April 22 weekend of Sleuthiness

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Also, I'm thinking about starting a websleuths anonymous 12 step program. I am ncsu95, and I am addicted to webslueths. Anyone else care to join?

You better be careful. This might be construed to be as stating that you are leaving the site which is a violate of the rules. You don't want to get put in the penalty box do you?
Originally Posted by FullDisclosure Starting midnight tomorrow night, I'm giving up websleuth's for Lent.

Full Disc - Er, um, ahhhh...... About that... oh, never mind, I'll fill you in after Easter Sunday!!!
IOW - you are a nut! But I like how you handle your Lenten schedule!!!

Thank you so much. All the files in that 41 seconds have invalid times stamps!!!!!

First place I have seen that reported. So much for the Google Maps evidence.

Every time I think about wiping out NC's cell phone, it irritates me all over again. How do you do that after the warnings that are given on that BB and the warnings from the defense to handle that with care? The soild examination was very weak, and the entymologist was knowledgeable but admitted he could not pin the time down except to say it could be as late as 11AM that morning.
The Google map testimony from the defense was shut down before everything came out. If the Judge allows defense to bring in an acceptable forensic computer expert, perhaps we will know more about what happened on BC's computer.

Plus he did it *before* he even requested a search warrant for that phone.
I hope they aren't here planning their entire strategy for each side. I am hoping they are here on their own free will and not on office business.
I just think that some folks take themselves way too seriously and have an innate desire to feel that they are part of the story. This case is not about us.
I just think that some folks take themselves way too seriously and have an innate desire to feel that they are part of the story. This case is not about us.

I agree completely. Thanks for your input.
Why wouldn't Amanda Lamb write a book about one of the most polarizing criminal trials in this area? Everybody is trying to make a buck! She's has the right to free speech too.
Surely, this trial will be over by December 2011. and then there is the appeal.....book II,
movie sequel.....this trial has got lots of attention in Social Media.
Even if the defense is somehow able to pull off a successful representation of BC, with a resulting NG verdict, those interested in the case, may find it to be an interesting read.
I think the point is that women are found in remote locations wearing anything from all to some to none of their clothing. If Brad put her there, it almost seems more likely that he would have put all of her clothes on. The prosecution theory is that the murder happened close to midnight. That's plenty of time to do something with clothes. I'm not convinced that anything can be concluded based on what she was wearing, or the fact that she was wearing her earrings.

Yes, women are found in remote areas with little clothing, but I'd bet you dimes to dollars, when the police come to notify the next of kin, the husband doesn't know the one and only article of clothing found on that departed wife. 'yes, she was wearing a red & black sports bra'. And her diamond earrings. Diamond earrings most always stolen, whether for a trophy or the value, they aren't left behind. Even hispanic mormons would take the diamonds IMO
and to blurt out, " She was wearing a black and red sports bra" and then say nothing.
I think that must have been a real oops moment for brad.
I've been following this case on-and-off since the beginning. I was firmly in the "Brad=guilty" group since day 1, but just this week have been thinking that the prosecution hasn't proved it at all, and I don't think I would be able to find him guilty if I was on the jury based on the evidence.
Before I get beat on, just a few random thoughts:

*As a woman who has been isolated by a husband and kept short of money for nefarious purposes, I feel as if I have to speak out against those who put NC in that group. Nancy was in no way a poor isolated wife. Her allowance was larger then many entire families income, including what they pay for rent and other bills. While I have heard testimony that she didn't get that allowance in the last week of her life, I have not heard any that said that she regularly didn't get the money. It appears Brad "paid up" fairly regularly up to that point. I wish I had $300 a week to spend as I pleased, hell, I've had to buy groceries, paper products, ect on $300 a month and been ok. No sympathy here for Nancy in regards to her money situation. I really don't think you'll be getting any from the jury either. Even in regards to the last week of her life when she didn't get her "allowance", if you are in a volitile relationship with a soon to be ex, where you are arguing and fighting on a daily basis...if you don't realize that with-holding money isn't going to occur (heck, I can't believe it didn't come up before, that would be a good "warfare" tactic of his, hers being with her sharp tongue, his with the checkbook), and prepare. If she couldn't save $50 or $100 a week and sock it away for when he would play this game...that says alot about her and her issues with money.

*The testimony regarding the affairs is damaging, more so for NC, as unfair as that is. Not because she is a woman, but because she is dead in a suspicious manner. The defense doesn't have to prove someone else killed her, it just has to show evidence that she had a pattern of secretive extra-marital affairs. The fact that Brad also had them, could be seen as more proof of SODDI, as it is just more people who may have reason to want NC dead (although who would want Brad bad enough to kill for him is hard to imagine)

*I hate reading about Brad not loving his children, or only wanting them to avoid paying child support. I believe Brad is a major *advertiser censored**hole who more likely then not killed his wife, BUT I believe the carefully constructed facade of his being neglectful of his children is half male carelessness and the other half NC creation. She was known for embellishment. I know men who wouldn't watch their small children, even for their wife to run to the grocery. I know men who would rather get a root canal then play with their children in swimming pools. These men (including my father) are good parents, they just have difficulty knowing how to interact with SMALL children. They may get better as the children get older. BC doesn't strike me as a particularly affectionate or demonstrative man, but I just don't have any doubt he loved his children dearly BASED ON THE EVIDENCE in regards to the actual interactions in testimony and in discovery.

What do I think? I know you don't care :crazy: but I do think he killed her. I think it was a perfect storm. While I refuse to blame the victim, I do believe NC helped create the storm, and I also think she sensed she was doing it. The sleeping fully dressed and barricading the door (and you know, I don't believe that was a regular thing. I think that may have occurred once or twice, and then she just liked the sound of it so continued it to explain how much danger she was in, danger she could sense but did not truly believe how bad it really was) and other comments she let drop that she knew that Brad killing her was a possibilty. The idea that she couldn't leave is a ridiculous one to me, she was not leaving because she was following the lawyers advice, and she wanted to make sure she didn't walk away "losing". But did she want to be right and "win" or did she want to be alive and safe? She saw what was inside Brad. I believe she sensed that he could be pushed to murder her, and in some way she was afraid. Yet, she covered it up and just continued on, screaming at him about money, mocking him in front of other people, pushing, pushing, pushing.

I believe she knew he was capable of this, and yet she thought it would never happen to her.
I also think the jurors may find him innocent if we don't get any better evidence.
Unfortunately, the wiped phone may be what lets him go.
I learned in "Sociology of Murder" (best class ever!) which went into victimology and juror bias that black women jurors are more likely then any other gender group to believe the police are corrupt and lying.
(While I have it in my text, I did find this article which discusses it:
http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1997/02/24/1997_02_24_054_TNY_CARDS_000376407 )

This has gone on way too long, and I'm sure I'll be thrown from the forums for these opinions LOL, so back to lurking.
It is hard to think clearly when up all night. It is so hard to get all the details of the story straight and to sort out on the fly what to say. a major slip up on his part if he wanted to be ruled out as a suspect. his words.
and to blurt out, " She was wearing a black and red sports bra" and then say nothing.
I think that must have been a real oops moment for brad.

I really wish you guys would listen to the actual testimony, because it has changed through all of the detectives who were at the same conversation. The first detective (who was undercover, and only those in the courtroom have the whole testimony), couldn't remember the question asked, only that the answer he wrote down was red and black sports bra. It doesn't indicate anywhere in his notes that BC gave that answer, it's just doodled on the side of his notes.

The second detective present (Daniels) had a list of 5-6 articles of clothing, including a blue and white striped shirt, black shorts, running skirts, a red top and a black sports bra. He wrote these down when BC responded to a specific question, "do you know what she might have been wearing?"

He did not just blurt out "she wore a red and black sports bra" when they told him the body had been found, as many here have originally posited. That is inaccurate, and not consistent with the testimony out of the detectives own mouths.
and to blurt out, " She was wearing a black and red sports bra" and then say nothing.
I think that must have been a real oops moment for brad.

Except that according to DD notes and testimony that never actually happened.
Even if the defense is somehow able to pull off a successful representation of BC, with a resulting NG verdict, those interested in the case, may find it to be an interesting read.

The author, AL, has no interest in the truth. She is interested in selling books. And the fact that the book is "almost" ready and is advertised before the defense has even gotten into their case is testiment to that.

It does not surprise me about AL, given that I read "Deadly Dose". I am interested in the murder detailed in her second book, as I know one of the homicide detectives key in breaking the case. However, I found "deadly dose" to be so skewed (although we all know the accused was guilty) I have no interest in reading that second book by AL.

So if BC is acquitted, how is this book interesting? I guess it's simply a bunch of affairs amongst the Lochmere Lizards.

Personally? I'm not following this case to make moral judgements, or to read into a bunch of affairs. I'm not interested.

What is interesting to me is I live in Wake County, and have voted for this DA all of my adult life. And it seems this guy is being railroaded. And a loving mother was murdered, yet the CPD was not interested in doing a full investigation and chose to listen to a bunch of gossps instead.

The justice system in my county and the truth is what interests me. And AL has no interest in the truth.
Joggers in area, missing women, or murdered wives from the last few years? In the area? Lots, I suspect.

You aren't from this area, are you? No missing joggers unaccounted for, no murdered women unaccounted for, and most of them were killed by their husbands. From Kathleen Peterson and the cello lady from Durham to Janet Arbora and Michelle Young. The only one that appears to be random is the pregnant paper lady. USA Today delivery girl.
If one has ever been in an abusive relationship, or knows about that, the abused is placed in a position of always questioning if she ( or he, but usually she) is good enough. Accused of making up stories and embellishing the truth. It is wearing to say the least.
Who knows why she did not leave earlier? Likely because of the children.
Here's my take on the red and black sports bra, FWIW. If you'll recall cross on Det. Daniels (I'm not going to hunt for it now) it was pointed out, that in his notes, BC said red and black (or I remember black and grey mentioned as well) sports bra. Then in the notes he said something like maybe blue, maybe white (or striped or something...) I don't remember exactly what other colors followed, but there was more. BC went on to state that Nancy often just grabbed something from the laundry room. I'm thinking that by the time the body was found, he could have looked through her clothes and known she was wearing the red/black bra by process of elimination.

He also didn't just stop talking after stating that she was wearing a red and black sports bra after her body was found. He said other things--asked if they were sure it was her (IIRC), etc. The original testimony gave the impression that he just said she was wearing a red and black sports bra and then stopped talking, which is not what happened.
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