Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,auditory,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)

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"pyschality" -- My eyes are so fricking bad, I had to get an inch away from the screen to look at the spelling in your post!!! LOL And that is with reading glasses on!!!

Listen I will take the award of worst speller (is this how you spell speller??!!) ever! And my poor eyesight doesn't help at all.
It is right, yes? I haven't seen it used on WS we can say it is new.
Ok, since we are being open and admitting to having these things happen, I will share another thing about this.
I feel something very significant to this case happened on May 31st. It seems like useless info to me because I can't get anymore about it than that, but I just have this very strong feeling May 31st is very significant.
I have wanted to share something for awhile, but didn't want to seem kooky.

In the first week or two of this case, I heard the place Jay Blanchard Park. For a couple of days afterwards I would hear the word Blanchard on tv (not in this case, on a tv commercial for a car lot), in my dreams (but not "see" anything, just the name Blanchard). It freaked me out and I didn't want to say anything. But since reading this post I felt compelled to share.

I am a Christian and believe we should stay away from "reading" one's future but I can't help some of the things I have seen and heard in my lifetime. I have had 4 separate instances happen in my life from the time I was 15 that I cannot explain.

I am very interested in knowing in what I have heard will be of importance in this case or not. The things I had happen previously were very real and not imagined at all and meant a lot to me. Thanks for letting me share.
My sister is a Missionary, my son is on his way to being a PhD in Theology (not exactly) and they still have to accept that psychic ability is part of the human makeup. Go figure. Christianity isn't saying that people do not have that ability. It says you have to be careful of who you can trust with it.
My sister is a Missionary, my son is on his way to being a PhD in Theology (not exactly) and they still have to accept that psychic ability is part of the human makeup. Go figure. Christianity isn't saying that people do not have that ability. It says you have to be careful of who you can trust with it.

Joseph (he of the amazing coat) had predictive dreams and he also interpreted dreams. I don't think the Bible prohibits such a gift, I think "mediums" and those who commune with spirits are what you have to watch out for if you are a Christian.
Joseph (he of the amazing coat) had predictive dreams and he also interpreted dreams. I don't think the Bible prohibits such a gift, I think "mediums" and those who commune with spirits are what you have to watch out for if you are a Christian.

That's right!! The Bible is full of people who have precognitive dreams and people who have visions. It is up to us HOW we use them. For good or evil. We are told however not to use mediums. We are forbidden to call up the dead. It is possible to do that as it was done in the Bible. We are just forbidden to do that. Also we are forbidden to use rogue spirits.

It is a gift from God to have dreams and visions. They are not ALL from God however as the Bible also warns us. It takes years and the Holy Spirit to discern the difference.

I have no doubt about dreams and visions. As I shared on a previous thread I have had them all my life. I don't know any other way. My dear hubby had to point out to me that everyone else didn't have them like I did. I thought everyone had them and that everyone just knew things. Boy was that a shock for me!! LOL! :eek:
Hi all. Psychic phenomena includes dreams. Should these threads be merged?
SeriouslySearching said:
It is right, yes? I haven't seen it used on WS we can say it is new.

Wow, I just went back and read my original post and edited it. You were right--needed to be corrected. Thanks!

SeriouslySearching said:
Christianity isn't saying that people do not have that ability. It says you have to be careful of who you can trust with it.

I agree and as far as my own personal struggle with these issues (Christianity and ability), I have to figure out where the line not to cross is, what God's will is.
Because psychic abilities do not function that way. It is not a controlled thing, like say, making a sandwich...It comes as it comes, in bits and pieces, in a flash, in a dream, in symbols and in many other ways and is often cryptic and hard to interpret precisely...It isn't like a is more like an impression...

So if you do not think they exist why are you reading the thread that ASKS for psychic impressions? There are plenty of other "concrete" threads for anyone who does not my own opinion...:)

I asked a question & gave an opinion

You answered it

Thank you
you might want to look into lucid dreaming. it helps you become aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. if you are having this dream over and over, you might be able to find out more. i read one book on it and was able to do it easily (but all i would do when i realized i was dreaming was want to fly!) i think dreams can tell us a lot. whenever my mother or i dream of fishing, someone is pregnant! i keep dreaming that i am watching Headline News and it says breaking news! body found! im def. thinking that im just dreaming this because i watch the news a lot and im obsessed with this case. hey, i have a 50% chance of being right some day...

I have had these "lucid" dreams. They have almost always been in the form of a warning. For instance. My 2 daughters used to spend the weekends with their dad at their grany's house. One weekend while they were gone, I awakened from a dream TERRIFIED because in my dream they had been chased and attacked by a Rotweiler Dog. They were about 5 and 6 at that time. When they came home from granny's I told them I had been worried about them because I had a bad dream about a dog. They then began to tell me how they had been outside at their granny's house, on the porch with their aunt, and a Rotweiler came running down the street and chased them all into the house...It then followed them INSIDE the house and everyone ran and hid in rooms with doors that would close except for their aunt, who was hemmed up in the living room with this dog. A neighbor had seen what transpired and followed the dog into the house and got it by its collar and put it back outside. They said the dog was growling and vicious and they were all scared half to death...

I had another dream where the entire dream seemed to be "in red", meaning there was a red hue to everything. In the dream I was traveling with my 3 children (I only had 3 at the time) in my vehicle and we were in an accident and all of my children were injured seriously (my girls were only 3 and 4 at this time and still in their car seats). Soon after that I was riding down the road with my 3 children, and we were on a 4 lane where the speed limit was 55, so we were going that fast. My son, then 12, got this look of horror on his face and began to scream that there were about 10 HORNETS in the back window of the car. I was able to stay calm, as the dream came back to me right then, and immediately pull off the road and hurriedly removed the children from the car without injury. My son killed all the bees with a hat that he had on...But guess what is strangest about this one? The entire time I was wearing a pair of sunglasses that made everything appear in hues of RED...

I have only had a few others, and none in the past 8 to 10 years, so I am not sure if it is something that just came and went, or if it will come again...

I have also suddenly just "KNEW" something that I could not possibly know, a bit of information that was 100% dead on accurate that the person about whom I knew it had never shared with me and I had never HEARD...I tell my husband it is a "little bird that whispers in my ear"...and the little bird has never been wrong. This also occurs only rarely and with no pattern.
Joseph (he of the amazing coat) had predictive dreams and he also interpreted dreams. I don't think the Bible prohibits such a gift, I think "mediums" and those who commune with spirits are what you have to watch out for if you are a Christian.

I agree with this. The bible does say that we shouldn't seek mediums or fortune tellers for guidence because we should be seeking guidence from him.
Many of you here especially those who are gifted, seem to struggle between what you experience and your faith.
I think that there can be a balance between the two. I think if you just let your experiences come forth without "seeking" them or trying to polish them then I see nothing wrong with it.

I myself have feelings- what I describe as strong intuition. Occasionally I have "glimpses" of a situation but mostly its just a feeling. Mostly it has to do with close friends and family. I rarely have them regarding people I don't know or like this case for instance. I have had a few "feelings" about this case but I question whether or not its been because of my sleuthing.

Anyhow, the point that I am trying to make is as a Christian I know that these things are "taboo" in the Christian world but I can not help the "feelings" that come to me. They just come, there is no turning it off or making it go away. I have come to be comfortable with the fact that I experience these things, because I know that I only seek guidence from my Lord. I do not seek guidence anywhere else. And when I have a feeling that I do not know what to do with or how to act upon it I pray that I will get the clarity I need.
I definitely would not say that I am psychic, but I do consider myself to be highly intuitive.
My husband knows that when I say "you mark my words________________" I generally am always spot on. But like another poster said, I am never half right.
I get dreams, pictures, words told to me, etc.

I just had a dream last night that I believe relates to Caylee. Should I post it here or on the Dream thread?

I've also received the words: water, landlord

I can't remember the other words right now.
I also have found it difficult to reconcile my intuitive abilities with my Christian faith. But as you say, we are guided by the Lord.
Leophoenix, you said you had the impression of two hands tossing in the air...yesterday I prayed that I would get a message about Caylee and immediately (hadn't even finished my prayer) I saw Caylee with two arms in the air screaming, "Help me! Help me!". I got the impression she was being put into water but her upper half was still dry and she was still alive at that point.

I don't claim psychic abilities but I have had several instances where I knew danger was coming with no explicable reason (sharks, car wrecks, etc.) and most of my dreams came true when I was a child.
Alyzabeth said:
I feel something very significant to this case happened on May 31st. It seems like useless info to me because I can't get anymore about it than that, but I just have this very strong feeling May 31st is very significant.

I don't "feel it" but I did notice in the docs that where released, well it was in the 911 call Cindy made where the operator is asking her what she wants KC arrested for, Cindy says, "for stealing a car and money". The operator asks her what date she stole the car and Cindy says "the 30th". Then the operator says "June 30th?", and Cindy says "yes" or "yeah". I think Cindy meant May 30th as June 30th the car was towed. Cindy is making this 911 call on July 15, after she knows that the car was left at Amscott on the 27th and towed on the 30th of June. So why would she tell 911 op that KC stole the car on June 30th? I think she meant May 30th but only said the "30th" and when the 911 op asked her, "June 30?", she just wasn't paying attention and said yeah. I do this all the time.
It's not the 31st of May, but the 30th of May I am talking about but thats pretty close.
OK, time for me to share too, I guess.

I had recurring dreams, vivid and terrifying, starting when I was 7 yrs old. I dreamt that there was a skeleton sitting in the living room chair directly across from the doorway to the living room. I had to go by that door to get from my bedroom to the bathroom. Very scary. This went on every night for three weeks. There was a knock on our door at around midnight. I heard my mom answer the door and a scream. My two older sisters and I slept in the same bed. I told them Daddy was dead. My father died of a massive heart attack while at work. All I kept hearing after that was that I was too young and did not understand anything. I did not have that dream anymore for quite a few years.

I had that same dream, later before My Grandmother died and the same for other relatives over the years.

I was called a witch in High School because odd things would happen to those around me and never affect me and I would have wierd physical things happen small things before something major happened to other people I knew.

There are quite a few stories in there I could tell ou about, but this is going to be long enough.

In college, I was also called a witch by my roommates for various reasons -psychic type stuff not character wise.:crazy:

As a nurse, I suppose, you could call it educated or intuitive, many nurses have it. For some odd reason, you decide to check on someone out of the blue, and you discover them taking their last breaths, or going sour into a critical state when before they were quite stable. Nurses are used to these feelings although it is a little difficult when you call the doctor in the middle of the night because you are worried about someone and want the doc to assess. Some docs will come in if they know you and you say everything looks good but you have a bad feeling. If you follow your intuition, you are generally right and the doc definitely has an emergency on hand by the time he gets there. This usually only works with an older nurse and an older doc. New nurses don't seem to have it and new docs just laugh at you.

I also have some empathic abilities, have tested positive for clairvoyance and clairaudiance but nothing really to work with and have never developed these. I certainly get more than my fair share of deja vu.

Character testing shows my as a strong introverted, intuitive, thinker, perceiver. I used to think I was a very logical thinker because I have always studied and worked in the sciences/medicine. Now that I am getting ready to retire, I realize that it is my intuitive side that is much stronger so I no longer stress about missing steps in logical reasoning.

Very long post. Sorry.
I don't "feel it" but I did notice in the docs that where released, well it was in the 911 call Cindy made where the operator is asking her what she wants KC arrested for, Cindy says, "for stealing a car and money". The operator asks her what date she stole the car and Cindy says "the 30th". Then the operator says "June 30th?", and Cindy says "yes" or "yeah". I think Cindy meant May 30th as June 30th the car was towed. Cindy is making this 911 call on July 15, after she knows that the car was left at Amscott on the 27th and towed on the 30th of June. So why would she tell 911 op that KC stole the car on June 30th? I think she meant May 30th but only said the "30th" and when the 911 op asked her, "June 30?", she just wasn't paying attention and said yeah. I do this all the time.
It's not the 31st of May, but the 30th of May I am talking about but thats pretty close.

I agree that Cindy feels the car was taken the end of May . . . the last time that Casey was regularly staying at the Anthony's home.
Leophoenix, you said you had the impression of two hands tossing in the air...yesterday I prayed that I would get a message about Caylee and immediately (hadn't even finished my prayer) I saw Caylee with two arms in the air screaming, "Help me! Help me!". I got the impression she was being put into water but her upper half was still dry and she was still alive at that point.

After reading this all I can vision is Caylee pointing to her left arm near her elbow , talking to Cindy and saying "Mommy did this to me" hurt hurt.
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