GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - #12

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If I was a juror and hadn't head about this case, the strongest piece of evidence for me was BC weakened state from the tummy tuck and still wearing a band. She wasn't in shape enough to be hooking up with any body.
Remind me, please...will Crystal be eligible for parole before her 30 years is completed?
I'm very pleased the correct verdict was reached. Thank you to all of our members and guests who cared greatly about Beverly's case from the beginning to this point all of your updates and discussion have been much appreciated.

May Beverly rest in peace. I am glad the ordeal of the trial is over for her family, friends and colleagues I hope they are able to move forward as best they can. Beverly was a lovely person and she will always be remembered.
Popping in to say how happy I am that justice was served for Beverly and her family. It's a relief to know both Lewis and Crystal are going away. After hearing how many opportunities Crystal had to save Beverly's life ... we were spot on about her all those months ago. How can a person who is training to be a nurse, be so disrespectful of life?

My thoughts are with the Carter family tonight~
If I was a juror and hadn't head about this case, the strongest piece of evidence for me was BC weakened state from the tummy tuck and still wearing a band. She wasn't in shape enough to be hooking up with any body.

^^^That and her beautiful face being clean under the tape too would have sealed it for me.

Another one question, what happened to the comforter he supposedly wrapped her in to take her away from bedroom?
Loved the comment by the woman in the video of him leaving courthouse: "You've just had a really bad day, haven't you?":happydance::happydance::drumroll:
AL sealed his own guilty verdict himself. Many ways but that affidavit was big part. IF he hadnt gotten on the stand.. but just as I thought prior, he too arrogant not to.

I personally believe that CL had more to do with than what she wanted to say on the stand. The fact that she also wrote letters to AL and both had been corresponding in jail... She still loves him Gag... My hand hurts from writing! So much to say lol

Day started out tooo crazy! From AL daddy yapping it up with BC coworkers while waiting to go in... (day prior he had sat in front of me lol) Then when we get in he sits in front of me again... Flipping turns around and asks me how do I fit in.. and I family or co worker. Neither just following. He said yes lots of news coverage and personal blogs. Said someone gave him some and he didnt know name of it but they dug up all kinds of info. Someone even went to a paid investigator place and dug up information. He said he had searched all over the internet looking for stuff but couldn't find anything.

Dont know what the hell he was talking about there..

Then OMG. AL comes in, the lady with the Def team is sitting there with an oh $hit look, looking straight out.... Co Chair Def is trying to talk to AL as in calm down... Bill James leans over and is talking... then picks up 2 HUGE Binders and lays in front of AL. (all the time both Pros and Judge are looking on but the jury hasnt been brought in yet) Was getting heated... Bill James had his arms stretched out
AL with a serious ticked off face and yapping.... I heard the F word (had to be from AL) Someone else said but I didnt hear that but I dont doubt it one bit ... but was said Bill James told him SHUT UP!! He said something but again I couldnt hear but he reached over and got those 2 huge binders and put them back behind him where he got them. He was hot.

AL daddy was yapping how this was gonna be the BIG Day... Big Finale! (he had told he) he said AL was going to take the stand. Said was just decided this week. Said AL lawyer thought they needed it. I said that stupid. If AL has any sense at all he wont get up there. Everything suppressed can come back in. I said he too arrogant. Daddy said he knew what he was doing. I said if talking about AL, highly doubtful. I said the Pros know how he is and exactly which buttons to push as needed and it will happen. They are who knows what doing. He said nope.

PFFT! Right.... AL held his own on some things (Pros said something and then AL corrected him and Pros said didnt say *advertiser censored* but did (or I wrote just like Pros said and we both wrong lol) but When the whole tummy binder, was a big going off the deep end... then when HE SAID THAT THE RANSOM RECORDING WAS FROM A COMPUTER SYNTHESIZER THAT HE FREAKING MADE THAT VOICE... PROS WAS KINDA SHOCK AND AL STARTS TALKING ABOUT THE DAMN CHIPMUNKS... "YOU KNOW ALVIN, THEODORE AND SIMON" << HE SAID THAT LOL. Pros how many times have you done that, make those .. Only once lol What program? I dont remember, can get anything off YouTube lololol (If wasnt so serious would have been funny!) from Jurors I could see one had hand over mouth trying not to laugh with a wth look and one was rolling her eyes. ....

Was suppose to have more witnesses today lmao, but after that then Def rested!

No doubt in my mind that he was going to be guilty lol and life but geesh almighty. And who knew there were such places as the one like Unique Paralegal Services!!! Who do anything for you that you need done!!!! Flew Brittney in from WI !! Thick accent lol.

But he had prior (according to his Daddy sent the affidavit to him< dad wanting him to post on FB. But daddy said No way he didnt think was ethical <

Reporter told me in bathroom .. gotta go fast lol I said man who knew there was such. I said I guess it went out as Legal Mail she said yes, they didnt know because was legal mail and that they knew immediately when it was posted on his facebook. Not sure on how would know immediately but guess she meant they knew right away.

May read and catch up.. may never be able to lol. They had the right people right off. There were mistakes made that should never have been made and if AL hadnt taken the stand could very well came out different. JMHO.
What blows me away as much as the illegal search warrants (these were seasoned officers who went on to promotions in diff agencies so they KNEW how to do it correct) And could very well have caused a very diff outcome of things had AL not posted his whole made up affidavit. So much copying in this case. (search warrants with even typo's and then AL copying but leaving out some very important things like tummy band being one of many) < Dumb criminals.

But not printing out things like browser histories and various reports was very careless. Stuff you would have to have as proof something wasnt there... THEN to get on the freaking stand (this previous investigator, now a Special Agent for the Atty General office of Arkansas... Gets on the witness stand and starts his testimony of when he and Lead Inv Jeff Allison took AL on that ride... Here i go writing (prev Inv Allison had testified and said same thing as before, in my notes i wrote 'verbatim' ... As I am writing what S.A. Hendrix is testifying to it hits me... i flip back over a page and about that time the co chair Def Lee Short says something. He must have realized it too ...iirc he had asked the witness about if he took notes? (he was passenger and Inv Allison was driving) No no notes, no report, no recording... so how did he know what to testify to?

Again I was looking back quickly and when i looked up, where he got it from (I THINK that the witness had it with him at the stand not sure) but all I see is Def Attny Short with at blue binder. Then he has the witness to show the jury, what is in the side pocket....

THERE IS LEAD INVESTIGATOR JEFF ALLISON SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT (ABT THE CAR RIDE AND AL TESTIMONY) HIGHLIGHTED WHAT HE IS TO TESTIFY TO!!!! And then says they do it all the time!!! :waitasec: :eek: Something definitely wrong about that. It was held up to show the jury. <fact no JMHO there.
Just from what is being said it seems AL dad is just as arrogant as he is. jmo

Just say that there no doubt in my mind where he got some of it. I leave it at that.

PS. he was telling coworkers how he was all the support AL had (meaning not his mom he had words about her) but really kinda felt bad for him as a parent... but the $5##@**^% couldnt even hang around til the end and all. Left was going to LA to see his some family. (had said this morning that if court went later than 430pm today would just wait and leave in the morning or after court tomorrow if still went. He left iirc after AL testimony. Guess he knew too but still he should have stayed. JMHO. They took AL immediately out of courtroom after sentencing. * Gun charges iirc still havent been ruled on but pff that aint gonna matter. Also never was charged with stealing the dump truck (minor compared but just saying)

He has 30 days to Appeal his conviction.

One of the officers said that he has to have something to Appeal, and that he had very little since so much was suppressed and thats why they didn't put on more witnesses.

**expert witness they had, none gave testimony of any fingerprints, or dna evidence connecting to either AL or CL.
and no semen at all on or in BC... (not a surprise that wasnt there, but surprise that with his elaborate affidavit using all the discovery, that he would put that in there about having sex himself with her, knowing there wasnt any semen and ME would testify to that. :scared:

Guess it time to clean off files from my computer now... (ahh maybe save on thumb drive but def get off my laptop lol )
JMHO, which is based on limited information, but I think CL testifying to the truth was essential to getting a conviction on AL. Can't say without her he wouldn't have been convicted but I am convinced that it would have been a much, much more difficult job getting him put away for life. And while CL absolutely deserves credit, that does not in any way absolve her of responsibility for the obvious and significant part she played in Beverly's death. What's more she has also irrevocably changed the life of her own child--but at least CL gave her daughter the gift of truth and taking responsibility for her actions which is something that her child can build upon amid the wreckage left in the wake of CL's choices.

I am usually a person with deep compassion but I cant muster any for Crystal nor do I think much of her testifying. Imo, she only agreed to testify in order to get her sweetheart plea deal. She did it because there was something in it for her. She knew if tried along with Al she too could get LWOP.

All I can think about is how cold and unfeeling she was at the time of the kidnapping and murder a totally innocent woman. She had a chance to let Beverly go yet she didn't but instead she held the flashlight for him while he buried her. It didn't bother her one bit that Al was going to murder Beverly. Even she said she wanted her 'gone' and that AL had asked her did she really want him to do this. She is very much like AL imo, and that is why they plotted together to do these evil deeds.

Her own daughter didn't matter to her at the time because if she did she wouldn't have ever been so willing to go along with all of this. The best thing that happened to her daughter is she will not be raised by this woman who is serving time for first degree murder and kidnapping. They both remind me of the psychopaths we read about in the news who gets together as a man/woman team who do horrible violent acts together.

The very thought that she still has feelings for this psychopath just shows how dangerous she really still is. When she gets out, and she probably want even serve the full 30, she is the type that could get together with another psychopath and go on to commit other heinous crimes with them. So she wasn't turned off by his heinous acts he did to Beverly. If so, she wouldn't be able to stand to even think about him much less still have feelings for him.

I do think the Prosecutor could have proved the case BARD without her testimony. There was an overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to AL as the murderer. The case was solid all the way through. Imo, no one was going to believe his concocted sex story. It was not believable to begin with and filled with more holes than Swiss cheese. I think his 29 pages of lies helped to convict him and the Prosecutor used it wisely against him.

He really convicted himself.
I am usually a person with deep compassion but I cant muster any for Crystal nor do I think much of her testifying. Imo, she only agreed to testify in order to get her sweetheart plea deal. She did it because there was something in it for her. She knew if tried along with Al she too could get LWOP.

All I can think about is how cold and unfeeling she was at the time of the kidnapping and murder a totally innocent woman. She had a chance to let Beverly go yet she didn't but instead she held the flashlight for him while he buried her. It didn't bother her one bit that Al was going to murder Beverly. Even she said she wanted her 'gone' and that AL had asked her did she really want him to do this. She is very much like AL imo, and that is why they plotted together to do these evil deeds.

Her own daughter didn't matter to her at the time because if she did she wouldn't have ever been so willing to go along with all of this. The best thing that happened to her daughter is she will not be raised by this woman who is serving time for first degree murder and kidnapping. They both remind me of the psychopaths we read about in the news who gets together as a man/woman team who do horrible violent acts together.

The very thought that she still has feelings for this psychopath just shows how dangerous she really still is. When she gets out, and she probably want even serve the full 30, she is the type that could get together with another psychopath and go on to commit other heinous crimes with them. So she wasn't turned off by his heinous acts he did to Beverly. If so, she wouldn't be able to stand to even think about him much less still have feelings for him.

I do think the Prosecutor could have proved the case BARD without her testimony. There was an overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to AL as the murderer. The case was solid all the way through. Imo, no one was going to believe his concocted sex story. It was not believable to begin with and filled with more holes than Swiss cheese. I think his 29 pages of lies helped to convict him and the Prosecutor used it wisely against him.

He really convicted himself.
Excellent post! Thank you. So many of my exacts thoughts in your post!! Even though she didn't do the actual killing (that we know of, still don't think we have the whole truth and nothing but the truth JMO), I too believe she is one sick lady and just as capable as AL was of crimes---maybe a bit more discrete than AL, but yeah---definitely not one to ever trust again. EVER!
Thanks to everyone who posted all the Twitter updates!
So, even with everything that was thrown out and could NOT be used as evidence, and even with AL's so-called high profile attorney, AL was still found guilty of Capital Murder AND Kidnapping. JMO but even if he wouldn't have taken the stand, I think he still would've been found guilty as charged. Just goes to show, he is not as smart as he thinks he is. He is right where he belongs, hope he enjoys his stay there FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE!

There was Justice For Beverly and for her family. May she rest in peace.
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