Anthonys Seek Private Jail Visit With Casey

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Okay that was prefectly stated.
I also really want to clarify that if no one requests it, there is no special treament.

Which means that all the other folks whos meetings are not on the internet, are not getting special treatment. <wink> It's just that no one requested a copy of the tape.

This whole mess is a "catch 22". To find a missing child, any and all PR you can get, is very much needed. But once folks get involved, it's hard to get them 'uninvolved.' The A's found that out the hard way, when they tried to get folks to stop looking for Caylee. IN order to protect Casey, then needed NO attention to the case.

One folks get involved, they are involved. Hooked on their next segment. Which means, that even if the media all agreed together not to request it, there are others who would, and put it on line for the rest of us to see. Which means, the media would loose their 'scoop.' Their bread and butter.

If this case didn't have such a following, then no one would request it. Not the media or anyone else. "Catch 22."

What I am trying to say is that It's not yours, mine, the state of Florida's fault that the A's made this so dramatic, that the whole nation is watching. I feel for them, but I didn't cause it. Folks tried to warn them, but they refused to listen. (shut up)

Getting someone to not request a copy of the tape, it would have been easier to keep Cindy from talking to folks last fall & winter. I just don't see it not being requested. Not after following this case, and listening (reading) the many comments here and other places.. Nope, someone would request it.
No one is asking to have an unmonitored meeting. No one is asking for it not to be recorded, no one is asking for it to be private as in not heard by the authorities.

They are just asking that it not be released for everyone to watch. The only way it will be released and watched is if the media requests it.
I only have one question. Why will the media request a copy of this visit?

JBean, Can I do a little "I agree" dance? :blowkiss:
Unfortunately, no one has the authority to deny release of the taped visit unless it contains clues and direct evidence as to Caylee's death. And, yes, the media would request it because the media can make money from it. The tape would fill hours of air time and maybe no one would pay attention to the bill being passed in the Senate which NO ONE has read, not a single Congressional Representative and not a single Senator, but which gives away nearly 800 BILLION taxpayer dollars and relieves the recipients of any accounting for the spending of the money. (we are getting raped and no one is screaming, it boggles my mind - sorry O/T)

Also O/T - DrewP's new fiancee' is a beautiful young woman whose father is worried sick about her.

The world has twirled right off of it's axis and the change in the magnetic field is sucking the common sense right out of people everywhere.
I am a little confused with this thread..I got the distinct impression that the Anthonys wanted a "private" meeting with their daughter....they wanted a private area where they could be w/o the phone and the one GA had arrange last summer (which was set up and refused by KC).,,That was to be in an area where he could give her a "hug" and all.

Most people here are saying they are just asking for a phone interview with the three family members.

JB, where did your read that they haven't ask for a private meeting? I thought that was the whole point...they wanted a private place and a private meeting...they wanted to be able to touch their daughter..
I had started out in the beginning of this thread on this track stating "absolutely no" because that is way "over the top" permission to be given...however, the sheriff did arrange this once for George.

I just googled this and see that Conway has asked for "all" of them to meet 'face to face" w/o monitors and screens.


On January 28th, ..The attorney for the parents of Casey Anthony is trying to arrange a private, face-to-face jail meeting between his clients and their daughter.
I just googled this and see that Conway has asked for "all" of them to meet 'face to face" w/o monitors and screens.


The attorney for the parents of Casey Anthony is trying to arrange a private, face-to-face jail meeting between his clients and their daughter.

They had all the time in the world to talk to her in private when she was out on bail. I hope they don't make any special arrangements for them. Casey has a defense team flying in from all over the country to get her off. She is already getting better treatment than your average murder suspect waiting for her day in court.

I would much rather see the family meet with LE and tell them everything they know without an immunity deal.
snipped for emphasis

JB, where did your read that they haven't ask for a private meeting? I thought that was the whole point...they wanted a private place and a private meeting...they wanted to be able to touch their daughter..
HI whisperer. i think part of the problem is that the news stories are updated and evolving. Even the latest one is bit different than the first one i read:
updated 7:45 a.m. PT, Thurs., Feb. 12, 2009
>>ORLANDO, Fla. - George and Cindy Anthony's lawyer confirmed that the family wants to set up a special private video visit with Casey Anthony.<<


Brad Conway, the Anthonys attorney, said the family realizes the video session with Casey Anthony would have to be monitored by jail staff but they do not want a video of it released.<<

this one is saying more that they want the visit to not be videoed at all but only monitored. they are asking this because they know that the video will be requested and ultimately released.
Oh, Thank you JBean for the clarification. I can depend on you.

I now see what is going on...SPIN.

This entire request in the format that BC is NOW requesting did not even need to be made public. This man is getting on my last nerve.

Jon Burrows
above has said it all. They have had plenty of time to talk with her in private the entire time whe was out on "bail". I imagine they want another love fest ...or to completely apologize to kc for not abidding by her wishes....they don't want the public seeing them grovel.
Oh, Thank you JBean for the clarification. I can depend on you.

I now see what is going on...SPIN.

This entire request in the format that BC is NOW requesting did not even need to be made public. This man is getting on my last nerve.

Jon Burrows
above has said it all. They have had plenty of time to talk with her in private the entire time whe was out on "bail". I imagine they want another love fest ...or to completely apologize to kc for not abidding by her wishes....they don't want the public seeing them grovel.

And they don't want the public to see how Casey treats them. She ddoesn't want to see them. I am convinced this is why they have not visited. IMO
You are so right, Sirensong...

She will come around when funds get low...I guess kc doesn't need any money right now. As long as she has ways to get her needs met, she doesn't need hem...........right now.

I will say this entire tragedy would have turned out differently if Baez never stepped in.
IMO - Casey has no desire whatsoever to have visits from her parents.
Baez read a statement from Casey which clearly stated that Casey is furious with her parents for cremating Caylee, against Casey's wishes for a casket and burial at a cemetery with a headstone.

Baez does not want Casey to have any visits from her parents or brother.
If such a visit did happen - Baez would request a copy of the video - and the filing of a Motion to get a copy of it - would open it to the public records through the Florida Sunshine laws.

I believe this is alllllllllllllll smoke and mirrors and PR from George and Cindy's attorney, to paint the picture that the Anthonys really want to visit Casey (even though there is most likely a lot of in fighting going on within this family).
Doesnt matter what the A's want or why they want it .............

If it in any way involves a deviation from SOP the only acceptable response is NO .

Like it or not their daughter is an inmate
Haven't you seen the videos of the prior visits? The Anthonys cannot or will not ask Casey anything that's going to upset her. ?

That is so true. Every time KC would get irritated or the least bit upset, George and Cindy tiptoed around her and walked on eggshells. KC uses this ability to intimidate her family to keep them (and the truth) at bay.
Of course other inmates are taped, it's just that what would be so interesting to the public about someone visiting a drug addict charged with writing cold checks?
I also find the video clip where KC starts to get mad and almost loses control very interesting in showing a fleeting glimpse into a much darker side to her than has otherwise been shown. Every time I see that I wonder about the level of rage poor Caylee had to endure during her last minutes alive.
I wonder if the A's got a heads up about the duct tape results that are to be released this week, and that's why they requested the visit? After all, their request for a private visit happened on the same day that LP let it slip he'd been told there were fingerprints on the duct tape....and now it seems like he may have known what he was talking about. Could the A's have been tipped too?
I think they want to beg her to confess and plea her way out of the death penalty. They don't want to lose another daughter. They know she is guilty.
Unfortunately, no one has the authority to deny release of the taped visit unless it contains clues and direct evidence as to Caylee's death. And, yes, the media would request it because the media can make money from it. The tape would fill hours of air time and maybe no one would pay attention to the bill being passed in the Senate which NO ONE has read, not a single Congressional Representative and not a single Senator, but which gives away nearly 800 BILLION taxpayer dollars and relieves the recipients of any accounting for the spending of the money. (we are getting raped and no one is screaming, it boggles my mind - sorry O/T)

Also O/T - DrewP's new fiancee' is a beautiful young woman whose father is worried sick about her.

The world has twirled right off of it's axis and the change in the magnetic field is sucking the common sense right out of people everywhere.

I hear ya.....loud and clear......and I am screaming

If KC has not yet been told what the new evidence is against her, I wonder how many lies she has concocted in her shady little brain to have at the ready for her family. No matter what she comes up with,
If KC has not yet been told what the new evidence is against her, I wonder how many lies she has concocted in her shady little brain to have at the ready for her family. No matter what she comes up with,

I don't know about you, but I'd sure like to see the attorney activity at the jail after the announcement of the doc dump.
I noticed on NG Monday night while listening to the taped visit with GA, CA and Casey (August Visit) something I had not noticed before.............She said she watched Nancy Grace with Jose to see what the media is saying now. Do you think Jose took his computer into the Jail the day of Caylee's memorial for Casey to watch since she did not request to watch it? That could have been why LA was sending out all of the CMA messages and CA sent her messages also, knowing she would watch it with Jose.

Just wondering............

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