GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - #10

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Going back over, notes and threads refreshing over things. As the LEO stated in the first press conf after Beverly Carter body was located, cell phone data is going to be big in this case. It had already helped them by Saturday after Beverly disappeared on Thursday night.

From 2 VI we were told that Crystal Lowery gave LEO HER Phone and password on Sunday. So they HAVE Crystal Lowery, Arron Lewis and Beverly Carters actual phones in their custody. Plus the phone that Crystal Lowery had (2nd phone) when she was arrested on Oct 30th. From the multiple articles I have read and posted a few snips here and from watching the George Zimmerman trial, as I said prior, they have the ability to retrieve much information from cell phones.

Now, no disrespect, we have been told
nojusticenusa 11/03/2014 #1055
She was at clinicals at a hospital. The mutual friend who told me she knew for sure she was at class knows 100% but I will not say how they know or what that friend told me. I don't want to get friends upset with me for posting what they told me. They way they know CL was in class at least most of the day on Thur and Thur evening at clinicals, I am quite sure it's true she was at class.

Her neighbors reported her and AL fighting Thur evening, which goes along with what CL personally told.
On Fri she was supposed to be in class and then came home and another fight took place (this was also verified by neighbors)
CL spent the night (verified) on Sat night with someone else (not at her house). It is my understanding she left Fri night after the fight and did not come home until Sun after the wreck and hospital events and only to get clothes to go stay somewhere else. Then she was arrested the next day and taken in for questioning for over 8 hours. They searched the house that day (monday sept 29). She was charged with the theft by receiving for the phone being in her home laid out in plain sight (so she says LE told her they found it in plain sight).
She was not staying at the house, only coming and going once AL went on the run. This was verified by neighbors so I believe she told me the truth.

As I have posted here before. She was selling a lot of things she had to get money for rent and other bills. She was someone who went to yard sells and then resold things for more money. That was how she earned extra money anyway. She had a garage full of things so she started selling all that stuff, along with other items in her home.

I believe LE thought she was about to run so they made a plea with circumstantial evidence such as the phone in her house or maybe some phone calls between she and AL since they had text each other when she was in class on Thur. She turned her phone over to LE and they still have it. She gave them her pw so they could see the text she had with AL on that Thur. She cooperated.

JMHO, but I in no way believe that LEO "made a plea with circumstantial evidence such as the phone in her (CL) house" That would be direct evidence. IT WAS Bevery Carters phone found in Crystal Lowery and Arron Lewis home (if we are to believe that LEO did in fact find Beverly Carters phone on top of Crystal Lowery dirty underwear). ALSO by October 30th day Crystal Lowery was arrested for Capital Murder and Kidnaping, they had phone info back. They had legal authority to get all that on Saturday Sept 27 when they found out the phone was listed in Crystal Lowery name that made calls.

Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact—like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directly—i.e., without need for any additional evidence or inference

*Wait, if Crystal Lowery was in class Thurs and Clinical 430 til whatever... when was she HOME to have an argument in the evening with Arron Lewis?? After clinicals would be considered NIGHT correct?
Butler321 #1058
NJ...His child support to her was $600/month. It was set up automatically to come out of his paycheck and the last payment was transferred to her after her arrest.

As to the daughter staying with a friend Thurs night.....My information comes DIRECTLY out of the daughters mouth to me. On Thursday, Sept. 25 the daughter was at home after school with both AL and CL . There was a conversation about weather she (the daughter) was going to stay home that night while mom was at school or go stay with a friend. It was decided that she would go stay with a friend.

nojusticenusa 11/23/2014
I know the person the daughter stayed with personally. She picked the daughter up at school that Thursday because CL was already at clinicals. She had to be at clinicals at 4:30 p.m. and it's a good 20 minute drive just to get to LR from Jacksonville. If there was $600 paid before the arrest then that was before the order that she now pays child support so legally that money was for the previous month and would be her money. I will ask around about it. I think I know who is handling her affairs while she is in jail.

Why didn't the dad come and get the daughters clothes when he had the chance? He was a no show. I know this for a fact from the person who had to clean out her house when the dad was a no show because that person had to round up other friends to get the house cleaned out before the realtor locked everything up in it.

Why would the young lady tell Butler321 she was home Thurs Sept 25 after school if she wasn't?

Butler321 11/24/2014 #1075
The first time anyone from this side of the family heard about any of this was Sunday night. Crystal and her ex spoke on the phone and she told him "she didn't know anything about what was going on"

Earlier this week when speaking to her ex he flat out asked her "what evidence they have against her" and she replied that "she didn't know anything about it until it was over" implying that she wasn't directly involved. Then he asked her "so when we spoke that Sunday night and you said you didn't know anything you were lying?" and she replied "yes
He is truly a disturbing person.

To be honest, I believe that was a mug shot used prior. I know we had one where he did that same type face. I know they used the same SO # (sheriff office)

ETA now that I think about it, didn't the other creepy/goofy one have his tongue sticking out??? truly is disturbed. :facepalm:
I don't remember him having facial hair last time....but I've slept since then. Lol. Could be wrong.
concernedmother 11/24/2014I believe Beverly was taken to their house and kept alive at least a day or two until AL figured out what to do with her. If she participated in holding Beverly against her will that would explain the charges against her.
Respectfully this quote was 6 months ago, and I don't know what your thoughts are now. I quoted it because it made me think. I don't think Beverly was ever at Arron and Crystals home. Reason I thinking this and could be very wrong, but they both knew that Crystal daughter lived there and most likely had a house key. Even if she spent the night somewhere, she could still return at anytime (just to pick up something, got sick and so forth). Too risky. Also lots of neighbors.

JMHO whatever happened wasn't planned (death) and she was kept at some other location. Maybe as someone else said, Jeffery Stone, where the pic AL posted on Saturday on Plenty of Fish iirc. Again, they have all 3 phones plus Crystals extra. If Crystal had her phone with her and gave to LEO on Sunday, it will be hard for her to prove if the records show where her phone went, that she didn't have it then all sudden had it with her to give to LEO. JMHO
Question about AL viewing the evidence. Would the family of Beverly be given access to that information as well? Would they know of the evidence the same time or before AL seen it?
Question about AL viewing the evidence. Would the family of Beverly be given access to that information as well? Would they know of the evidence the same time or before AL seen it?

I really have no clue how it all works, but I hope they wouldn't blindside them in public/court with some horrible detail. Hopefully they have let them know what to expect and what is coming.
This is all a game to AL. Lets see what kind of face he makes when reality bites him in the *advertiser censored* when he is handed a LWOP sentence.
Question about AL viewing the evidence. Would the family of Beverly be given access to that information as well? Would they know of the evidence the same time or before AL seen it?

I saw where Carl Carter jr, said On Tuesday I received the toughest news regarding details of my mom's kidnapping & murder.
Pretrial hearing is Monday, June 1. So I feel sure they let him know as much as possible of what they could, and regarding what will take place and so forth.

Arron Lewis and Crystal Lowery have the right to see every thing the Pros has as part of discovery, because they are the ones charge with Capital Murder and Kidnapping.

I am curious about AL or maybe his prev attorney did. Interviewing witnesses. I have seen in other trials where the Def and the Pros take depositions. Without AL representing himself, it would be hard. I just pray he doesn't show out, I feel confident the Judge will run a tight shipl and keep order.
I saw where Carl Carter jr, said On Tuesday I received the toughest news regarding details of my mom's kidnapping & murder.
Pretrial hearing is Monday, June 1. So I feel sure they let him know as much as possible of what they could, and regarding what will take place and so forth.

Arron Lewis and Crystal Lowery have the right to see every thing the Pros has as part of discovery, because they are the ones charge with Capital Murder and Kidnapping.

I am curious about AL or maybe his prev attorney did. Interviewing witnesses. I have seen in other trials where the Def and the Pros take depositions. Without AL representing himself, it would be hard. I just pray he doesn't show out, I feel confident the Judge will run a tight shipl and keep order.

The Carters are going to need all the strength they can muster. I say this with every case, but I never say, "Oh, I thought the details would be worse". Every time, the details are much more horrible than I could have even dreamed. Put your seatbelts on- this is going to be a REAL bumpy ride with Arron at the wheel!
I assume there will be reporters there Monday. Will we find out what evidence they have against them?
Dumb question...will the transcript to the trial ever be made public? Or would one simply have to rely on reporters to know all what happens?

Lewis is considered fit to stand trial. His next appearance will be June 1.
just a reminder for tomorrow.........anyone have an idea what time this status hearing is scheduled to get under way?

i'm going to flag my post and ask that this thread be moved to "awaiting trial"'s scheduled to begin i believe in july, i always have the hardest time finding the last thread.....:seeya: see everyone tomorrow

:rose: beverly, awaiting justice in your name
:rose: strength to those that love her
Reminder ... we cannot circumvent the 10% copyright rule by posting entire content throughout separate posts. Nay, nay !!

Posts had to be removed, but if someone wants to re-post with a title/brief summary and a link to the info, go ahead.


ETA: Hold on ... i'll go back and edit each of the posts to just leave title and link. That'll help :)
Arron Lewis asking for 4 videos off of his cell phone. Upset with judge, asked for a laptop, etc etc.
Elicia Dover ‏@EliciaDover 36m36 minutes ago

Arron Lewis in court talking about wanting to search own cell phone: "I don't trust people." Judge: "You're gonna have to trust someone."

Elicia Dover ‏@EliciaDover 28m28 minutes ago

Judge to Lewis: This is just the tip of the iceberg. You will have other problems if the court doesn't appoint you an attorney.
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