Anthonys want autopsy results sealed AND ALL Autopsy Updates

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Should the Anthonys have a say about the autopsy results being sealed?

  • Yes - they are justified and should have a say in it

    Votes: 35 6.4%
  • No - they shouldn't have a say in it

    Votes: 505 91.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 2.0%

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Spangle you are right, the photo's cannot be released, here's a link for everyone


"In 2001, Florida passed a law, known as the Earnhardt Family Protection Act. The bill, named for NASCAR legend Dale Earnhardt, made autopsy photographs, video and audio recordings confidential. Violators could be charged with a third degree felony that could be punishable by jail time and up to a $5,000 fine."

Thanks to Gypsy Rose for the link :)

I might be wrong, but I think this Act left open the possibility of government or individuals being able to view the photos if they can demonstrate a good cause to see them.
The media could take this to court to argue-However, why do we need photos of Caylee's bones?
The Orlando Sentinel is familiar with the law/Act as they requested and argued against Teresa Earnhardt over Dale's photos. They probably know they could try to get Caylee's photos by whatever means the Family Protection Act allows.

ETA: I think the contention in 2001 was Teresa's fear that the photos would be put on the internet for sick gawkers. There was not a criminal case involved where the Sunshine Law was in effect.....the judge could end it all by sealing them, but I do not think the media will push on the photos anyway.
Do we know they signed a contract with CBS - did I miss something? Maybe I was distracted by your bear butt. :D

Seriously though - I doubt any contract could dictate to Cindy to appear on the day of her grandchild's death if she didn't want to do it. Remember they have the "extra special grief gets me out of anything" card and can play it whenever they want. :rolleyes:

I'm no fan of the Anthony's. But I have lost a child, and I know what it feels like. Gotta tell ya, they REALLY DO have a "extra special grief card." All of us who have lost a baby we loved have one.
I think the judge will be making a decision on the autopsy report within the next week. Most of the attorneys on JVM and NG feel that the autopsy results will be made public. One attorney stated that the Anthonys have no standing in the criminal case.
IMO, old fractures could of showed up ..........proving earlier child abuse..........
and it would make CA/GA look like bad grand parents........that they KNEW
kc was NOT a good mother and HID the me CA/GA want to save face or their butts not kc.......
I'm no fan of the Anthony's. But I have lost a child, and I know what it feels like. Gotta tell ya, they REALLY DO have a "extra special grief card." All of us who have lost a baby we loved have one.

I don't doubt that at all. My step-father lost his seven year old daughter to a sudden death that occured right in front of his eyes. I've seen that special grief close up. I know how it impacts a person's life.

However my comment about the A's was intended to criticize the way they cynically use their "grief card" to get out of doing what is right and attempting to get special treatment, not to question their grief itself or even the sincerity of their feelings.
IMO, old fractures could of showed up ..........proving earlier child abuse..........
and it would make CA/GA look like bad grand parents........that they KNEW
kc was NOT a good mother and HID the me CA/GA want to save face or their butts not kc.......

Since there were just bones, was there any need to xray them? I guess so huh?
Since there were just bones, was there any need to xray them? I guess so huh?

Yep, I think the 'bones' could "TELL" a story BIG time!
Could tell 'dismembering', old and current fractures, maybe
poison in system...........allot of 'evidence' and then there is the
hair from skull...........
IMO the autopsy reports will be very hard for anyone to take if there is trama more than we imagine. IMO the FAMILY wants to hide the 'evidence' once again.
They say on TV trial won't start for a year. Maybe the A family thinks everything will .....GO AWAY.........
Caylee's precious remains will tell what she is unable to tell.
Dismemberment after death.
Burning after death.
Freezing after death.
Why do the A's not want the public to read the autopsy report. What is in it that is so horrific, that their lawyer, who really doesn't have a dog in this hunt, files a motion in this court to have it suppressed? By all acounts if it was damaging to the defense then JB should be doing the motion to suppress to protect his client, KC.
So what's in the report?
Was it enough to bring the DP back to the table?
I think they should be sealed until the trial. Only because I don't want Casey appealing anything. She may complain she didn't get a fair trial. I can wait until the trial to find out what the results of the autopsy were. I'm willing to wait if it means that Casey has a fair trial. Yes, I believe she is guilty but, if she has a fair trial she has no reason to appeal the sentence.
If I looked at the reports, I wouldn't be able to understand it---would like to hear what all the rest say about them tho. It won't upset me to know what is in the report. I want to know and since the A's threw such a fit---makes me wanna know all of it.
If I looked at the reports, I wouldn't be able to understand it---would like to hear what all the rest say about them tho. It won't upset me to know what is in the report. I want to know and since the A's threw such a fit---makes me wanna know all of it.

It's interesting that on the CBS show CA and GA did not state that Casey was innocent, like they've done in the past. There has to be something in that report that is very damaging to Casey. But, like you said, I wouldn't understand half the jargon either. It would be helpful to hear what sleuthers have to say. But, I'm willing to wait.
IMO, old fractures could of showed up ..........proving earlier child abuse..........
and it would make CA/GA look like bad grand parents........that they KNEW
kc was NOT a good mother and HID the me CA/GA want to save face or their butts not kc.......

If there's evidence of old fractures, no one knows who could have inflicted a blow hard enough to cause a fracture.

We've seen Casey's temper on the jailhouse visit video where she get angry saying no one will let her speak.

We've see Cindy and George in action - wielding a baseball bat and a hammer, and we've see their quick temper.

If there's evidence of abuse, it could have been any of the family.
Everything CA and GA and BC did or did not say on GMA - and the Motion is being orchestrated by AL. Everything that is said, and every motion filed between now and the trial is planned. I believe that CA has the same motives/reasons/beliefs that she had the day the smell of decomp in the car turned into the smell of pizza. IMO it's all a ploy...after the GMA show I've noticed that there is more sympathy for the Anthony's. If the Anthony's can appear more vulnerable, the public will be more sympathetic to them and in turn this will benefit KC. Take all monsters out of the equation. Humanize everyone - humans make mistakes...humans have accidents. I said it before and say it again AL is working overtime.
Everything CA and GA and BC did or did not say on GMA - and the Motion is being orchestrated by AL. Everything that is said, and every motion filed between now and the trial is planned. I believe that CA has the same motives/reasons/beliefs that she had the day the smell of decomp in the car turned into the smell of pizza. IMO it's all a ploy...after the GMA show I've noticed that there is more sympathy for the Anthony's. If the Anthony's can appear more vulnerable, the public will be more sympathetic to them and in turn this will benefit KC. Take all monsters out of the equation. Humanize everyone - humans make mistakes...humans have accidents. I said it before and say it again AL is working overtime.
Definitely orchestrated. I try not to be so cynical, but something tells me everything isn't as it appears to be.
If there's evidence of old fractures, no one knows who could have inflicted a blow hard enough to cause a fracture.

We've seen Casey's temper on the jailhouse visit video where she get angry saying no one will let her speak.

We've see Cindy and George in action - wielding a baseball bat and a hammer, and we've see their quick temper.

If there's evidence of abuse, it could have been any of the family.

But, old fractures would be classified as antemortem (before death) trauma to the bones and the ME already stated that there was no evidence of this. What remains to be commented on by the ME is perimortem (at or near the time of death) and postmortem (after death) trauma to the bones.

Since the latter were never commented on in the ME's press conference there's a chance that the report could include evidence concerning these types of bone trauma.

Antemortem bone trauma is differentiated from the other types by evidence of healing having occurred, as in prior abuse. If trauma was found to be peri- or postmortem it is due to the lack evidence showing that healing has taken place. Further criteria differentiate peri from postmortem trauma.

A hypothetical situation could be that KC struck out at Caylee in a rage causing broken bones and massive internal hemmorhage. She died very quickly and the bones would show no evidence of healing. The ME couldn't rule the cause of death to be a broken rib or a broken ulna nor could she state that the cause of death was internal hemmorhage because she didn't have tissue with which to conclude this. She could, however, find perimortem trauma to bones. This, along with the duct tape placement would be enough for her to be confident in ruling the death a homicide.

She may even be able to give her opinion that the bones that were broken resulted from a force so great that trauma to other areas was likely and may have caused death. For instance, children rarely break a rib because they are very pliable. Most cases of broken ribs in children are the result of child abuse or mva. For a child to present with multiple broken ribs, major blunt force trauma to the chest wall would have to occur. This type of injury could result in any number of fatal injuries. KC wouldn't have a chance if the ME found multiple ribs with perimortem trauma. Nothing short of a massive blow could cause this.

Sorry to ramble but, since the As have tried to block the release of this autopsy I've thought of all kinds of things it could include. Until the ME rules out peri or post mortem trauma to the bones there are many possibilities. Something in that report has them very worried.
Definitely orchestrated. I try not to be so cynical, but something tells me everything isn't as it appears to be.

I realize that I come across as being cynical but what I wrote was coming from a legal pov. My mother worked in the courthouse for a judge for years. And in the DA's office also. I met defense attorneys and district attorneys. And I watched a lot of trials. I watched a DA cry during his closing at a Murder trial, after the trial I heard him joke about how good he was at the crying...he was successful the defendant was found guilty by the jury. This is a high stakes, for lack of a better word "game" right now. A Death Penalty Murder Case. As far as cases go, it doesn't get more serious that this. CA and GA and KC's Attorneys are all working toward a collective goal, to get the DP dropped and KC to be found innocent...2nd agenda is no DP and lwop.

Damage control - GMA appearance and the softening of CA
Motions - file 'em, one will stick and good to postpone damaging info and really good if you can get someone outside of Defense Team to file - smart move and I truly believe that JB AL and BC decided on this being filed by the Anthony's.

Our legal system isn't perfect but it is all we have. Perry Mason was not a real person. There are innocent people in prison and guilty people not in prison. Some of what we all have read from the released evidence due to Florida's Sunshine Law will never be known to jurors. So if the worst of the worst evidence is not released to the public before trial and the trial be put off for another year or so, the lack of new "bombshells" and the Anthony's fade out of sight...would be very very good for KC's Defense.
Sorry if I missed this, but when will this Motion be heard by the court. I know the media has a say to argue it.

I don't know if this has been discussed here. Don't have time to read the entire thread...

This is an except from a book in the Google Books database.

Casarett and Doull's toxicology By Louis J. Casarett, Curtis D. page 1094

"On occasion, toxicologic analysis is requested for cases of burned, exhumed, and skeletal remains. In such instances, it is necessary to analyze unusual specimens such as bone marrow, hair, skeletal muscle, viterous humor, and even maggots (Inoue, 1992).

Numerous drugs have been successfully identified in bone marrow and bone washings from skeletal remains even after decompsition and bural (Benko, 1985).

Similary the vitreous humor of the eye is isolated and sequestered from putrefaction, charring, and trauma; thus, it is a useful specimen for the detection of most drugs, anion, and even volatile poisons such as alcohols, ketones, and glycols (Coe, 1993).

Hair anallysis is a rapidly growing technique in forensic toxicology. Recently, numerous therapeutic agents such as antibiotics and antipsychotic drugs as well as drugs subject to abuse (morphine, phencyclidine, and cocaine) have been identified in hair (Tagliro, 1993)...
In severely decomposed bodies, the absence of blood and/or the scarcity of solid tissues suitale for analysis have led to the collection and testing of maggots (fly larvae) feeding on the body (Pounder, 1991)."
I realize that I come across as being cynical but what I wrote was coming from a legal pov. My mother worked in the courthouse for a judge for years. And in the DA's office also. I met defense attorneys and district attorneys. And I watched a lot of trials. I watched a DA cry during his closing at a Murder trial, after the trial I heard him joke about how good he was at the crying...he was successful the defendant was found guilty by the jury. This is a high stakes, for lack of a better word "game" right now. A Death Penalty Murder Case. As far as cases go, it doesn't get more serious that this. CA and GA and KC's Attorneys are all working toward a collective goal, to get the DP dropped and KC to be found innocent...2nd agenda is no DP and lwop.

Damage control - GMA appearance and the softening of CA
Motions - file 'em, one will stick and good to postpone damaging info and really good if you can get someone outside of Defense Team to file - smart move and I truly believe that JB AL and BC decided on this being filed by the Anthony's.

Our legal system isn't perfect but it is all we have. Perry Mason was not a real person. There are innocent people in prison and guilty people not in prison. Some of what we all have read from the released evidence due to Florida's Sunshine Law will never be known to jurors. So if the worst of the worst evidence is not released to the public before trial and the trial be put off for another year or so, the lack of new "bombshells" and the Anthony's fade out of sight...would be very very good for KC's Defense.

IMO the KC defense is wasting their time. Living in Canada, there are several people here who know nothing of this trial. When I start to describe what happened to someone who has never heard of Casey and Caylee, I get stopped after I state that it took 31 days for Caylee to be reported missing by the grandmother. First thing they say, "Stop right there! A child is kidnapped by her nanny and her mother doesn't report it? And she doesn't tell anyone? And the only way that it gets reported is that the child's grandmother has to track down the mother and confront her as to the whereabouts of her granddaughter which is 31 days later? That doesn't make any sense!"

My Canadian friends are convinced the mother killed the child and was trying to disappear.

I don't even mention that she was not cooperative with the cops or the dumped car, or the non-existent nanny or her ugly coping (partying after her child is "kidnapped")

I get the same reaction time and time again. Two years from now, three years from now, the facts are the facts and time cannot erase them.
Sorry if I missed this, but when will this Motion be heard by the court. I know the media has a say to argue it.






HAL'S NOTE: A colleague says we have filed the motion, but no hearing has been set.


Not the greatest source, but it was some sort of verification that a motion has been filed.
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