Anyone noticed how quiet it is on the G & CA front?

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Do some people think they're not looking because they are too lazy?! I just have to disagree with that. I think that in the privacy of their home, they have learned the truth.

I feel very, very sorry for them. If the same thing happened in my house, I feel like I would come out the doors swinging and shooting. I feel a ton of empathy here - I know they love their daughter, and now she has finally ripped her shorts in the worst possible way.

This gets me thinking of the times I have said to MY daughter, who is 27 and has a 6-year-old: "I will not babysit for you while you run around at night." Cindy probably has said the very same thing. :(
exactly and now she is thinking if only i had ... i cant imagine what she is going through .. how torn she must be inside .
I think they know for certain now that Caylee is dead and that their daughter is responsible so they are not only trying to figure out how to save face but also how to face whats going on. JMO
When I've seen G&C on camera, they are always holding hands, but it seems a little fakey, like they are doing it just to demonstrate solidarity to the media. I agree, Cindy is more alone than ever. If you want to put this in a different speculation, take into account Cindy's age (50). That baby was her 2nd shot at having a perfect child..she could *correct* any previous parenting errors she made with Casey. but at the same time, she wanted her own daughter to step up and take responsibility. not happening, Casey harbored big-time resentment at her social time being cut off.

(i am rambling, its time to sleep, sorry)

Listening to the taped testimonies actually makes me feel a little sympathetic towards the parents, especially GA. They loved Caylee, and despite what they portray in public, I think they both know she's gone forever and their daughter is responsible. IMO, KC has destroyed her parents' marriage too. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see George and Cindy divorced by the time this is over.
I feel very sad for Cindy. She has lost a beautiful grandchild, and the worst part of it all is that her daughter was the one who took Caylee's life. I believe that Casey and only Casey is responsible for this. It was her selfishness and spitefulness that took Caylee's life not Cindy's lack of parenting skills. But I am sure that Cindy still beats herself up everyday, blaming herself somehow for this tragedy. Because of this I can overlook some of the maddening things Cindy has done. She is still one of Casey's victims. I don't like that she is protecting or defending the very person who caused all her grief. I'd like to think that I would behave better in her situation, but I can't say with certainty that I would.
I know during the Scott Peterson case, LE placed listening devices in his car/home, do you think they may be doing the same thing with the Anthony house/cars?
I think they're terribly bruised right now. There lives have been unwrapped for the world to view. I truly feel for them. They should stay behind closed doors (I wish Casey wasn't there!) and tend to themselves. They have a long road to walk ahead. After listening to their interviews, I have a strong desire to pray...and I do.
Well, gee... let's just call them up and ask them why they are so quiet right now, so we can all have some reason to criticize them some more.
I would imagine that all the wild protestors and screaming, yelling, rock-throwing crazies that hung around day and night pretty much wore them out.
This whole nightmare has had to take its toll on them. I would have been locked in a padded cell by now if it were me.

Ok call them then let us know what they say. We will be waiting for your post.
I think with all the interviews that came out with everyone involved or knew KC I think CA and GA finally realize what a gem of a daughter they really have there. I think their lawyer told them not to talk to anyone and they are highly embarrassed because they can't take back what they said to the media which contradicted what the reports and interviews say. So I think it is the calm before the storm. Hopefully the storm hits soon.
no more protesters? no more guardian angels? what happened? why is it so quiet on Hopespring? (not that Im hoping for protesters, just curious as to what changed)
I think they know for certain now that Caylee is dead and that their daughter is responsible so they are not only trying to figure out how to save face but also how to face whats going on. JMO
And how to save Casey. seems like that's what it's all about for them now.
no more protesters? no more guardian angels? what happened? why is it so quiet on Hopespring? (not that Im hoping for protesters, just curious as to what changed)

The media moved down the block so that is why the protesters are really no more. No Media = No protesters = No Guardian Angels

ETA: This also hasn't been the big story down here in the past week so that might have something to do with it too. The economy beat out KC for once.
What could they possibly being doing in there? If they aren't talking about what happened or what is now happening - what do they talk about? It's just the most bizarre scenario. I don't think that LA is over at their house anymore, is he? Just the three of them. Sitting around the house. Crazy.
What could they possibly being doing in there? If they aren't talking about what happened or what is now happening - what do they talk about? It's just the most bizarre scenario. I don't think that LA is over at their house anymore, is he? Just the three of them. Sitting around the house. Crazy.

I have not seen LA around in about going on 2 weeks so he has been MIA. Very strange. I guarantee they are all in separate rooms minding each other business. I think if they were not doing that they would have killed each other by now.

I was wondering why in the world do they need that security guy. There are no protesters, no media to bug them anymore. The media folk have all decided to go down the block to prevent issues. This guy is $1500 a week. Wonder who is paying them.
I think that household was disfunctional before Caylee went missing and this catastrophe intensified an already volatile family dynamics. I think all of them being holed up together under one roof is a recipe for disaster. Who knows what u know what is hitting the fan behind that door! I hope the brunt of it is directed at KC!!!:behindbar

I think in today's world that every family has some sort of disfunction. The only difference here is, their's has been opened for the world to see.
I think in today's world that every family has some sort of disfunction. The only difference here is, their's has been opened for the world to see.

Ah. I think that the level of dysfunction seen here is just a little more intense than what one normally sees.

I think in today's world that every family has some sort of disfunction. The only difference here is, their's has been opened for the world to see.

well, that and a dead baby..(I dont mean that in a snarky way:))
no more protesters? no more guardian angels? what happened? why is it so quiet on Hopespring? (not that Im hoping for protesters, just curious as to what changed)

There are several reasons I think that have cause it to calm down.

The Orlando Sentinel did an editorial last week calling to task the media reporting from in front of the house, stating that was causing a lot it because they felt many people were coming out just to be on TV.

After that one of the local stations, can't remember which one, stated on the local evening news that they would no longer be reporting from in front of the house. The day they said that they were reporting from the entrance to the subdivision.

Then it was reported that last week Casey would not to going to the lawyers office as much and Jose would be coming to the home more.

Don't have any links for this as I just watched on local news here in Central FL.
There are several reasons I think that have cause it to calm down.

The Orlando Sentinel did an editorial last week calling to task the media reporting from in front of the house, stating that was causing a lot it because they felt many people were coming out just to be on TV.

After that one of the local stations, can't remember which one, stated on the local evening news that they would no longer be reporting from in front of the house. The day they said that they were reporting from the entrance to the subdivision.

Then it was reported that last week Casey would not to going to the lawyers office as much and Jose would be coming to the home more.

Don't have any links for this as I just watched on local news here in Central FL.

Thank you..that makes sense. I think its a good thing..:)
I looked at Casey's account earlier today, and it said "Last login: 2 weeks ago", so apparently while she's confined to the house, she's getting on the computer and occasionally surfing for a new man.
There are several reasons I think that have cause it to calm down.

The Orlando Sentinel did an editorial last week calling to task the media reporting from in front of the house, stating that was causing a lot it because they felt many people were coming out just to be on TV.

After that one of the local stations, can't remember which one, stated on the local evening news that they would no longer be reporting from in front of the house. The day they said that they were reporting from the entrance to the subdivision.

Then it was reported that last week Casey would not to going to the lawyers office as much and Jose would be coming to the home more.

Don't have any links for this as I just watched on local news here in Central FL.

This seems to be the most logical explanation. No media trying to capture Casey's comings and goings, no protestors there being belligerent for the media (if there are still protestors, they seem to be of the more peaceful kind or else GA and CA are ignoring them), and thus GA and CA do not feel the need to come into the yard and re-assert their territory or engage in yelling matches with people.

This is much better, but it is probably just the calm before the storm, as everyone here is saying.

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