April 8th wknd of Sleuthing

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I know you're really stuck on this point, but why?

I'm not stuck. I just asked if anyone knew if evidence had been presented that I can't remember regarding the payment of the allowance and the deduction. I think it goes toward the atmosphere in the home that week and why Nancy may have called the realtor on Thursday tellling him she had to get out ASAP.
its strange that the nail they found was pink the same color as Nancy's toe polish
I disagree. Can you think of a logical reason why CC didn't tell police on the 12th that she knew NC had plans to paint with JA? I can't.

Did you see the CPD transcript of the questions to CC?
I didn't.

I suspect the questions to CC were not about NC's plans to paint, but if she planned to run that Saturday morning.
Brad had to be ticked that Nancy told anyone their business...true abusers always look good on the outside and bad on the inside...
unless you know an abuser, you would never know in social situations or work that they are an abuser
Are we not allowed to use names of people mentioned in warrants, newspapers and court testimony? (excluding minors).I have a hard time keeping up with the initials of some of these characters.

IMO, it's better to stick with initials because if someone were to google their name, this thread would appear. Since we are only speculating here, what may have happened, I think it's best to stick with initials to protect them.
I believe it was on July 11th, according to BC deposition, that BC claims NC called him at work and was upset about not getting her allowance. I believe that BC testified that he offered to leave work and get NC her money. If BC was deducting the painting money why did he not mention this in the deposition? Why did BC ever mention the details of this call on the 11th and then not follow through with getting the money?

We know that Nancy tried to call Brad several times on the 11'th and he didn't answer...let the calls go to VM. He finally picked up at 2:32 p.m. when he was out for lunch...so he was not actually at work. I am not sure but I think there was some testimony that stated that Brad was actually not at work until sometime after 11:00 am as his phone was pinging off another tower than the Morrisville cell tower. I think the phone information will be interesting. I wonder what else he may have been up to on the 11'th that he forgot to mention.
I disagree. Can you think of a logical reason why CC didn't tell police on the 12th that she knew NC had plans to paint with JA? I can't.

I can think of one good reason she didnt mention it..in the grand scheme of things>> maybe Nancy being missing was more important, whether she knew about the painting didnt dawn on her thinking in the early hours of trying to find her friend. Maybe she only found out about the painting when someone called her and mentioned Nancy NOT turning up for Painting?? NOW, painting to JA was on her mind, because it was Nancy NOT turning up to paint that morning that alerted her something was very wrong. Put that together with knowing Nancy's Home situations..It wasnt so far off the wall for JA to think Brad may have done something. JMO on that point ss:seeya:

Put the white car in neutral and let it roll down the driveway a bit. Then drive the SUV in.

Could be, but that sure would cause a lot of obvious unusual activity for the neighbors to possibly notice. Don't you find his totally immaculate trunk (rest of car trashed) highly suspicious?
Did you see the CPD transcript of the questions to CC?
I didn't.

I suspect the questions to CC were not about NC's plans to paint, but if she planned to run that Saturday morning.

No. Kurtz brought it up under cross. I can't get past her not telling them that.

And not only did she not tell them on the 12th, JA said herself that the paint plans were not made until Friday evening so CC shouldn't have even known about them. Some here say that maybe NC mentioned it to CC before even talking to JA but again, we now know NC didn't even want to paint JA's house so I don't buy that either. I don't think NC told CC that she had plans to paint JA's house on Saturday.

Put the white car in neutral and let it roll down the driveway a bit. Then drive the SUV in.

I know some people believe he used Nancy's vehicle, and I respect that. But for me, the whole empty trunk of his car, which was unusual (again! something unusual for Brad), is what tells the story that he used his own vehicle to me. MOO.
No. Kurtz brought it up under cross. I can't get past her not telling them that.

And not only did she not tell them on the 12th, JA said herself that the paint plans were not made until Friday evening so CC shouldn't have even known about them. Some here say that maybe NC mentioned it to CC before even talking to JA but again, we now know NC didn't even want to paint JA's house so I don't buy that either. I don't think NC told CC that she had plans to paint JA's house on Saturday.

Ok, we get your point.
You have said multiple times you believe both CC and JA lied on the stand. I for one, don't believe that for a millisecond.
No. Kurtz brought it up under cross. I can't get past her not telling them that.

And not only did she not tell them on the 12th, JA said herself that the paint plans were not made until Friday evening so CC shouldn't have even known about them. Some here say that maybe NC mentioned it to CC before even talking to JA but again, we now know NC didn't even want to paint JA's house so I don't buy that either. I don't think NC told CC that she had plans to paint JA's house on Saturday.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you still have not tied all this lying by JA up with who you think did it and why you think JA would cover for them? I don't get it. I can't for the life of me figure where you are headed with this. And then throw on top of that the adding in of conspiracy of Det JY wiping the cell phone. How in the world do all those things circle around and connect?
Just because Kurtz said that in his opening doesn't make it true.
I already heard her sworn testimony.

Everyone keeps saying he lied in his opening, but that is not true. He would not have said it if it wasn't in the police transcripts. Everything he described about this case in his opening has been 100% accurate to this point.
No blown margins here...

Well, I had to shrink my screen size so small that I'm squinting to read to get it on one page. It isn't on every thread, just this one.
Everyone keeps saying he lied in his opening, but that is not true. He would not have said it if it wasn't in the police transcripts. Everything he described about this case in his opening has been 100% accurate to this point.

Really? You know this for a fact? Do you work in his office or something?
Everyone keeps saying he lied in his opening, but that is not true. He would not have said it if it wasn't in the police transcripts. Everything he described about this case in his opening has been 100% accurate to this point.

No offense, but that is a ridiculous statement.
As a new shocking twist on a boring court day, a poster suggested yesterday that he wouldn't be suprised if the murder involved person(s) that have already testified.
Well that subtle hint by one has now parlayed, by 2 posters, into a full blown conspiracy involving lies, felony perjury and murder. :floorlaugh:

It's great that you have so much confidence in local law enforcement and detectives on this case. I'm not sure exactly why you feel that way, based on so many things that have surfaced in this case, but please don't try to paint people who doubt the official story as crazy. There are more proven lies between these witnesses than BC. That is very suspicious to some of us.
No offense, but that is a ridiculous statement.

If you're going to make a one sentence reply, please back it up with facts instead of calling my statement "ridiculous". Please be respectful or I will no longer reply to your questions. In fact, I probably should just stop now.
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