April 8th wknd of Sleuthing

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DNA Solves
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She didn't tell BC until the 2nd time they talked. She would have possibly gotten panicky at 9 because NC's rendezvous would have been at 7 and she was unable to reach her.

Unless, there was something more to this. Why did JA implicate BC in the disappearance of his wife when there was no history of abuse? Is that not odd to anyone? Why did she jump straight to something sinister? Why not...maybe she is hurt, maybe she stopped for coffee, is at a neighbors...no. She implicated BC in something...why? Is it possible she knew something? What do we know about this woman? Was she possibly covering for someone? Why do we 100% trust her? Why should we? She clearly lied about the painting plans. Why?!

I don't 100% trust anyone that I do not know. So far I have seen nothing to implicate JA or anyone else in Nancy's death. I would need to be able to answer means, motive, opportunity.
Yeah, idk, except that she kept up "their" story in those first few days because the hope was that she would be found alive and well - and then in my mind she felt that she shouldn't change her story after Nancy's body was found because then it WOULD look like she lied and it seemed easier to just let that story be the story (?). That is a hiccup in my theory on the painting, I guess. I have tossed it around in my mind a lot though and I just keep thinking the exchange work was a cover so that Brad would not know she got paid and she would be able to keep the money, plus get her allowance. Maybe she really was trying to hoard some money for a move. I've always thought the "pedicure" story was a fabrication of Nancy's to make BC think she was spending money when she was hoarding it all along. I'm sure if she were hoarding money, he found it in her personal items and no one else in the world will ever know.

I have had a question that I can not resolve and no one has been able to clear it up for me. Maybe somebody else has some good thoughts to throw out there. Here is my question:
If nancy were on vacation the last week of June, first week of July and didn't get home until Sunday, did she get the allowance for the Friday that she was on vacation? And then if BC didn't give her the allowance on the 11th, is that two weeks in a row Nancy did not get the allowance? And if she knew he was deducting the $240 from the allowance, when did she find this out - the Tuesday she painted or Wed. or Thurs.?

In court this week they said she received $700 for vacation. Then others testified that she never got her July 11 allowance, thats why she kept calling him at work that day (and at lunch per testimony this week from his work buddy)
I think he said he was going to deduct it out of her allowance after she painted Tuesday.. and then ever gave her any allowance Friday anyways...
I thought she did tell Brad that she had expected Nancy at her house that morning. And if she was aware that Nancy was meeting up with someone and was covering for her, why would she panic at 9 a.m.?

ETA: I don't believe that Nancy really knew or approved of any plans to play tennis and Brad knows that. Brad said that MH asked him about playing tennis while he was at the Duncan's but they didn't confirm a time. Nancy was there while MH and Brad were discussing these tennis plans but MH waits until Brad leaves to "ask Nancy's permission". Nancy doesn't speak but dials a number and hands the phone to MH. He and Brad make plans (which could have been done while Brad was still there). Do you think it's possible that Nancy was calling Brad's bluff and preparing him for shared custody? She had the girls for the previous two weekends while Brad was free to do whatever he wanted. Whether she exaggerated or not, she didn't feel like he did much in terms of taking care of the house while she was gone. We have heard that he was on "kid duty" at the Friday night party. I think the whole weekend was HIS weekend to take care of the kids and she passed off the responsibility of telling MH that Brad couldn't play tennis because Brad had to be a dad for the weekend. That's my take on that whole exchange.

If I'm to buy that theory then MH is lying. He specifically asked NC and that was when the cell phone hand-off occurred. That is why MH ambushed JA on the 12th. He knew she had to be lying about the paint plans. There never were any.
She didn't tell BC until the 2nd time they talked. She would have possibly gotten panicky at 9 because NC's rendezvous would have been at 7 and she was unable to reach her.

Unless, there was something more to this. Why did JA implicate BC in the disappearance of his wife when there was no history of abuse? Is that not odd to anyone? Why did she jump straight to something sinister? Why not...maybe she is hurt, maybe she stopped for coffee, is at a neighbors...no. She implicated BC in something...why? Is it possible she knew something? What do we know about this woman? Was she possibly covering for someone? Why do we 100% trust her? Why should we? She clearly lied about the painting plans. Why?!

I don't think there is anything clear about any lie about painting. Just because NC didn't tell 100 people about her plans to paint at 8am doesn't mean anything. so she had plans to go to the pool later with HP.. and HP said there was no set time.. so there it is.. she was going to just call her when she was ready to go to the pool.. she said that on the stand..

As her sister stated in her testimony and her attorney this week, their relationship was escalating and it got to the point of being verbally abusive- on both sides-her and him- and the kids were upset, the house was a mess, their lives were in schambles.. something had to give.. and everyone thought she would just move out and that would be the big escalation.. but instead she was murdered.. as Ms Stubbs stated this week...she had no choice but to stay she did not have the means to leave.
If I'm to buy that theory then MH is lying. He specifically asked NC and that was when the cell phone hand-off occurred. That is why MH ambushed JA on the 12th. He knew she had to be lying about the paint plans. There never were any.

I'm not saying he lied. He may have felt that because he asked Nancy directly and she called Brad and handed him the phone that it was an IMPLIED consent. I don't think she ever voiced her "permission" for Brad to play tennis. Brad himself indicated that he expected to spend the day on Saturday with the girls. He was doing a google search for activities for them to do. He mentioned the museum in Durham.
Here's another thing, in her affidavit JA says she knew any/all plans for NC to run with CC yet she makes no mention of the plans NC had to run with CC on Friday morning.
Here's another thing, in her affidavit JA says she knew any/all plans for NC to run with CC yet she makes no mention of the plans NC had to run with CC on Friday morning.

She said most of the time she is invited, I would have to listen to her entire testimony again but she could have said she was invited but couldn't anyways on that particular day. but there would be no reason to talk about that anyways, we are talking about Saturday morning here, not friday or any other day we are talking about the day she went missing.. that is the important day.
Another odd thing. The party line has been that the separation was put on hold because Brad was upset over the money involved but in his affidavit BA says the divorce was put on hold because it was a threat to the green card application that had been applied for through Cisco. He actually details a rather lengthy discussion he had with Nancy about this.

ETA: his detailed commentary regarding the ability to remotely initiate, monitor, terminate calls using VoIP was odd as well.
On another note, did we ever hear anything else about the whole "Boat Show" disappearance?
I don't think there is anything clear about any lie about painting. Just because NC didn't tell 100 people about her plans to paint at 8am doesn't mean anything. so she had plans to go to the pool later with HP.. and HP said there was no set time.. so there it is.. she was going to just call her when she was ready to go to the pool.. she said that on the stand..

As her sister stated in her testimony and her attorney this week, their relationship was escalating and it got to the point of being verbally abusive- on both sides-her and him- and the kids were upset, the house was a mess, their lives were in schambles.. something had to give.. and everyone thought she would just move out and that would be the big escalation.. but instead she was murdered.. as Ms Stubbs stated this week...she had no choice but to stay she did not have the means to leave.

Let's be clear. NC told her sister she did NOT feel like painting JA's house.

NC was not to profit from this Saturday painting. JA said it was to be a swap.

No additional paint was purchased ---for an entire dining room. They were to use leftover paint from the front room. A DR should take at least a gallon or two of paint.

CC did not tell police NC had paint plans at JA's ------until August.

JA had plans that morning at 10:30 to take her kids to swimming, or something like that. It was on her calendar. The painting was not. Why schedule this for Sat AM? There was no urgency to this work and she had a busy day scheduled. It makes no sense.

The RE agent was contacted by NC on Thurs. and told she wanted to move out and to please help her find a place ASAP.

So the only thing we need to be talking about now is why is this woman lying?
IIRC, JA was over at NC's house on Friday afternoon before the party. They drank wine. Why was JA not invited to the party (was it a different set of friends)? Why would JA call NC at 11 p.m. if she knew NC was at the party? That is weird. They just saw each other earlier, why would she want her to come over again at 11 to drink wine (knowing she was at/had been at a party). Esp if NC is going to be at her house 1st thing in the a.m. to paint. Certainly anything to discuss could have waited? Let's say NC did have plans to meet someone in the a.m., this makes sense then, they were like teenagers needing to re-hash their alibi, and probably a little excited/giddy with it as well? But, back to my question from day #1 - why would NC walk to a hook up? Oh, oh oh. Because it was a neighbor? Were there any wives that were out of town that weekend? Husbands home alone?

At first I was annoyed at the JA finger pointing thinking this is ridiculous, but the inconsistencies do look peculiar. And CC would certainly have brought up the painting on Sat a.m. but it is key to the reason they weren't supposed to go running (if true).

But, I'm stuck on why? Whatever the plan was with NC on Saturday, something horrible happened and the truth is much more important now. Certainly JA could have come forward and said hey I was lying to protect my friend's reputation. Here's the facts - maybe this can help the case? I know I must be missing something (for this theory), so shed some light.
What does it mean if a poster is banned? Can they ever come back or they have to make a new screen name?
She said most of the time she is invited, I would have to listen to her entire testimony again but she could have said she was invited but couldn't anyways on that particular day. but there would be no reason to talk about that anyways, we are talking about Saturday morning here, not friday or any other day we are talking about the day she went missing.. that is the important day.

Am I recalling correctly that the 3 ladies had never actually all run together? For some reason, I thought CC and JA hadn't actually met face to face, but did know of each other. I'm not saying JA wasn't invited on these runs.
IIRC, JA was over at NC's house on Friday afternoon before the party. They drank wine. Why was JA not invited to the party (was it a different set of friends)? Why would JA call NC at 11 p.m. if she knew NC was at the party? That is weird. They just saw each other earlier, why would she want her to come over again at 11 to drink wine (knowing she was at/had been at a party). Esp if NC is going to be at her house 1st thing in the a.m. to paint. Certainly anything to discuss could have waited? Let's say NC did have plans to meet someone in the a.m., this makes sense then, they were like teenagers needing to re-hash their alibi, and probably a little excited/giddy with it as well? But, back to my question from day #1 - why would NC walk to a hook up? Oh, oh oh. Because it was a neighbor? Were there any wives that were out of town that weekend? Husbands home alone?

At first I was annoyed at the JA finger pointing thinking this is ridiculous, but the inconsistencies do look peculiar. And CC would certainly have brought up the painting on Sat a.m. but it is key to the reason they weren't supposed to go running (if true).

But, I'm stuck on why? Whatever the plan was with NC on Saturday, something horrible happened and the truth is much more important now. Certainly JA could have come forward and said hey I was lying to protect my friend's reputation. Here's the facts - maybe this can help the case? I know I must be missing something (for this theory), so shed some light.

JA did not live in the neighborhood. I don't believe she was part of that group of friends. I think she called and invited her back to her house because she knew that Nancy was angry and upset so she was offering an outlet to vent.
Let's be clear. NC told her sister she did NOT feel like painting JA's house.

NC was not to profit from this Saturday painting. JA said it was to be a swap.

No additional paint was purchased ---for an entire dining room. They were to use leftover paint from the front room. A DR should take at least a gallon or two of paint.

CC did not tell police NC had paint plans at JA's ------until August.

JA had plans that morning at 10:30 to take her kids to swimming, or something like that. It was on her calendar. The painting was not. Why schedule this for Sat AM? There was no urgency to this work and she had a busy day scheduled. It makes no sense.

The RE agent was contacted by NC on Thurs. and told she wanted to move out and to please help her find a place ASAP.

So the only thing we need to be talking about now is why is this woman lying?

If Nancy wasn't planning to paint at JA's any more, how does Brad's purchase of the drop cloth Friday a.m. fit into the scenario? If Nancy was planning to paint again, why not Saturday a.m. She would not have needed enough paint to complete the job on Saturday. She could have used what was left and then gauge how much more would be needed to finish the job on another day. She could have painted for an hour or so. There is no reason she would have interfered with other plans JA had that day.
I would think that would depend on whether or not the were banned at IP level.

What is IP level. What reasons would someone be banned? Is there somewhere to read about this on the site? Thanks.
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