustion -- weaving, bobbing, feigning, fighting, blaming -- ad nausea. I know someone very much like this, and it is not within their psychological makeup to be 1) wrong and 2) out of control – strange and incoherent, but true. I believe another poster put it quite well when speaking of dissociative behavior.
GA is simply a pawn in her warped sense of reality. He is accommodating her game plan, and you can see in his hesitations and false bravado, that he is NOT a believer. In the end, CA will fight to the death, literally; then find a way, to re-fashion the facts to meet her own sense of reality.
In a way, this family’s psychological profile is the most interesting aspect of the entire case. Is Casey a product of genetics gone awry, a product of her environment, or both? It’s totally sad that an adorable child became the innocent casualty of psychological warfare.
Wow::::This says it all and then some. Great insite.:clap::clap:
O/T on:

I agree with some of what you say in the sense that parents can't be too surprised with the outcome if kids act this way unchecked. But, as a parent, I do take issue with the notion that there is always a neat, perfect way to handle kids that decide to "do their own thing."

The laws in most areas protect kids from such "child abuse" as a swat on the bottom, a smack across the face or even something as benign as grabbing their arm (no matter if they are mid-cuss to their parent or trying to damage property). I don't want this to turn into a thread on child abuse, or comparing such events to beatings, but when kids have all the power to pick up the phone and tattle on parents for attempting to assert some rightful authority, you have a lopsided situation from the get-go in which the kid knows they can get away with horrid behavior. We have to wait until houses are trashed, holes get punched in the walls, or a family member gets hurt before we can protect our homes and families. And, trust me, kids know it and are socialized regarding this ideal practically daily from the day they step foot in kindergarten. THAT is wrong. And, we are surprised we have a generation of entitled monsters on our hands? Really??

In addition, every child is different, a time out that works for one, another will laugh at and up the ante on their defiance. There literally ARE some kids that resistant to correction. That is why there is a diagnosis of "oppositional defiance" among other things.

I never assume that a family must be a den of dysfunction based on the actions of a child. Kids have free will. And, I know lots of parents that have done everything right and still had the proverbial "bad apple" in the family. I guess until you live through some version of it, most don't understand this concept.

Back specifically to the Anthony's, I totally agree they did their part in "nurturing" this behavior re: Casey.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic. :)

ITA- and have said so many times. I'm sorry you got the impression that I meant ALL kids who end up with issues come from bad homes. - I am well aware that many people with these kinds of issues come from good homes, wonderful parents etc. I can't begin to tell you how many times I have stated that on these boards.

My point was that there are warning signs, "red flags". There are noticable behavior patterns, a person doesn't end up like this over night. But I was also quite clear (I thought I was anyway) when I stated in the post that "though obviously not always but these are "red flags" and if you see them and do nothing you cannot claim innocence if something happens".

I listed symptoms, signs, traits- that are indeed red flags that indicate there could be behavior issues in the future. (They are often used on check lists for parents, teachers and doctors in the beginning of mental health treatment.) it's usually a part of the diagnosis process. You are correct, no 2 kids are exactly alike, but the patterns of behavior often are. That's why there are certain diagnostic criteria for speciafic illnesses.

I was not insulting your parenting or anything about you or your friends or their children. I'm sorry I made you feel you had to defend yourself to me or the information in my post.
songline------CA didn't give LE the dog's toothbrush. Did Not. She gave them KC hairbrush and Caylee's toothbrush. In front of LP's girl (inside the house) CA said she should have given LE the dog's toothbrush.
I think KC has got something on them, that they don't want made public...I voted none of the above.
Cindy and George could have done so much better for themselves and for Casey if they'd suffered through this Gawdawful situation with quiet dignity rather than displaying their belligerent, arrogant and defiant sides. It's too late for them now because we all know who and what they are, but they COULD have had a great deal of sympathy from the general community had their behavior been different.
I think they feel horribly guilty because they weren't there for her MORE and may have caused KC to kill Caylee.
I think they feel horribly guilty because they weren't there for her MORE and may have caused KC to kill Caylee.

Concerning Cindy (only) now, I don't see guilt, or grief, or heartbreak. What I see is fury. She is consumed by anger and it fairly radiates from her. She directs her anger at anyone, and anywhere else, rather than at Casey.
But I was also quite clear (I thought I was anyway) when I stated in the post that "though obviously not always but these are "red flags" and if you see them and do nothing you cannot claim innocence if something happens".
But what can be done for an untreatable personality disorder?

The Anthonys are troubled and troublesome, I agree. But IMO, they can claim innocence for anything that happened to Caylee. Their culpability begins with the coverup.

I'm the daughter of a sociopath. I am the aunt of another. I saw (and see) millions of red flags. It is horrible to be as powerless as one truly is when faced with this. There is very little recourse. Mental health professionals can't help. Police can't help, until a crime is committed. You are forced to watch things sometimes-terrible ways.

The difference between, say, a Cindy Anthony and me is that, when that something did occur (and it was not nearly as horrendous as what happened in the Anthony family), I was perfectly willing to assist police, notify parole officers, provide addresses and information, etc.
None of the above:

IMO, CA is a control freak, she says something, and expects everyone to believe it, no matter how outrageous it is. CA is having her idea of fun trying to force people to buy her lies. This is the way the family was run, also any lie KC told was just accepted and life went on. They lived under the code, You buy my lies, and I will buy your lies.

This is almost word for word how I feel. CA and KC are used to people backing off when they are challenged by one of their lies. Both are extremely volitile and feel if they are vicous enough or scream loud enough or threatening enough, folks will just simply believe them. Neither are intelligent enough to know that we can see them for what they really are. They only hear the defense attorneys rhetoric and feel that if the attorneys believe them, then we are the stupid ones
PLEASE stay on topic for this thread. We already have a thread to discuss personality disorders, etc.

[ame=""]Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity and Related Psych Profile #7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
But what can be done for an untreatable personality disorder?

The Anthonys are troubled and troublesome, I agree. But IMO, they can claim innocence for anything that happened to Caylee. Their culpability begins with the coverup.

I'm the daughter of a sociopath. I am the aunt of another. I saw (and see) millions of red flags. It is horrible to be as powerless as one truly is when faced with this. There is very little recourse. Mental health professionals can't help. Police can't help, until a crime is committed. You are forced to watch things sometimes-terrible ways.

The difference between, say, a Cindy Anthony and me is that, when that something did occur (and it was not nearly as horrendous as what happened in the Anthony family), I was perfectly willing to assist police, notify parole officers, provide addresses and information, etc.

Are you a relative of mine I don't know about :) because I too have similar family members.

And you are correct, no one will do anything unless a crime has been committed. And like you, I too, cooperated even to the point of when the pre-sentence interview was given to me, I agreed that a jail sentence would be appropriate, although I hated to see it happen.
I agree with most posters who think the A’s are no longer, truthfully, in denial.
Having said that -- CA is pathologically incapable of being wrong.. It has to do with dominance, control and authority. Lack of control is not an option. Thus when logic fails, she disseminates to the point of exhaustion -- weaving, bobbing, feigning, fighting, blaming -- ad nausea. I know someone very much like this, and it is not within their psychological makeup to be 1) wrong and 2) out of control – strange and incoherent, but true. I believe another poster put it quite well when speaking of dissociative behavior.
GA is simply a pawn in her warped sense of reality. He is accommodating her game plan, and you can see in his hesitations and false bravado, that he is NOT a believer. In the end, CA will fight to the death, literally; then find a way, to re-fashion the facts to meet her own sense of reality.
In a way, this family’s psychological profile is the most interesting aspect of the entire case. Is Casey a product of genetics gone awry, a product of her environment, or both? It’s totally sad that an adorable child became the innocent casualty of psychological warfare.

I love everything accept GA is in MO no way at the effect of CA. She is not the master plan, he is. She is the more unlikable one but he is slick and slimy.
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