Anyone noticed how quiet it is on the G & CA front?

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Well, gee... let's just call them up and ask them why they are so quiet right now, so we can all have some reason to criticize them some more.
I would imagine that all the wild protestors and screaming, yelling, rock-throwing crazies that hung around day and night pretty much wore them out.
This whole nightmare has had to take its toll on them. I would have been locked in a padded cell by now if it were me.
Well, gee... let's just call them up and ask them why they are so quiet right now, so we can all have some reason to criticize them some more.
I would imagine that all the wild protestors and screaming, yelling, rock-throwing crazies that hung around day and night pretty much wore them out.
This whole nightmare has had to take its toll on them. I would have been locked in a padded cell by now if it were me.

Good idea..................................................?
I think that they are beginning to realize that this is the beginning of the end. That Caylee is never coming home, that Casey killed her and their "mistruths" are not going to save her.
I do not think they are being quiet from shame or a new realization of Caylee's demise. I have been reading the new documents and now know that they realized she was dead on July 16th. They obviously decided to try and keep Casey out of jail if possible. They ran a public relations blitz of their own, trying to debunk evidence. They ran all of Casey's friends down and told them not to talk to the media. They could not have the media paint the real picture of Casey. They have now realized that all their actions are futile. It just made the public hate them. John Q Public is a pretty smart guy and refused to eat veggie burgers when steak was desired.

So they will slow the fertilizer truck down. They will not totally stop because it is not in them. A wise poster earlier said that it is the calm before the storm. I agree, on many fronts.
Well, gee... let's just call them up and ask them why they are so quiet right now, so we can all have some reason to criticize them some more.
I would imagine that all the wild protestors and screaming, yelling, rock-throwing crazies that hung around day and night pretty much wore them out.
This whole nightmare has had to take its toll on them. I would have been locked in a padded cell by now if it were me.

I don't think anyone here is advocating inciting the A's. We were just making observations in their change in behavior in relation to the status of the case.
Someone said the media isn't sensationalizing the protesters anymore in hopes they will settle down. Also, they said there is less local TV coverage about the case, until the recent documents dump. Not being in the Orlando area, I wouldn't know for sure.

No they are not sensationalizing here in Central FL because the big story the past week has been the economy more so then KC. Also the media has not been in front of the house they have been down the block so hence the lack of protesters. No media No protesters. So the A's have nothing to fight with. I also think they are taking in all the stuff that just came out and figuring out what to do. KC has not been leaving the house that much either with her security friend and I also notice Lee has been MIA for over a week. So here is alot of weird things going on in the past week.
I think they are wading throuh the docs. Reading every little detail. Looking for an out.
I don't think they all of the sudden are listening to attorneys. A good attorney would have advised them from the start to keep quiet and for goodness sake avoid confrontations. They didn't listen then why would they now??
Or maybe they are entering the next stage of grief. They've denfinitely been through denial and anger.
Stages of Grief
* Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
* Anger (why is this happening to me?)
* Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
* Depression (I don't care anymore)
* Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)
Well, gee... let's just call them up and ask them why they are so quiet right now, so we can all have some reason to criticize them some more.
I would imagine that all the wild protestors and screaming, yelling, rock-throwing crazies that hung around day and night pretty much wore them out.
This whole nightmare has had to take its toll on them. I would have been locked in a padded cell by now if it were me.

I guess you have to do what you have to do but I think it is a horrible idea for you to call them. They have enough grief to deal with without you ringing them up to chat. Unless you know them personally, my unasked for advice is not to do it.
I totally agree with you. I posted something similar to this SOMEWHERE yesterday. This board is so active I can never find out what I've said.

Not only are they coping with the loss of their grandbaby, they're coping with the destruction of the final bits of their family - and they're losing the daughter they love, too. That house of cards has come tumbling down.

Yes..very quiet.
Cindy knows her behaviors toward Casey are open to the world.
Maybe things she wishes she had never said. Cannot take it back now.
Cindy might be mulling over in her mind how her own actions could have caused the death of her precious Caylee.
Would not want to be in her mind.

Cindy has no one.
Lee has some connection to his dad. He will even touch him in public. Yet aside from the few times I have seen George grab his wife during altercations, I see no one showing any love toward Cindy.
JG referenced some bad dynamics in that house. Seems there are fluctuating alliances in the family.
No one honors Cindy. How alone she must be feeling now. Not even extended family to reach out to her. She has alienated everyone.
Casey is the only one attached to Cindy and that attachment is also dysfunctional---but it is ALL Cindy has.
I think they are wading throuh the docs. Reading every little detail. Looking for an out.
I don't think they all of the sudden are listening to attorneys. A good attorney would have advised them from the start to keep quiet and for goodness sake avoid confrontations. They didn't listen then why would they now??
Or maybe they are entering the next stage of grief. They've denfinitely been through denial and anger.
Stages of Grief
* Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
* Anger (why is this happening to me?)
* Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
* Depression (I don't care anymore)
* Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)

And stages are NOT linear. You can go back and forth from one to another within hours... One day you believe, one day you are mad, one day you don't believe, etc...
Maybee they finally got off thier behinds and are out looking for Caylee???

Maybee they finally got off thier behinds and are out looking for Caylee???


AMEN Poppy. That the the bottom line... if they thought she was there they would be searching. I think that says it all.
I hope when this is all said and done and the theatre is empty and all the guests have gone home, that they can somehow piece back together a life, without their beloved Caylee and without Casey...because that is looking like what they are going to be left with-Lee will have to help them recover, somehow...
It doesn't help Nejame's task if they are out acting as wild as the so-called protesters who really aren't protesters, wielding hammers and crime scene tape. Or picking on real, peaceful protesters. They undermine any attempt he makes to get sympathy for them. Surely by now, especially with the release of the official statements coming, they've been advised or realized that all the backtracking and inconsistent versions aren't going to work and just make them look bad.
Calm before the storm.

Especially since LE has come out and said that they have iron clad evidence and will charge Casey in the coming weeks.
I hope when this is all said and done and the theatre is empty and all the guests have gone home, that they can somehow piece back together a life, without their beloved Caylee and without Casey...because that is looking like what they are going to be left with-Lee will have to help them recover, somehow...

Actually I pray for CA and GA. Regardless of the mistakes they may or may not have made raising KC, I truly believe they loved their granddaughter. Maybe they were trying to make up for mistakes? Regardless, if you pray for Caylee please pray for CA and GA that they find the strength to do what is good and right. Whatever that may be. They are not cold hearted people in my opinion, just people trying to deal with an impossible situation. If one of my girls EVER did this, I would have their *advertiser censored** but I would never abandon them. I *hope* I would not enable but support. Very hard to do. Very fine line. I would have to be able to sleep at night morally but still help where I could...
I hope that I never have to find out what I would do in their situation. I would like to think that I would handle it differently because I know myself, but I guess in reality none of us knows how insane we might become if something like this came knocking on our door. YES, let's pray for George and Cindy and Lee...
I hope that I never have to find out what I would do in their situation. I would like to think that I would handle it differently because I know myself, but I guess in reality none of us knows how insane we might become if something like this came knocking on our door. YES, let's pray for George and Cindy and Lee...

Yes lets pray for George and matter what, its just horrible and they are suffering immensely, Im sure.

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