Anthony's Seek Full Immunity#2

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The 5th Amendment does not offer protection against perjury. If they are granted immunity and testify and perpetuate some of the stories they have said to the media, they can still be charged with perjury. The attorney could be seeking immunity in part because it might be the one way to ensure that they tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

do these people even know what 'truth is or means?' I personally won't believe anything the a's say from now on.............what a screwed up mess the 4 are..........and to think LA has a child on the way..........I feel sorry for that baby!!!
Caylee Anthony story: WESH reports that George and Cindy Anthony won't help prosecution without immunity
posted by halboedeker on Dec 30, 2008 6:28:05 PM

But at 6 p.m. WESH-Channel 2 then turned to the Caylee Anthony saga. Bob Kealing reported that the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony says they will cooperate in daughter Casey's prosecution -- "only if their words aren't used against them."

Attorney Brad Conway told Kealing, "We've discussed immunity, and I won't put them in a room until I get it."


Pffft., they've already admitted that they've made conflicting statements and now they want immunity so they can tell the truth? :rolleyes:

(BTW, I believe this is only hearsay at this point.)

It seems to me that the public admission of conflicting statements and the statement they are now ready to tell the truth is enough to convict them on obstructing justice charges.

Everybody would like to know what happened but it's not necessary to get a conviction for KC or for obstructing justice for them.

The only cards they are holding is the truth and it's not necessary for any reason to get convictions IMO.

I agree, and I will be very disappointed if the A's are granted immunity. I hope they have enough evidence to charge them with accessories after the fact. It really burns my bohiney the way they keep dictating to LE, volunteer searchers, media, etc., about how the investigation will be run. Threatening to not cooperate without immunity, fine, I hope LE calls, and gets arrest warrants for both of them.
Besides, I think the state has enough to convict Casey without them.

I'd love to see them arrested because one would probably turn on the other. Most likely CA against GA. That person could get a deal. If it's GA against CA I would have little problem with him getting a deal because I believe his only involvement was to keep his mouth closed. CA on the other hand I believe was involved in a hands on way.

"Only if their words aren't used against them" in Conway speak means simply that both CA and GA have already said way too much! I doubt he has to worry so much about GA saying anything because he only acts on cue if CA says it's OK for him to say something. JMO BUT CA on the otherhand? She already convicted KC way before asking for immunity. It started with the intitial 911 call and I quote "smells like a dead body has been in the car".

Somehow I saw this coming. :bang:

I think the 911 call was genuine. I just think anything that came after that is suspect. I believe they didn't know anything about this and that KC finally came clean during one of her times out of jail.

Bolded by me

I wonder if these ARE the words they don't want used against them, considering how they both changed their minds about the smell later- or would those later words be what they don't want used- to avoid charges of lying to LE, obstructing, etc. ?

It's hard to say how deep they're in. It could be very minor stuff or the whole story. Who knows.

Thanks that works

The state can lay the proper foundation and get the 911 tapes in without CA, yes. They are a sort of official record, recorded and maintained according to routine, etc. But there may be some things they will need from her at trial. They know she is an explosive, hostile witness, so I guess it just depends on how badly they need something that has to come from her. If she is called as a defense witness, they can cross-examine her, too. In a way, it may not matter much what she says, if she comes across as the unendearing witness she was at the bond hearing.

She very well may plead the fifth.

Do innocent people need immunity??? Geesh, what about the poor, grieving, grandparents and people feeling sorry for them?
If they were not involved with anything, they wouldn't be acting this way.
I really hope they charge them and prevent them from profiting as well as teaching other "Helpful parents" who try to tamper with evidence or mislead a LE investigation.
I think this would be the last straw for LE in giving them some leeway to bury their little Caylee.

I agree this is more about $$$$$$$$$$$ than anything else.
It is very sad that the A's have done or said things for which they now need immunity. If their story, that they believed their daughter, was true and the A's really bought the Zani BS, really, really believed KC, they would never have lied. It is because they did not believe a word that came out of her mouth, that they felt compelled to lie and confuse issues in this investigation.

To me, it is the greatest testament to their knowledge of what really happened, whether KC told them or not. Their very actions tell us that they know the truth.

They don't need the Anthonys to convict. Don't give them the subpoena. Let the Defense call them. Cindy and Lee would turn into hostile witnesses anyway. The best move the SA's case is NOT to give them a subpoena. They will lie on the stand anyway and it will not help the case. It just confuses matters which is exactly what they want. They are in full mode now to save their DD.
From this article it should be clear that the A's know exactly what happened.
IMO, if their lawyer is out there claiming that he won't let them speak to LE unless they get full immunity, then he knows what they are hiding will turn the Orange County Jail into a family hotel.

:clap: :clap: :woohoo: :clap: :clap:
George Anthony was not a homicide detective. That was something CA said to the FBI or LE when they interviewed her. She is prone to exaggeration and wants to impress. He worked for a small town in the sheriff's department, most likely as a deputy.
I just don't want LE to give the A's immunity for telling the truth because it is in THEIR best interest now. That just rubs me the wrong way. How much $$ was spent on searching for Caylee when & IF the A's had come clean with ALL that they knew just maybe this would have ended so much sooner. I say why give people such a reward for such deceitfulness? They deserve to be punished for the perjury they committed and I hope they are.

I don't think LE will offer the A's immunity or trust any new info. How can they? Given the A track record any new info may be just a better lie (KC's technique) that is more believable than any truth. If I was LE I'd continue to work with forensics and anyone outside the A's than to trust any testimony from them. Even when they try, their recollection is faulty.

The Truth and the A's are strangers. JMHO.

Just read the article...amazing...bradley won't let them talk?? He seems to be getting something in the news daily....tells me CA is having a Tissiy-fit...any day now we will hear from her.

That baby should have been buried by now...AUTOPSY?...there is nothing to do an autopsy on. The only thing they could accomplish in an exam is to improve the State's case. The State gave a favorable report to the defense. What a game Baez is playing. The Anthonys are stalling. Active imaginations are left to figure it out.
They don't need the Anthonys to convict. Don't give them the subpoena. Let the Defense call them. Cindy and Lee would turn into hostile witnesses anyway. The best move the SA's case is NOT to give them a subpoena. They will lie on the stand anyway and it will not help the case. It just confuses matters which is exactly what they want. They are in full mode now to save their DD.

I hope they don't need the Anth's to convict. Their track record of lying speaks for itself, and why would LE believe they would truly tell any truths. I'm not sure CA knows how to tell the full truth, only the amount of truth she needs to tell at any given time.
Please excuse my ignorance but can't they supoena CA as a witness for the prosecution and if she chooses to become explosive and hostile they can treat her as a "hostile witness"? What are the legal consequences of a witness that chooses to become hostile on the stand? I find the A's attorney's wording very odd. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it's like he's almost saying they had something to do with a coverup after the fact? Yikes.

It appears they get immunity implied if and when they are subpoened. That is why they are having a fit. The attorneys for all want to see them subpoened by the State. They did NOT receive a subpoena. They want one so they can have their immunity. There is no consequence if they turn hostile during testimony, if they are subpoened. I am laughing out loud...Yeah for the prosecution.:woohoo:
He was a Detective with the Trumbull County Sheriff Dept - Ohio


I have been in touch with previous cases and the news journalists nowadays do not check sources. I have asked them why they report inaccuracies. They told me that they get info off the AP and fly with it. They tell me that the LE won't confirm or deny so there is not much to get from them.

In my experience, it is a long process to become a detective. Many have to have a college degree. He worked about 10 years, they say, and he, himself, never said he was a detective....he stated he was a deputy for a sheriff's dept in Warren, least that is what I believe I heard him say during the interview.

With respect, I think that the article is quoting CA's words and we all know how truthful she is:rolleyes:
Today's Bus Schedule:

- Cindy was formerly going to throw Jesse, Amy, and Ricardo under the bus. This schedule has changed. Cindy will now throw Casey under the bus, so that LE will not throw her under the bus.

- George will continue to throw whomever Cindy tells him to under the bus.

- We predict that since Cindy (and therefore George) are now willing to throw Casey under the bus, that Casey's previously scheduled throwing of the non-existent ZFG under the bus will now have a change in schedule to Casey throwing Cindy and George under the bus.

- It is unknown at this time who Lee will attempt to throw under the bus, or who is attempting to throw Lee under the bus.

- Caylee remains dead, murdered by her mother, Casey, and fades even further from memory as each of her family members struggle and posture to avoid being the one thrown under the bus.
Today's Bus Schedule:

- Cindy was formerly going to throw Jesse, Amy, and Ricardo under the bus. This schedule has changed. Cindy will now throw Casey under the bus, so that LE will not throw her under the bus.

- George will continue to throw whomever Cindy tells him to under the bus.

- We predict that since Cindy (and therefore George) are now willing to throw Casey under the bus, that Casey's previously scheduled throwing of the non-existent ZFG under the bus will now have a change in schedule to Casey throwing Cindy and George under the bus.

- It is unknown at this time who Lee will attempt to throw under the bus, or who is attempting to throw Lee under the bus.

- Caylee remains dead, murdered by her mother, Casey, and fades even further from memory as each of her family members struggle and posture to avoid being the one thrown under the bus.

Do you know the way to San Jose?
I don't really think the Anthonys have a lot of bargaining power for immunity deals. What are they gonna do if they don't get immunity, get on the stand and either lie or claim the right not to incriminate themselves? Yeah, that'll look GREAT for Casey's defense and even BETTER for their own predicaments -- their own potential jury pools will hear all about their (non)testimony in Casey's trial and will think even more highly of them when their own turns come around.

I think LE has enough to nail Casey without the family's help. Calling them as witnesses only to have them lie and be impeached or refuse to answer would further the impression that Casey is guilty and would help the state. The only bone I can see them throwing the Anthonys is perhaps reduced charges for themselves in exchange for honest testimony (that the state would be aware of in advance, so that the deal would fall through if they didn't comply).

Conway says he won't "put them in a room" til he gets full immunity. I really don't like to hear that kind of threat from folks who have obviously done something very wrong in order to seek immunity. It is they who should be begging for whatever they can get, not dictating under what terms they'll tell the truth to LE and before a judge and jury.

Cindy may finally learn that, for once, she will NOT have the upper hand.
I believe the reason the A's want immunity is because everything leads back to that argument on the 15th. I believe they really put their foot down on putting up with KC's irresponsible behavior (partying, stealing, and everything else). Maybe KC stormed out of the house yelling... FINE, I'll get rid of her and solve all my problems. I believe deep down the A's feel guilty and know that they could have stopped all this and saved Caylee's life if they would have just taken her away from the one person who truly did not want her anymore. They didn't, they tried to push KC to grow up and deal with her life and her responsibilities.

I think KC in the end will throw her parents under the bus and blame everything on them. Why else would she stop ALL communication with them? No visits, not even a "Merry Christmas" phone call, nothing. This is not how you treat someone whom you expect to take your side.. she is avoiding them for a reason.

I think JB knows exactly what was said during that argument, it is for that reason that the A's are seeking full immunity.

I don't think they actually know what happened to sweet little Caylee or assisted in any kind of murder or cover up. I think they got their first taste of reality that night when Casey wouldn't take CA to see Caylee, and it all snowballed from there.. It was at that point when KC began the run around with LE that the A's realized that something terrible happened to Caylee and they now feel guilty.

I believe this could have been solved long ago if the A's had been truthful about what was said during that argument on the 15th.

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