Anthony's Seek Full Immunity#2

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IMO, the attorney's are trying to gain public sympathy. So they can say....hey look how cooperative my clients were....and the SA ignored us and filed OJ charges anyways.
IMO, the attorney's are trying to gain public sympathy. So they can say....hey look how cooperative my clients were....and the SA ignored us and filed OJ charges anyways.

ITA ... too bad for them, they are a day late and a dollar short. Can't they for once think of Caylee before themselves?????????? UGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
Question for lawyers....or anybody that would know.

Do they have to have CA testify? Can they get in the 911 tape without her? If so, I say scwew her.....what, truly can she add that they don't already have? Unless one of the As are going to tell who did what, they don't need them. And most LE and prosecution know that family member will most likely lie on the stand anyway. They don't like to use them if they don't absolutely have to.

OMG I said absolutely.
Question for lawyers....or anybody that would know.

Do they have to have CA testify? Can they get in the 911 tape without her? If so, I say scwew her.....what, truly can she add that they don't already have? Unless one of the As are going to tell who did what, they don't need them. And most LE and prosecution know that family member will most likely lie on the stand anyway. They don't like to use them if they don't absolutely have to.

OMG I said absolutely.

The state can lay the proper foundation and get the 911 tapes in without CA, yes. They are a sort of official record, recorded and maintained according to routine, etc. But there may be some things they will need from her at trial. They know she is an explosive, hostile witness, so I guess it just depends on how badly they need something that has to come from her. If she is called as a defense witness, they can cross-examine her, too. In a way, it may not matter much what she says, if she comes across as the unendearing witness she was at the bond hearing.
Do innocent people need immunity??? Geesh, what about the poor, grieving, grandparents and people feeling sorry for them?
If they were not involved with anything, they wouldn't be acting this way.
I really hope they charge them and prevent them from profiting as well as teaching other "Helpful parents" who try to tamper with evidence or mislead a LE investigation.
I think this would be the last straw for LE in giving them some leeway to bury their little Caylee.
George and Cindy will not meet with LE unless they are given immunity.


From this article it should be clear that the A's know exactly what happened.
IMO, if their lawyer is out there claiming that he won't let them speak to LE unless they get full immunity, then he knows what they are hiding will turn the Orange County Jail into a family hotel.
From this article it should be clear that the A's know exactly what happened.
IMO, if their lawyer is out there claiming that he won't let them speak to LE unless they get full immunity, then he knows what they are hiding will turn the Orange County Jail into a family hotel.

Dang. That link comes up page not found too.:furious:
I don't like to have hate in my heart but I can honestly say that I'm headed that way with G&C Anthony.

I believe I'm more disgusted with them than I am with Casey and her actions- because I believe Casey is somehow mentally disturbed.

But for them to play these games and disrespect the memory of their supposedly "beloved" granddaughter by trying to leverage their testimony in exchange for immunity makes me physically ill.

I hope the Prosecutor throws the book at them. Fast. Like with arrests tomorrow. All three of them.
Dang. That link comes up page not found too.:furious:

Google Hal Boedeker and look for the Orlando Sentinel link. You'll find it there.

Mods: Hal is the blogwriter for the Sentinel- he is well known in this area. Hopefully using his name won't be a problem.
I just don't want LE to give the A's immunity for telling the truth because it is in THEIR best interest now. That just rubs me the wrong way. How much $$ was spent on searching for Caylee when & IF the A's had come clean with ALL that they knew just maybe this would have ended so much sooner. I say why give people such a reward for such deceitfulness? They deserve to be punished for the perjury they committed and I hope they are.
The state can lay the proper foundation and get the 911 tapes in without CA, yes. They are a sort of official record, recorded and maintained according to routine, etc. But there may be some things they will need from her at trial. They know she is an explosive, hostile witness, so I guess it just depends on how badly they need something that has to come from her. If she is called as a defense witness, they can cross-examine her, too. In a way, it may not matter much what she says, if she comes across as the unendearing witness she was at the bond hearing.

Please excuse my ignorance but can't they supoena CA as a witness for the prosecution and if she chooses to become explosive and hostile they can treat her as a "hostile witness"? What are the legal consequences of a witness that chooses to become hostile on the stand? I find the A's attorney's wording very odd. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it's like he's almost saying they had something to do with a coverup after the fact? Yikes.
I don't like to have hate in my heart but I can honestly say that I'm headed that way with G&C Anthony.

I believe I'm more disgusted with them than I am with Casey and her actions- because I believe Casey is somehow mentally disturbed.

But for them to play these games and disrespect the memory of their supposedly "beloved" granddaughter by trying to leverage their testimony in exchange for immunity makes me physically ill.

I hope the Prosecutor throws the book at them. Fast. Like with arrests tomorrow. All three of them.

It may be that the loss of a grandchild, the loss of privacy, and the complicated situation one's daughter being the most hated woman in America has made G&C mentally disturbed, as well, and finding sympathy for their suffering will keep the creeping hate out of your Pirate heart. :)
This is like blackmail! Arrest them if they aren't going to help with the Prosecution. I'm sure LE has more than enough on them.
I can only imagine a judges reaction to their threats. Unbelievable.
I agree...blackmail! And, I hope the judge adds that to the other charges as well! I am so fed up with their antics! What is wrong with these people? I've never seen people behave like these!
Do innocent people need immunity??? Geesh, what about the poor, grieving, grandparents and people feeling sorry for them?
If they were not involved with anything, they wouldn't be acting this way.

The 5th Amendment does not offer protection against perjury. If they are granted immunity and testify and perpetuate some of the stories they have said to the media, they can still be charged with perjury. The attorney could be seeking immunity in part because it might be the one way to ensure that they tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I don't like to have hate in my heart but I can honestly say that I'm headed that way with G&C Anthony.

I believe I'm more disgusted with them than I am with Casey and her actions- because I believe Casey is somehow mentally disturbed.

But for them to play these games and disrespect the memory of their supposedly "beloved" granddaughter by trying to leverage their testimony in exchange for immunity makes me physically ill.

I hope the Prosecutor throws the book at them. Fast. Like with arrests tomorrow. All three of them.

I feel the same as you..........LE has to do is against the law not to help LE!!!!
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