Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,auditory,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)

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I just saw in another article that the homeowners live in the northern part of the "Hester Heights" subdivision. They did say there were no missing children in the immediate area.

TY ex brother in law used to live there. If you happen to hear anything else would you please let me know/ I havent heard anything yet. You can PM if you have time TIA :)
Thats what I thought to but I didnt want to post it until others had looked at it. Can you guys see anything in the crease of the first one because I did. Just curious :)

The tiny female angel being protected - female due to presence of exposed genitalia as per Georgia O'Keefe paintings? very clear to me. Do I get a prize or a raspberry?
The tiny female angel being protected - female due to presence of exposed genitalia as per Georgia O'Keefe paintings? very clear to me. Do I get a prize or a raspberry?

Just for looking you get a prize! lol I'm just happy someone sees something close to what I see. I was afraid I was making to much of it :)
If I may, when I see the first inkblot, the big one, this is what comes to mind.
A man and a woman looking down into something, a tunnel or something deep. The point in the middle where the paper was folded shows depth. It seems as if the two figures are looking into the depth, as if it were a grave or a tunnel.
The blue splotches look almost as if they are animals, or large rodents, but there is the white space between them and the depth. Seeming to say that the animals cannot get to it.
So what I see is Caylee in a hole or tunnel and her body is shielded from the elements and the rodents. That and the two people.
I should sleep more.
If I may, when I see the first inkblot, the big one, this is what comes to mind.
A man and a woman looking down into something, a tunnel or something deep. The point in the middle where the paper was folded shows depth. It seems as if the two figures are looking into the depth, as if it were a grave or a tunnel.
The blue splotches look almost as if they are animals, or large rodents, but there is the white space between them and the depth. Seeming to say that the animals cannot get to it.
So what I see is Caylee in a hole or tunnel and her body is shielded from the elements and the rodents. That and the two people.
I should sleep more.

Hmmmm....interesting. My daughter said out of the blue that she was in a ditch so that kinda goes with what you see. I love your other posts in this thread too btw! Very interesting stuff! :)
Hmmmm....interesting. My daughter said out of the blue that she was in a ditch so that kinda goes with what you see. I love your other posts in this thread too btw! Very interesting stuff! :)

Could be a ditch, that would work too. And thank you for the kind words.

ETA: I also thing that the pink part that runs across the middle may be representing a bridge. And from the color, like a half dry creek bed, the blue on one side of the pink strip and the yellow on the other. maybe even a dam. Something that would be holding the water back.
Over 36 hours no sleep:

Two Guardian Angels definitely high up in the hierarchy. Portrayed as males, cradling a female child in protection and love for your dd's (Told you I am totally off the wall tonight)
Feeling of peace, safety and security

For your gdd's: (Gruesome, if squeamish go no further) Dismembered/decomposed child in pieces OR puppies and hearts, female child

Maybe I should look again when I've had some sleep. Won't be around tomorrow until late..have to stay with my Mommie:):) She's at that stage in life where she can't stay on her own anymore and sis has to work.


I thought that the blue area on the gdd's looked like a skeleton sort of.
I decided to go back through the posts that are on here ( I have got up to page 4). Here are some more interesting things I discovered from the posts that are linked to the map.

1.) There was a lot of talk about Sedona. There is a Sedona Creek.
2.) There was mention of Lacy Peterson. There is a Lacy Ct. near Samantha Ct.
3.) There is a J Street ( J. Blanchard Park?)
4.) There is Butterfly Palm Way (that butterfly on Cindy's shirt always has my attention)
5.) Jack Brack Rd. ( similar to the missing black jack )
6.) Albany Ave. (Zanny in New York)
7.) Lots of mention of Alligators. Alligator Lake and an Alligator Rd.

Now I know some of these are just silly coincedences, but alot of those street names in that location match alot of what we have talked about.

I like how you think.
TY Alyzabeth for posting those for me. Between school, gymnastics, supper,baths and homework I've been busy busy busy...I've also been trying to keep up with the Dante thread too! lol

Anyway...just a brief background on the inkblots. I saw Alyzabeths ink blots on here a couple of days ago and decided I'd try it. My daughter saw me with the paint and wanted to do one too. She has no knowledge of everything going on in the Caylee...just that shes a little girl thats lost.

Now, my daughter, I believe has some type of gift. I dont know what it is exactly but things have been happening for about 3 yrs now and I know no other way to say it. She started out with what I initially thought was an imaginary friend. This friend has told her some things that have turned out to be true and has also acted sort of like a guardian angel....a protective sort of thing. Maybe it is I dunno. But I do know she is very intuitive and can sense things about other people that she should have no way of knowing.

Now...back to the ink blots. She wanted to do one too so I told her to think of Caylee as hard as she could while dribbling the paint. We did it together and Alyzabeth has posted them. I'll let you draw your own conclusions but what I saw really freaked me out. My daughter also told me somethings that she felt, but I'm not going to post her thoughts until some of you have a chance to look and see for yourself. I dont post often guys so be gentle :)

THIS IS UNREAL!!!! That first blot gives me the shivers! It is plainly two people holding something between them. I actually feel like I see three small bodies between them, the first at the top, is being held upside down, and head looks like some sort of animal? The second body has a small head that looks like a child's, but has loooong legs, sort of stretched out look. Right below it, another body, but has rabbit ears.....:eek::eek:
She made one of them and her 5 year old daughter made one. She sent them to me to post on my photobucket account, and link to it here, because she has little ones that are keeping her busy:)

The 2 most recent ones are hers.
I am still looking at them, but I will come back and comment in a little while, I have a few things I have to get done first.

I had my 12 year old look at these - he has no idea about Caylee or any of this.

In inkblot #2 he said it was the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah" and he was roaring. (like he was angry)

#1 of the new ones (grace) He said that is a small child who has lost "her pieces" but the #2 shows they "found" them.

# 2 of the new ones (grace) He said there are two angles carrying a small child in the "Ark of the Covenant"

The Sept 20th one he saw Irises

In the squirrel one he saw an elephant crying.

Where he came up with these I have NO idea........just thought I would throw it out there.
I had my 12 year old look at these - he has no idea about Caylee or any of this.

In inkblot #2 he said it was the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah" and he was roaring. (like he was angry)

#1 of the new ones (grace) He said that is a small child who has lost "her pieces" but the #2 shows they "found" them.

# 2 of the new ones (grace) He said there are two angles carrying a small child in the "Ark of the Covenant"

The Sept 20th one he saw Irises

In the squirrel one he saw an elephant crying.

Where he came up with these I have NO idea........just thought I would throw it out there.
Goodness . . . from the mouth of babes! I just looked up Lion of the Tribe of Judah and found this:

I do see the face of Jesus in the first inkblot by Alyzabeth and if your son sees the Lion of the Tribe of Judah . . . well . . . this just tells me that Caylee is with Jesus, "the King of Kings, the Messiah himself."

I see a sad elephant in the one done by Grace's daughter but not in the squirrel one. I see a skeleton next to it. I also see lungs with water trying to enter.

The one done by Grace does show 2 men carrying something between them, with love and carefulness.

I keep seeing feet in these inkblots. I think it's time for me to do one.
THIS IS UNREAL!!!! That first blot gives me the shivers! It is plainly two people holding something between them. I actually feel like I see three small bodies between them, the first at the top, is being held upside down, and head looks like some sort of animal? The second body has a small head that looks like a child's, but has loooong legs, sort of stretched out look. Right below it, another body, but has rabbit ears.....:eek::eek:

The first blot shook me up really bad. The second I opened it, I felt sick. It is a remarkable inkblot, to say the least, but I hate seeing it. I had to walk away. The images it conjured up in my mind make me want to cry. I don't even want to describe it except to say I don't see that as being two men carrying one child they love, I see it more as one person in front of a mirror or filming what he is doing.
So then I have to wonder how can some of us look at the exact same inkblot and see 2 totally different things? I believe it's possible that some of us are seeing "before" and some of us are seeing "after" in the same inkblot.
If you think about it, the sole purpose of the inkblots is to encourage us to think and to give our psychic impressions a way to express themselves.
I feel we are seeing different events in a timeline.
I will admit though, I have never, ever seen an inkblot that disturbs me as deeply as the 'two men' one. Don't get me wrong, that is what they are here for, but it's just not very user friendly!
I had my 12 year old look at these - he has no idea about Caylee or any of this.

In inkblot #2 he said it was the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah" and he was roaring. (like he was angry)

#1 of the new ones (grace) He said that is a small child who has lost "her pieces" but the #2 shows they "found" them.

# 2 of the new ones (grace) He said there are two angles carrying a small child in the "Ark of the Covenant"

The Sept 20th one he saw Irises

In the squirrel one he saw an elephant crying.

Where he came up with these I have NO idea........just thought I would throw it out there.
I always love seeing the kids interpretations because they are so straightforward and not bogged down by years of self doubt.
When I ask my grandkids to tell me what they see in the inkblots, it's always funny because they don't say it in a 'it might be' or 'it kind of looks like'...they are so firm in their beliefs about what it is. They don't question what they feel and that is a beautiful thing to see.

I would LOVE to see some inkblots from some more people:) Pretty please?
I took a good look at that one inkblot again and I see two men, carrying or holding a chest type object, beneath this object is a body of water with a child lying face down, or on thier back with thier arms beneath them. Do you see the image of the child in the top middle of the blue? Its very clear to me, its small, but a full body of a child.
Alyzabeth, I will try if you give me specific instructions on what to do, Ive never done one before.

I am more than happy to explain it:)
1) fold the paper you will be using and give it a good, firm crease. If you don't, you will get lots of air bubbles or globs that settle in the crease and it ends up not being very clear to interpret.
2) You can use anything you want as 'ink'. The main thing is that you want something that can dry without being sticky or smearing. I use nail polish and have found the ones with metallic qualities work the best. I have added a few drops of food coloring to light nail polish and it worked to darken it up.
Basically, you can use anything you want. Experiment and find the thing that works best for you.
3) I sit and think about the question I want an answer to as I shake up the nail polish or whatever I will be using. I just keep thinking about it and when I am ready, I dribble some nail polish on the paper. I sometimes mix a few different colors.
4) close the paper and gently and slowly just start smooshing the 'ink' around. I don't do anything ritualistic, like always going a certain direction or anything like that. It's just casual and whatever I feel like doing at the moment. I always try to keep it away from the edges so it doesn't leak out, but at times, I get carried
5) Nothing too drawn out, just focus on the question while you rub it around, then when you are finished, open it up and see your prize:)
6) scan and share:)

I have had some inkblots that when I open them, they don't look like anything much, but as it dries, the nail polish (especially metallic ones) starts doing it's own thing and I have watched with my own eyes as detailed pictures emerge.

Hopefully I explained this well enough. Just play around with it and find what works best for you. You'll find your own style and it could be completely different than mine, but either way, we get the same end result:)
The first blot shook me up really bad. The second I opened it, I felt sick. It is a remarkable inkblot, to say the least, but I hate seeing it. I had to walk away. The images it conjured up in my mind make me want to cry. I don't even want to describe it except to say I don't see that as being two men carrying one child they love, I see it more as one person in front of a mirror or filming what he is doing.
So then I have to wonder how can some of us look at the exact same inkblot and see 2 totally different things? I believe it's possible that some of us are seeing "before" and some of us are seeing "after" in the same inkblot.
If you think about it, the sole purpose of the inkblots is to encourage us to think and to give our psychic impressions a way to express themselves.
I feel we are seeing different events in a timeline.
I will admit though, I have never, ever seen an inkblot that disturbs me as deeply as the 'two men' one. Don't get me wrong, that is what they are here for, but it's just not very user friendly!

Alyzabeth I totally get what your saying because that thought did cross my mind as well except I never thought of a mirror. When I saw the twins I immidiately thought of a gemini(zodiac) for some reason. I got the really sick feeling too when I looked at it.
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