Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

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What Do You Think Are The Reason(s) The Anthony's Are Standing Beside Casey...

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If God himself told CA and GA that KC was guilty, then God himself would probably end up here posting about how unbelievable it is that they continue to believe in their daughters innocence.

I wonder what would happen if the mods gave God a time out?

They need to "log in" to the Lord first?
Do you believe they would still support her?

Opinion of the A's aside, I am still completely confused as to whether they are in complete denial, and really want to believe their daughter COULD NOT do this unspeakable act, or if they already in their hearts know there is no other possibility and are covering and lying to support the daughter they KNOW is guilty.

i think george and cindy knew something was very, very wrong when the smell from the car hit them but i don't think they were even close to being ready to acknowledge what that something was just then. i think that when casey said she hadn't seen caylee for 31 days they knew what had happened and that it had been deliberate (even casey would call 911 had there been an accident) and i firmly believe that they'll support her all the way to the needle.
imagine the kind of words, hatred, fury we'd hear if it were anyone but casey that murdered caylee. that in itself shows you that they know. according to them the killer is someome else but beyond that - silence. they don't believe it any more than i do.

ETA i'll always believe that any kind of denial cindy was in ended moments after the 'frantic' 911 call, when she realized what a colossal mistake she had just made.
I think they've all - GA, CA, LA - have known from beginning that Casey killed Caylee. Within 24 hours of recovering the Pontiac from the tow yard, they all knew.

Now, GA may have known or at least suspected earlier than CA and LA, but by the evening of July 16th, they all knew. As soon as they learned that Casey had been arrested for child neglect, obstruction of justice, and lying to police - when they learned that the police had determined that everything Casey had told them was a lie - they knew.

It comes down to one inescapable fact...........even though Casey was known as a habitual liar and lied about insignificant things like where she was the night before...............when it comes to a life or death situation with a missing child and police involvement - you don't lie unless you are guilty of committing a terrible crime.

I strongly doubt any of the Anthonys will acknowledge publicly that Casey is guilty of murder, even after she's convicted. There will always be denials and claims that someone else did it. The non-existent Zanny will always be a target even if it's proven without a doubt that the nanny never existed. CA will always insist that LE zeroed in on KC as the prime suspect and didn't investigate anyone else. She will always claim that LE didn't do a thorough investigation. CA will never admit that KC is the only person who had a motive and an opportunity to kill Caylee.
I mean, how could you wrap your head around the idea that someone you know and love has committed such a heinous crime?

Not about "appearances" or anything, I just am not sure if I could accept that someone that lived in my house did something so horrible......
I'm sorry ... but the Anthonys are delusional enough already. Let's not add to the cast by dragging the gods into it.

Take a look around you at your children, if they are teens check their MS page :).

Now imagine that one of them will grow up to kill.

Not easy is it?

My son is serving overseas right now, and I worry he will come to harm, but I ALSO worry that he may have to harm or kill someone elses child.

I wonder how I will cope if ever faced with the fact that my child took someone elses life, and how long it will take before I stop saying "oh no - not MY baby"?

Yeah, absolutely don't let your kids on the internet without checking behind them but ya know what? You don't even need to look at their myspace pages to know your child has issues. It's as simple as looking at your kids honestly, not letting denial and excuses cloud your vision (which sadly lots of parents do.) I can't tell you how often I have heard people who allow their children to spiral out of control with the excuse of "We don't confront her because she'd freak out and we just want to keep the peace in the house". OK- that's healthy. Can't wait for that kid to become an adult!

Do your children (teenagers, not small children) accept responsibility for their wrongs? Do they deny their mistakes, try to blame them on others? Do they pout.. sulk? Have outbursts of anger, unpredictable behavior.. are they overly sensitve to criticism? Do they make unreasonable demands on others.. make up stories, lies? Do they ignore your rules (teachers rules?) or follow them but with an "attitude"? Do they have trouble holding onto relationships? Argue with their S/O's a lot? Do they get frustrated easily- all the time.. do they cry a lot, Do they always fail to finish things they start.. are they destructive?

If yes to these things, chances are (though obviously not always but these are "red flags" and if you see them and do nothing you cannot claim innocence if something happens) ya got some issues on your hands and if you don't do something nothing good can come of these issues. They will get worse.

According to those who know her, friends, family (when being honest Lee and George shared plenty and Shirley was a wealth of information) Casey had almost every one of these issues yet no one did anything. By ignoring these HUGE RED FLAGS they helped create the woman we see before us. It does not take looking at their Myspace pages to know your children need help. No, they certainly could not have known she would kill her daughter but they knew she was capable of awful things and did nothing.

And this surprises them? Doubt it.
I mean, how could you wrap your head around the idea that someone you know and love has committed such a heinous crime?

Not about "appearances" or anything, I just am not sure if I could accept that someone that lived in my house did something so horrible......

I wouldn't want to believe it but sometimes ya just gotta face reality.
I think they've all - GA, CA, LA - have known from beginning that Casey killed Caylee. Within 24 hours of recovering the Pontiac from the tow yard, they all knew.

Now, GA may have known or at least suspected earlier than CA and LA, but by the evening of July 16th, they all knew. As soon as they learned that Casey had been arrested for child neglect, obstruction of justice, and lying to police - when they learned that the police had determined that everything Casey had told them was a lie - they knew.

It comes down to one inescapable fact...........even though Casey was known as a habitual liar and lied about insignificant things like where she was the night before...............when it comes to a life or death situation with a missing child and police involvement - you don't lie unless you are guilty of committing a terrible crime.

I strongly doubt any of the Anthonys will acknowledge publicly that Casey is guilty of murder, even after she's convicted. There will always be denials and claims that someone else did it. The non-existent Zanny will always be a target even if it's proven without a doubt that the nanny never existed. CA will always insist that LE zeroed in on KC as the prime suspect and didn't investigate anyone else. She will always claim that LE didn't do a thorough investigation. CA will never admit that KC is the only person who had a motive and an opportunity to kill Caylee.

I agree. It's the only way Cindy will be able to look in the mirror for the rest of her life.
I believe CA has a "gang mentality" and if the rumor is true that she attacked Casey and tried to choke her the evening she learned Casey had stolen money, how can we believe Casey wouldn't hurt her child when Cindy attempted to physically harm her child when she did something she didn't approve of? Children learn by example and what goes around comes around. CA needs to let go of her "gang mentality" attitude which IMO defines her to a tee and explains why George is afraid of her. CA won't back down under any circumstance and when she attacked Casey, something stopped her from killing her, whether it was Casey herself as she fought back, or Lee and George. I believe after the fight with Cindy, Casey cracked, lost all self control and killed Caylee who was too weak to fight back and didn't have anyone on hand to help her. If I remember correctly, George wasn't too proud of the pictures he saw of Casey on the internet and he stated his thoughts publicly.....
I don't think any of the A's are programmed to hear anyone let alone the Lord.
If the Lord himself told CA & GA that KC was guilty...

Cindy would be shocked, disbelieving, horrified...but only for a few hours, after which time she would be able to completely deny to herself and to us that God ever said any such a thing. George would sadly and reluctantly allow her to convince him he didn't hear what he did hear, and then he would proudly back her up.

IMO- when Casey was released on bond, had the protesters stayed away and the Anthony's were stuck at home with only the Anthony's- woulda hit the fan. Cindy would have come out of her denial pretty quickly, IMO when she had to sit and look at Casey every day, doing nothing to find her daughter (after she said she had to get out of jail to help search, to get in contact with people, etc), lying- and lying and lying. She'd have blown a fuse eventually. This is Cindy we are talking about- there is no loyalty- one day Casey is a great mom, the next she's gonna go to "the court thing" and take Caylee away..

So much was discovered during the time Casey was home on bail. (Finding out Casey had Caylee sleep in the bed with her and Ricardo, that she had like 2 of Cindy's credit cards in her purse when she was arrested-) and forced her to talk or beat her half to death. (this is the woman who supposedly "choked" her daughter just a month or so before). I know you see the same Cindy I do- and I know you have more facts then me so I know that you can probably see this scenario too!@! LOL

But the protesters helped the Anthony's band together- they had a common enemy. Cindy had someone other than her daughter to be pissed at- to blame.. so it distracted her and she forgot who she was really angry with. She and Casey "bonded" during that time. I so wish those protestes had left I really think things would have turned out different if they had no distractions, if they had no other outlet for their anger.
I know Cindy and George said on LK that they would support Casey, no matter what. I feel they have both spent so much effort and time defending Casey that they can't possibly have worked through any true grief process concerning Caylee's death. For them to do that, (I would think) they would need to accept the truth concerning the circumstances of her death...publicly, it doesn't look like they have done this. I don't know what they tell themselves in private, but there would have to be some dialogue, even if internal, going on as to who caused their Granddaughter's death, how the death happened and maybe most importantly, why. It would be interesting to know what they think and say in private, this is a pretty big issue for two married people to side step forever. We have seen them acknowledge Caylee as a missing child, but really haven't heard much from them about the death. Even on LK, they didn't want to talk too much about what they felt when they found out the remains were Caylee's..instead they had rather defend their daughter and talk about teddy bears. I think the process of accepting Caylee's death will not begin until after Casey's trial. As it stands now Cindy and George are too busy trying to save their daughter from the state, I don't think they have come close to dealing with Caylee's murder and assigning any real blame. Who knows how much they will "support" Casey when the reality of how and why Caylee was murdered hits them.

This is so true. How many times have we seen family and/or in-laws interviewed after a trial and they tell of the moment they realized their loved one could and did commit murder? A lot of times it happens mid-trial.

I do think they know KC killed Caylee and certainly GA knew it when KC showed up at the house without Caylee on July 16 (after he had smelled the car). I'm not so sure they will ever admit it publicly.
I mean, how could you wrap your head around the idea that someone you know and love has committed such a heinous crime?

Not about "appearances" or anything, I just am not sure if I could accept that someone that lived in my house did something so horrible......

Hindsight. You would look back at their behavior and realize there were indications that something was wrong. Certainly you probably wouldn't think they would go so far as to kill someone, but you might realize they did have real problems.

Perhaps CA should have taken KC more seriously when she said she wanted to be committed back in 2006 or whenever it was.
Just my opinion ~ Choosing to Hear God/The Lord/Jesus Christ
is a ~ C H O I C E ~ ! ! !
* * *
Each Individual gets to make it for themself !

I know in my life ~ I did & I Do make that choice ~ and
I pray that I will continue to do it daily till I go on to live
in my Eternal Home with God/The Lord/Jesus Christ !

It is NOT any easy choice/ Yet it is SIMPLE = Faith !

I think it is very Rewarding ! I don't want to leave home with out it !

My brain can ~~~ NOT ~ ~ ~ Compute to facing what these people

are facing with out God/The Lord/Jesus Christ !

I KNOW in my life... I have been given FREE WILL ~ I get to make choices ~ Yet ~ when I make a wrong CHOICE ~
then I get a feeling of Conviction....
*** I start to KNOW ~ with out a doubt that I a wrong....

I might NOT be able to undo the WRONG CHOICE I have ALREADY
but I have the opportunity to SEEK / ASK = Forgiveness ! ! !

I don't want to be JUDGMENTAL ....

wouldn't you SEE SOME CORRECTION BEING MADE ! ! ! ? :rolleyes:


Thanks !
God Bless !
Yeah, absolutely don't let your kids on the internet without checking behind them but ya know what? You don't even need to look at their myspace pages to know your child has issues. It's as simple as looking at your kids honestly, not letting denial and excuses cloud your vision (which sadly lots of parents do.) I can't tell you how often I have heard people who allow their children to spiral out of control with the excuse of "We don't confront her because she'd freak out and we just want to keep the peace in the house". OK- that's healthy. Can't wait for that kid to become an adult!

Do your children (teenagers, not small children) accept responsibility for their wrongs? Do they deny their mistakes, try to blame them on others? Do they pout.. sulk? Have outbursts of anger, unpredictable behavior.. are they overly sensitve to criticism? Do they make unreasonable demands on others.. make up stories, lies? Do they ignore your rules (teachers rules?) or follow them but with an "attitude"? Do they have trouble holding onto relationships? Argue with their S/O's a lot? Do they get frustrated easily- all the time.. do they cry a lot, Do they always fail to finish things they start.. are they destructive?

If yes to these things, chances are (though obviously not always but these are "red flags" and if you see them and do nothing you cannot claim innocence if something happens) ya got some issues on your hands and if you don't do something nothing good can come of these issues. They will get worse.

According to those who know her, friends, family (when being honest Lee and George shared plenty and Shirley was a wealth of information) Casey had almost every one of these issues yet no one did anything. By ignoring these HUGE RED FLAGS they helped create the woman we see before us. It does not take looking at their Myspace pages to know your children need help. No, they certainly could not have known she would kill her daughter but they knew she was capable of awful things and did nothing.

And this surprises them? Doubt it.

Great post, OLG! It's so very true as well. Great insight, I hope all parents can learn something from it.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
IMO- when Casey was released on bond, had the protesters stayed away and the Anthony's were stuck at home with only the Anthony's- woulda hit the fan. Cindy would have come out of her denial pretty quickly, IMO when she had to sit and look at Casey every day, doing nothing to find her daughter (after she said she had to get out of jail to help search, to get in contact with people, etc), lying- and lying and lying. She'd have blown a fuse eventually. This is Cindy we are talking about- there is no loyalty- one day Casey is a great mom, the next she's gonna go to "the court thing" and take Caylee away..

So much was discovered during the time Casey was home on bail. (Finding out Casey had Caylee sleep in the bed with her and Ricardo, that she had like 2 of Cindy's credit cards in her purse when she was arrested-) and forced her to talk or beat her half to death. (this is the woman who supposedly "choked" her daughter just a month or so before). I know you see the same Cindy I do- and I know you have more facts then me so I know that you can probably see this scenario too!@! LOL

But the protesters helped the Anthony's band together- they had a common enemy. Cindy had someone other than her daughter to be pissed at- to blame.. so it distracted her and she forgot who she was really angry with. She and Casey "bonded" during that time. I so wish those protestes had left I really think things would have turned out different if they had no distractions, if they had no other outlet for their anger.

I agree that the protesters helped bring out George's and Cindy's protective parental instincts. Any outside threat causes people to unite.

I also think when your child's life is threatened, no matter what the child has done, you want to save the child. George and Cindy already lost Caylee. I get their not wanting Casey to die, too. I don't condone the lying and trying to throw others under the bus.

Cindy and George aren't the only parents ever to deny their kids are capable of the worst. Other parents who are standing up for their AWFUL murderous offspring:

Father calls daughter tender, not evil--after daughter masterminds death of entire family

Mom Dismisses Daughter's Alleged Grisley Murder Plot
I agree that the protesters helped bring out George's and Cindy's protective parental instincts. Any outside threat causes people to unite.

I also think when your child's life is threatened, no matter what the child has done, you want to save the child. George and Cindy already lost Caylee. I get their not wanting Casey to die, too. I don't condone the lying and trying to throw others under the bus.

Cindy and George aren't the only parents ever to deny their kids are capable of the worst. Other parents who are standing up for their AWFUL murderous offspring:

Father calls daughter tender, not evil--after daughter masterminds death of entire family

Mom Dismisses Daughter's Alleged Grisley Murder Plot

J M O ~
the mind trys to protect you from EVIL sometimes....

It is hard to understand certain things... and Being
Scared & Shocked....
When there is some Extreme Accident.... Sometimes the BODY goes
into ~ SHOCK ~ and
I think truly * * * thinking your own child = Kills their own child
would make you go into shock ! ! !

I think even though KC = LIED & LIED & LIED SOME MORE>>>
Stole Money = Lied & Cheated on RELATIONSHIPS & Lied &
Lied Some more.....

I do Not believe people thought of her as a person who
COULD / or WOULD = KILL anyone much less her own TODDLER CHILD>>>> Innocent Little Angel CAYLEE ! ! !

* * * ~ ~ ~ But I do Believe Now that KC = DID Kill CAYLEE ! ! !

It breaks my heart ! It Makes Me S I C K ! !

and It makes me :furious:
That she did it.... THAT SHE WON'T tell the "TRUTH"

I believe ~ Justice is soon coming and she will pay :behindbar

It won't bring Little Angel CAYLEE back...

but.... on this earth KC will pay !
Then & Only THEN...... do I feel that

KC will get the IDEA of what she has done !


God Bless !

** ** ** I appreciate ALL ~ who help to seek
~ JUSTICE ~ for Little Angel CAYLEE ! ! ! :blowkiss:
Great post, OLG! It's so very true as well. Great insight, I hope all parents can learn something from it.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I hope they do!! That's why I share my "dirty's" .
I agree that the protesters helped bring out George's and Cindy's protective parental instincts. Any outside threat causes people to unite.

I also think when your child's life is threatened, no matter what the child has done, you want to save the child. George and Cindy already lost Caylee. I get their not wanting Casey to die, too. I don't condone the lying and trying to throw others under the bus.

Cindy and George aren't the only parents ever to deny their kids are capable of the worst. Other parents who are standing up for their AWFUL murderous offspring:

Father calls daughter tender, not evil--after daughter masterminds death of entire family

Mom Dismisses Daughter's Alleged Grisley Murder Plot

There is something called denial and then there is something called dissociation. Denial is normal- we all know that feeling. Everyone of us has been in denial. When denial becomes so pervasive and goes against all evidence to the contrary, When you run from reality and disregard all else, it is commonly to the point of being dissociative. (I'm not saying DID just a person disassociating).

Dissociation is pretty much like your feelings creating your truth, your facts. No matter what is said or proven, what you feel in your heart is not going to change. And if you rearrange things, (people, evidence, testing, whatever) to meet your view. You tell yourself what you are willing to handle and then you put it in a box you can handle and eventually convince yourself it's true. Nothing can convince you otherwise- you know what you FEEL is the truth.

It's one thing that keeps some childhood sexual abuse victims from remembering the abuse. You block it out- You don't want to remember (but it's still true, KWIM?).

This is a sick, sick family. I don't think anything was done on purpose. But damage was still done. I hope they get help, I pray they do!
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