Anthonys open door to lynch mob

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are you joking
The whole world is antagonizing them.

Not joking. But yes, the whole world is antagonizing them, I agree. But if the A's would stop with the confrontations and simply phone the police (repeatedly if necessary), maybe things would settle down a bit.
They knew those cameras were rolling, so why confront? That's what I don't understand. Call the police, file charges against the rowdy protesters but don't confront them yourselves unless you want a lot of publicity from it.
She is their Child .
No matter what happened ,even in complete anger ,PARENTS back their child.
Even in complete sadness a parent will back their child .
I have a adopted brother that killed a guy in drug deal gone crazy,,,Now my mom was mad at him ,disappointed ,but she loved him still.

I agree. My brother is a drug addict. He does things all the time that we hate. We get mad at him. But we still love him. People have often said my Mom shouldn't let him stay with her in between rehab and prison. But it beats the alternative, not knowing where he is, whether he is dead or alive. The Anthony's have not handled things the way I think they should or even the way I think I would. But all I can say is Thank God I am not in their shoes. I honestly think that the Anthony's are in denial. I can tell you now, no one and I mean no one would want people outside of their house shouting things about their children. I know I can say whatever I want to about my brother but I don't want anyone else saying it. Even if it's true, I am going to take up for my brother. I thought that's what families did. But there are so many on here that say differently, maybe I am wrong. I know there is a very fine line between loving someone and enabling them. I know from my family situations, it's hard to tell where that line is sometimes.
they are ALL feeding the frenzy. I agree with you ElizaAvalon! The Anthony's installed cameras on the house. They can pull the tapes later to see who was throwing things. The escalation occured when they came out swearing wielding a baseball bat. I do not condone the persons protesting but the Anthony's SERIOUSLY NEED A SIT DOWN WITH NEJAME about calling the cops instead of taking on the stone throwers with bats and profanity in front of newscameras.

BTW....has anyone seen or heard of Nejame in a while? Interesting. His media blitz was more like a media sputter.
GOOD POINT! I said last week that Mr. Nejame's "part" in this would be short lived. From what I have read about him - he is a class act and a pillar of society in Orlando. He certainly would not want all this "scuttlebut" running rampant with any client of his. I'm willing to bet he has already bowed out. Probably told the A's - ok I'll represent you BUT you have to follow my directions and act accordingly. They did not. We just might hear in a day or two how Mr. Nejame is not longer involved in this case.
I don't think their actions are a publicity stunt. JMO I think their actions are of people that are constantly being provoked, harrassed, etc... A person can only take so much of that and I think the Anthony's are being pushed to thier limit.

The people with signs have the exact same rights that George and Cindy have. In the same way the protesters aren't arrested for yelling at the Anthonys, George and Cindy aren't arrested for yelling at them, or spraying them with hoses, or pushing them, or grabbing their property and throwing it into the neighbor's trash cans.

People throwing rocks at the house should be prosecuted for whatever misdemeanor violation they've committed, but the people holding signs have the constitutional right to speak, just as Miss Casey has the constitutional right to zip her lips.
It's putting pressure on the house where the guilty lay sleeping at night (or not sleeping).

I remember very well another case where LE "put pressure" on the guilty (or not guilty) by interrupting their sleep and trying to "break them." (Frustrated LE wound up setting fire to their home.) It was called WACO. This is not how we're supposed to do things in this country. The Anthonys are not holed up in some bunker with caches of illegal weapons. Please just let the courts do their jobs.
People have the right to do whatever they want to in this world. You can do whatever you please. You just have to be willing to face the consequences. Just like her killing her kid

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
It is not up to the protesters, or any other member of the public's duty or job or right to "help them crack". Something has got to...ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
~respectfuly snipped~
Just a thought....but perhaps George needs to stay in his house and have Nejame talk to media instead of cursing, making no sense, and telling media that they are tearing his family apart. He feeds the trolls (protesters) and they come back hungrier for more every time he or his wife take the law into their own hands (with bats, water, hammers, shoving etc) on video camera. I agree that it is not public duty to make Casey crack... however, I also think that George is feeding the madness and proetster behavior with his OWN reckless behavior. imhoo
I just saw this post on WESH 2 - No video - At 1:30 am (early Thursday, Sept. 18) demonstrators were pounding on the Anthonys' froont door. George and Cindy opened the door and were greeted by angry protesters who reportedly shoved Cindy. George grabbed the water hose to fend them off while Cindy (scary) grabbed a BAT! :eek:

Link here:

This is completely unacceptable. Law Enforcement is going to have to supply some kind of safety for this family and their neighbors. No matter how suspicious we may be or how frustrated, there is simply no excuse for assaulting these folks. Period. What kind of ANIMALS are showing up in that neighborhood? What do you think?

Well I can see KC really does know how to dial 911..I was beginning to wonder. In any event banging on anyones door at 1:30 am is just awful and the protestors need to protest on public property and that does not include the A's porch or door. On another note maybe they shouldn't be answering the door period.
gads, guess I'm off this thread for a bit. I think it's hooey protesting at 1am, there's no point, who will see? The family you are protesting is most likely in bed. There are neighbors and there's no reason to be loud and bother them. The protest was pointless that time of night.

The Anthony's coming out was nothing more than stupid. There's no excuse for that. You just call the police. They wanted a scene because they want to stop the protesters. They were willing to risk their life for this? That's stubborn and stupid.

I think both sides look trashy. I think the news did it's viewers/readers an injustice in the reporting of this whole scene. I just hope the police can clear up the whole ugly mess.
The saddest thing of all is that KC has ruined her parents lives forever. I'd be so ticked off at my daughter if she was the root of the whole thing. I'm willing to bet money that GA and CA divorce at some point.

And housing markets suck so bad now I can't see them being able to sell and move somewhere else to start over. Not for a few years.
You know, as much as I have lost empathy for the Anthonys and as much as I believe in the Constitution, I do NOT think people have a right to do this. These protestors are not peaceful, this is not free speech, and they are trespassing if they are going up to the A's door at 1:30 in the freakin' morning.

I do not understand why they were not arrested. If I were being constantly harrassed like that, I would feel the need to stage my own protest at the Mayor's house, or the chief of police, or the DA. If they arrested me, they would have to arrest the protestors at my house.

I feel so sorry for the poor people who are guilty of nothing except living in that neighborhood. Their property values have gone down even worse in this horrible market, they can't let their kids play outside, they practically have to hide going to and from their own homes, and they are harrassed with this constant circus outside their doors. I do not understand why this is legal.

Peaceful protest, fine. Jerry Springer show, not fine.

I'm right there with you. I was shocked when I read Fox's report and saw that deputies were actually there and didn't arrest anyone or even break it up.

If they acted like that with OCSO on the scene, I'm afraid someone could have been badly hurt if no cops or cameras had been there.
I didn't hear about the frozen account. When did this happen? It is too difficult/time consuming to get to read every detail. TIA.

The protesters are getting out of hand and make me think that they are exercising their own personal aggression vs. doing anything to help find Caylee. I guess most would turn this into organizing search parties instead of acting like crazed teenagers or worse.

It is into the third thread on here. The first two are an education and will change your world view. IF you only have time for one, I suggest "Anthony donations part deaux"
I have so many alerts on this thread I am closing it until I can go through it. Please do not start another.
I am bumping this to the first page. You guys I have a mailbox full of alerts on this thread. I can't go through it entirely until later today. So you can read but you can't post. PLEASE DO NOT START ANOTHER.
I am truly sorry.
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