GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - #12

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Remind me, please...will Crystal be eligible for parole before her 30 years is completed?

She has to serve 70%

She a *advertiser censored*. I give her nothing either. Prostitute. Scammer. She was willing to go along with AL ... she wanted her out of her house. She said she had meds in the bathroom with her name on and was afraid that BC saw her name! I feel in my gut she had more to do with ... she just kept repeating what she knew she needed to do (I plead guilty because I taking responsibility) That true, but she also had written letters lmao it kinda freaked her out Guess she didnt know they had copies of her letters just as they did AL.

According to CL she told pros alot "that they didnt have much without her testimony" and as it turned out, prob more truth than not, but AL sealed his own fate as far as testimony goes. All the stuff thrown out because of LEO had nothing to do with AL being smart or whatever. Him playing that recording for them was good for the investigation. But again dumb criminal ...especially 5 time Felon (thats what the State and Def came up with... going by all his past records... not 7 lmao (that probably made him the maddest)

When she stammered saying she didnt remember saying *advertiser censored* Bill James went and got the actual letters (were folded so I assume actual jmho) and let her see she said was her writing but lol was reworded not her words lol. And she told some inmate at Newport that she was mad she took plea deal because she was scared wouldn't get a fair trial and she was innocent. She even admitted and was evident in her voice she was trying hard to say what she was suppose to. (whatever it was)
So, even with everything that was thrown out and could NOT be used as evidence, and even with AL's so-called high profile attorney, AL was still found guilty of Capital Murder AND Kidnapping. JMO but even if he wouldn't have taken the stand, I think he still would've been found guilty as charged. Just goes to show, he is not as smart as he thinks he is. He is right where he belongs, hope he enjoys his stay there FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE!

There was Justice For Beverly and for her family. May she rest in peace.

RBBM, there is no way to say what would have happened IF AL hadnt taken the stand. No way of knowing what evidence will or wont be presented or what witnesses will be actually called, they adjust throughout. AL providing that Affidavit put a whole new spin on it and help them more. Evidence and testimony presented in trial could have gone either way if what was presented - affidavit and AL testimony. JMHO there was several times the Pros tried to get a witness to say something and it may not have ended like he wished, I say that by the look on his face.

No doubt they did have the right people charged, and I know you dont think it was a big deal the stuff that got Suppressed but it was. It was huge. Thankfully it ended as it should. Sun shiny beautiful day. Sun shining thru the windows of that courtroom. Where normally it would be bitter cold and frozen precipitation.

I saw the pictures.. they made me ill.

We dont know why her top was off yet in the grave... so many things will never know. But do know where these 2 will be for next 30 + years. JMHO
JMOO but I don't think AL would have made up that particular story if he had not found out CL was testifying against him and he wanted to throw her under the bus. So I am really glad she testified because that story was real dumb and fortunately easy to disprove.
CL is guilty as sin and I am glad she is behind bars where she belongs. But I am not so sure the State could have put them both behind bars with out her testimony. MOO. And I think the State had their doubts also or they would not have offered her the deal.
So, even with everything that was thrown out and could NOT be used as evidence, and even with AL's so-called high profile attorney, AL was still found guilty of Capital Murder AND Kidnapping. JMO but even if he wouldn't have taken the stand, I think he still would've been found guilty as charged. Just goes to show, he is not as smart as he thinks he is. He is right where he belongs, hope he enjoys his stay there FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE!

There was Justice For Beverly and for her family. May she rest in peace.

RBBM, there is no way to say what would have happened IF AL hadnt taken the stand. No way of knowing what evidence will or wont be presented or what witnesses will be actually called, they adjust throughout. AL providing that Affidavit put a whole new spin on it and help them more. Evidence and testimony presented in trial could have gone either way if what was presented - affidavit and AL testimony. JMHO there was several times the Pros tried to get a witness to say something and it may not have ended like he wished, I say that by the look on his face.

No doubt they did have the right people charged, and I know you dont think it was a big deal the stuff that got Suppressed but it was. It was huge. Thankfully it ended as it should. Sun shiny beautiful day. Sun shining thru the windows of that courtroom. Where normally it would be bitter cold and frozen precipitation.

I saw the pictures.. they made me ill.

We dont know why her top was off yet in the grave... so many things will never know. But do know where these 2 will be for next 30 + years. JMHO

My initial post above, I have now BBM where I said "JMO" and "I think" to mean it was "just my opinion" and "I think" explains itself.
It has been a long 16 months and I am so proud there was justice for Beverly. I have enjoyed the insight, sleuthing, and exchanges- and it has been comforting to have you all here as we worked through the shock, grief, and anger - to finally arrived at closure. Rest in peace beautiful Beverly! You have touched so many lives. Prayer for all who loved her. As for the slimeball maggot, AL, and the cold hearted Crystal - karma to you and your dirty panties. You suck!

AT 10:00 - the sit down interview with the Carter family you'll see #OnlyOnSeven. Their reaction to today's verdict.
Oh, where to start, where to start.

First, I want to say that I am so relieved for the Carter family that this nightmare is finally leaving from the forefront of their lives. I almost typed "this nightmare is over", but it will never be over because Beverly is never coming back. My hope for them is that they can finally attempt to move on with their lives without having to deal with "The Arron Show". Things for them will never be the same, but like it or not, life goes on and they deserve to live theirs without having to deal with this sociopath on a near daily basis.

I truly wish them nothing but the best.

Over the course of the last few days I had the opportunity to chat with Beverly's coworkers, friends and family members. The one thing that was consistent from all of them was that Beverly was the type of person to light up a room and that she was very special. Every single one of them stated that if you had ever met Beverly or knew Beverly, then you would realize just how ridiculous the assertions were that AL had made. You could tell they all thought it was so ludicrous as to almost be funny.....if the situation weren't so serious. Because of course there was NOTHING about these proceedings that were funny. Not that AL felt the same way...more on that later.

The day started out with CC Sr. on the stand. He did SO GOOD! I know this had to be one of the hardest things he's ever done in his life (if not the hardest) and he handled it so very well.

Defense attorney James approached CC Sr. much differently than he has any of the other witnesses. Gone was the "in your face" confrontational, bullyish attorney. That Bill James was replaced by the new and improved gentle and understanding Bill James. Pretty obvious to me that he was being very careful as to not seem like he was bashing the widower.

He began by telling CC he was very sorry for his loss. CC described his relationship with his wife at the time of her disappearance as "very good". When CC was asked about their financial situation, he described a life with a series of financial ups and downs, but stated that they "always pulled out."

There was some questioning of CC regarding BCs sales figures...the fact they were $12 million in 2013 and #2 million at the time of her death in Sept. 2014. James was still trying to insinuate that BC was having a mid life crisis and was using their 2014 financial stresses as another chip in the supposedly happy facade.

They discussed BC's surgery. CC stated that BC hadn't thought the recovery would take as long as it did.

James went back to the financial stress and questioned CC about a realtor's convention in Florida coming up that December that BC usually attended but had decided she could not attend that year due to not having enough money to go.

James questioned CC about Beverly's actions on Facebook before she died and asked if it were true that BC had "cut off" her own mother and sister on FB, which I'm sure he was hoping that would show more family stress and more reason to believe that her life was in turmoil. CC explained that it was, in fact, some sort of dispute between BCs mother and sister and that BC had become involved because she was "the leader of the family." When asked about CC's supposed statement to police (at the time of her disappearance) that BC had blocked her own mother on FB, CC testified that what he meant was that the sister had blocked the mom. It seemed to me like either someone had misunderstood him or that in his state of stress, he misspoke. Either seemed extremely plausible to me.

CC stated that BC suffered from anxiety and sometimes depression, especially after their son died (Duh!) He said she took medication for anxiety. She had been prone to anxiety attacks for the last 3-4 years but CC said it was because she tried to do too much and was working too hard.

Next discussion was her surgeries. CC stated that the surgeries were up to her and that he stood behind her if she wanted to do them....or not. He further stated "she was a pretty lady to me. She just wanted to make herself prettier."

James asked if her personality changed after the surgeries. CC - "No". James then trots out a transcript of a previous statement CC had given police. CC had forgotten his reading glasses, so the judge gave him his. LOL I didn't quite catch what he was reading from the transcript, but after reading it he clarified "she changed for the good."

Before ending his questioning, James once again told CC he was very sorry for his loss. Awww...what a sweet, cuddly Bill James we saw this morning. ;)

On the state's cross of CC, they went ahead and brought up all the ancient "dirty laundry" that the defense had tried to bring up in their desperation to show BC as some sort of crazed, cheating wife. I'm not going to dignify most of it here because it was all stuff that happened 20+ years ago and had NOTHING to do with anything that has happened in this case.

One part I will bring up is that the defense had several times thrown up a statement that CC had made at some point to BC about if the grass was greener on the other side, man up and tell me before you leave. It was regarding something in one of the police reports. Insinuating that they were recently discussing divorce. So, the state gave him a chance to explain.

CC clarified that an unnamed family member had been going through a bad divorce and that he and BC were having a general husband/wife discussion about the bad divorce. CC was just saying to her something like "Man, i tell ya what...if you ever decide to leave me, just tell me!" In his attempt to truthfully answer all the questions that investigators were (rightfully) asking him when his wife disappeared, CC relayed this statement. But remember kids! Context matters. I'm glad he was able to give that statement some context. Afterwards, it didn't seem nearly so sinister.

CC testified that he had built BC a stool to use to get into bed after her surgery. She was still using it to get into bed the last night she spent at her home. In other words...she wasn't all the way healed and was still weak.

:sniff: In their last phone conversation, BC told him "I love you". He replied with his own "I love you".

Defense asked another question before he was released, but it wasn't anything worth going into. Just another clarification and some context to a statement he had given to police.

Again, he really held up well on the stand. I don't think there was a person in that room that wasn't metaphorically sitting in that chair right along with him.

End of this post...will post about Psycho Arron's testimony in another post.
jstkiddn - A huge THANK YOU for all your posts and for keeping us updated. You have done a wonderful job! Kudos to you!
gone 1 hr exactly to convict. gone 5 /10 min tops to decide Life on Kidnapping.
Bravo, jstkiddin! You should really consider a reporting job. You report it like it was in court with such detail and articulated eloquence, plus it's very decipherable! You even took time to pop in here during breaks to update us from your phone. Thank you so very much!
Just getting back and it is done. I am so glad! Now, the wait for the jury. I feel confident he will be right where he belongs for the rest of his days. If not, I will be sending him some links to people who are excited he got away with murder and he can go crash on their couches! :) Somewhere far away from me.

Good job reporting, yall!
WOW! why would anyone be excited that he got away with murder? and what links would you be sending to go to whose couch to crash? Just curious :sigh:
jstkiddn, was the other people in the courtroom able to see the pictures (other than jury, family, defense, prosecution, judge, etc)? Thanks in advance.
I am usually a person with deep compassion but I cant muster any for Crystal nor do I think much of her testifying. Imo, she only agreed to testify in order to get her sweetheart plea deal. She did it because there was something in it for her. She knew if tried along with Al she too could get LWOP.

All I can think about is how cold and unfeeling she was at the time of the kidnapping and murder a totally innocent woman. She had a chance to let Beverly go yet she didn't but instead she held the flashlight for him while he buried her. It didn't bother her one bit that Al was going to murder Beverly. Even she said she wanted her 'gone' and that AL had asked her did she really want him to do this. She is very much like AL imo, and that is why they plotted together to do these evil deeds.

Her own daughter didn't matter to her at the time because if she did she wouldn't have ever been so willing to go along with all of this. The best thing that happened to her daughter is she will not be raised by this woman who is serving time for first degree murder and kidnapping. They both remind me of the psychopaths we read about in the news who gets together as a man/woman team who do horrible violent acts together.

The very thought that she still has feelings for this psychopath just shows how dangerous she really still is. When she gets out, and she probably want even serve the full 30, she is the type that could get together with another psychopath and go on to commit other heinous crimes with them. So she wasn't turned off by his heinous acts he did to Beverly. If so, she wouldn't be able to stand to even think about him much less still have feelings for him.

I do think the Prosecutor could have proved the case BARD without her testimony. There was an overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to AL as the murderer. The case was solid all the way through. Imo, no one was going to believe his concocted sex story. It was not believable to begin with and filled with more holes than Swiss cheese. I think his 29 pages of lies helped to convict him and the Prosecutor used it wisely against him.

He really convicted himself.

Hi ya Oceanblue, a well stated POV with many good and valid points. I have nothing but respect, as always, for your opinion and thoughts.
:loveyou: Mind
RBBM, there is no way to say what would have happened IF AL hadnt taken the stand. No way of knowing what evidence will or wont be presented or what witnesses will be actually called, they adjust throughout. AL providing that Affidavit put a whole new spin on it and help them more. Evidence and testimony presented in trial could have gone either way if what was presented - affidavit and AL testimony. JMHO there was several times the Pros tried to get a witness to say something and it may not have ended like he wished, I say that by the look on his face.

No doubt they did have the right people charged, and I know you dont think it was a big deal the stuff that got Suppressed but it was. It was huge. Thankfully it ended as it should. Sun shiny beautiful day. Sun shining thru the windows of that courtroom. Where normally it would be bitter cold and frozen precipitation.

I saw the pictures.. they made me ill.

We dont know why her top was off yet in the grave... so many things will never know. But do know where these 2 will be for next 30 + years. JMHO

I think she will probably get out at 20 or shortly thereafter. But by then her two youngest kids will be grown with families of their own and she will be in her sixties. It's still beyond my comprehension.
Arron, Arron, Arron....what a tangled web of lies you weave! But I have to give credit where credit is due and admit that you are wiley and pretty fast on your feet. You are a SUPERIOR liar and it's pretty hard to trip you up or pin you down. Too bad that your lies are so outrageously fantastic and, to be quite honest, kinda stupid as to make them quite unbelievable when all is said and done. But you darn sure stick to them and spout them off like a machine gun spitting bullets! No hesitation and you have an almost photographic mind as to remembering what you previously stated. That's what trips up most liars, but this guy has the ability to remember *exactly what he's said.

I tried to take some notes during his testimony, but he was talking so fast and he was so animated talking the jury and his stories were so....???...that I finally just put the pen down and decided to just take it all in. It was sort of like watching a train wreck.

I apologize in advance if this is a little disjointed.

AL stated he was 35 years old; went to school all over the US; graduated high school at the age of 16; his dad lives in Arkansas and his mom lives "somewhere in Tennessee". When asked about siblings, he said something about not keeping up with step siblings.

He was asked if he had ever been in trouble with the law. He grinned and answered, "Got a minute?" We were then regaled with the long laundry list of crimes with which AL has committed and been convicted. He seemed quite proud of them and was thrilled to name them all off to the jury.

He stated he did not kidnap Beverly and he was not there when she died.

He explained his previous statements confessing to kidnapping BC as his attempt to "shoulder all the weight" on himself so he could "protect Crystal."

The said that Crystal had potential and he "wanted her to be able to stop prostitution."

He went on to explain that he was a criminal from way back and it was "nothing" for him to go to prison.

When asked about his many interviews, statements, etc where he confessed to kidnapping BC he said he didn't "care about telling them the truth" and when asked why he said those things to reporters he said it was for a " it up in the media." He went on to explain that he wanted media attention so it would keep the court "honest".

James asked him if he liked attention. He replied, "I'm sure I crave it more than most."

He went on to describe his relationship with Crystal as a "Jerry Springer relationship" and that they were just like the people that you see on the show.

He said that CL had worked for Ark. Blue Cross Blue Shield during the day and stated that she handled policies for Walmart employees. According to him she made $13/hour. He then went on to say that she supplemented her income on weekends and sometimes at nights with prostitution. He said she could make $600 on a weekend in extra money.

He testified that he had no job and then went on to describe himself pretty much as Mr. Mom. I believe he actually used the term "house husband". He said it was his responsibility to do things like wake up his step-daughter, fix her lunch, make sure she got to school, take her to cheer activities and even talked about taking her and a friend to a cheer competition in Hot Springs.

When asked who wore the pants in the family, he stated "She controlled more than me."

They then got into testimony regarding the FB affidavit. We've all read it, so there really isn't much to add here, except to say that he knew it forwards, backwards, sideways and inside out.

I think it's more useful for our purposes here to describe his demeanor rather than his actual testimony...because we all know what the affidavit said.

The guy was VERY animated, leaning forward in his seat, and was looking the jury members in the eye as he was talking. He talked fast and with no hesitation.

On the other hand, to be perfectly honest his demeanor was fairly inappropriate for the setting. He didn't seem the LEAST bit sorry for ANYTHING! Like...Zero. Zilch. Nada. It was almost like he was in a bar regaling other customers with his latest exploits. He would sometimes even chuckle and laugh in inappropriate places. Like when he was describing Crystal as "freaking out" after he got home from the fantasy trip to the Old River house to retrieve BCs medication. He grinned and chuckled. He's describing his wife's reaction to a dead woman in their house and he's chuckling?

The cherry on top was him very matter of factly stating that after he has dumped BC's dead body at the Argos plant, he simply returned home where he "stayed up and played XBox."

End of post regarding ALs testimony under direct from the Defense. The cross by the state will be in the next post.
Oh, where to start, where to start.

First, I want to say that I am so relieved for the Carter family that this nightmare is finally leaving from the forefront of their lives. I almost typed "this nightmare is over", but it will never be over because Beverly is never coming back. My hope for them is that they can finally attempt to move on with their lives without having to deal with "The Arron Show". Things for them will never be the same, but like it or not, life goes on and they deserve to live theirs without having to deal with this sociopath on a near daily basis.

I truly wish them nothing but the best.

Over the course of the last few days I had the opportunity to chat with Beverly's coworkers, friends and family members. The one thing that was consistent from all of them was that Beverly was the type of person to light up a room and that she was very special. Every single one of them stated that if you had ever met Beverly or knew Beverly, then you would realize just how ridiculous the assertions were that AL had made. You could tell they all thought it was so ludicrous as to almost be funny.....if the situation weren't so serious. Because of course there was NOTHING about these proceedings that were funny. Not that AL felt the same way...more on that later.

The day started out with CC Sr. on the stand. He did SO GOOD! I know this had to be one of the hardest things he's ever done in his life (if not the hardest) and he handled it so very well.

Defense attorney James approached CC Sr. much differently than he has any of the other witnesses. Gone was the "in your face" confrontational, bullyish attorney. That Bill James was replaced by the new and improved gentle and understanding Bill James. Pretty obvious to me that he was being very careful as to not seem like he was bashing the widower.

He began by telling CC he was very sorry for his loss. CC described his relationship with his wife at the time of her disappearance as "very good". When CC was asked about their financial situation, he described a life with a series of financial ups and downs, but stated that they "always pulled out."

There was some questioning of CC regarding BCs sales figures...the fact they were $12 million in 2013 and #2 million at the time of her death in Sept. 2014. James was still trying to insinuate that BC was having a mid life crisis and was using their 2014 financial stresses as another chip in the supposedly happy facade.

They discussed BC's surgery. CC stated that BC hadn't thought the recovery would take as long as it did.

James went back to the financial stress and questioned CC about a realtor's convention in Florida coming up that December that BC usually attended but had decided she could not attend that year due to not having enough money to go.

James questioned CC about Beverly's actions on Facebook before she died and asked if it were true that BC had "cut off" her own mother and sister on FB, which I'm sure he was hoping that would show more family stress and more reason to believe that her life was in turmoil. CC explained that it was, in fact, some sort of dispute between BCs mother and sister and that BC had become involved because she was "the leader of the family." When asked about CC's supposed statement to police (at the time of her disappearance) that BC had blocked her own mother on FB, CC testified that what he meant was that the sister had blocked the mom. It seemed to me like either someone had misunderstood him or that in his state of stress, he misspoke. Either seemed extremely plausible to me.

CC stated that BC suffered from anxiety and sometimes depression, especially after their son died (Duh!) He said she took medication for anxiety. She had been prone to anxiety attacks for the last 3-4 years but CC said it was because she tried to do too much and was working too hard.

Next discussion was her surgeries. CC stated that the surgeries were up to her and that he stood behind her if she wanted to do them....or not. He further stated "she was a pretty lady to me. She just wanted to make herself prettier."

James asked if her personality changed after the surgeries. CC - "No". James then trots out a transcript of a previous statement CC had given police. CC had forgotten his reading glasses, so the judge gave him his. LOL I didn't quite catch what he was reading from the transcript, but after reading it he clarified "she changed for the good."

Before ending his questioning, James once again told CC he was very sorry for his loss. Awww...what a sweet, cuddly Bill James we saw this morning. ;)

On the state's cross of CC, they went ahead and brought up all the ancient "dirty laundry" that the defense had tried to bring up in their desperation to show BC as some sort of crazed, cheating wife. I'm not going to dignify most of it here because it was all stuff that happened 20+ years ago and had NOTHING to do with anything that has happened in this case.

One part I will bring up is that the defense had several times thrown up a statement that CC had made at some point to BC about if the grass was greener on the other side, man up and tell me before you leave. It was regarding something in one of the police reports. Insinuating that they were recently discussing divorce. So, the state gave him a chance to explain.

CC clarified that an unnamed family member had been going through a bad divorce and that he and BC were having a general husband/wife discussion about the bad divorce. CC was just saying to her something like "Man, i tell ya what...if you ever decide to leave me, just tell me!" In his attempt to truthfully answer all the questions that investigators were (rightfully) asking him when his wife disappeared, CC relayed this statement. But remember kids! Context matters. I'm glad he was able to give that statement some context. Afterwards, it didn't seem nearly so sinister.

CC testified that he had built BC a stool to use to get into bed after her surgery. She was still using it to get into bed the last night she spent at her home. In other words...she wasn't all the way healed and was still weak.

:sniff: In their last phone conversation, BC told him "I love you". He replied with his own "I love you".

Defense asked another question before he was released, but it wasn't anything worth going into. Just another clarification and some context to a statement he had given to police.

Again, he really held up well on the stand. I don't think there was a person in that room that wasn't metaphorically sitting in that chair right along with him.

End of this post...will post about Psycho Arron's testimony in another post.

KID, we cant truly explain lol ... AL is sharp but not as sharp and smart as he thinks he is... but he did catch the Pros say something then Pros said he didnt say it and AL said have them read it back (he did say it lol i wrote it exactly as he said it) Pros was good that why he is who he is. Both he and Ms. Maraniri?

They started at bottom of affidavit and worked backwards and sometimes he would jump around trying to trip AL up. Things really got crazy when Pros threw the tummy belt in... thats when AL really frazzled out. Then the whole voice not BC but a made up .... I let you tell it lmao

Precious to meet ya Kiddo. and i Not jstkiddn :hilarious: :gathering: :judge:
WOW! why would anyone be excited that he got away with murder? and what links would you be sending to go to whose couch to crash? Just curious :sigh:

Oh, you would be surprised! I was copying and pasting tweets through the whole trial. I had to be careful to read every one because you would be surprised at the number of really horrible and hateful people out there. Just trolls waiting to be fed, so I figured maybe they would want a visitor!
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