GUILTY AR - Anne Pressly, 26, raped & murdered, Little Rock, 20 Oct 2008 #1

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DNA Solves
Thanks Carla, that was a great video. I'm glad it included more pictures of her - I'm her friend on facebook and it looks like they took most of those from there. I also went to high school with Jessica - the lady in the purple blouse - and we cheered together for a while. She and Anne had gotten to be such good friends and I know things have just been crazy since this whole deal.

I really just don't know what to believe as far as what LE is releasing. I had just heard from a few places over the last couple days that there was in fact a stalker and there had been some type of confrontation before. But if that happened, you'd think LE would have him as a suspect and just be trying to track him down. They say they have all the evidence, but just no suspect in mind. Ah, I just wish we had more confirmed info!

This also throws my theory/theories off. At first I was thinking it was a stalker, then the rumor about the two black males came out, and I thought maybe it was a brutal stranger killing. But now after the last few days, I've been feeling pretty certain it was a stalker again. Until just now, after watching that video - I am just frustrated and confused, as I know everyone is.

I do think Anne was already asleep in her bed when she was attacked; that would explain the rest of the house being in order. As for the porch light being on in the morning, she very well could have just forgotten to turn it off. I know my newspaper comes about 4am, so I guess it's possible hearing the newspaper scared the killer off... It's a small house close to the street, so I'm sure you could hear the car/paper from inside. Repeated early phone calls from the parents could have also scared him off. Or - maybe the attack happened earlier in the night and he'd already been gone several hours. See, we just don't know because we have such limited information.

I'm sure LE could determine the approx time of the attack by her wounds, so I hope they know about when it happened and just aren't releasing it, like everything else. As I know we've all been hoping for this whole time - I hope they have tons of information and evidence, and are working constantly to find the monster that did this.

Sorry this is so long, but I just remembered one last thing. I do think the employees who viewed her files told a few others about what they found in there. I know some of the info I have comes from a hospital worker. I had also heard about a week ago that the details about the attack came from her records. At the time, it didn't occur to me that the info was looked at illegally, but after that story broke last night, it all made sense.

Okay, I'm done. Sorry for the book.
Oh thank you Findthem. Im sorry for the loss of your friend. For personal reasons her attack and passing has hit me very hard, although i had never heard of her before all of this. i take this very personally and spend a lot of time in thought and prayer for Anne, her friends and family.
Oh thank you Findthem. Im sorry for the loss of your friend. For personal reasons her attack and passing has hit me very hard, although i had never heard of her before all of this. i take this very personally and spend a lot of time in thought and prayer for Anne, her friends and family.

Anne is at peace now :) Her parents' faith is amazing and has helped them tremendously but I'm sure they continue to need prayer. We can pray too that God orders the steps of this investigation and directs their path to this maniac before he revictimizes. JMO
I'm guessing she was stalked, the murderer slithered through the pet door, then waited for her in the bedroom. Maybe the killer took the bracelet as a souvenir.

This statement really creeps me out. Just imagining some guy squeezing through the doggie door to go hide her bedroom and wait for her. She could have been in there getting ready for bed, doing her thing, completely unaware there was some man hiding under her bed or in the closet. That gives me goosebumps.
Anne is at peace now :) Her parents' faith is amazing and has helped them tremendously but I'm sure they continue to need prayer. We can pray too that God orders the steps of this investigation and directs their path to this maniac before he revictimizes. JMO

Her parents strength is AMAZING and Im sure Anne was just as strong. Their strength helps me feel better, to be honest.

one thing, whoever did this is certainly capable of doing it again, if they have not done it before already. unfortunately, it might make them more bold and want to do it again, but that, sadly can also lead to more clues and information in the future, if nothing happens with what LE has now.

man that was one big run on sentance...
Oh thank you Findthem. Im sorry for the loss of your friend. For personal reasons her attack and passing has hit me very hard, although i had never heard of her before all of this. i take this very personally and spend a lot of time in thought and prayer for Anne, her friends and family.
Just to clear this up - I don't personally know Anne. I know several people who are good friends of hers, but I have never met her. I just remember her from high school and I watch her on the news; we just happen to be facebook friends, haha. Just didn't want people to start thinking I know her personally! :D
Just to clear this up - I don't personally know Anne. I know several people who are good friends of hers, but I have never met her. I just remember her from high school and I watch her on the news; we just happen to be facebook friends, haha. Just didn't want people to start thinking I know her personally! :D

I have some Facebook and online friends that are "bigger friends" than anyone I know in real life.
This might be a long shot..But, what about a possible connection to Brianna Denison? It's clear that she was attacked while she was vulnerable and sleeping or in her case trying to get to sleep. There have been no similar attacks in Reno since Brianna's murder and plenty of time for that perp to have moved across several states. The only difference is that Brianna's body was moved. But they don't necessarily always follow the exact same pattern. Anyway, I just think it wouldn't hurt for them to compare dna and other info with the Reno PD.
One thing I haven't seen touched on much was that Anne was a reporter. She obviously did a lot of local interest, fun and fluff type stories. But also some serious work. In the past did she ever do an investigative type report that could have really stepped on any toes? Or did she have something like that in the works on a particular topic? Im not big on conspiracy theories, though. But its worth a thought.
Hello, I am new to this site, but have been following this tragedy since it happened. I want to send prayers to family and friends who were blessed enough to know Anne AND to those (on this site and all over the world) that are living their own personal daily hell from horrific tragedies suffered themselves.

I've been reading this site and others and yesterday, I finally viewed all of Anne's memorial videos on the channel 7 website trying to just find something.

I don't know how to say it, so I'm just going to...for those who believed Anne's 2 dogs may have known the person and/or this was a crime of passion, someone who had maybe developed feelings for her or who knows, something is haunting me and that is (this is just a bad feeling, I don't know anyone in LE or anyone who knew Anne), but on the Channel 7 site, where you can go to Photo Gallery, Anne's main picture for her gallery is holding one of her Cocker Spaniel's in front of the Channel 7 Newstar van. She is wearing the same clothes in the pic of her kissing one of her pups that has been in the news, etc. There is also a place called Billy's Newstar Adventures that has some more pictures I hope you all will look at.

Sorry, just the crazy newbie, but I don't understand how this is being handled or mishandled and the lack of info by LE. Thanks.
That was a great video Carla. I sat there and cried. My heart is shattered for Ms. Cannady.
I haven't looked at the gallery, but it's a fact that Anne was an animal lover. I recall one of the first people I saw interviewed when this happened, was a local woman (don't know her name) that is the go to person for animal neglect/rescue stories. She recalled Anne doing a story with her and Anne tromping right through the mud in her heels to get over to where the animals were penned.
Imo, I could see Anne taking a pro-active role regarding animal neglect. That could be an area where she might have been in the midst of some nut who got po'd about his malnourished horses or emaciated dogs being taken away which would have led to an arrest. I'll see if I can find any archived stories to do with Humane Society type organizations and Anne.
One passion shone above the others-a love of animals.

“She was a real person. There was no prima Donna, no climbing a ladder.

It was just really caring for the stories, for the people and the animals she helped,” said Kay Simpson with the Pulaski County Humane Society.

I see that research isn't gonna be too productive tonight. This is all I found, but I wanted to know her name. I'll keep lookin...
This is so crazy. I met Anna several times when she covered stories for the Humane Society I volunteered with for years. She is an absolute sweetheart.

She has an amazing heart and one of my fondest memories of her was her leaning down right before she did a taping of a story, and getting kisses from Turbo. A pit bull siezed from someone who was fighting him. Turbo ended up having to be put to sleep because of the extent of his injuries, and I remember her shedding tears and he gave her kisses.

She will be in my prayers.

Hi SimplyComplicated~ Do you have any thoughts about any disgruntled animal abusers that Anne might have crossed paths with?
When was that story on Turbo done? Was it very long ago? Were the owners locked up?Are they still locked up? Nomad you may be along the right lines when you mentioned that question to SimplyComplicated.
I find it very strange that none of the men Anne had dated in Little Rock have been on any of the TV segments regarding her death. There has been no mention of anyone she has or was dating in any of the newspaper articles either.

I also find it very strange that neighbors and workmen around her house were not extensively interviewed. This leads me to believe they either know who did this and are just dotting their "i's" and crossing their "t's" while they have this person under 24/7 surveillance or they have botched the investigation and haven't a clue.

Very little has been said about her life other than her TV work, and nothing about what she liked to do and who her closest friends were. How well did she know her immediate neighbors? Did she socialize with any of them? Did she attend church regularly? Did she workout at a gym?

Literally, they have given out very little to work with and I find that strange.
I don't know anything about this Glenn Owen beyond what is mentioned in the article, but I think he is right about the rage. Whoever did this to Anne is filled with rage. Rage at her, at the world, his fifth grade teacher, and likely anyone else you can think of.

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