GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - #11

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Looks like from the case referenced by the Judge the inventory for the warrantless search need not be in writing but can come from testimony at a suppression hearing. JMHO Still reading over coffee, here is link to that case Opinion

ETA: I not sure if the hair that was found to be BC in the trunk would fall under that inventory for safe keeping or not. Testimony on the stand said that the AR Crime Lab had people at the crime scene bay going over the car so just my assumption and very well could be wrong that that is how they got the hair.Crime lLab also took portions of the dash that had something on it looking like blood but iirc it wasnt but not sure 100% on my memory of that outcome. The baseball bat and tape and rope could have came from inventory search though. Baseball bat was reported to have had fingerprints iirc. I don't know whose prints, as did the iPhone of BC found in the home but again I am unsure whose prints. JMO
Michael Darrell BENSON v. STATE of Arkansas
CR 99-1455 30 S.W3d 731
Supreme Court of Arkansas
Opinion delivered November 16, 2000

SEARCH. - Police officers may conduct a warrantless
inventory search of a vehicle that is being impounded in order to
protect an owner's property while it is in the custody of the police,
to insure against claims of lost, stolen, or vandalized property, and
to guard police from danger; an inventory search, however, may not
be used by the police as a guise for "general rummaging" for
incriminating evidence; the police may impound a vehicle and
inventory its contents only if the actions are taken in good faith and
in accordance with standard police procedures or policies; these
standard procedures do not have to be in writing, and they may be
established by an officer's testimony during a suppression hearing.

688 Cite as 342 Ark. 684 (2000)
[ 342
Inventory Searches Incident to Impoundment
[2] It is well settled that police officers may conduct a warrantless
inventory search of a vehicle that is being impounded in
order to protect an owner's property while it is in the custody of the
police, to insure against claims of lost, stolen, or vandalized property,
and to guard the police from danger. Colorado v. Bertine, 479
U.S. 367 (1987); see also, Welch v. State, 330 Ark. 158, 955 S.W.2d
181 (1997). An inventory search, however, may not be used by the
police as a guise for "general rummaging" for incriminating evidence.
Florida v. Wells, 495 U.S. 1 (1990); Welch v. State, supra.
Hence, the police may impound a vehicle and inventory its contents
only if the actions are taken in good faith and in accordance
with standard police procedures or policies. See Colorado v. Bertine,
supra; Florida v. Wells, supra; Welch v. State, supra. In Welch v. State,
we clarified that these standard procedures do not have to be in
writing, and that they may be established by an officer's testimony
during a suppression hearing. In accordance with these principles,
we have promulgated Ark. R. Crim. P. 12.6(b), which states that:
A vehicle impounded in consequence of an arrest, or retained in
official custody for other good cause, may be searched at such times
and to such extent as is reasonably necessary for safekeeping of the
vehicle and its contents.
JMO (as I don't have time to research it) but I do remember reading and looking up links that showed where a person can be charged with the exact same charges as another individual even if they just had knowledge of the crime being committed, even if they didn't actually 'participate' (and more so if it was premeditated etc).

Oh, sure! I'm sure you're right. The point I was making is that I hope having this evidence thrown out of court doesn't make it easier for him to go with his gross and ridiculous "accidental death" defense (I can't even bring myself to type it out) resulting in this clown getting off with some conviction on a charge less than murder! I don't think there is any way in h*ll he is going to walk away scot free, but I pray/hope that he is convicted for what actually happened and not some BS "we have to take what we can get" charge due to a bit of over-zealousness in the early parts of the investigation.

Don't get me wrong!! I'm in no way pointing the finger at LE. We were *all hoping that she was still alive...nobody moreso than the investigators working the case..... and this clown plays so many freaking games that they had no choice but to go on the assumption that she was still alive and they were in a rush trying to find her before it was too late! But now having the benefit of hindsight and getting to do some armchair quarterbacking, I really wish they had taken some time to cross the t's and dot the i's just a bit better so that we weren't in this situation right now. That said, I know they were doing the best they could at the time under the worst of circumstances and they were dealing with a game playing who am I to judge the job they did? I know I couldn't do their job.

I don't think anyone wants AL to get a mistrial...actually it is quite the opposite. I believe everyone wants the case to be so airtight that there's no way the man will ever see the light of day outside of prison walls!

Carl Jr. speaks to THV about the evidence and there is a little bit of information from an attorney.

Ugh...I feel so bad for that whole family. :( Just how da*n long is this thing going to drag out for them?! This must be so hard.

I know AL has rights, blah, blah blah....and I know those rights are there to protect me, just as well as him.....but it burns me up that someone who is sooooo glaringly guilty gets to keep dragging out the process. Why couldn't he have just followed his wife's footsteps and just take his punishment? She knew she was guilty, she knew she was caught and there was no need in dragging it out.
Ugh...I feel so bad for that whole family. :( Just how da*n long is this thing going to drag out for them?! This must be so hard.

I know AL has rights, blah, blah blah....and I know those rights are there to protect me, just as well as him.....but it burns me up that someone who is sooooo glaringly guilty gets to keep dragging out the process. Why couldn't he have just followed his wife's footsteps and just take his punishment? She knew she was guilty, she knew she was caught and there was no need in dragging it out.

I truly pray that AR doesn't have our crazy winter weather of ice during the time for the trial. Per Judge Wright they are going to transport from Varner to Pul Cty Courthouse daily. That is a long drive in good weather, but a long and dangerous drive in bad winter weather. Or having to postpone/continue. Going to be hard enough for BC Family but that would just be more frustrating once got that far to have to wait again. Hopefully Mother Nature will be on their side.
Oh, sure! I'm sure you're right. The point I was making is that I hope having this evidence thrown out of court doesn't make it easier for him to go with his gross and ridiculous "accidental death" defense (I can't even bring myself to type it out) resulting in this clown getting off with some conviction on a charge less than murder! I don't think there is any way in h*ll he is going to walk away scot free, but I pray/hope that he is convicted for what actually happened and not some BS "we have to take what we can get" charge due to a bit of over-zealousness in the early parts of the investigation.

Don't get me wrong!! I'm in no way pointing the finger at LE. We were *all hoping that she was still alive...nobody moreso than the investigators working the case..... and this clown plays so many freaking games that they had no choice but to go on the assumption that she was still alive and they were in a rush trying to find her before it was too late! But now having the benefit of hindsight and getting to do some armchair quarterbacking, I really wish they had taken some time to cross the t's and dot the i's just a bit better so that we weren't in this situation right now. That said, I know they were doing the best they could at the time under the worst of circumstances and they were dealing with a game playing who am I to judge the job they did? I know I couldn't do their job.

I don't think anyone wants AL to get a mistrial...actually it is quite the opposite. I believe everyone wants the case to be so airtight that there's no way the man will ever see the light of day outside of prison walls!

:goodpost::ditto: all of your post.

And personally after hearing the recordings than now wont be allowed in court, JMHO that is where the "accidental" verbiage came in. I am not saying it was or wasn't an accident (although I don't feel they set out to kill her) but JMHO I think that "accidental" was put in play by the FBI guy because he kept saying maybe it was an accident, just tell us you gotta give me something... he said that multiple times. Not blaming the LEO in any way just saying thats what I think is AL picked up that verbiage from the interrogations. JMHO

Also, sadly we have to have LEO to do the things they do day in and day out. I am so thankful for Men and Women who put their lives on the line day in and day out. Both on the clock and off, because there are crazies out there who don't care if they are on the clock or not just that they are LEO. I know too many and they watch their backs at all times for that reason.

This is what they do. This is what they are trained for and do day in and day out. This is what I have said multiple times, I just hope all was done on the up and up by the book so that it all sticks and no problems not having an air tight case for a solid conviction. No technicalities, no mistrial...Beverly Carter Family deserves no less. No Victim or Victim family does. Pulaski Pros Attorney Larry Jegley is a good person and not like some Pros that we have seen in high profile cases (like in FL gag) and I believe that he and his office will do the hardest they can to see that Justice is got, in a legal way. And like you have said or someone did, better that it happen now than to go thru a trial and get conviction only to have it appealed and thrown out. JMHO
This has always confused me, from the State Response to the Def Motion. I thinking it must be a typo instead of 11:58 p.m. should be 11:58 a.m. ? In the Def Post Hearing Brief, it states that a night time warrant was issued but it was executed in daytime not night. Also the Kidnapping Bench Warrant was issued at 4:30pm iirc. The accident happened just prior to 10 a.m. and it was stated that at 11:30 a.m. is when AL was noticed to have left the hospital. 11:58 a.m. would seem logical for the Inv to have gotten submitted that fast. Especially with the Affidavit for the Search Warrant (according to the Judges Order) it appeared to be copied from the Search Warrant for the Home. JMHO

8. On September 28, 2014, at 11:58 p.m., a search warrant was sworn out before the
Honorable Wayne Gruber to search black 2012 Ford Fusion.
9. The search warrant was in compliance with Arkansas Rule of Criminal Procedure 13.1
and 13.2 and all evidence seized from the black 2012 Ford Fusion was constitutionally
seized pursuant Arkansas Rule Criminal Procedure 13.3.
10. All evidence seized was legally and constitutionally obtained.
Oh, sure! I'm sure you're right. The point I was making is that I hope having this evidence thrown out of court doesn't make it easier for him to go with his gross and ridiculous "accidental death" defense (I can't even bring myself to type it out) resulting in this clown getting off with some conviction on a charge less than murder! I don't think there is any way in h*ll he is going to walk away scot free, but I pray/hope that he is convicted for what actually happened and not some BS "we have to take what we can get" charge due to a bit of over-zealousness in the early parts of the investigation.

Don't get me wrong!! I'm in no way pointing the finger at LE. We were *all hoping that she was still alive...nobody moreso than the investigators working the case..... and this clown plays so many freaking games that they had no choice but to go on the assumption that she was still alive and they were in a rush trying to find her before it was too late! But now having the benefit of hindsight and getting to do some armchair quarterbacking, I really wish they had taken some time to cross the t's and dot the i's just a bit better so that we weren't in this situation right now. That said, I know they were doing the best they could at the time under the worst of circumstances and they were dealing with a game playing who am I to judge the job they did? I know I couldn't do their job.

I don't think anyone wants AL to get a mistrial...actually it is quite the opposite. I believe everyone wants the case to be so airtight that there's no way the man will ever see the light of day outside of prison walls!

He is charged with Capital Murder and Kidnapping. The State now has to prove to get a jury to convict on those charges in court. (*That is why its important for them to be able to use as much physical evidence as possible. It is a big deal if something as crucial as it possibly have been AL finger prints on BC iPhone found in his house. That would be a huge piece of evidence proving AL connected directly. JMHO) If they (State) don't prove to the jury Capital Murder there will be lower charges and the jury will have to agree on the lower charge next under the Capital Murder. The State/Def will go over the wording to be given to the jury that the Judge will give as instructions to jury. If not Cap Murder then go to next lower charge. But the way I understand is all have to agree for or against that charge to either convict or move to the next charge down. If they can't convince the jury all one way or other hung jury and mistrial.
I truly pray that AR doesn't have our crazy winter weather of ice during the time for the trial. Per Judge Wright they are going to transport from Varner to Pul Cty Courthouse daily. That is a long drive in good weather, but a long and dangerous drive in bad winter weather. Or having to postpone/continue. Going to be hard enough for BC Family but that would just be more frustrating once got that far to have to wait again. Hopefully Mother Nature will be on their side.

Maybe they will move him to the Wrightsville Unit, which is only about 30 min away.Hate to see him so close to Crystal,but it would be closer so the trial can be completed.
Maybe they will move him to the Wrightsville Unit, which is only about 30 min away.Hate to see him so close to Crystal,but it would be closer so the trial can be completed.
And safer for those LEO who are going to be doing the travel. I didn't know they even had a Women Unit there until yesterday.
From the Judge Order Oct 6, 2015 JMHO This is in regards to if the State can tell the Jury about AL priors (7 time felon), if I understand correctly. Unsure what the State has submitted.

Images WEB

Defendant's Request for Discovery of Rule 404(b) Evidence
This Request is granted to the extent the State intends to use these materials. If the State
plans to use character evidence, or evidence of other crimes, wrongful conduct, or acts under
Rules 403 and 404,the State must notify the Defense of any said evidence prior to the November
16, 201 5, omnibus hearing.

Rule 403:
Rule 403. Exclusion Of Relevant Evidence On Grounds Of Prejudice, Confusion, Or Waste Of Time.
Rules text
Although relevant, evidence may be excluded if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the issues, or misleading the jury, or by considerations of undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence.

Rule 404 (b):
Rule 404. Character Evidence Not Admissible To Prove Conduct, Exceptions - Other Crimes.
Rules text
(b) Other Crimes, Wrongs, or Acts. Evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts is not admissible to prove the character of a person in order to show that he acted in conformity therewith. It may, however, be admissible for other purposes, such as proof of motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or absence of mistake or accident.

*It made me think about this from the Judges Order just made (bottom of Pg 11)
12 for example, the investigators., discovered and confiscated multiple firearms in the home, as
well as a credit card reader, something the investigators speculated was an instrument of an
identity theft scheme on the part of the Defendant. The State has not suggested that these items
are part of its case against the Defendant
Personally, in following cases, I like going over the documents and sleuthing of info from all sides. What I personally think should or shouldn't happen has no bearing of what will happen. What does have a bearing is what happens in the Court Documents. And an Order by the Judge defiantly has bearing on certain outcomes, no matter which way it is ruled. jmho
I wonder if this decision can be appealed? The car was not searched on his property- it was searched after an accident. Some earlier research I did said that a car that has been in an accident gives cause for search. I dont know the exact wording, I will have to try to re-find it.

Also, I thought we were told early on that Crystal let them search the home. Isn't consent to search enough here? I am hoping that the many layers of legal searches will re-allow some of the evidence.

Guilt is not determined at the verdict of a trial. Guilt is determined by the ACT of the crime. A person is either guilty or not, no matter what the court says. If the person was there and killed a person, then they are guilty. I understand they may not be "proven" guilty by a jury, but it doesn't make them any less guilty. Arron is guilty. Just like Crystal. She admitted that THEY did it. She has little to no reason to lie and include Arron. After all, a 30 year sentence is hardly a cake walk! I can only hope that the despite the stupidity of the games that are allowed in court, the trial will lead to the same verdict as the actual issue- he is guilty.

Our system re-victimizes the victims over and over and over. It is really inexcusable. I hope one day, we begin taking care of our innocent, our victims and their families a little more and stop making it so easy for the criminals to walk among us so freely. It makes us all very unsafe. Just check the New Orleans news and you will see. Most of the crime is committed by someone who had already committed a different serious crime. Enough already.
Filed a little bit ago. (Glad they corrected the time to a.m. :) answered one of my questions lol )

VS. CR14-3928
Comes now the State of Arkansas by and through John F. Johnson, deputy prosecuting
attorney, and for its motion states the following:
1) During the investigation into the disappearance of Beverly Carter, members of the
Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) went to 165 Randall to surveil that address.
2) While at 165 Randall, members of PCSO observed the defendant get into a black Ford
Fusion and drive away. Both the defendant and the car matched the description of a
person and vehicle at the residence from where Beverly Carter was kidnapped.
3) As the Ford Fusion drove away from 165 Randall it crashed in a ditch. The defendant
was injured in this crash and was taken by ambulance for treatment at a local hospital.
4) Due to the driver of the vehicle being taken to the hospital, the damage to the vehicle, and
information that was gathered at the scene of the accident, members of the PCSO ordered
the Ford Fusion to be towed.
5) Pursuant to PCSO’s written policy regarding towed vehicles, an inventory search of the
vehicle was initiated at the crash site.
6) A vehicle storage report was filled out at 10:15 a.m. on 9/28/14 describing items that
were found in the passenger compartment of the Ford Fusion at the crash site.
7) The trunk was not inventoried at the crash site because it was believed the trunk should
be opened in a controlled environment. Therefore the inventory search was suspended
until the vehicle was towed to the PCSO crime scene bay.
8) Before the inventory search was continued at the PCSO crime scene bay a search warrant
was obtained from Judge Wayne Gruber at 11:58 a.m. on 9/28/14 to search the vehicle.
9) Had the search warrant not been obtained, the inventory search of the trunk of the vehicle
would have been completed at the crime scene bay of the vehicle pursuant to written
PCSO policy which states:
Any time a vehicle is ordered towed by the Sheriffs Office, a vehicle
storage report will be completed. The deputy ordering the vehicle
towed will inventory the vehicle, including the trunk, glove box,
and other accessible areas, and ensure the results of the inventory
are listed on the storage report. Any damage, other than normal
wear, is to be listed in the damage section. Note whether damage
appears fresh or old. Items of significant value should be noted in
the remark section. A vehicle storage report is not required when
vehicles are towed at the request of the owner or operator.
10) As the Court pointed out in its order, Benson v. State, 342 Ark. 684, 30 S.W.2d 731
(2000), stands for the proposition that “police officers may conduct a warrantless
inventory search of a vehicle that is being impounded in order to protect the owner’s
property while it is in the custody of the police, to insure against claims of lost, stolen, or
vandalized property and to guard the police from danger. Benson at 688.
11) In this case the PCSO began an inventory search of the Ford Fusion pursuant to it being
towed and stored. This procedure would have been completed at the crime scene bay
pursuant to the authority cited by this Court in Benson. The inventory search was
interrupted by the search pursuant to the flawed search warrant. However, the United
States Supreme Court and the Arkansas Supreme Court have ruled that the inevitable
discovery rule allows admission of evidence that would have inevitably been found by
lawful means.
12) In Willoughby v. State, 76 Ark. App. 329, 65 S.W.3d 453 (2002), the defendant was
driving a commercial truck that was stopped at an Arkansas Highway Police station for a
safety inspection. While the safety inspection was being conducted the highway
patrolman noticed the defendant’s nervous behavior and requested a canine sniff search
of the truck during which the canine alerted on contraband.
13) The Willoughby court found that:
even if the search of Willoughby’s truck pursuant to the canine
sniff had been illegal, it was proper for the trial court to deny
Willoughby’s motion to suppress the evidence seized from the
truck under the inevitable discovery doctrine. Under this doctrine,
evidence that would otherwise be suppressed is admissible if the
State proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the police
would have inevitably discovered the evidence by lawful means.
Miller v. State, 342 Ark 213, 27 S.W.3d 427 (2000).
14) This Court has ruled that the search of the vehicle pursuant to the search warrant was a
violation of the defendant’s Constitutional rights. However, this Court also ruled: “If the
State can show that any items found in the vehicle that they seek to introduce were
discovered during an inventory search and not during the search pursuant to the illegal
warrant, this Court will consider admitting them.”
WHEREFORE, the State respectfully requests the opportunity to supplement the record
regarding PCSO’s inventory search policy, that an inventory searched had commenced, and to
prove by a preponderance of the evidence the items in the trunk would have inevitably been
discovered pursuant to an inventory search.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ John F. Johnson______________
John F. Johnson
Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Def not a laughing matter, but quick read is it saying we would have found by legal means if we hadn't used the illegal search warrant??:facepalm: Without reading anything yet, looks like they would have been better off in hindsight searching without the Search Warrant.
*from looking at my notes the white rope was found behind the seat, unsure which seat JMO and not sure where it was prior to the accident (I mean because of the car being turned on side per the documents, and when it was right sighted either time it could have changed from orig place it was again jmho)
The point I was trying to make is real simple. Throw out anything that was found at their house, throw out anything that was found in his car, and even throw out CL's testimony. And then take into account that WE do not know what the state/prosecutors have. But if I was to guess, I'm thinking there's probably DNA of CL's and/or AL's on Beverly's body, possibly on the duct tape that she was bound with and I'm sure there are many other possibilities of evidence that WE have no clue about. Maybe there's video surveillance of him buying some of the items used in Beverly's death? Who knows?? I myself at this time am not trying to concentrate/focus on what cannot be used, but rather all the other things that may be brought up or that can be used that I don't have a clue about but that's JMO.

For example, what IF the documents/affadavits that were on AL's FB were truly written by him and notarized etc, then he has ADMITTED HIMSELF to participating in the crime, which then means even though HE CLAIMS to have ONLY participated in taking her body there to the concrete plant AND digging the hole to bury her in means he can be charged with the exact same charges that CL was. So, I wonder what AL's defense would be then (if it can be proven that he did indeed write the documents/affidavit admitting his role in her demise and/or if there's a chance that it could be brought into the picture in regards to evidence, etc)
The point I was trying to make is real simple. Throw out anything that was found at their house, throw out anything that was found in his car, and even throw out CL's testimony. And then take into account that WE do not know what the state/prosecutors have. But if I was to guess, I'm thinking there's probably DNA of CL's and/or AL's on Beverly's body, possibly on the duct tape that she was bound with and I'm sure there are many other possibilities of evidence that WE have no clue about. Maybe there's video surveillance of him buying some of the items used in Beverly's death? Who knows?? I myself at this time am not trying to concentrate/focus on what cannot be used, but rather all the other things that may be brought up or that can be used that I don't have a clue about but that's JMO.

For example, what IF the documents/affadavits that were on AL's FB were truly written by him and notarized etc, then he has ADMITTED HIMSELF to participating in the crime, which then means even though HE CLAIMS to have ONLY participated in taking her body there to the concrete plant AND digging the hole to bury her in means he can be charged with the exact same charges that CL was. So, I wonder what AL's defense would be then (if it can be proven that he did indeed write the documents/affidavit admitting his role in her demise and/or if there's a chance that it could be brought into the picture in regards to evidence, etc)

AL is charged with the same exact charges that CL was. That's what he is on trial for. She plead to a lower charge is why she has a different charge she is serving. While I am curious about the fb posting and why/how it came to be there, I would think for it to be used as potential evidence they would need the actual document or at the least a copy like the LEO had of Wesley Hadsells. (We don't know that they don't in this case either). But it would have to be authenticated just as the text messages and emails are having to be. Also we know AL didn't post them to his facebook he is in a Maximum Security prison and doesn't have access to internet. I just went back and looked at the notary page and to me it looks like the ink from the date on the Notary Signature is different-lighter than the ink where the date is written. So its possible that the Notary is from something else. JMHO Arron Lewis fb affidavit notary page.JPG
It is most likely the same letter he brought with him and handed to the Psychological Tester, so getting their hands on a hard copy would probably be do-able. He's probably handing it out like business cards.

Edited to add--- Also, I don't know who is posting for him, but they are a moron!!!!!! Why in the world would you want to place yourself in the center of a murder investigation? If they are interested in who posted it, not only can they 100% find out, but he will probably let them know, as well. A shark knows no loyalty.
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