Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,auditory,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)

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I too have had "psychic" dreams my whole life. Started seeing spirits when I was four or five. They scared the crap out of me and still do. I don't like to ever be alone at night because of them. I am 46 years old and scared of the dark!! LOL!

I have had so many dreams come true that all my family believes me when I warn them. I also just "know" things. I credit the Holy Spirit now as I have become more mature and know more. I believe that all the spirits that appear are demons pretending to be loved ones. When I tell them to leave in Jesus name they go. Or when I recite the Lord's Prayer. Not that I am religious.

Anyway, I had a dream the other night and was not going to post about it because I didn't really think it would help. But after reading all your posts, I have to say mine fits some of yours very closely. Although I believed by LP's statements that Caylee was tossed in the dumpter.

Here is what I got: She is in a narrow river like area. Not a major river and not one that you could easily get a boat down now. There are too many large trees and debris like that to navigate. She is at a crook in the water where it turns at a sharp right angle. There are trees everywhere and nothing else, no buildings or docks. There are large trees overhanging and shadowing that area. Also a very large tree laying in the water where she is hung up. I believe it is littered with trees and such because of flooding. Maybe would clear out with time. I was traveling fast in the water until that point so there is a major jam up of trees. Like another poster said, it looks like a good fishing spot.

That's all I can remember. Hope she is found wherever she is. I pray for her every night.
Sylvia Brown would say that it is your souls meeting in your dreams.. I had seen her on Montel one day, and they were talking about one of her books, Phenomenon, and I decided to buy it.. Pretty interesting book..Not that I believe everything she says, but I find it hopeful and insightful and a bit creepy..

she is a fraud. google a website about stopping her. it is very informative!
she is a fraud. google a website about stopping her. it is very informative!

I honestly didnt know! I always wondered though! Always thought she seemed a bit strange..I will definately research it! Thank you!
she is a fraud. google a website about stopping her. it is very informative!
We don't have to get personal. I just mentioned that people here that are actively involved in cases don't think very highly of some so-called psychics is all. Not a call out to discredit people...just a nudge to keep this thread on the right track is all.

Can we move back to people who are interested in hearing from normal people who may have some insight perhaps?
Just an FYI, in case it hasn't been mentioned Kimmie Rose is rumored as of yesterday to be headed to Orlando to meet with the family and LE. She's the one that had a message to Casey from Caylee.
I'm not a psychic but I do have strong intuitions sometimes. Not clear pictures, just feelings of fear or dread. Turned out later there was a reason, a few times.
During the SP trial, I had two dreams about Laci, several weeks apart, and that is still so strange to me. When I talked to a few people about those dreams they tried to tell me what the dreams meant.
I also had one experience as a teenager that really frightens me to this day, and I can't begin to explain it in one short post, but it made me a believer.
And... my mother dreamed one night that her father was walking down the road and would stop every few feet and turn to wave back to her. This continued until he was out of sight. The next day he passed away. She knew as soon as she woke up that he was going to die that day, and he did. She said even though he was in a coma, he was telling her goodbye. My grandmother had almost the same dream at the same time.
I do wish I could dream about Caylee... so far it hasn't happened.
Wonder if Noreen Renier has been contacted about this case.:confused:
She was used in the Laci Peterson case...
Why do we need "big names" to interject here? I thought this was for people who just wanted to congregate and exchange ideas? I find it very interesting what people who have been here for awhile have experienced with dreams and other things. I find it very intriguing about their children's perception and experiences especially.
rlms56 -- yes when you get those sightings in your minds eye about people you have never met, it is a strange feeling isn't it? (you with Susan Smith case and me with the Emily R. case in Ohio near where I lived then) Where you close to the Smith case? I mean in geographic terms? As I was wondering if thats why I was receiving info on the ER case, as it was close to me geographically.

I didn't have my first incident until I was like 22 and it was about my grandparents. ER is the only person I've picked up on who wasn't family. And I don't have any kind of intuition about Caylee at all. Like you........just a big blank. In some ways I am so glad of that because when that was going on with the ER case, it could become very distracting, consuming and confusing!
Wonder if Noreen Renier has been contacted about this case.:confused:
She was used in the Laci Peterson case...

The current fee for a psychic consultation with the police detective assigned to a case is $1,000. We should all chip in and have her speak with LE handling the case!
Last month out of frustration with the case I emailed Nancy Orlen Weber, she is one of the psychics on the show "Psychic Investigators" on the Bio Channel. She has assisted in solving many cases and has worked with several police departments. I asked her if she was willing to help with this case as it had so many people affected and concerned.
She emailed me back and said "They (think she meant OSCO) have been contacted by other law enforcement about my work and are not interested so it's impossible."
I thought it was nice that she responded right away though!
rlms56 -- yes when you get those sightings in your minds eye about people you have never met, it is a strange feeling isn't it? (you with Susan Smith case and me with the Emily R. case in Ohio near where I lived then) Where you close to the Smith case? I mean in phyicality? As I was wondering if thats why I was receiving info on the ER case, as it was close to me geographic terms.

I didn't have my first incident until I was like 22 and it was about my grandparents. ER is the only person I've picked up on who wasn't family. And I don't have any kind of intuition about Caylee at all. Like you........just a big blank. In some ways I am so glad of that because when that was going on with the ER case, it could become very distracting, consuming and confusing!

I am in CT and I believe Susan Smith was in the Carolinas so the answer is no. Also, I had not read or heard anything about the case until the day I saw her plea live on tv.

My guess as to why I have a blank screen for the Caylee case is because the family, especially KC, is totally closed off. JMHO
Thank you for telling me your interpretations of your ink blots. I have seen things in my minds eye before, then made drawings but I have never seen this used in this way before. Very interesting. Hopefully you can get some more info from them regarding Caylee.
Thank you for telling me your interpretations of your ink blots. I have seen things in my minds eye before, then made drawings but I have never seen this used in this way before. Very interesting. Hopefully you can get some more info from them regarding Caylee.
On Inkblot #2, I see something in the lower middle part - like part of a totem pole or a character from Tak and the Power of JuJu. I know I'm not explaining myself right. Does anyone else see it? I see hearts in the body. I also see a face - almost like Jesus . . . with no eyes . . . just a nose, eyebrows, mustache and the face looks mad. And this is freaky:

Very similar "chihuaha face". I'm looking under totem pole images in
rlms56--Well then obviously one does not have to be close to the case to receive info. I just thought it strange as far as myself, that I had never received visions before the little girl that was abducted close to me, that weren't about my own family. It really doesn't matter I don't think, what I mean is these things can't really be explained.
I'm curious about whether there are any people here with what we commonly call "psychic" abilities that believe or "sense" or have indications that Caylee is alive? I'm just curious...not trying to start anything!!!:eek:
Thank you for telling me your interpretations of your ink blots. I have seen things in my minds eye before, then made drawings but I have never seen this used in this way before. Very interesting. Hopefully you can get some more info from them regarding Caylee.

If anyone would like to try it, it's pretty simple. I used blue nail polish and pink, then when that was too light in color I dribbled some Betadine solution on it to darken it up.
You can use anything that will dry without being sticky or smear. I had to use the blue and pink nail polish because it was all I could find in my house, my granddaughter left it here a long time ago. The inkblots are basically a tool that helps to focus and concentrate, the same way Tarot cards are just tools that we can use to allow our thoughts and feelings to flow.
I keep wanting to get some darker nail polish to do this with but I always forget when I go to the store.
rltychick said:
She emailed me back and said "They (think she meant OSCO) have been contacted by other law enforcement about my work and are not interested so it's impossible."

What is a shame is that there are sooo many phony psychics out there, just looking to make a quick buck. If LE ever did give one a try and it was a phony one, who wasted their time, that would sour them to the whole lot. And one could understand why.
Is it true that you could develop psychic abilities?

I am not in love with the term "psychic" because it is misleading and has a negative connotation. I am more of the belief that we all have intuition, some more than others. Some chose to hone their skills which I never did simply because I am not crazy about having this ability. That being said, I have not pursued my abilities simply because I am not crazy about having it! All of the visions/feelings/thoughts I have had AND came true were random. I wasn't trying to get anything. This case is the first I tried and came up blank until recently. HTH
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