Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,auditory,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)

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I've had dreams that have come true before. I also am the biggest sceptic around! Go figure. I might as well post this since it has been weighing on my heart. I see cinderblock (grey) from the ground point of view with dry, patchy grass. I see an opening... like you are in... well you know how sometimes dumpsters are enclosed in cinderblock? I see something like that but from a ground level view and there is grass. I also had a dream that I was at a lake with my little girl and I was partying. I was at a friend's house near the lake and my little girl was gone but I was wasted. I went to look for her and she had drowned. Since I was really wasted I was too scared to tell anyone. I hid her by the cinderblock. The lake has a perfectly round Island. I woke up. I looked on the google map and saw that "Lake Georgia" has an island that is near the shore and is round. That is my dream and my imagery - though I won't EVER EVER claim to be psychic - my girlfriend swears that I am. I am pretty much scared to even put this out there because of ridicule. But I had to get it off of my shoulders.

well I, for one, don't think that fear of ridicule should EVER influence your decision to do anything. This isn't something that should destroy your credibility. Whether people believe or don't, they should atleast respect others feelings. It doesn't make them less of a person.
I think I do believe in this stuff.... because there are too many unexplainable outcomes not to. Yea, the "by water" type psychics are probably just out to make a buck or gain recognition. But there are some truely gifted people.
My dad died 7 years ago.... I wish I would see him every now and then ... but it might scare the tar out of me if I did!!!!!!!!!!

I've never seen him after death - just hear him and smell him. I know he's there.
On another note, I once went to a psychic that channeled my grandmother. Right out of the blue - she started talking like her and made certain references that only grandma could know. It was a strange experience.
If there are so Many so called Psychics in this world why can't any of them find Caylee?

Or Trenton Duckett or Natalie Hollaway or any of the other 1000's of missing children in this country?

Why do they always give extremely vague clues that could be attributed to almost anything or anywhere?

Such as "Caylee's near the water" or "The man Hid me"

Sorry but in my opinion there is no such thing as a Psychic

Because having psychic ability is not Google Maps. Nobody knows how it works and when it does "come on" it is pretty much shows you whatever it does. Many times the initial intuition, feeling, or vision is pretty vague even to the psychic themselves.

Example: I felt someone was wrong with my dad and something wasn't right or normal. I find that he was in a car accident and bumped his head but, was ok.
Example 2: During the Susan Smith ordeal I told my dad those children were underwater. The sensation was someone sitting in a back seat of a car looking forward through water.
Example 3: Sitting at the breakfast table during High School I told my brother that I think our friend Travis just died. He said he had a dream that Travis shook his hand, gave him a hug, and walked away. Travis had been through a childhood disease and had appeared better the day before.

C: I get the sensation of two hands tossing into the water. There is also the sensation of floating (at least for a while). It is not a lake as per se an open rounded lake but, looks like a large stagnant stream or corner of a body of water as I can see trees on the other side which are pretty close. Not something one can go all the way around like a small pond or mud hole. It isn't hard to walk up to the area as it is not that dense. Perhaps a fishing area?

Anyway yes, it is vague as I can't give you street addresses and such because I am not yet wired to Google maps.
My 12 year old niece has some psychic ability from a very young age and it started with an imaginary friend, so we thought. She keeps her "Gift" in the family and it comes and goes. I have asked her about this she says she can turn it on and off. I have specifically asked her about this case and she told me she has no opinion because according to her "Guides" this basically does not concern her. She was not being mean or anything like that, but letting me know she is given info and messages that are for her benefit.

So for psychics solving cases, I guess they are treated like the children are in some ways, they are given messages that they are supposed to get.

The ability to turn psychic gifts on and off is a safety mechanism. It's like a filter that let's the psychic decide what she/he wants to know, what is important to know, and what is important enough to them to allow through. If this wasn't available to psychics, they would have no peace.

I've managed to turn off what I can "unnecessary vibes" because I used to pick up all sorts of things from EVERYBODY around me. It drove me crazy. The young pick up more "vibes" than adult because they haven't learned to "reason it away". The just accept what they receive with no reservations.

Why can't psychics give exact information, exact directions to a kidnap victim, or tell us how to win the lottery? It just doesn't work that way. How nice if we (we all have psychic ability) could know everything about these puzzles, but I believe it would be too traumatic for any person to get this type of information. This is why most psychics (not the ones who claim to be pros) get only snippets of information. I would think having several psychics working on a case would be the ideal way to go about it.

I wasn't impressed with the "psychic" would read the "letter from Caylee". I've never gotten anything like that in my experience - long, detailed information. Although, really, if we analyze her message, there was nothing exact about it, was there? I'm skeptical where she is concerned.

My first thoughts when hearing about Caylee missing for 31 days was that she was dead and her mother was very much involved, and somehow there was water or woods (swamp came to mind, but there is lots of water and swamps in Florida, right?) but not much else. Since it's been over two months since the news broke, I can't remember all my own initial "feelings". I hope someone else has more to add to help find Caylee. If I remember my other thoughts I will post them.
My dad died 7 years ago.... I wish I would see him every now and then ... but it might scare the tar out of me if I did!!!!!!!!!!

My Mother passed away 4 years ago, and I dream about shopping and going places with her all the time, just like she was still alive. They are very comforting dreams to me for some reason.
this is the first dream anything for me ever. Normally, I will just open my mouth to say something and something totally different will come out. And usually whatever I end up saying turns out to be right. Like we can be watching the news and they will show a missing person and I'll open my mouth to say that " Wow, she is really pretty." and instead I'll say, " Her husband killed her and her blood is on the underside of the kitchen counter." It is really weird and I have lost friends over it and such.

OMG...........I do the SAME thing.........I won't mean to say something like that but it just comes out. I have come to understand it is a gift from God to be used to help others, but it took me a while to learn when to speak and when to keep my mouth shut.
They have made so many advances these days. When I read the website I am amazed with all of them. There are all degrees of the illness, many are living into their 50's and beyond now. If you ever want to talk about it, I am here for ya....[/QUOTE


I just wanted to say that you must be a very special person to reach out to help someone else when you are dealing with so much pain yourself.

Hugs to you! :blowkiss:
We live in Arizona about and hour and a half away from Sedona. I am not sure if you have heard of it, but it is a very spritual place.....It can be a little scary for her at times. She is almost eight and has not learned how to turn her gift on and off.

Several people have suggested that I move to Sedona (I love Arizona) or Austin, Texas. They say both places are conducive to psychic phenomena. I don't know about Austin from other sources, but I have heard that about Sedona.

Ask someone qualified to teach your daughter how to turn her ability off and on. It will save her sanity in the long run and give her many peaceful moments, a necessity for those with higher than average ability.

Many years ago, a friend of mine decided to teach us tarot card reading. Many times in the sessions, I would just blurt things out. When they asked me which cards told me that, I'd say, "I don't know, I just knew it". Another friend who was Pisces was taken aback when I'd do that because she always thought Pisceans were the most psychic people, and I the Gemini, and the only non-Pisces of the group was the most psychic of all. Our teacher decided to get to the bottom of it and did my astrological chart. It turned out my chart has "psychic" bouncing all over it like lightning, which necessitates the need to turn it off when it's not needed.

I think little Caylee's disappearance is difficult for anyone including investigators, psychics, everyone, because the family is so secretive and not forthcoming with information. The family is the largest hindrance in the investigation and not are the not sharing what they know, they are causing terrible vibes around themselves.
This is one of the most interesting threads I have seen here! :) Thank you for starting it! I haven't made up my mind one way or the other about psychics. Anything is possible - I'm open minded. I do believe is the spirit world/ghosts/paranormal in general because of personal experiences that I have had. I think sometimes it really does take a personal experience in order to make someone a believer. I'm also a Christian, and not to get into a religious debate here, lol.....but in my church, belief in psychics/ghosts is considered wrong and of the devil. Let me stress that *I* do not personally feel that way. That's closed mindedness IMO. Again, thank you for starting this thread and I look forward to reading!!!
I get disgusted at alot of the fake psychics out there but I do feel some real ones exist.
I used to watch a show on Discovery about psychics working with investigators, I think it was called Sensing Murder, that had Pam Coronado and a woman named Laurie in it, and they both seemed genuine and good at what they do, especially Pam. I cant watch Paranormal State because to me its so rediculous and fake.

Im not psychic at all, that I know of. 8 times out of 10 Im more skeptic about this stuff than a believer. However, I do know my dad has abilities, they are actually kinda creepy. He has had 3 dreams of family/friends dying shortly before they died and one of a plane crash before it happened. He also dreamt of me pushing a stroller down the street with a beautiful child in the first weeks of my pregnancy, before I ever told him or anyone else that I was pregnant. When I called to tell him, before the words came out of my mouth, he told me what I was going to say.

I do think I had some type of 'gift' (not really sure what to label it as)when I was a little girl, between the ages of 4 and 9, because of many experiences and memories I have that lead me to think that now, but I shut that out probably around the age of 10, either because it was no longer needed or because it scared me. The only thing I can say for certainty that has stayed with me is that Im empathic, to the point that its caused ALOT of suffering for me and why I usually have to skim by pictures and videos very fast or I start to feel sick and so much pain I dont know how to deal with it. I can easily throw up or cry if I just read about something and it stays with me for a long time. Its very hard for me to see people, even strangers or people on tv, thats hurting or going through a difficult situation because I will feel that pain as well. Not just pain but whatever emotions are going with it, embarrasment, fear, anxiety, etc. Thats one reason this case is so hard on me mentally.

This is a very interesting thread, Im thankful for it, and that it hasnt gotten ugly yet. I know one thing, I wish there was a real, genuine psychic that was involved with this case that could see exactly what happened and find Caylee right now. :(
This is my first post, but I have been so obsessed with this case since it broke. My daughter,who is soon to be eight years old has shown psychic abilities since she was four years old. I remember when this case first broke and I was watching NG, my daughter looked at me with a scared look on her face and said, "Mommy, that little girl is dead and her mommy did it". I was shocked and asked her why she would say that. My daughter told me that Amanda told her. Amanda is a young spirit that had been visiting my daughter. There is so much more, but to be honest, it can be pretty overwhelming and there are so many skeptics out there. I find myself at times telling my daughter not to talk about her gift at school because some people may not understand. She says, "Mommy, God gave me this gift to help people and I don't care what people think." So there ya go. I would love to hear any other psychic thoughts out there.

Welcome to Websleuths . . . you will love it here! Your daughter sounds like an awesome little girl! There might be another psychic thread on this forum. I remember several people giving their thoughts.

I also have slight psychic moments, as we all do, and recently posted the words to some songs that were playing on my computer through on one of the ranting threads. I seem to get messages through songs, which alot of people do, and felt that Caylee was sending me messages. I thought that we could analyze the words to the songs, which seemed to be related to this case, one after another, no disruption. One of my friends here said it was weird so I stopped posting and wrote to Tricia to see if she wanted to remove them.
I completely understand where you are coming from, Boston. Many people feel the way you do. That is part of the reason I had told my daughter to not talk about her experiences to kids or adults. I fear people will distance themselves from her or think that she is weird. All I can say is that there have been so many things that she has been right about that I can't explain away.
Three is a new weekly show on about psychic children. Their parents almost always share the same view. The children are all invited for retreats, 3 at a time, according to their type of gift, to prove that their abilities are real and that they shouldn't be ashamed of them. Great show. Not sure what channel it's on.
"Three is a new weekly show on about psychic children. Their parents almost always share the same view. The children are all invited for retreats, 3 at a time, according to their type of gift, to prove that their abilities are real and that they shouldn't be ashamed of them. Great show. Not sure what channel it's on. "

Its Psychic Kids, with Chip Coffey and its on A&E channel. Im not sure what I think about Chip yet, but I do find the show interesting. Travis, one of the older kids that was on that show and got help understanding his abilities, had found a missing child, dead in a lake, near his home, purely by his visions. (this was before he went on the show) He decided he wanted to pursue this to help others and is now involved in missing cases. He was in Florida recently with a search team looking for Caylee.
Hopefully this thread does not get nasty. I have really enjoyed reading of the posts so far.

I am not psychic but I have had many sightings or dealings with ghosts. Too many to list but if someone would like to hear some I would gladly share them.

I hate to admit this but we are not overly religious. We are Catholic and do attend mass on occasion. But my 9 year old is always talking about God and seeing angels around him. I feel sometimes he has some type of ability but just doesn't know what to do with these feelings.

When i do have these sightings, I am not scared at all. It's more of a peaceful feeling I get.

Thanks to all who have shared their experiences!
ty shar...

He is 67 and fighting all kinds of stuff... we have lost three adult children to illness... I had 3 and he had 11 kids... we lost two of mine to cystic fibrosis and his to melanoma.

{{{Maui}}} I'm so sorry for you and hubby. And sorry he's not well and is unable to bring you messages. There's always hope, right?
Three is a new weekly show on about psychic children. Their parents almost always share the same view. The children are all invited for retreats, 3 at a time, according to their type of gift, to prove that their abilities are real and that they shouldn't be ashamed of them. Great show. Not sure what channel it's on.

That's the A&E show, "Psychic Kids" with medium Chip Coffey. Chip also is seen often on the A&E show "Paranormal State."
I've had dreams that have come true before. I also am the biggest sceptic around! Go figure. I might as well post this since it has been weighing on my heart. I see cinderblock (grey) from the ground point of view with dry, patchy grass. I see an opening... like you are in... well you know how sometimes dumpsters are enclosed in cinderblock? I see something like that but from a ground level view and there is grass. I also had a dream that I was at a lake with my little girl and I was partying. I was at a friend's house near the lake and my little girl was gone but I was wasted. I went to look for her and she had drowned. Since I was really wasted I was too scared to tell anyone. I hid her by the cinderblock. The lake has a perfectly round Island. I woke up. I looked on the google map and saw that "Lake Georgia" has an island that is near the shore and is round. That is my dream and my imagery - though I won't EVER EVER claim to be psychic - my girlfriend swears that I am. I am pretty much scared to even put this out there because of ridicule. But I had to get it off of my shoulders.

I feel that Caylee is under water. But there is so much water around the Orlando area.
I found your dream very interesting.
Casey was known to visit a house in Oviedo Fl, on Lake Jessup Av. She even took Caylee with her, there are pictures. This house is near Lake Jesup, notice only one "s". Lake Jesup is a large lake in Seminole County. In the middle of the lake IS AN ISLAND. Go to mapquest, you will see this.
For some reason, I keep being drawn back to this house.
I'm not psychic, just empathic or intuitive. That's what drew me to this case and why I joined this blog (first ever). My kids call it my momdar. The first time I saw Cindy, her emotions hit me like a ton of bricks. I've never had that happen to me via TV before. I couldn't describe her emotion, and I still can't.

People may disagree, but I think what psychic ability is (and I agree it's different from mediumship) is a very finely tuned intuition! Every human has intuition to one degree or's that 'gut' feeling that provides information. (In fact a feeling of 'fear' in certain situations is exactly that gut feeling talking to us. You know when the hair on the back of your neck stands up? Security specialist Gavin deBecker describes that in his book, "The Gift of Fear.")

I think we've all experienced thinking about someone and then the phone rings and it's them on the phone. Happens to me all the time; faster than calling and leaving someone a voicemail!! heh.

So I think intuition is there for everyone, but like anything it's a matter of degrees and how much we are tuned to it and pay attention to it. And with busy/hectic lives, lots of TV, iPods, etc. it can be more challenging to tune into one's own intuition. For me it works best when I'm in a quiet space just relaxing.

So if intuition is something all humans have (to greater and lesser degrees), then people have the ability to receive information that is not coming from the 5 basic senses. They may not pay attention, they may tune it out or they may not recognize these 'gut' feelings, but I think everyone has them.
I think every good detective uses his/her "gut feelings". They won't tell you it is anything psychic, but they will feel it strongly enough to pursue an avenue they otherwise could have overlooked. They honestly believe (the ones I have spoken to anyway) that it is only their honed skills of logic and reasonable assumptions. Uh-huh. Whatever makes them feel better. LOL
I posted about her awhile back, wondering the same thing. I emailed her also but never heard back.

I checked her website the other day too - hoping for something. I was very surprised that she didn't have anything out there. Maybe there is something in the works and she just hasn't updated in a while.

I am so glad this thread was started as I do believe.
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