April 8th wknd of Sleuthing

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What is IP level. What reasons would someone be banned? Is there somewhere to read about this on the site? Thanks.

In the sticky links above this thread you will see terms of service. The long version spells out all the rules in minute detail. The short version gives the main gist.
On another note, did we ever hear anything else about the whole "Boat Show" disappearance?

I think BC provided testimony and evidence in the custody hearing that put this story to bed. BC didn't "disappear for a whole weekend" it was just a few hours on Sun and cell phone records showed he and Nancy talked 5 or 6 times.

I think this story is another example of how some of the friends jumped to exaggerated conclusions either with or without help from NC.

Since it is not disputed that the marriage was over basically from the start with her affair in the first year, this is also just one more piece of gossip that ultimately is unrelated to July 11/12.
IIRC, JA was over at NC's house on Friday afternoon before the party. They drank wine. Why was JA not invited to the party (was it a different set of friends)? Why would JA call NC at 11 p.m. if she knew NC was at the party? That is weird. They just saw each other earlier, why would she want her to come over again at 11 to drink wine (knowing she was at/had been at a party). Esp if NC is going to be at her house 1st thing in the a.m. to paint. Certainly anything to discuss could have waited? Let's say NC did have plans to meet someone in the a.m., this makes sense then, they were like teenagers needing to re-hash their alibi, and probably a little excited/giddy with it as well? But, back to my question from day #1 - why would NC walk to a hook up? Oh, oh oh. Because it was a neighbor? Were there any wives that were out of town that weekend? Husbands home alone?

At first I was annoyed at the JA finger pointing thinking this is ridiculous, but the inconsistencies do look peculiar. And CC would certainly have brought up the painting on Sat a.m. but it is key to the reason they weren't supposed to go running (if true).

But, I'm stuck on why? Whatever the plan was with NC on Saturday, something horrible happened and the truth is much more important now. Certainly JA could have come forward and said hey I was lying to protect my friend's reputation. Here's the facts - maybe this can help the case? I know I must be missing something (for this theory), so shed some light.

That late night phone call on Friday was strange. Why would NC leave a neighborhood party to drive to JA house to drink wine? It raised another flag for me when Det. Young said that call was made from BA cell phone then changed it to "a cellphone registered in BA name but used for the family" I would like to hear more about NC cell phone records to understand this call and if there were any text messages.

I think going further into the "what JA knew that morning" maybe treads into dangerous waters according to the Terms of Service. Personally I need a little more information to nail that part down but I think we may get it from the defense.
I think BC provided testimony and evidence in the custody hearing that put this story to bed. BC didn't "disappear for a whole weekend" it was just a few hours on Sun and cell phone records showed he and Nancy talked 5 or 6 times.

I think this story is another example of how some of the friends jumped to exaggerated conclusions either with or without help from NC.

Since it is not disputed that the marriage was over basically from the start with her affair in the first year, this is also just one more piece of gossip that ultimately is unrelated to July 11/12.

So that was another quite detailed lie in the JA affidavit.

She is also the one who suggested he BC was suicidal in 2007, that he verbally abused NC and the children on a regular basis, that he was in essence a stranger to his children, he didn't attend neighborhood gatherings, his family was cruel to NC. It just goes on and on.
LLoo -- This snippet below refers to my comments on your sociopath list of qualities. When I saw your comment to me, you had already gone to bed.... I hope you can understand the context.

And Good Morning to you! :seeya:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ooh, boy -- I did not edit that error. It SHOULD be thus:
Originally Posted by borndem
Excellent -- I can only identify about 3 qualities that BC does NOT show. How can anyone not see this? Thanks.

And to add just these two words,

Ipse dixit. (The thing speaks for itself.)

Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I saw sociopathology in the man early, early on...
Ok one more thing before I head out to do some Saturday stuff.

One person is very conspicuously missing from the affidavits and these proceedings.

Mary Anderson... where is she? If anybody should be able to back up JA's painting story it would be MA. She was with JA at the pool on Friday, with JA when she made the late night call to NC, and with JA when she drove to the Cooper's house on Saturday morning. Why have we heard nothing from her?
I like the idea!

My theory and it's based on a lot of little tiny details. I'll give the theory and if anyone wants the details, I'll lay them out.

I think that based on what she ate and drank at the party she was feeling sick. I think once she saw the lights out she hurried home because she was feeling nauseous. I think she went in the house and got sick to her stomach. (In a toilet, not on the floor) I think she fell into bed still in her dress. I do think that Katie started crying at 4 a.m. but I don't think Brad was in bed with her. I think that Nancy may have gotten up and yelled at him to get up and take care of her because it was "his weekend" to take care of the girls. During that confrontation I think she ended up being strangled by her husband and I do think it ended up down in the foyer. That's my theory.

That one works for me, Cheyenne130 -- mine is similar -- I've often wondered if she fell asleep in the green dress -- I could also easily go with the ambush by BC in the foyer which was my original theory -- but I agree that something happened in the foyer -- could passports be the trigger? -- or maybe BC strangling her when she was in the bed and she fights him off and runs and he gets her in the foyer? Any of those scenarios fits.

Thanks for putting yours out there. And Good Morning to you!
You must have missed the part where I said this was not going to be for money. It was a swap. Painting in exchange for organizing.

The reason: I think JA knew that NC was meeting someone that morning and she initially was covering for her.


That is a pretty good cover story. I especially liked the part where JA and her husband got up early on Saturday and moved all of the furniture out of the DR, and BC bought a tarp for her.

It is those little details that really make a cover story believable.
I totally think so too! I think that was when the lights were on and he was cleaning up the foyer.. definitely was worried someone in the neighborhood would see that light on!

Spot on, CA!
Ok one more thing before I head out to do some Saturday stuff.

One person is very conspicuously missing from the affidavits and these proceedings.

Mary Anderson... where is she? If anybody should be able to back up JA's painting story it would be MA. She was with JA at the pool on Friday, with JA when she made the late night call to NC, and with JA when she drove to the Cooper's house on Saturday morning. Why have we heard nothing from her?

I wondered about that too. They probably didn't think anyone would need further confirmation of the paint plans, plus MA has no connection to NC.
I would love to have participated in this thread, but the blown margins make it ridiculous to try to read. So I'm outta here on this one...
I would love to have participated in this thread, but the blown margins make it ridiculous to try to read. So I'm outta here on this one...

Blown Margins? - I totally don't know what you mean by that... are you seeing something strange on your screen??
The painting story doesn't add up. Nobody knew about it but people did know about Brad's tennis plans. In his affidavit MH says he specifically asked JA if Nancy was planning to bring the girls with her to paint and JA said no.

The All detergent. She completely made up that story down to the details of them using it because on of the girls had allergies.

Going over to help NC organize the girls' room after Nancy calls the Realtor saying she needed to get out urgently.

Calling Nancy while she was at the party on the 11th to ask if she wanted to leave the party and come to her house to drink wine. No discussion of the painting plans on this call. Not even "OK, Ill see you in the morning"

There is more but I need to go back and look at her affidavit again.

ETA: I don't think CC was intentionally involved. I think JA subtly planted the idea of the painting plans which is why CC was off with the time she heard about the plans.

So, whodunit and what was the motive? Please know that I'm not sharpshooting you; I am open to all ideas -- we're all pretty good at theorizing and other WSleuthing techniques and such. Just please expand on who & why when you can. Thanks.

That is a pretty good cover story. I especially liked the part where JA and her husband got up early on Saturday and moved all of the furniture out of the DR, and BC bought a tarp for her.

It is those little details that really make a cover story believable.

Did you know that when first questioned by police, JA said she was still in bed at 8AM?
Let's be clear. NC told her sister she did NOT feel like painting JA's house.

NC was not to profit from this Saturday painting. JA said it was to be a swap.

No additional paint was purchased ---for an entire dining room. They were to use leftover paint from the front room. A DR should take at least a gallon or two of paint.

CC did not tell police NC had paint plans at JA's ------until August.

JA had plans that morning at 10:30 to take her kids to swimming, or something like that. It was on her calendar. The painting was not. Why schedule this for Sat AM? There was no urgency to this work and she had a busy day scheduled. It makes no sense.

The RE agent was contacted by NC on Thurs. and told she wanted to move out and to please help her find a place ASAP.

So the only thing we need to be talking about now is why is this woman lying?

So now you are saying both JA and CC are lying?
JA and CC didn't even know each other, yet both are willing to risk a felony charge of perjury and many years in prison?

That notion is preposterous.
Did you know that when first questioned by police, JA said she was still in bed at 8AM?

Just because Kurtz said that in his opening doesn't make it true.
I already heard her sworn testimony.
As a new shocking twist on a boring court day, a poster suggested yesterday that he wouldn't be suprised if the murder involved person(s) that have already testified.
Well that subtle hint by one has now parlayed, by 2 posters, into a full blown conspiracy involving lies, felony perjury and murder. :floorlaugh:
Just because Kurtz said that in his opening doesn't make it true.
I already heard her sworn testimony.

I remember her testifying as to what time she woke up that Sat and I believe it was 8am.

I was reading the affidavits again. SH's specifically goes through JA's almost line by line. I wonder what the backstory is between them, b/c he didn't do that with other affidavits which cast Brad in a negative light (HP, DT, etc)

Also - excuse my ignorance - are affidavits voluntary or subpoenaed? How much weight does a judge give them in a custody case? They are full of hearsay (both sides); things that would never be allowed on the stand.
WHY??? There was NO history of abuse JusttheFax.

JA knew how bad things were between BC & NC -- this is the woman who had bought a one-way plane ticket back to Cary after planning to go with NC to Canada.
No physical abuse, correct, but BC was cruel and controlling, from the green card lack of followup for 6 years, to allotting gasoline in her car, to when he came & went to work, to taking the passports, to reading her emails, to seeing the separation agreement (talk about pizzed and livid), to when & how much he would pay her. JA knew about a lot of these things and knew that NC was at her wits end, she knew Brad, and she was worried about Nancy.
JA knew how bad things were between BC & NC -- this is the woman who had bought a one-way plane ticket back to Cary after planning to go with NC to Canada.
No physical abuse, correct, but BC was cruel and controlling, from the green card lack of followup for 6 years, to allotting gasoline in her car, to when he came & went to work, to taking the passports, to reading her emails, to seeing the separation agreement (talk about pizzed and livid), to when & how much he would pay her. JA knew about a lot of these things and knew that NC was at her wits end, she knew Brad, and she was worried about Nancy.


I thought that was DD?
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