Aphrodite Jones, JonBenet, and Lou Smit?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The only DNA mentioned was from her fingernail and her underwear.

Did they make it sound like the DNA in the fingernail and the underwear matched?

I have yet to see anywhere where this has been confirmed.
yes they did! ...they did not outright make that claim but if I would have watched it without knowing any better I would have assumed it matched.
Did they make it sound like the DNA in the fingernail and the underwear matched?

I have yet to see anywhere where this has been confirmed.
You never will see it confirmed, because it’s not possible.
It’s amazing that some things don’t go away, regardless of the number of times they have been debunked.
DNA from JonBenet’s fingernails is of no forensic value, whatsoever. Any contrary opinion to that comes exclusively from individuals employed by the Ramseys, notably; Ollie Gray, John San Augustin, and Lin Wood.
Other than pure spin from the Ramsey camp, I have not seen anything from either the DA’s office or LE to back up any assertion that the fingernail DNA is of any value. (Even Mary Lacy didn’t have the nerve to mention it.)

"When Meyer clipped the nails of each finger, no blood or tissue was found that would indicate a struggle. He used the same clippers for all the fingers, although doing so created an issue of cross-contamination. For optimal DNA purposes, separate and sterile clippers should have been used for each finger. Furthermore, we later learned that the coroner's office sometimes used the same clippers on different autopsy subjects."
Steve Thomas, "JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation" – Page 41

Bob Grant, a former Adams County DA who helped investigate JonBenet’s death….
There were also DNA traces found under the child’s fingernails, but they were degraded and tests were inconclusive, Grant said.

The use of word “match” by some in the Ramsey camp to describe comparisons of the fingernail DNA with other DNA in the case was revealed to be, for want of a better word, dishonest. Lou Smit in a deposition revealed that the DNA “profile” from the right hand of JBR had only 2 of 13 markers required for a full profile. This is in no way a “profile” and could never “match” anything. It is somewhat akin to saying that you won the grand prize in a lottery, but you only matched 1 number.
can someone pls pls pls upload it on youtube?
:banghead:watched the short clip......san augustine was part of JR's defence team......people still didn't learn this?DEFENSE TEAMMMMMMM........

this is what DEFENSE TEAMS doooooooooooooooooo
blame it on someone else, not looking for the real killer
oh God this is so transparent it makes me laugh!
sorry to repeat myself :innocent:

but I'll post this until I drop dead

A. The investigators were retained by our

8 attorneys, and they stated to me that the

9 principal purpose of those investigators was to

10 prepare a defense in the case that the police

11 might bring a charge against me.

12 I hoped that they would also follow

13 up on leads that came to us, but I was

14 frequently reminded by our attorneys that their

15 principal role was to prepare a defense should

16 that be necessary.

her experts say the words used in the RN are very masculine......2 intruders cause of the footprints.....uh huh
Saw the show - really disappointed in AJ!
IMO, she took the easy way out to make a show by simply using information given to her by sources who were one sided.
As far as investigative journalism - the show was a sham IMO.
I think this case is suffering from a 10 year old's Santa Syndrome.
There are so many conflicting bits of information out there but only one truth.
It's all in the marketing.

Perhaps websleuths needs to embark on a series of 1 minute Youtube clips, snapshots if you will, on cases like this where people are shown a SINGLE bit of evidence or information that is currently INCORRECTLY represented in the public domain.

Viral advertising online works, it works BIG TIME and cases like JBR deserve to not be forgotten in the mainstream nor misrepresented by parties with motives negative to the progress of the case.

When people go to youtube for information on these sorts of cases, grains of salt are required. Maybe we need to tip the balance back in the direction of TRUTH and hopefully JUSTICE.

* jumps off soapbox.

An excellent idea!
It was just stated as fact on this show that the police "ransomed" JonBenet's body in an attempt to get interviews with the parents.

And then they called Michael Tracey a "journalist".

I feel sick watching this farce.

Who do you think they GOT most of their material from, fresh! Bucky Tracey, that's who! Not surprising: thanks to the Karr fiasco, he hasn't got enough cred left to peddle his horse manure in his own name!
...they also said JonBenet's prior molestation was pure tabloid gossip,

I'll bet they did. Sounds like a certain poster who USED to hang around here (and good riddance!)

they claimed the "Hi tech" boot print was brand new information never released to the public, and that the boot can not belong to anyone in the family


they stated as a fact that JonBenet's head trauma was first and then the strangulation,

That much they probably got right. Even a blind squirrel will find a nut.

they said DNA that can not be traced to the family was found under her fingernail and in her panties,making it sound like it's the same DNA....oh god,these are just a few things,it was completely,absolutely one sided and sickening,

It is. SOS--same old s***

The only thing I found interesting was the handwriting expert who believed,like many posters here,that the ransom note was dictated by a man to a woman....

Yeah, but his other conclusions were insane.
they made it look like there was no evidence against the Ramsey's,only public opinion because they put her into beauty pageants.As if that was the reason the R's seemed suspicious.

You'd be amazed at how often I've heard that claim, claudicici. Or how initially persuasive it was...
Who do you think they GOT most of their material from, fresh! Bucky Tracey, that's who! Not surprising: thanks to the Karr fiasco, he hasn't got enough cred left to peddle his horse manure in his own name!
What Jones has done with her show seems to have gone far beyond a little innocent naiveté; I would say there is something a little more sinister going on.
What Jones has done with her show seems to have gone far beyond a little innocent naiveté; I would say there is something a little more sinister going on.

I agree completely. This STINKS, right to high heaven.
Well, folks, I am every bit as disappointed as the rest of you. I did send Ms Jones an email expressing my disappointment. Asked her did she not care about justice for this child because if she had, she would not have used these very questionable sources. I also asked her to read here and at FFJ if she truly wants to hear facts and not Ramsey spin. Maybe, just maybe, she will take a look. After last night though, I think it's pretty clear which side of the fence Ms Jones is sitting. The sad part is all the people who watched and believed this garbage. Tricia, it is my opinion that the Wall of Shame has a new occupant!
someday the truth will come out .. it always does it may take years but it will.. little jon benet deserves justice if her mom or dad did it one of them is already paying for it most likely cuz shes not in heaven .. but if the mom didnt do it then she is with her daughter .i never followed that case i wasnt around the internet too much at that time too busy working taking care of my son ect.. i wish i had followed it more i dont know much about it .just that the dad found her dead in the basement .. i was sad when i read an article about it when it first happened
It was just stated as fact on this show that the police "ransomed" JonBenet's body in an attempt to get interviews with the parents.

And then they called Michael Tracey a "journalist".

I feel sick watching this farce.

You are far from alone. Not exactly sure what Aphrodite's plan was here besides Ratings, but all she did was toss all of the previous tall tales from Team Ramsey together and joined the list of Enablers.

Who in the Right Mind would want to hurry up and bury their murdered child before Law Enforcement had completed their investigation?! I will tell ya who: people that Twist & Spin the Facts into "my Daughter's Body was Ransomed by The Cops while I was Busy making arrangements to leave Town less than 30 minutes after I found her dead."

I'm Sooo Ready ~
What Jones has done with her show seems to have gone far beyond a little innocent naiveté; I would say there is something a little more sinister going on.
Hi all first time poster hear but, it struck me as funny how AJs show went out just under a year before John Ramseys new book comes out.

Any one else think its strange or is it just me??
:furious:Investigating Channel....NOT!

I have lost all respect for Aphrodite Jones for the simple reason that she did not fact-check before presenting this so-called investigation. Any reputable journalist would check all facts and listen to anything and anyone regarding this crime.

Aphrodite or I.D. is responsible for the content, therefore; not wanting to say things that would cause John Ramsey to sue.

Shame on Aphrodite Jones and shame on I.D. for murdering this little girl all over again!


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